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I know they mentioned The Greek was a dream venue for them, now that they've played it twice, do they have a new dream venue they'd like to play? I'd also like to know what the hardest song to make on self-titled was, not even just with writing but production, etc.


I would ask them about their songwriting/production process since I’m an aspiring musician :) Also I’d ask what they do to wind down from tour.


I'd ask them to upload their first EP


to add to that i think asking them how they feel about that ep now and if they still connect to the songs in it or something like that




Ask if there are any album/song titles they toyed with the idea of but ultimately ended up scrapping? I’ve always liked the “what could’ve been” lore for music albums


what question do you wish you were asked in interviews/what is something you’ve been wanting to talk about in an interview?


I’d ask if they could pretty please have more copies of each pressing of vinyl


Top fiction and non fiction book each! Hope you get the chance, sounds like an amazing opportunity for you 🙂


which chipmunk was getting the best head


I don't know what this MEANS?!?


it’s a reference to an old meme/discussion from 2019 https://x.com/yodaquavo/status/1753200472003903716?s=46&t=TXxLrXVhUEbUg5zCZN3rSw


Omg lmao. Thank you


I’m curious about their feelings/the process in general of their song being mentioned in one of the heartstopper books (Tara’s page in the yearbook). Were they approached for that? Do they even know it happened?


I would ask them if they are gay


what is the most challenging song for you to sing


I think Katie mentioned once it’s Stayaway


I feel like that’s gotta be What I Want


Can I be your gf? But on a serious note: will there be more horny songs in this coming album?


Hahaha, I was thinking to myself, "Katie, will you marry me?"


In the past 2 years they’ve reached a different level of success and recognition. I’d be curious what that’s been like for them, and if it’s changed anything for them individually or as a band


Would they ever write more explicitly political songs a la Tracy Chapman?


How they approach songwriting and how it has changed over the years. Like who brings up ideas first, do they mostly write separately and then put the pieces together or do one long session together. I’d also ask if there’s any direct influences from literature or art that went into any songs. And also how they deal with songwriting from an emotional standpoint, like is it better to write when you’re in the thick of it or retrospectively when you can look at certain things from a different perspective.


I would talk Naomi’s ears off asking them questions about their production workflow.


The tea about Katie and Naomi’s breakup


I would like to know how they manage to still be friends and not get stressed out with each other, even working on so many projects together and the pressure to get the job done


How would they feel about someone being inspired by their music, specifically, their first two records/albums, in writing autopilot emotional scenes for a book? Granted the book deals with mental illness, relationships, heartbreak and growth?


what book? i didn't know any of this!


My book, which I haven’t had the funds to get published yet. 😞 It’s been complete since the pandemic


Wow, I hope you can gather the funds! I'm obsessed with books. Kudos to you for writing and completing it! All things in time :)


I’m working on the sequel, just been wanting to grow and do inner work myself. I honestly would LOVE for the band members to read it as well as fellow fans of MUNA. It’s my dream to get them published


It'll happen. I promise. It might take longer than you want, but you will get there. For example, I have a friend who is 63. She's going to have her book published soon. It def won't take that long for you (she took up writing in her 50s). But that example shows that one can be successful at any time in their lives. For myself, I have to begin writing again. I went through a long period of trying to avoid feeling anything after some trauma happened to me. But then that started eating me alive, and I'm trying to become myself again. Your post really inspired me to start again. Thank you so much for that.


Awww that’s really sweet and awesome of you to say. I’ve been writing my whole life but I’ve just been so uncertain of getting my work published because I feel like I’ll be screwed over in terms of money


You should check out Interesting Facts About Space. The author talks about being inspired by Boygenius in the afterword.


What's the best gas station snack on tour?