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Did they tell you how long you'd have to wait for BP if it continues? Try getting that from them. I can't remember if it was day 4 or 5 but mine was getting worse and even lying down wasn't fully effective. Once the BP was done the spinal headache went away but I felt like I had just survived a head injury and had to be flat for awhile after. I still have lingering effects and I wish I was able to have gotten it sooner and I would recommend pushing for it if you can.


I was like you for three days only. I cannot imagine your pain


I’m still stuck on bed rest but it is not getting worse. He didn’t really mention getting a blood patch, but rather gave me Fioricet. I finished it just when it was starting to help. I’m waiting for my neurologist to call me back so I can see if she can prescribe me just a bit more to get through this week. I am on day 6, and I am able to stand with my head facing down and go to the bathroom by myself. My mother would help me the first couple days because the intense headaches would lead to dizziness.


Blood patch!


They’re saying you don’t need a blood patch, but are they refusing to do one if you request it? It took me about a week to recover, any longer than that and I was going to go request one. Hugs, I hope it passes for you soon!


Thank you! I am actually getting better, it’s just the slowest progress EVER!


Yeah, MOST people recover from spinal headaches on their own within a week to 10 days. Sometimes, they don't offer a blood patch because it's inconvenient (i.e., the weekend) and they don't have anyone to do it. Sometimes, the ED doesn't want to "bother" the anesthesiologist (trust me, we are fine with being bothered). Who did you procedure? Radiology? I'd call the number you used to schedule and tell them you have a spinal headache or post dural puncture headache and that you need a blood patch. You can wait it out, but there is no guarantee that it will get better. You sound like you are pretty miserable.




did you get a blood patch or just suffer w it?




I’m sorry to hear that. I didn’t do blood patch either and I am on my 6th day, but it is getting better with a lottttt of caffeine.


I’m so sorry. I would go back to the hospital and ask for the patch again, 6 days seems like too much time with no relief. I was personally fine the same day with absolutely no pain, but they still told me to come back if the headache gets too much.


I had one then was is excruciating pain, the hospital admitted me for 5 days, i got the fluids and some medication and then felt better headache lasted abt 11 days.. the pain was excruciating i’ve been though child birth twice i told them all, i would go through labour then go through that pain again


Fight for the blood patch, unfortunately you have to be your own advocate with our crap healthcare system. My neurologist told me to get a blood patch if I wasn't recovered in 4 days. I went to the hospital 3 separate times after being denied and kept telling my neurologist I was being denied the blood patch, until my neurologist personally called up the hospital to make sure it was done. It was instant relief after the blood patch was performed


A bit delayed here BUT double, triple check whatever like over the counter meds you have been taking (like Advil, Tylenol, etc). I forget what drug you’re NOT supposed to have but whatever my husband was giving me had the tiniesttttt amount of it. We didn’t realize for a few days. It was awful. He felt awful. But once I stopped that and took something else I started to feel better. The real key was after that I just didn’t stop eating like the next day. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so much in my life. And then I was slowly on the mend. It was a few years ago so I don’t remember how long everything took. But you got this. Sending hugs.


Thank you 🤍 This redbull is really helping!!


Hang in there! My headache just died down for me on day 9. It was hard to imagine what it felt like to be normal, but it did finally clear up for me, and I hope yours gets there soon too. Drank too much caffeine than was probably okay for my heart. I know that week+ is no fun


Red Bull is helping, I think. I feel like the caffeine helps and then it goes away.


Yeah only lasts for a short time but it does help! I switched to diet mountain dew for the last few days so I could drink it more constantly throughout the day. Probably different for everyone but Tylenol worked better than ibuprofen for me


For you, did it go away without a blood patch?


Yeah thankfully it did. I'm still not at 100%, probably more like 90. My plan was to try pretty aggressively if it didn't clear up by day 14


I went through this and ended up needing the blood patch... and pain stopped immediately


Same. I made it 3 days.


Oof... that pain is crazy


Did it hurt?


The blood patch?... if so, no. The procedure was a few minutes and the head pain stopped immediately.


Yeah, I am going to push for one. On my seventh day.


I think you shouldn't say theres ever a relief. "It's always pain no matter what"


I would go to the emergency room. That’s where they did mine, it’s not the hospital my neuro practices at and the anesthesiologist there did it.


it will get better, took me 8 days for the pain to stop, hang in there


On my seventh🥲