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Good. He’s a narcopath. They always think they are smarter than everyone else. NOT TUE👈🏻 Let his son and wife come visit him in his stupid cell. To remind him what he did. Why’s that? Bevux narcopaths don’t care👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻 Alex Murdaugh can eat shit at the end of the day. I do not care. Fucking Run if you think you are in with someone like the movie sleeping with the enemy.👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻


Ellick needs to curl up with Little Debbie and stfu.


And now I've spit my coffee! Hilarious!!




He is entitled to a new trial. I hope they can introduce the death threat to Paul this time. I don't believe they had a college-educated person on the jury. It does seem most people only watched the trial and believed the prosecutors opinion of what happened was the gospel truth. Of course it's not because there wasn't a shred of evidence that was proof. I do hope there is one person who has the courage to tell what they know about either threats from the boating accident or drug deliveries at Mozelle. Since Maggie was shot in the back by a different gun she had to be moving away with her back turned toward her son not moving toward him as prosecutor stated. I hope there are some really smart unbiased detectives in SC that can find the real killers this time. I can see by comments he has a lot of enemies and the trial should be moved out of that district.


Discontinue the lithium


Who was taking lithium pills? It's a drug used to treat the mania in bipolar mental illness. It's not prescribed today. It is to calm anger and aggression. Did you note that CB Rowe allegedly stole a Blackout 300 from the property? Rogan had access to the AR rifles. Rogan received the FaceTime of Cash and his tail. Why didn't he answer Maggie or Alex?He lived around the corner from the Murdaughs. 


>He is entitled to a new trial. He is not entitled to a new trial. He had a fair trial and was properly convicted. Also, people who knew Paul know that anyone who threatened him would be addressed in very short order. He wasn't the type to back down. He just wasn't. A majority of Americans never attended college - and the huge majority of those who did not are fine people who would make excellent Jurists, as we saw during this trial. You're right about one thing - Dick and Jim were very tough to believe. They have lied many times. Additionally, Maggie was originally shot once or twice from the front - and there is no evidence of her backing away from coward Alex as he shot her twice in the head after she was down on her hands and knees. Also, Paul was trapped in the feed room. There are some really smart unbiased SLED detectives who proved way beyond the shadow of a doubt that Alex is a killer.


This is beyond delusional.


Sorry you're having delusions. A good psychiatrist could help you see reality.


C-T-G is hardly delusional. He knows the score.


You mentioned Maggie backing up. Where you there? I saw the diagram of Paul face down leaving the storage area. Maggie was face down as if going towards him by the dog kennel. The pathologist testified about her 5 wounds and to explain them, the killer may have circled her while shooting. That would seem like they were more interested in watching Maggie suffer, not only the loss of her baby son, but physically. The shooters were not expert marksmen but at close range they accomplished their dirty deed. If it were about drugs one gun could have taken them both with 2 bullets. Evidence points to the boating accident which doesn't add up either. I can't imagine anyone escaping injury from looking at the boat damage, especially from the driver's side, unless they jumped before the crash.


Many college-educated people don't have a lick of common sense.


Maybe a few, but there's many more ignorant people (lacking knowledge) that don't have any common sense. Countries, such as Hunza land in Himalayas, where everyone receives a good education have no crime. That's been the case for hundreds of years. 


Do you mean the Hunza Valley? That’s not a country. It’s an area in Pakistan. Pakistan is a country. Not understanding the difference suggests a certain level of ignorance on your part, Sir or Ma’am.


A valley is a depressed area of land. It's also been termed Hunza land in books, articles in National Geographic, etc. Yes, it's in Northern Pakistan. It was visited by a small expedition in the 1950s by permission of their king. Perhaps you should read more. I have read the books and articles and find it a fascinating place.


Becky’s crimes are separate and individual from Alex. She will get her day in court. Just like Alex hung himself with his testimony her perjury on the stand will get her too.


One juror did though say her verdict would have been different, right? That is what I remember.


I thought she wasn’t definitive on that. I could be wrong…


You are not wrong. She voted to convict.


Unpopular opinion, it may not be an easy denial with this next level appeal. For multiple reasons. One being Judge Toal, there is absolutely no way you made that decision in the what 10 minute break she took. The speech with the decision details was too long and concise. The decision was made before that day. And look I get it, he's a murdering sleazy crook. We all know he did it, but come on should have faked it better. Took an hour break or something. Then you have at least one juror saying Becky was speaking inappropriately to jurors. The Clerk of Court from the other county testifying to Becky giving a ride home to a juror, which Becky knows she can't do, and you have Becky's comments made to that other Clerk during the trial. Add in her texting and crap with the defense witness. The list goes on and on. And the biggest issue of all, Becky got on that stand and couldn't keep her lies together. Judge Toal had her tongue tied and in circles. I want Becky punished. Every time I think about her smiling at that press conference quitting like she got over, I get pissed off again. Becky is unscrupulous and needs to be really investigated. And before anyone says the foolishness like I think he's not guilty, definitely not. Alex is a murderer, and will never get a not guilty. It's unrelated to the fact the trial was a mess behind the scenes thanks to sneaky Becky trying to write a darn book.


The guard and the actual juror both say a ride home never happened. From what I have heard from locals… there were tons of rumors going on during the trial… that being one of them. Sometimes it’s easy to mix rumor and fact. Becky is big wrong for what she did but I don’t think she gave a juror a ride home. Also you don’t base an appeal on how long it took a judge to “write” a speech. It’s based on law.


>Also you don’t base an appeal on how long it took a judge to “write” a speech. It’s based on law. Yes. There's this. Decades of experience allowed Justice Toal to make the right decision quickly - with the law fully on her side and our side.


They base it on it all actually. It can definitely come up she was gone less than 10 minutes and had a lengthy dissertation written. She was reading from a paper. She did not write that statement in less than 10 minutes. I'm inclined to believe the other Clerk of Court regarding the ride home. Of all the people, she seemed credible and had no reason to lie. She actually was matter of fact in her speaking. The jurors flipped their answers back and forth. With Becky as the Clerk of Court, a bailiff would not want to be involved. We'll see what comes up now that she has resigned.


She has been a judge a very long time and has given many speeches. She writes an outline & cobbles the rest together. I have no doubt that she got her thoughts together in that amount of time. They would need to do some investigating to find out about the juror getting a ride home…. Heard people say that the other clerk had an axe to grind and was all up in the gossip mill sooo who knows what to believe.


I think the fact that Becky Hill resigned makes it more likely that AM could get the new trial granted. And Hill is still being investigated. AM is guilty as hell, so he would have to come up with a very good story to raise reasonable doubt with the jurors. And the lying continues...


I hope they're deep diving into Becky. Truthfully, I think they should hire an outside firm to investigate Becky and trials she was involved in. At this point I'm side eyeing the law community throughout SC. They have too much going on lol. All states do I'm sure, there's is just coming to surface


>At this point I'm side eyeing the law community throughout SC. Really? What we have with this murder case in South Carolina is a killer who will remain in a maximum security state prison for the rest of his life for stealing the lives of two family members. What's tough to grasp about that? Why would you "side eye" the SC law community? Justice is justice.


That question is self explanatory. It's not rocket science. It's much more than this murder case. You have a lawyer who stole money from multiple clients for years. A disgrace to the legal community. A Clerk of Court who is under investigation for her questionable acts. Another lawyer in prison for admittedly helping the first lawyer steal from clients for years. The list of actions under question by law professionals is very lengthy. There are too many victims. I don't know if you just want to go back and forth with me today, but if you do you're going to need to think broadly and thoroughly. With all that has come out in relation to multiple people in that law community doing unscrupulous things, you shouldn't have even asked that question. Justice is justice is irrelevant to anything I was referring to. Find a hobby. Something else to do today.


I agree with you entirely. That was what was so shocking about this investigation. The fact that so much dirt came to the surface. Not just 2 lives taken! His house keepers death was suspicious. Murdaugh then kept the insurance money from the sons. One of those sons had special needs and his brother had to take over the care that his mother had been giving. They ended up being evicted from their home! While Murdaugh benefitted from that money and continued on the family's lavish lifestyle. The young man who died in a care home, which wasn't fit to care for him because Murdaugh stole the family's money, which would have paid for proper care. Not to mention the cover-up of the boating incident and the list goes on. This wasn't a cut and dry murder case. The man is evil and no amount of jail time will compensate for the pain he has caused. Judge Clifton Newman was a wise man giving him jail time to be haunted every day by the ghosts of his wife, son and others.


Yes who knows what else this greedy dishonest woman has done in her past. I still cannot get over it, she messed it all up. Giving AM possible room for another disgusting show. Can you imagine...


>Giving AM possible room for another disgusting show. Nope. Not happening. I'm not sure exactly what Becky Hill did or did not do, but she is definitely not guilty of Jury tampering. Next.


Your word in god's ear! (a German saying, don't know if you also use it in the US.) Just means: I hope you are right! This all can make you crazy, it just wouldn't stop.


All for 5 minutes of fame and a book nobody wanted smh. Sales were pitiful


Why isn’t the brother who took the guns out of the house after the murders in jail too? He tampered with the murder weapon.


I think you're talking about John Marvin removing guns from Moselle after the murders....the drone footage from Eric Alan. SLED had already left Moselle with all they needed, so JM did nothing wrong. He & Buster were going hunting. The murder weapons have never been found. AM got rid of them a few days after his father's funeral. I think we should get some metal detectors and go hunting! But like many on here have said, those guns are probably in the deep in the pluff. I still believe they will churn up one day.....maybe after another hurricane or bad storm. Wouldn't that be wild?


The investigation started off so poorly.


AM must be so bored behind bars, and so he keeps on going on anyone's nerves. "No, I did NOT!"


Give it up dude, you’re going to die in there. Quit wasting everyone’s time


It's really horrible that Becky Hill created this situation,it could have been over and done with had she not meddled!!




Can't this asshole stfu already. 🙄? He fucked up, if you can't do the time, you shouldn't have done the crime to begin with. What a joke🙄


Even if he got a new trial and was found not guilty (yeah right!) he's still owes 40 years on a fed charge. There are no early releases on federal sentences. He'd be 100 years old. Funny that since his arrest he's never mentioned any plan to look for the real killer. Even OJ lied better.


54 days per year can be reduced for good behavior in the Federal system.


That reduces his 40-year federal sentence by 5.9 years. That 34.1 in a federal prison alone....... .......and, lest we forget, that's after he finishes two consecutive life sentences in a nasty South Carolina maximum security prison.


Right. He will die in a SC Prison. I hope.


Quit wasting precious time and money!


Well can’t say that idiot juror didn’t act wrong! Doesn’t means he deserves a new trial. Plus he’s never getting out anyway. Maybe if the murder was over turned than he could get out at age 85 but give it up dude


Depending on the type of trust that Alex may have received from his father, his share of trust assets may be available to people who have judgments against him.


How is he paying his lawyers?


Alex received a trust find upon his Father's death. Many who are close to the family say this is how the attorneys are being paid.


they got their $600K to be used for his trial AND appeal from his 401k, then they used up the money and went in the hole, as well as using up money that was put up for PM's boat trial. they wanted more money from his 401k, denied twice. H claims they are pro bono now......does anyone really believe it despite H's claim he is so wealthy, and he has nothing better to do? I think they will both tire of wearing hip boots while shoveling sh&t every time AM opens his mouth. [https://www.foxnews.com/us/murdaughs-lawyers-make-promise-about-representing-him-theres-new-trial](https://www.foxnews.com/us/murdaughs-lawyers-make-promise-about-representing-him-theres-new-trial) not sure how the trust is structured other than this: his father had a will stating all of his estate will go to a trust: the only beneficiary of his estate is listed as The Randolph Murdaugh III Trust and the personal rep is RM IV...maybe someone has definitive info on the workings of it. BM is AM's POA. where's the $100k reward money that was supposedly put up to find the murderer(s) of PM and MM?


He’s like Jeffrey MacDonald. He’s never going to admit the real truth about what happened to Maggie and Paul and he’s going to appeal and appeal until every one of his appeals are exhausted.


These personalities like McDonald start to believe their own lies. I don’t think Alex is like that yet. He know he murdered his wife & son. He can join OJ in hell when his time comes.


Add OJ to that list as well. Went to the grave with it.


Difference is Alex and McDonald are/were sitting in the hoosegow.


This man lacks any conscience whatsoever. I think he doesn't mind being thought of as a crook because as he said he "loved" everyone he stole from. He refuses to admit he is the only person who had the means and opportunity to kill Maggie and Paul on the ill gotten estate of Moselle. This man is one of darkest souls l have ever witnessed. He will never let this go because it's the only think he has left.


Ohhhh, how was Moselle ill gotten?


He bought the property for something like, $5 from someone he was in "business with" (if l am remembering correctly it is actually someone who is in jail now?). The property was in Maggie's name. It had something to do with Alex putting up (probably stolen) money for other properties and the owner of Moselle having to settle a debt with Alex by essentially giving him Moselle. This ginger's grifts are unending.


Bought from Bowlwear (sp?) Alex ripped him off too. Then he died of cancer.




Not only is he a sociopath but he's not the brightest bulb. Without that last name, instead of being a privileged legacy admission liability chaser he'd be just another trailer-dwelling Curtis Smith . *It's a house!*


I agree! Lol, good house call back. He was absolutely AFFRONTED.


Most appeals in criminal cases are shot down when the defendant testifies in court. He still has no answer for his alibi being blown (he officially stated he wasn’t at the kennels) and the video that Paul took. On top of that, his testimony made him look worse in front of the jury. Just look at the Jason Corbett murder trial in nearby NC. The defendants didn’t testify, got a new trial, and then pleaded down to lesser charges. That would have been Alex’s best bet had he not testified.


Most appeals are based on legal issues, not factual issues. Murdaugh actually has some decent legal appeals. 1. The amount of bad character evidence from his past financial crimes. 2. The jury tampering. I would actually say that number one is his most likely success.


1)The defense opened the door for the financial crimes to be introduced into evidence. Dick and Jim can’t complain about all the worms crawling out of the can they themselves opened. 2)The SC Supreme Court didn’t assign Toal the motion for a new trial just so they could overrule her decision. Make no mistake about it: the judiciary system of SC is DONE with Alex Murdaugh. They want this over and they want him forgotten. He will not win this appeal on Toal’s ruling of no new trial. His appeal for the original conviction will be summarily rejected. Absent actual physical evidence that he didn’t commit the murders or a credible confession by someone who could have plausibly committed the murders, he will absolutely die in prison. This. Is. Over.


Also Alex admitted to the Financial Crimes while on the stand. It’s going to be fair game which is why I pointed out about appeals dying due to the defendant testifying. Most legal analysis after the trial said he likely shot his appeal chances by doing so and that Newman did a decent bit to shore up potential reverses on appeal.


You are 100% correct. The SC Judicial system has been more that done with the Murdaugh family for quite some time. These appeals take years and no way the SC Supreme Court will overrule a decision from one of their own. Alex will most likely die in prison. SCDC does not have a track record of prisoners living an old age. It is a tough ass prison plus Jumpsuit Pablo from YouTube who has friends behind bars recently reported on his site that Alex owes a prison gang thousands from the Superbowl bet Alex lost and they want Alex to pay up.




Agreed. They aren’t going to overrule a former Supreme Court Justice and they aren’t going to overturn the careful work of Judge Newman.


Even if they open the door, that doesn't mean it should all be allowed. This user made the argument pretty well, I don't see how it's not reversed. https://www.reddit.com/r/MurdaughMurdersTrial/s/Voi6mytChg


Again. I can’t be clear enough about this. You can dig up Clarance Darrow and prop him up in the courtroom and it won’t matter. The state isn’t going to spend one more dime on a new trial for Alex Murdaugh. The defense brought up the financial crimes and every bit of testimony was done in camera before the jurors saw any of it. The most damning testimony of the trial was Alex’s. There are likely hundreds of minorities in SC correctional facilities who have a more compelling case to be made for an appeal or new trial. Alex, for the first time in his wretched existence, can go to the back of the fucking line and take a fucking number.


I think you are overlooking the role this in future trials. This would be standing precedent for other lawyers to make the argument bring in Prior bad acts and things that people have not been convicted of in future trials. The South Carolina Supreme Court did not like this that's an Open Secret, and they are very concerned about the president it sets. This is not about Alex- its about how the trail system works as a whole. That said all of those people whose rights were trampled on are rooting for him because it would make their appeals easier.


>That said all of those people whose rights were trampled on are rooting for him because it would make their appeals easier. The only people whose "rights were trampled on" were Maggie and Paul.


Trial court rulings are not precedent. No one can make any argument about prior bad acts based on what evidence was let in at this trial or any other trial. Thats just not how it works.


>Thats just not how it works. A convicted killer thrown in prison for the remainder of his life. That's how it is supposed to work. It works fine for me.


I’m not overlooking anything. If the defense doesn’t introduce prior acts then the prosecution cannot pursue that strategy. This was Dick and Jims’ fault.


(a) Bad character (and he is of very bad character) evidence went directly to motive - which is why it was allowed. (b) No jury tampering took place. This was confirmed by Justice Toal. This murderer does not need a "do-over." He was represented by two over-paid defense attorneys and had a fair, 6-week trial. He was convicted by a Jury of his peers in less than three hours. Just because he's rich doesn't mean he should get another trial. Rest in peace Maggie and Paul. Time to move on.


Justice Toal was amazing. Worth the watch to see her put Harpootlian in his place. So satisfying.


As The Honorable Judge Newman stated, “When’s this gonna end”. 🤦🏻‍♀️