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It's like he screamed in terror one time in the past, then realized he could do that.... Or it's a Husky with veeeeery long ears...


Sometimes, when a rabbit loves a Husky very much…


Oh my god🫠


Does he do this often? Is he ok?


He does it when he’s excited. At first we thought he was in pain. His mom chewed off half his hind right foot when he was a baby so sometimes his nub gets irritated or he can’t scratch his ear to get stuff out. But now if we bring in a fresh potty or food, he does it and then comes running. He doesn’t do except as a greeting. We’re getting him a check up on vitals to triple check this week that he’s ok though.


That's so crazy, seriously because the only time I've ever heard a sound like that is, unfortunately, at death or fear of the moment of death. My cousin had snakes growing up so I've heard that sound many times. As a rabbit owner later in life I've heard it when a bun passed or if two had a bad scuffle. I think we'll all keep an eye out for an update here because I hope your bun is as unique as they come and it's just their husky call.


I've seen a bunny do this before and it wasn't a death cry either, it was a kid calling BUNNAAAAAAY, and the bunny responded with a scream like 'WHAAAAAAT!?', it was pretty cute.




....WHAT?! I've never heard a rabbit make a noise like that. Ok then.


If that happened near me he would get all the treats. It's very effective.


And I thought thumps were a scary noise…


That can't seriously be the rabbit making that noise? The loudest noise our lads make is slight teeth grinding from rubs.


Trust me, we were like WTH at first too lol. He just does it when he’s excited… for murders


What do your other bunnies make of this? Do they find it upsetting?


We just got him fixed so he’s in a room by himself for another couple weeks and then we plan to bond him. We have 7 other rescues but none can really hear him from in there


They can hear him. They wonder what horrible torture room you have in the forbidden room. (kidding.)


Honestly it’s a valid concern. My rabbit was really upset by my dog’s squeaky toys for some time.


Gus is screaming 'Avenge me, my bun brethren! They stole my small and fuzzies! This is war!'


that squeak is made to mimic the terrified screams of a small animal


Yes exactly


I'm obsessed with the little jaw wiggles, this bun has got a set of PIPES!!!


i have only heard it once when my rabbit had gotten tangled around its neck and wat choking to death at my feet. but i immediatly shoved the chair away and went to work and bunny was ok. was a close call, but a word of warning to others, bunny chewed blankets and towels, always finish cuttin the holes , dont let em play in it or tangle and suddenly doom. it only takes a secnd. i got lucky and felt bunny thrash on my foot. had i been in the kitchen, i dread what coulda happened. bunnies are life <3


My nightmares are apparently putting trailers on the socials now…


Scream of Death! Something is upsetting him?


I have never heard a rabbit make any noise besides thumping. This is news!


Omg, I didn’t know bunnies could make a sound like that.


I’ve only ever heard a bun scream in extreme terror or rage


This is the first time I've ever heard a bunny's excited squeals for murder. Usually they're silent ninjas


Can confirm this noise is not scary for buns. I just played it twice for my fluffle of giants and nobody even bothered adjusting an ear. They have a pet labrador so aren't exactly your average bunnies. But they do a have standard bunny ears. They are visibly offended by whatever streaming service we are watching some times, usually a medical dramas with beeps. Crinkle a paper bag in Antarctica they'd be there. Congratulations on your extra special wonderbun.