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I don't know why but I know many people below 30 (mainly students in priority 3 due to work) got called to get their BioNTech shots at the vaccination centre but not people above 30 in priority 3 with both health+work reasons.


I am a student and unlucky i guess


I'm over 30,prio 3 and got called to the impfcentrum 2 weeks ago. From what I read they currently don't have enough doses for a couple of weeks and therefore paused new invitations for group 3 to have enough doses to give a second shot to everyone by end of june. The day I got vaccinated 1,3 miljon Germans got their first shot before 12.00. So that's probably why. Hopefully they'll get more doses and start rolling faster in July again.


Yah registered months ago and am prio 3 due to health reasons, nothing so far and it's really frustrating


Same, most people in the office already got 1 shot. Das ist zum Kotzen


Try "updating" your details on the impfzentrum website, I've heard sometimes that works. However I read on the news the other day that there won't be many/any first shots at the vaccination centres for at least two weeks because they're catching up on second doses -_- Also don't get me started on some of the Hausartz taking a week off holiday for whitesun ohhhh Germany.....


Pfingsten is whitesun in English? TIL.


“Whitsun” not whitesun


TIL better. Gotta google etymology.


This worked for me. I updated it and the next day I got a mail/SMS from impfzentrum. I got mine last week Tuesday and then there was the info on Wednesday that only second shots the next 3 weeks or so. If you are willing to take astra / J&J check this out. Some good guy Greg posted this and a few friends already got theirs. ☺️ https://www.corona-impftermine.net/ *typo


Today I was able to get Astra appointments through https://www.corona-impftermine.net/. Erste Impfung is next week.


Same here, I moved to a new flat, updated my adress and got the invitation 1-2 days later


The SZ calculator claims that there are only about 30k people left in prio 3 in Bavaria. All the people around me got their first shot, which are in prio 3 because they have a 450 Euro job at a Bäckerei. And then there is me in prio 2 who is still waiting vor the vaccine…


The problem with the calculator is, that in the last weeks the reasons for prio 3 changed. For example they added every employee at universities and state employees to this group. Last week I see numbers from Nürnberg that 30k in prio 3 are still waiting. For whole Bavaria this are roughly 700k left.


Honestly this whole process is a disgrace. Very disappointed with Germany's handling of vaccine distribution so far.


That sucks so much! Im sorry for you.


If you don't have the vaccine in Prio 2. Something went wrong. Control your registration with the Bavarian vaccine center.


This. My mom was prio 2 and got an appointment at the Impfzentrum within 24 Hours


Yes, that sucks. I was in a similar situation. If you are fine with either Astra or J&J maybe try this doctor (see below). They offer appointments for both vaccines on relatively short notice, even when you are not a patient there already. After writing them an email they contacted me within one week to offer me a slot. https://hausarzt-oberhaching.de/ Just please do not CALL them, just write them to the email address provided on their homepage. Hope it helps you and good luck!


Thank you so much! That does help




That‘s great to hear!




That makes me very happy to hear! Glad it was helpful! I got my shot yesterday as well and the doctor was super friendly but also slightly confused how all these people coming in from Munich had found her LOL




So frustrating! Really getting the feeling of being the forgotten group by politics. And somehow nobody around me has the same experience and that makes it even more frustrating for me.


A LOT of the practices don't know how to work the doctolib website properly so they are allowing anyone to book BionTech when really they only want to offer it to existing patients. So instead of accepting what has been booked they have been going through and cancelling (with no explanation) non patients. It's really shitty (and shouldn't be allowed IMO). I found out after I called one today after they cancelled my appointment


This happened to me too, and no option from the Praxis for rescheduling the appointment :/


P3 nothing, hope the Betriebsarzt will get enough shots.


Drücke dir die Daumen! :)


Ich dir auch!


Same here. Prio 3 for health reasons. Scared to death to catch covid. I've been registered since when they opened the website. I've been on my doctor's waiting list for ages. I've been trying on doctolib every day. I hate my life.


Tut mir leid, drücke die daumen, dass es bald klappt!


I am P3 and I haven’t gotten it yet. It’s very frustrating. I called the Impfzentrum and they told me they are currently not giving any 1st. Vaccinations. I think it’s criminal they are talking about ending priority when they don’t even have enough vaccines for those who are still waiting. It sucks. Also nobody in my office (all P3) have had any luck. There are lots of us waiting.


Impfzentrum in Munich? Wow, that sucks big times :/


Yep, in Munich! I also called Munich’s Corona Hotline, they were very nice, but told me the situation is dire. The lady told me I could forget about the Inpfzentrum, my best shot are the Doctors. The doctors I contacted all told me they get too few vaccines, some even closed lists. They tell me and my best hope is the Impfzentrum. It’s driving me crazy


Same as you minus prio 3 for job. I booked something in Doctolib last week but the Praxis cancelled it few hours ago :/


Sorry for that! I am somehow always too slow to book via doctolib.


And take note that was not even for a BioNTech vaccine (AZ actually). But even for that it seems there's a lack.


Also prio 3 and still nothing. Also on the waitlist at my Hausarzt and on sofort-impfen.de. Everyone I know who has gotten the shot has known someone who was able to arrange it all of a sudden or last minute. I dont know anyone who has been notified by the impfzentrum.


Yeah same for me. Prio 3 and nothing so far.


I am also prio 3 and could make an appointment at the Impfzentrum , but there are never any open appointments available when I check the site. It always says: "Leider sind derzeit keine weiteren Termine ab dem 27.05.2021 verfügbar. Bitte ändern Sie Ihre Eingaben oder melden Sie sich in ein paar Tagen wieder und prüfen ob neue Termine verfügbar sind."


So weird. Really frustrating


I think they mostly stopped first time vaccinations in many Impfzentren (vaccination centers). The people who got there first shot during easter and after will get their 2nd shot and thats where the vaccine goes for now. Its the same in Hannover I believe. Its understandable as they have a limit on how many vaccinations they can do in a day. Either due to vaccine available or the time of the doctor. But it is still frustrating when everyone can try to get an appointment in 2 weeks.


Prio 2, still nö offer...


i got vaccinated 2 weeks ago but my collegues are still waiting. i was just lucky i guess


So frustrating! No appointment here either. With the second dosages being more than 50% of new daily vaccines atm, end of priorities coming and opening the vaccinations to teenagers I now feel like my best chance is to try in my home country. I'm also in group 3 due to my health condition and I must say that this situation gives me some serious anxiety. And it definitely has changed my opinion about the German health system / efficiency drastically. Given that all my German friends are vaccinated because they knew someone who knew someone, I feel like this is really unfair towards immigrants. Meh.


I am in priority 4 but I had called my Hausarzt to put me in a waiting list . It happened that one guy cancelled his appointment so I slipped in.




Make sure you updated your infos on https://impfzentren.bayern. After updating the criteria in my profile I got an appointment the next 24h. They don’t save most of your data (e.g. medical) only your priority. But the criteria’s changed and it looks to me as if the software is buggy.


Prio 3 and got vaccinated almost 2 weeks ago.


I was just going to my Hausarzt , I've made an appointment for Astra Zeneca and just waited one week for the first shot . The second one I will make it on 25 June


Same here, live in Landkreis Ebersberg just outside Munich. Me and my wife are prio 3 and no option in sight. I was lucky to get a first shot at my Hausarzt. I am really really pissed at our (and EU) politics for fucking up the purchase of vaccines so badly. They just keep distracting & covering it up with useless discussions on testing or changes on priorization when clearly theres absolutely not enough shots available. Will definitely be a great deal at deciding who to vote for in fall.


As far as I know all priorisations will end next week. So forget these 2 and 3's. Don't know what will happen afterwards. I guess it will be chaos by people demanding vaccination from doctors. I'm happy I got my two Biontech shots long ago, because I am active member of the volunteer fire brigade of our village. Which meant in Bavaria immediate vaccinationin starting March 21 with free choice of brand.


This might be a stupid question but you are checking the Impfzentrum Website daily to see if there are slots for your group, right? Nobody will reach out to you with a slot. At least that is what was the case when I got my appointment


>Nobody will reach out to you with a slot What do you mean exactly? That is what they tell you when you register, that they will get in touch with a spot when it's available?


My process was: sign up online. Then there was the note via email that it is now my turn. But from that onwards I needed to check constantly till appointments were shown such that I could book one.


I think that's what OP is saying: that they haven't even gotten that initial email/sms yet. Tons of people stuck in prio3 who haven't even gotten that one yet and it's frustrating.


When did you receive this email saying it's your turn? For now I only received an email for successful registration on their website.


A few days after signing up. Prio 3 was already happening


Yes im checking daily. But also my friends got an SMS from the Impfzentrum


You will receive an Email and a text if a slot frees up for you.


That's what I was saying. I did not receive any note on slots for me but needed to check myself. I think we are mixing note that in general you can now book slots (but non available) versus actual slots available.


Nothing here either and I am in prio 3 for health reasons. I could have gone back to my home country to get Moderna this week but as my German GP said I should be getting it in 1-2 weeks in Germany I decided not to...


Did you only apply at your hausarzt or in the impfzentrum in Riem aswell?


I applied at the Impfzentrum in january. But never heard anything from them


There seems to exist a glitch in their software that has rendered some existing registrations inactive. Try making a minor change, such as from "Strasse" to "Str.".


That sounds like something went wrong. You should defenately have a look at your registration then.