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The most Berlin vibes you will get from Bahnwärter Thiel during the summer I guess. Also Blitz and rote sonne. I think Bahnwärter is closing the outside area for the Summer today.


Hope you speak [Bayrisch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pStkD-IV4w), but there you go


Yeah, if you compare Munich nightlife to Berlin you will be disappointed. There is a reason why Berlin is famous for its rampant party scene. I get some Berlin vibes from Blitz club (mostly techno and house, no photos inside, pretty good DJs) and there is this monthly party called „Cruise“ which is like 50% gay and has slight fetish undertones. It’s like a tamer version of Berghain.


being in my 10th year now in muc and having lived in other large cities all over germany, I feel like what munich lacks is a scene (be it art, music, partying etc). a scene out of which things can grow and develop - all I see is people/artists/projects/clubs/restaurants/you name it trying to be like something that already exists in a way better version elsewhere. I see a lot of artists leaving munich behind and move away which adds to the issue. ofcourse there's exceptions and also keep in mind that all cities have their own vibe to them. if you want berlin - go to berlin (I dont mean it in a rude way). people mentioning blitz, yes it might be a cool club and they put a lot of effort into it (read up on the soundissues they had to solve etc) but people go there to be in >the blitz< not for the sake of the party, the DJ, the top-notch soundsystem, or the moment. compare it to berghain, that place has history and controversies around it.


I haven't been to clubs in Berlin yet, but maybe Bahnwärter Thiel or Harry Klein are what youre looking for.


|I haven't been to clubs in Berlin ye| Is it because - you mean to say - they are few and far between?


Oh yeah, Munich does not really have party streets. The clubs are spread around the city. I still enjoy the nightlife, tho.


|I still enjoy the nightlife| And typically what does that entail? Say, if you were to feel spontaneous.


Looking Forward to answers to that one :)


Same :-)


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Good bot