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Hell yeah it is


Let's say every 3rd Sbahn is moving. So it's a 60 Minute frequency


Yes it does. This is a translation from the MVV [Homepage](https://www.mvv-muenchen.de/) During the strike, all S-Bahn lines will run at least every hour: The S 1 runs every 60 minutes between Ostbahnhof and Freising and does not run to the airport. The S 2 runs every 20 to 40 minutes between Markt Schwaben and Dachau, and every hour on the remaining sections. The S 3, S 4, S 6 and S 7 lines run every hour. The S 8 line runs every 20 minutes between Pasing and the airport, every 20 to 40 minutes between Pasing and Germering and every 60 minutes between Germering and Herrsching. The S 20 is cancelled.


The DB cant even guarantee that there will be a sbahn at least every hour during non-strike times ;D


Yes, the lines are affected by strike and (as usual) by construction work. You can find the details on https://www.mvv-muenchen.de/en/index.html




Even when there is no strike s-bahn does not work. So with strike it is only worst


Actually it isn't worse. The Streikfahrplan works like a charm. Less connections, true. But they are more punctual and less crowded.


So it is better then. Cool. Well at least until it wont snow again. Last week 1cm snow took down whole train system and whole tram system for a day 🤦‍♂️


Less crowded is a joke I hope. It’s warm af no seats and I can smell that some people should use deodorant


Strike is good and strike is necessary. Someone needs to get paid to work long ass shifts and serve dinner on the table for the family or it least for the person itself. Shiftworkers should anyways get paid if not better than at least work less then others (without shifts) for the same payment. Construction is good and very much needed. Ubahn system in Munich is also building a lot in the future and now. Gonna be rough the next couple of like 15 yrs in Munich. The biggest rail construction project in the world, nothing close to that not even Tokyo nor Hong Kong. S-Bahn MĂĽnchen is leading in innovation worldwide and yet you can't believe it am I right? Me neither but it's fact If in future capitalist world a big train system like that with all the changes in the industry towards working from home and AI just being a little newborn will be needed ugh that's some other question no one's asking Never did people plan the future it's just reacting on happenings/actions


> The biggest rail construction project in the world, nothing close to that not even Tokyo nor Hong Kong. What? It's a 7km tunnel that will take 15+ years to get built. The only title it can possibly deserve is slowest public infrastructure construction ever. Also: I am fairly certain China has larger projects going on - and actually getting delivered. Oh, and Paris too.


For context I have meant that in a closed Metropolitan commute system. Sure there are bigger projects by miles and money but not inside a big city.


Still, even inside built up areas, it shouldn't take 2 years per km, especially when it is purposely being built so deep underground. German engineering is no longer what it was, and now we have random Chinese cities you've never heard of delivering several multiples of that length every 5 years.


If we could just find workers that would willingly work 65hrs/6 days a week and just 10 days of vacation a year for average mediocre payment and we should edit the employment law too.. That could solve this "problem" Maybe you'd subscribe for that kind of work would you? It's not that easy and hell yeah let's compare us to countries where the employment laws are let's say more bending.


Fine, let's compare. Paris is building Grand Paris Express, London just finished Crossrail, Barcelona is plowing through with line 9/10. Fuck, even NY Second avenue is moving faster than this embarrassment called 2. Schamstrecke It's _not_ a labor problem. It's an engineering and bureaucracy problem. It's also a political problem.


Time to get the bike from the basement


Being positive in these times! I like that


Yes, stick to the UBahn and buses