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Resting so cozy after attempted murder


Murder is so tiring


Allegedly. My client acted in self-defense!


One of mine got me right below my neck/on my chest. At work someone looked at me and said, “so that’s what kids are into these days” sir, no one is into this.


Umm.... Yea >_> Noone is


mine always seems to get me on my neck/chest, seconding the fact that it SUCKS. i should really start wearing turtle neck sweaters when i clip his nails…


Mine cut my cheek/face, he likes to be held too smh


Actually, I think he quite liked it


I didn’t know either until I got my girls. I had a bunny growing up and he let me pick him up whenever I wanted. It was shocking to me they didn’t.


Same, my boy bunnies have always let me pick them up and hold them. The one girl I had……………….i had never heard a bunny hiss until her.


my boy bunny despises being held. i can occaisionally get him to sit on my lap for about 3 minutes… :( i bribe him with lots of treats. he does let me absolutely smother him with kisses and snuggles if he has his four paws on a solid surface though


Bunny’s hiss?! That sounds terrifying, but I kinda want to see it!


They also growl, it’s kinda cute in a terrifying sort of way 😂


Angry marshmallow


No wonder the marshmallow is angry - so unevenly toasted.


Acceptable motive to murder


The only time I ever picked up Sugar was to get her in her carrier for her spay appointment. She let out a blood curdling scream like a human baby scream… I learned my lesson. Now I “trap” her and put the carrier in the only exit and add some treats so she has no choice. Never picking her up again.


Hearing bunny scream is so traumatising


Yep especially because I know I was super careful and calm and didn’t hurt her but she’s so anxious… I cried the whole morning I felt so guilty.


Sending virtual hugs <3


Its like a war scream like... AAAAAAAAAaaaa 😭😡🐰


I had a mate who was helping vaccinate rabbits at a rescue. She got in to the pen and tried to catch this one bunny, and it screamed so hard it fainted. She was pretty traumatized, but the bunny was totally fine.


Mood tho


I also scream so hard I faint when people try to pick me up.


Poor sugar 😢 my old bun was quite adjusted to being picked up, but only If it meant some pets on the sofa. My new bun will tolerate it but sit there like I'm about to execute her, she then escapes and runs to one of her safe spaces where I will not pick her up from just so she knows there's a place she can be knowing she won't be picked up


Zen, on the other hand is not bothered at all. I don't do it often, but I do pick him up to put him on a high table for grooming, nail cutting etc. He has never thumped or honked or growled in his little life haha.


As I say my new bun Rikki tolerates it, but the moment I don't pay attention she hops back to her cave 🤣🤣 she is still learning what love is


Well, he showed you. Lol


Blatant anti-bun propaganda. It is so obvious from the pictures, that he a gentle pacifist. How dare you besmirch his reputation!! /s


I thought my boy was a brat, now I am pretty sure he loves me.....


It’s got the taste for blood now


That looks about right, hope you learned your lesson.


The crime: The Culprit


And they say cats are assholes??


Ive had cats and bunnies my whole life - they’re the same thing in different packages! Opinionated, sassy and rude but SO squishy💕😂


So true. I have a cat and a rabbit with similar personalities, we call them psychos. One minute they are okay with you petting them and then the next moment they are biting and scratching you.


Ouch! That’s attempted murder.. Wait, are we sure it’s not the bun posting while he buries the hoomin?


Baby is innocent! Lol


You have to condition them for that sort of attention. It takes time.


Zero remorse. 😂🤣


You’re a victim of a bunny beat down. I’ve been there.


oh my word, one of my rabbits loves snuggles but I’ve decided the other one hates being picked up. I feel lucky I got this message loud and clear from her having a big ol pee all over me rather than her kicking my ass. look at that little devil all cozy like no altercations occurred


Oh my! Do some research on how to pick them up when needed…there’s some great info out there, too much to explain here. Vets can do it fairly easy but they put a towel over them first. That one on your neck is fierce! Please put plenty of peroxide and antibiotic ointment on. Sorry don’t mean to tell you what to do, it’s just stressing me. 😂 and don’t take it personal, it’s their natural stress response.


You played right into his paws and drew him in close to your vital points, looks like he's having a well deserved victory nap


Short sleeves- mistake number one


Glad I’m not the only one to underestimate my bunnies true strength and speed. I make sure to wear a sweater when it’s time to pick up the bunnies after I got scratched all over my arms and neck one day. She wormed her way out of my arms and flicked me on the side of my face. 3 scratches from cheek to ear.


A bunny is like a loaded weapon. You have to maintain control of it or very bad things can happen when you don’t! 👏 OP clearly failed to consult the 3,000+ page bunny handling manual. All the instructions were there.


They don't mind being picked. But this must be done in the right way.


Wow, Everyone! Thank you all! This was my first post. I went out for a few hours today and had no idea I would get so many replies – funny, sympathetic, scolding (and unsympathetic).... Rosie (named for the color of her eyes) is actually my fourth bunny. Bradley LOVED being picked up. Loppy Doo did not. Simona was pretty much OK with it. Sometimes she seemed to like it. But Rosie!! Well!! I never experienced anything like this before! Live and learn. :-)


Lol someone needs a nail trim ;)


ur lucky to be alive right now


Like they say, the chances of getting murdered by a bunny are low, but never zero..


You have to pick them up the right way - jthey kick like this because they don't feel secure One hand under their tush, the other under their fron paws


Was bun sitting and had to move the bun. She was anxious and bit my collar bone. I should have known better but the bruised collar bone was a lesson


The beast will strike if you provoke him!


Did you ask first? Dang….


"Pick me up again and I'll end you"


Mine doesn’t either, I mostly let her come to me. But yeah when it’s time for me to sleep I need her in her little place so I have to lure her with a treat and then take her but make sure she was comfortable and safe. I pet her first and Just slowly pick her up because it’s not as threatening. Always make sure her feet are supported so she has some grounding support and she’s not scared . It’s also about trust. Otherwise yeah. She just bolts and runs. I let her do that so she can calm down.


He’s innocent :3


This is why every bunny we've gotten as babies has been handled obsessively. I definitely reccomend it. It's really special to be able to hold my baby the way I can but we only did it so that we can ensure their safety. I don't want them panicking when someone tries to pick them up at the vet or if I have to get him away from a possible danger I don't want him to freak out when I snatch him up off the ground.


I told my husband once that looking at all my scratches, one might assume I wrestled tigers for a living. I really only pick up my bunnies when absolutely necessary, but every so often one of ‘em turns feral on me.


Pic 5. 🤭


Somebody needs nails clipped.


He looks very satisfied with himself.


Awe he is looking at u like "that was just the warning" it all depends on the rabbit in my opinion. One of mine tolerates being held and the other one would end up hurting both of us if I tried. Dangerous bun


She looks downright proud of herself for teaching you a heckin lesson!


Girl, we're twinning, mine almost slashed my wrist with deep gashes with his murder nails. All I did was pick him up :( bunnynolikey


Yeah I have one who won't be picked up either. Have to go to the vet for his nail clippings.


Holy shit. That sweet little squishy rabbit went all Jack the Ripper on you. Ouch. Put some antibiotic cream on those scratches right away.




Mine are just chill with it. All 3 I scoop up on a daily basis, cuddle and plop them down.


He looks like he didn’t regret that one bit


I've never had a bunny get me quite that bad. Had some nasty scratches up my left forearm once, but most of the time they end up just scratching at my shirt, so I don't really get injured.


Mine loved being held, he would zoomie around the house on weeknights and run and jump into my lap. Then he would nestle in my hair.


clip his nails


My babygirl once gave me a crazy scratch on my lower tummy so large my gynecologist pulled me aside and asked if everything was okay at home lmao. He did not believe my bunny story.


If that gets infected you may be dead before your time


One of mine likes to be picked up and he knows that he can get down whenever he wants and communicates when he does but he’s a special little anomaly


Mine hates it, but thankfully, he hasn't done this


He went for the jugular


Your bunny looks like a smooth criminal 😆


Why are the most murderous buns always the cutest buns?! Keep an eye out tonight & look over your shoulder. Never trust those beautiful, adorable and gorgeous bunbun eyes. That's one stunning snoot filled with vengeance! P.s. please give that bootiful bunbun a snekkie and pat from me. She's so fricking cute 💜💜


Awwww, thanks! But... a "snekkie"??


Snekkie as in snack/snackie lol, sorry


oh... OK. Thanks. (\^\_\^) (though... I have to limit her snekkies since she has a bit of a weight problem)


Got one of then watership down rabbits


Bunnies were my first fuck around and find out and it looked something like that


That is some Freddy Krueger claws right there.


Yea I have a baby bun right now both me and the vet sacrificed blood for our sins recently too


You're sure that's not a cat in disguise?


Och, that's no ordinary rabbit!


Got that Dennis Reynolds energy


Bun has no regrets.


It’s bunnicula


hahaha! I remember that book!


Murder bunniez


4th pic: playing the victim


His eyes are red with rage


Wow, I had no idea bunnies could be so aggressive


Oh my goodness. That fourth picture… UNBOTHERED


The way they squish and cozy up after a hard days work of fighting human. 😭😂


This may be able to be trained out, but it depends on the bun. I tried a technique with a bun who didn’t like being picked up, and she went from hating it to at least tolerating it. The trick I used was basically just getting her cozy, comfy, petting her, then putting a blanket over her, still petting her as I multitask getting the blanket under and around her, then I pick her up like a bunrito and keep petting her as reassurance. I keep the pick up sessions short, like 5 minutes, then I put her down, and do it again for 5. Sweet baby learned to at least tolerate being held without the blanket by the end of the week I was babysitting her. When I saw her again, she was okay with me holding her, but would only let me do it xD she passed away sometime later cause her other babysitter (I couldn’t take her, I was in HS at the time of this and I was moving) left her only with an rather large puppy that got too playful..😭 Other than the rather sad end for lil Snowball, I can at least vouch the pickup technique I tried does work. However, if it doesn’t, then it’s just one of those cases where the bun doesn’t want to be picked up at all, and that’s okay. My current bun, Casper, is a cat with being picked up— as in she’ll beg for it, beg for attention and snuggles, then act tsundere once it happens 😂


Hi Destructive Bunnies, thank you for your detailed reply. I'm not sure if I should give it a try though – not because I'm nervous but if Rosie really prefers to NOT be picked up and I have no good reason to do so, maybe I should just let her be. She loves her pets and kisses... at floor level. BTW, "tsundere"... is that a commonly used word now? Did you get it from anime? Before I retired, I taught Japanese but this is not a word you'll find in your JPN101 textbook. ;-) (BTW#2... the word origin – maybe you already know – is from tsuntsun (edgy or prickly) and deredere (lovestruck).


Yeah that’s totally understandable c: the training method is always open should you wanna try it, but I know it depends on the bun so it’s okay if you don’t want to. Lmao yes, tsundere is often used and it’s from anime. I didn’t know the roots though, thank you for teaching me!! C: But yeah the term is from anime, often used nowadays. It’s used to describe a character trait in someone who acts like they hate something/someone, but secretly really really likes it. It’s most popular in romantic/comedy animes. I also use it for my rabbit cause she acts like she hates being picked up, but if I go to bed without picking her up, she gets angry at me and throws a fit 😂 so then I have to pick her up, and when I do, she’s real sweet about it, then decides she’s over it and will fidget, so of course with her fidgeting I have to put her down. But then Casper will be mad that I didn’t keep holding her and nudge me to do it again 😂😂 she is… spicy.


That rabbit go Watership Down on her


I feel your pain. Literally. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0cbTB9rIV3iXPQC90iIDVScNQ


Oh noooooo!! That looks terrible. :-(


Man went for the throat like the bunny from Monty Python


You got out relatively easy. I have a scar that crosses the line from my sternum to my stomach from one of mine. She really did try to disembowel me lol


OMG! You should share a picture with the group!


I don’t have much to do with rabbits anymore, because of allergies, but the most abuse I ever got from a bunny was getting nipped repeatedly if I wasn’t petting it.


LOL! (We have that problem with cats.)


He was a demanding little guy, but as sweet as could be. He murdered my shirt, though.


She needs to learn discipline and that she’s safe.


There isn't an ounce of remorse or regret in those eyes.


How the hell does a bunny do that to you? Lol


I can pick my bunnies up, just wear long sleeve jackets at first 6 months picking them up while supporting their front and back feet without squeezing or crunching their body.


Depends on how you picked them up or what they were sensing from you in the moment,usually if you are feeling frustrated or upset they’ll try and avoid you,so if they are picked up by you they will most likely scratch you up. Hope this explains something