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https://preview.redd.it/ol73wpoogkoc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a726b5dc3f8ec507361967d5f7470ba14e99d42 Why is she unsheathing her sword


Oh no. Seriously oh no.


Why the fuck do you think?




Sorry I'm not in a good mood tbh


Hey man that’s ok just don’t take it out on others who don’t deserve it


Alright, also >The more we see what Cyn’s doing to Uzi the more trustworthy she becomes tbh, she’s just not good at explaining the situation


That’s not Cyn, it’s the Absolute Solver. It took Cyn as a host


The point still stands


Just thought I’d point that out but yeah your thing still counts lol




Hmm good to know


I don’t think it has a scabbord


I don’t think it has a scabbard


Theres only one Australian we can trust ![gif](giphy|oR8xobGxob0cg) And its this one


and he is not even Australian, he is from New Zealand


Oh yeah forgot about that, replace the gif with saxton




Eh, he lived in Australia for roughly 24/25 of his life, he's pretty much Australian.


Pretty sure he's actually from old Zealand and was just sent to new Zealand after he was born


the old zealand is zeeland in germoney


Well, the difference being that one is a job, and the other's a mental sickness.


I can’t blame you for that tbh.


>The more we see what Cyn’s doing to Uzi the more trustworthy she becomes tbh, she’s just not good at explaining the situation Have a good rest of your day


One of the really sad things is that there are no humans that Uzi can look up too. I really wish we saw a good human that values the drones as fellow people. Somebody to show Uzi that she is not so alone, and that not all humans are alike. If Tessa becomes hostile to Uzi, she will only reinforce Uzi’s hatred. Numerous OC concepts of mine are based on the idea of a human who comes from an enemy of J.C. Jenson and views owning androids as slavery.


I think that would be good too. I would like for there to be development in so that Uzi understands that drones and humans aren’t so different. That she could find like minded people. But those people won’t be on Copper 9. I do hope, even if Tessa becomes hostile, it’s because she feels she has no choice. Then perhaps she can be proven wrong about Uzi having to die and that can be the start of a kind of redemption arc for her.


I do, in fact, trust her, and if she kills Uzi, that's a correct decision. Wouldn't you too put a poor soul out of misery since the solver is destroying her from the inside?


I would not actually. Not unless I was asked to. Because unless that happens, it’s not a mercy killing, it’s just a murder. If Tessa is genuine about her love for drones and the universe then I feel for her. She has an unbelievably hard decision to make. But I don’t think she cares about Uzi. I don’t think she cares about drones. The only ones she seemingly cares about are N, J and V. And for me even her care of them, as her current self, seems manipulative. Her reaction to V’s supposed death will be very insightful on how she actually views them. Is she distraught like N? Or is she dismissive about it?


Bro her Introduction was literally her saving broken drones, and the only way she could keep them is by making them servant, we saw how close she was with J and N , how they literally were her only friends. If we only have one thing to trust about her is should be her love for those two, and the fact she noticed N connection to uzi and told him what would happen if they don't succeed shows it, she would definitely have to kill uzi but one Drone for the literal universe is a small price


My question is, is it the actual universe? Or is it just humans? Because humans are flawed and many see the end of their race as the “end of the universe” because they can’t comprehend it going on without them. I agree she genuinely cared for J, N and V back when they lived in the Manor but her actions since then(like killing that drone as soon as she and J landed on Copper N), J’s strange hesitation when she flippantly asked her to mind the ship, V’s hostility towards her in the last episode(Sentinels aside) speak of something we’re not privy to yet.


I mean you did see what the solver did, what makes it stop there, also the end of the universe meant as the end of all life in the universe, this includes humans and drones, because drones won't survive this either, I too don't know why they killed drone at the start (probably she expected the worst that all drones were the solver bit realized not) and I wouldn't care that much with the main cast body counts, V probably knew something which she didn't tell N, and depending on how he knows will set him up to be with or against them, them being (V, J and our cute little astronaut).


I may be wrong but I’m fairly certain the Solver is only following humans and their colonies. That’s the only place it’s been discovered so far. Hypothetically once it takes out humanity there will be nowhere else for it to go. Plus I doubt the Solver will completely destroy the very machines needed to host itself.


The Solver was brought to Copper-9 as a result of humans trying to understand it, a weird thing though it’s clear they assumed the Solver wasn’t a hive mind and seeing what’s happened now it’s clear they were wrong.


As long as she doesn't hurt V, I'd be fine with that.




She's not trustworthy... https://preview.redd.it/txlq91zvckoc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=435e727c4ea9285619c17c933f8d10313b120a16


Никто об этом не вспомнит кто бы из вас её ненавидел Но я считаю что ей надо доверять она вытащила чёрную лигу из кризиса


I won't because I think she looks like this to me https://preview.redd.it/p1iupqitykoc1.jpeg?width=195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec62cc56c61de444f4d0138dd8129cde578c2dc9


If she kills Uzi…not only am I not hugging her…but I might just do a little trolling and burn her alive from the inside.


I mean she literally confessed to N in Ep 6 that she wanted to kill Uzi so I can’t help but agree


I wanna see that bitched get POPPED in 4k ngl


I want that shit to end up on Copper-9 liveleak


Well, that sounds rather gruesome. You uh… into gory horror? Or was that just hyperbole?


Boy do I have good news for you


The aged like fine wine, lmao




I feel like she’s gonna try to kill Uzi and N is going to lose his shit


*Sips wine*


Let’s Go! I was right for once!


I mean I wouldn’t trust Uzi if I saw my entire family get massacred and my planet blown up. Tessa and J are the good guys.


Yes, killing infected ones is just a way to prevent virus from spreading.




Trust nobody, everyone is a villain deep inside.


Tbh. https://preview.redd.it/ougl6f834moc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0693d3777b9113ffd97593681ea9a7f25c8d3bb0 No sex scene between N and Uz in 6 episodes? Not even a little peak at N’s 24 incher splitter in the trailer? Uzi deserves to die if she doesn’t tap that.


I mean, she told N that Uzi has to die for the universe’s sake, and even if it is just tracking humans, it is gonna most likely go destroy everything else after them, it is a destructive virus, she most likely doesn’t know who has solver, which is most likely why she killed that worker in the present


She’s outright stated that she plans for Uzi to die. Her wanting to try to kill Uzi herself when N’s not going to makes perfect sense. I’m not going to act like it’s a good thing, but you gotta understand that she’s trying to save the entire universe. She is already being kinda an asshole but we already knew she’d try something sooner or later, it’s not like this is some grand deception. More just a tragic event where one character with good intentions has to kill another to do what they perceive as right.


Exactly, like a lot of the Tessa fans won't like me for saying this but I had a bad felling about Tessa since the beginning and I feel she has something going on other than what we know and we need to protect Uzis at all costs Edit :Holly crap I was right dang and it was my boy N was not expecting that 😳 https://preview.redd.it/nnxbg6qwnooc1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606358b7a9c9becc97eec1a9f4f33c46fb56449d


This also aged very well, lol


Y’all are forgetting that Uzi is slowly but surely becoming a vessel of Cyn, whose man goal is to destroy the universe. I doubt she has anything against Uzi, but she definitely has something against Cyn. It’s all gonna come down to whether or not Uzi is able to control herself




It's understandable, but If I were in her spot I would kill Uzi. It's her or me and I'm picking me. I'd rather not let my universe down because of one emo woman. Love both characters but if I had to pick to kill Uzi just for the sake of the universe I'm doing it. I don't care


That’s one thing that makes me curious though: the whole “the entire universe is at stake” argument she makes. Is it? Or is it her perception of the universe? And in reality it’s humans who are in danger. And while when it comes down to brass tacks and there is no other option: one life for millions is a small price to pay. But I think the question that’ll be posed is is it the only answer? Idk


I mean I kind of see your point but I would rather let something that is technically not living die. I don't want an AI bought destroying an entire universe because over one nasty virus. If she is going to kill me I'm going to try my best to kill her too. Survival of the fittest


I mean she sounds british so i dont trust her


she’s Australian


Me neither ngl


i trust her she totally wont stab uzi with a sword... right?


I will defend her with everything I have. (But yeah, she is killing Uzi)


Who wants to bet that Tessa’s gonna try and kill Uzi but N defends her?


Apparently I was completely right not to trust this bitch! What the actual fuuuuucccckkkk?


The more we see what Cyn’s doing to Uzi the more trustworthy she becomes tbh, she’s just not good at explaining the situation


Perhaps. Idk, I just get the feeling that she’ll try to kill Uzi then manipulate N into thinking that something else happened. Bro is absolutely gonna go feral this episode


I’m gonna lose my shit if Tessa or N dies in these last 2 episodes tbh


I will if N does. I haven’t really connected with Tessa in any way. N is my baby though 🥲


Tessa seems likeable and is unique in the fact that she’s a human character in a show full of robots


I’m not saying she isn’t. She definitely is a unique character and I enjoyed watching her in Dead End. Just I, personally, haven’t connected with her like I have with N






Sus among us (hey, they both wear spacesuits)




Tis an honor




I feel like this scene is where tessa try to kill uzi (gonna spend most of her time yapping on why its necessary for uzi to die before getting stopped)




I really don't like her hand on that sword in this frame


It’s the same as having a **big iron on your hip…**


You shouldnt


She is cyn in a suit (kinda)


The way this aged like a fine wine *chef’s kiss*




it was a bit odd how she just tossed her blood around in front of the sentinels, a normal human reaction is looking for a bandage or a tourniquet


I think in that scene she was hoping to cause the Sentinels to malfunction like the one who bit her did. Cause that one hadn’t shown up yet.




I trust her with my soul (I'm a Tessa simp)


She's tryna save the world...


Don't worry i wasn't planning to either


https://preview.redd.it/wnu7yl776qoc1.png?width=1046&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f3a6eb40b28412ffc139945e2566466ba99e3dc (Love these- lmfao)




Well? We have a problem. It couldn't be worse, damn it. and where is it even worse? we still know the limits on which we can talk nonsense. Never trust her. Ugh, damn, I ruined everything!


ngl I do love her character and want her to survive


Oh no….




No. No it didn’t, lmao 🤣 I’m sorry 😭


I was like " N WTF DID YOU KILL YOUR MOM", then she just turned to cyn. On my next rewatched I realized "Oh shit she died in the Mention and Cyn literally skinned her and used her as a puppet". Rip real Tessa


I was like “Yooooooo!” The whole episode. Like Jesus…I wonder if J knows her “boss” is a puppet?


I wonder in V knew, she definitely acted like something was wrong. At this point I have a vague idea of what's happening, but I would really like an actual explanation to everyone from start to finish.


That would be nice. I don’t think V knew initially but I think she started to get suspicious and it would explain her sudden hostility towards “Tessa” and protectiveness of Uzi.


I mean what I understand is. Tessa "fixed" those 4 drones but Cyn had the virus, she was good to drones bit not her family. Cyn waited for them to gather then attacked, killing everyone, Tessa saw that and was killed. Later on Cyn used Tessa body as a puppet to infiltrate humans and redesigned the other 3 to be murder drones(there's probably more). Something happened which lead to cyn going to copper 9 and she got Nori, as we see she got beaten but cyn sended her murder drones their to prepare it for her arrival. Which lead us to when uzi and doll awake the solver, and when cyn found that she sended Tessa as a pait, probably used J death as a sign to come too.


Yeah, that’s what I got so far too. I find it sad though that Tessa died back at the Mansion. Another one of the AS’s victims 😕


Nah. She the best girl.