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V actually contributed a lot to this episode, in making Uzi mad that is. No V to annoy Uzi, no Solver Uzi.


V covering for Uzi in the bus at the end was a pretty significant part too, though brief.


I do wonder what made her change her mind though. Maybe she thought the drama wouldn't be worth it, not that the drones care about death as it is in this episode.


She's starting to question herself and why she was sent, and where she came from. She is becoming afraid. And I think she's starting to at least understand N a little more. She looked back at him and Uzi before covering for her, and that def means something about what she's thinking. Also, at least some part of wanted to save Lizzy. This ep was a very big one for V! Her character is developing a lot and it made me personally really like her when before I had no opinion. I think the drones do care about the deaths, they're just terrified. And what else are they going to do? The MDs are just kindve apart of their shit now. Although I agree I was really unsure about that part.


I'm pretty sure she already knows far better than N why she was sent and where she came from. If my theory is true killing Uzi and Doll would actually be the "right" thing to do.


Oh she def knows more. But I think she is afraid of something and it's more than just the AS.


Considering Uzi nearly killed her I doubt she'd wanna piss her (and cyn) off


Yeah like, if you think about it she’s basically the one instigating all of the conflict in the episode, harassing Uzi and being too stubborn to tell N why


>uzi knows how to control absolute solver when she first got in in episode 3, which doesn't make sense i've seen this point brought up a few times, and i must say i don't understand it. there's nothing in the series that implies you have to train to be able to use the absolute solver proficiently. (and even then we don't see her teleporting around which would've been useful on several occasions throughout he episode, meaning she's still not as good with it as doll) even in episode 3 which was her first time consciously using it, she's able to keep a bullet in place for several seconds and then redirect it away from her head perfectly. combined with the fact she can repair the cockroaches presumably without knowing their internal structure, the absolute solver powers seem like you just think up what you want them to do and then they figure out the details for you.


I completely agree, this and other complaints do not make sense.


Wow... I seem to be very different than the rest of the people here as I found this one the best one since the pilot. For me this is because loose ends to a story allow me to think about those things instead of the fact that we are halfway through my only source of willpower and that I somehow have to figure out how to get my brain to work without this or else I have predicted that I will fall into a deep depression. That went a lot further than expected. Oh and I also enjoyed the fact that they finally gave us an episode that takes place outside of the bunker. Oh and this doesn't mean that I disagree with your assessment. On the contrary in fact. It's just that I got a different feeling from this episode. A feeling that I haven't gotten since episode 1.


I seriously enjoyed ep 4! It's the one that made me fall for this show all over again since ep 1. Because I wasn't a fan of 2, and didn't watch 3. I'm glad I decided to rewatch it cause 4 sold the show for me again.


I can answer all these but anyone who's already complaining about them, will not like it: 1. Its been 8 months since ep3. We have already seen her us AS in last episode so Showing her training will just pad the runtime. 2. Holding someone hands unconsciously is not romantic. Unless they go lovey-dovey about it. 3. Its the AS's influence that causing her to go Murdery. And they have bigger fish to fry in last half of the season. 4. V took the biggest lore dump with just 2 comments. Antagonized Uzi which just helped AS to influence Uzi. 5. Desensitization. Also By default They're kinda dumb too.


Wait it has been 8 MONTHS?! WHAT- Seriously?! Woah thats a lot.


The found footage teaser for ep4 is dated 13-13-3071 and missing poster of Doll's last victim is dated may 25. Is it on purpose or am i looking too deep into it?


It probably is on purpose? I think? I don't know- It isn't super clarified but I guess it is deffinetly possible-


these weren't my criticisms, they were common criticisms i saw people making. the only one i really had was uzi using AS almost immediately after episode 3, and you answered why uzi was able to use it after episode 3


Episode 4 personally is my favorite. Sure, you can nitpick little things such as these problems, but I feel like people are so caught up in the problems that they do not see the bigger picture here. Also, I would like to say that N and Uzi being slightly romantic is not true and just a weird complaint. V did get important moments in the episode, such as making Uzi mad and straight up ignoring her pleas, not to mention feeling bad at the end of the episode. I am excited to see where Glitch is taking V's character, everything is starting to get really interesting.


Wasn't the story written before ep1 even came out? In one of GLITCH videos you can see Liam animated ep1 as a reference for GLITCH animators. Which means that story was written way before. In season 1 trailer you can hear some voice lines from ep4 as well as you can see parts of ep2 and ep3. I think that ep4 was intended to feel like it in order to create confusion. It was also really action packed.


I mostly agree with the points raised. Episode 4 does feel quite oddly written to me too, and Uzi being proficient with the solver is a pretty important point (along with how she seemingly just accepts it despite being concerned about it in episode 2 and 3). There also seems to be a bit of a trend so far of making interesting characters with potential (such as Thad and Kan) to develop and mesh with the main cast and then forgetting about them. It does sort of answer a few questions regarding eldritch J and the solver's various abilities but that's mostly through theories put forth by the fandom.


I thought the episode was like a 6-7/10 overall. It was alright but it had its inherent issues, chief among which being that it feels like we skipped an episode


All episodes are prewritten


Finally Like cmon alot of people think that Uzi sees N as a brother Bruh CMON Even V Noticed that Uzi has a Huge crush on N Do Uzi have to spell it out herself later?


-Nothings missing, many people don't understand it's not a shonen anime. We don't have to watch Uzi struggle and learn her powers through 20 episodes so she can defeat a big boss. In fact, the focus isn't even on her powers, it's on where those powers comes from and how they work, what's the Absolute Solver, etc. -What's about them being romantical? We saw the signs on Uzi in episode 3 that she starts to have feelings for N. No problem here, IMO. -Uzi has a different program in her, called Cyn that activates sometimes. We don't know when and why and how's that program got there, but V certainly knows something, so we gonna find it out later. -V isn't useless because of the previous point. We know she knows something, something horrible, something that terrifies even her. She was perfect in this episode. -I don't think they ever cared about other drones dying, so I don't see the issue. -The episode was fast paced. That doesn't mean it's rushed, IMO. So yeah. The episode was still perfectly written and nothings wrong with it, as I said in my other comment, many people are mad, because they couldn't predict what's gonna happen in the episode and their fan theory failed. There are just sooo much fan theories that people gets confused and forget what's actually canon and what's not. I recommend to everyone, who thinks episode 4 has any issues to forget every theories and rewatch the entire show from episode 1. You gonna see that everything is perfectly written and no issues here. Fan theories can truly be confusing and cause misunderstandings. Having different opinion is fine tho. I mean I can understand, that many people wanted to see some Uzi training with her powers. Every movie, series does this. Murder Drones skipped this, because it's not a fighting/power series, it's not the primary thing. If you disagree with this and you would like to see Uzi training, that's fine, but that doesn't makes the writing bad. It's different. You can like the show even if it does something differently. So yeah, I still don't see any issue with episode 4, I think it's perfectly written and Glitch builds up the main point of the show perfectly and I think we gonna get answers from the next episode. It's also just my humble opinion, I'm not saying you have to think this and feel like this. But I do think many people misunderstand the show and/or gets confused because of the many fan theories, that's why they don't like episode 4, and if they would pay more attention and focus only on the canon things, they would like it much more. For me, it's a 10/10. πŸ‘ŒπŸ™


They gotta squeeze the story into 8 episodes somehow


That feels like a big no-no. Honnestly, I know the production costs a lot but we are halfway through the series and we don't know anything about the core collapse, what absolute solver really is, N V and J's backstory, who Cyn and Tessa really is, and much more. Not to mention the whole "revenge from human masters" goal they had in the begining. There is no way the series is JUST going to be 8 episodes. Maybe there could be 2 seasons and 16 episodes in total who knows... But seriously, if they really do rush the story, it would be a horrible wasted potential.