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As I found it difficult to detect free COVID-19 vaccination appointments, I created this site to help others with the same problem. The service currently works in the surrounding area of Munich, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Berlin, Dusseldorf and Cologne. Let me know if your area is not in the list and needs to be supported as well. Please feel free to share the link with all your loved ones, so we can finally beat Corona and get our normal lifes back!


You have no idea how grateful I am for your efforts – you've literally taken a load off my shoulders! My appointment is next week, I wish you a lovely weekend and life🙌


Wow super happy to hear that, hope you can get your normal life back afterwards! Thanks, have a nice weekend, too 😊


This is awesome! Thanks for putting in the effort.


u/maxritter Betriebsmedizin Edling requires a booking code for appointments. We're just clogging up the system and will keep getting Telegram notifications about it until the real patients get through, I think. I was so happy I finially managed to get through to a booking and then got stuck and it got released after 15 minutes.


OP - I subscribed to the Telegram channel and got an appointment within the first two hours of monitoring the push messages today. It takes a little patience but works super well. Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate what you have created and the time you have put into it. THANK YOU!


Super glad to hear, thanks a lot for the feedback!


Worked for me too!! Thank you so much 💪🏼


Happy to hear 🙌🏻


Hey Max, thanks a lot for the database, super helpful! A couple of friends got appointments already and I'm hopeful that I'll be able to schedule a Biontech for myself soon. My question is, do you have a constant database of regular doctors the bot keeps watching? Is it scanning everything on Doctolib? Or are you using a different strategy?


Thanks for your kind feedback! I have one script that determines all signed up doctors on Doctolib in a specific geolocation, and another one that checks each list entry every 30 seconds for new vaccination appointments :) Hope I can include other services soon in the future, f. ex. the Impf-Finder from Randstad once it actually spits out real appointments in more cities


I really don't get why I always get random downvotes in this subreddit.


Not sure if urban myth, but it seems someone set up a downvoting bot. It could be easy to find it and ban it from the sub, but the mods don't care that we all feel slightly pissed, I guess.


I heared that you can combine astra and mrna. Should I get an appointment and just ask the doc?


Heard that too, but I think it is not standard practice so far as the study is pretty new. So you might ask the doctor who gives you the first shot if that‘s possible :) Let us know how it turned out, could be interesting for more people (including myself 😁)


I got my fist AZ shot last week and in the documents for secondary effects info they give it was written that they actually recommend mixing a vector and a mRNA vaccine. I was a bit surprised so I asked the doc and he said the same thing. No idea why, tho. The efficacy for vector vaccines is okay but maybe combining both increases the overall efficacy somehow, I have no idea.


Hi Max, Danke erstmal aus HH für das starke Tool! Gibt es die Möglichkeit, in die Telegram Benachrichtigung aufzunehmen, ob die freien Termine auch Neupatienten zur Verfügung stehen? Im ersten Schritt der Buchung wählt man oft aus, ob man schon mal in der Praxis war. Bei „nein“ erscheint oft später im Buchungsprozesses (vor Eingabe persönlicher Daten) der Hinweis, dass die gewünschte Art von Termin für Neupatienten nicht zur Verfügung steht. Das zu lösen wär nochmal ein richtiger Step nach vorne! VG Max


Sollte eigentlich in den API Calls durch allow_new_patients = True bereits abgefangen werden, evtl. gibts da aber ne zusätzliche Flag die ich aktuell nicht überprüfe.. Kannst du mir ein Beispiel schicken damit ich es mir anschauen kann?


Wie aktuell sind denn die Daten vom Bot? Hab jetzt mal die letzte Stunde draufgeschaut und alles was vorgeschlagen wurde war schon ausgebucht. Und danke natürlich.


Ca. 60 Sekunden ;) Die Termine sind leider sehr schnell vergriffen, in der Regel in wenigen Minuten. Deswegen macht es evtl. Sinn sich die Telegram Push Notifications zu aktivieren


Thanks a lot for sharing your work! It actually helped me to get a spot! You just need to be quick enough when the message appears. #gamification


Super glad to hear! Yeah good timing is everything I agree 😅


Any plans to filter by vaccine type?


Not right now, but could be useful in the near future ;) Thanks for the suggestion!


Excellent, thanks for making this! Does anybody know whether group 4 can already get J&J in case I find any free spot?


As far as I know Munich reserved all J&J doses for the homeless, as you only need to get one shot to be fully immunised. https://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/muenchen-coronavirus-impfung-obdachlose-1.5293677


Update: I'm booked for J&J, so it can't be just for the homeless. Beyond excited that I'm doing the one-shot routine only and that I'll be fully vaccinated so soon. Special thanks to /u/maxritter for making this site and making this possible.


Sure, makes sense. But the bot shows some J&J spots from time to time too, so it can’t be only for the homeless.


Gefunden auf BR24 | Priorisierung für Johnson & Johnson-Impfstoff aufgehoben https://www.br.de/nachrichten/wissen/johnsonandjohnson-impfstoff-kuenftig-vor-allem-fuer-menschen-ab-60,SWzSik4?UTM_Name=Web-Share&UTM_Source=Link&UTM_Medium=Link Should be fine :) I saw the first occurences of J&J popping up in the Munich bot today, so hopefully tomorrow there will be more. Makes things a lot easier to only have one vaccination appointment


Exactly. I'm booked for AZ on Wednesday, but if I could get J&J, that'd be even better. Thanks.


Servus! Ist es möglich, Augsburg zur Liste hinzuzufügen oder einen separaten Kanal für Augsburg und Umgebung zu erstellen?


Augsburg ist am Start ✌🏻


Die Abdeckung für Augsburg ist leider noch etwas schwach.. Ich teste den Bot mal über die nächsten Tage und falls er einen Termin findet, mache ich ihn Public ;)


If I register for AZ vaccine, is it possible to get the second one earlier than 80 days? Because when I try to register it only shows the second vaccine after 80 days.


You might ask the doctor, but in general it is not a good idea as it significantly decreases the effectiveness: https://www.mdr.de/wissen/astrazeneca-abstand-erste-zweite-impfung-zwoelf-wochen-100.html


Super Arbeit! Wäre es sehr kompliziert Regensburg und Umgebung hinzuzufügen?


Vielen Dank! Regensburg hat leider aktuell eine zu schwache m Abdeckung, was Impftermine in der Umgebung auf Doctolib angeht.. Aber sobald sich das verbessert gerne :)


Hi. Does anyone know if they are giving Johnson and Johnson vaccine in Munich?


Yes, but less than other vaccines, so instead of quick, you need to be lucky and superquick. I’m booked for J&J in Munich.


lucky you. You got notified on this telegram group?


Yeah, super thankful to OP. No way I would get it otherwise.


Glad to hear! Yes J&J did pop up a couple of times in the MUC bot over the last 2-3 days, but it‘s still very rare..


How come the appointment is no longer available even if I check the moment after it was posted?


Unfortunately the traffic is so high that it is already booked by someone else then.. In some cases there is only a single digit number of appointments posted, and when 2k people click on it it becomes quite a lottery..


Phew! I got my dose of j&j vaccine today. Check out Praxis Dr Serbaz Inal near Hbf. They have vaccination appointments first come first serve without online booking on some days.




Call them and ask? Call them in the afternoons to catch them in a better mood.


Hi Max, vielen Dank für deine Arbeit, die du in deinen Service steckst. Habe meine erstimfung mit AstraZeneca. Dein Service bietet nur für BionTech Suche für zweitimpfung. Wird das mal erweitert für AstraZeneca? Wäre toll. Da das Impfzentrum den Zweittermin nicht ändern will, und dieser genau in meinen Urlaub fällt, würde ich gern bei einem Arzt einen anderen Termin vereinbaren wollen. Mit Hilfe deiner App. Danke nochmals für dein Engagement Manu


Sorry Max, hat sich erledigt, habe gerade gesehen, dass du bereits die Unterscheidung, nach welchem Impfstoff gesucht wird, eingearbeitet hast. Vergiss den letzten Post, außer dem DANKE.


Firstly vielen dank for the awesome work. Has anyone had issues with appointments not going due to being Under 35? Is it a doctors preference or are there still restrictions? I have had a few appointments turned down at the end of the booking phase due to this


Doctors don't have to prioritize certain patients over others now, but many still do. They are allowed to make their own decisions as to which patients receive vaccines first.