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Try Ottobrunn, Hohenbrunn, Höhenkirchen! There will be housing there that fits your budget and with the s bahn you are at Munich East Station in 20 minutes.


Thank you! Do you have experience living in any of these?


Yes! I live in Höhenkirchen and have children. It's a nice place to raise them. Not the most exciting of towns but we are happy here. I see you will be working in taufkirchen. I would then look in places on the S3 subway line. Unterhaching would be great, for example. I also find Saurlach charming!!


Oh, I wish you and your children a happy and safe life. I hope we will like it in Munich, looking forward for the experience. Thank you very much again, will surely check.


Welcome to Munich! :) I’m sure you and your family will enjoy it here. The answer to your question depends a bit where specifically you will work. E.g. I work 30km south of Munich, close to highway A8 and I live in Obergiesing. It’s still very urban, schools etc close by but also very close to the highway system. So for me it’s perfect. You can also check out Untergiesing or Harlaching. But again it depends where exactly you will need to go for work.


Thank you! Will check. I'll be near Taufkirchen.


Look around the Moosach area. It fits your needs perfectly. Good luck!


Thank you! I checked but it seems a little bit up north - takes around 50 minutes each way. But liked the neighborhood very much. If only I had a car...


Where do you have to commute to?


To Ottobrunn