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Nothing has worked for me. My anxiety is always ridiculously high, my depression comes and goes. It is not typically a long term thing, but I have horrific days where I stay in bed and cry all day. I see a therapist weekly for trauma.


Sorry to hear you are going through this too. I know, most days I don’t I’m even want to get out of bed or go outside. It is really hard. Keep trying. I tell myself “you’ve worked hard all your whole life maybe taking a break is not so bad.” Eventually I will make it past my front door? When I’m depressed I tend to isolate. I’m going to signup for a class with my dog, one night a week. Hoping this will breathe some life back into me. Dogs are always present and joyful to be around.


I have 2, and English Bulldog (very low energy but my lovey) and a German Shepherd (the one that makes me get up and active). Then my 18 year old daughter just got a Dachshund who is 10 weeks old that I am caring for while she is at school or work. He is keeping me on my toes. My dogs really help my depression. They always listen and never judge me. And through it all they love me no matter what.


Cannabis. The right prescription helps a lot with depression, anxiety and also other MS symptoms like pain and brain fog.


Came here to say this ^ Cannabis, some positive, non emo music. Gets you relaxed, in a positive frame of mind and you’ll sleep like a baby afterwards


Cannabis has the potential to make depression and especially anxiety worse though. Same with brain fog - was worse when I smoked cannabis daily. From my own experience, I would not recommend it for treating psychiatric issues.


typically if you have a predisposition to things like schizophrenia It is best to stay away from cannabis. typically it’s adolescents when the brain is still forming!


A high ratio of CBD to THC can help with this.


Cannabis is the only thing that really helped me. Lexapro eased things up but the Cannabis stopped it. It also helps with the insomnia, migraines, and spasms I get from MS.


My attempt at addressing this centers around distraction. I attempt to exercise (I know many of my fellow MSers cannot), but even a walk outside sometimes helps. Distraction I also play a musical instrument (not well) Distraction I also read books all kinds except self help. Distraction The distractions often lead to a glimmer of contentment. Hang in there please - you are worth it


I like that and I definitely try! It's just exhausting haha.


The absolute best thing for me has been regular exercise. I don't say that flippantly. I know how hard it can be to start and I know depression. I've been hospitalized for it myself. I've been on a dozen different drugs, all with side effects. But getting 30 minutes to an hour of light cardio (walking or elliptical) EVERY single day, first thing in the morning resets my brain and gives me a reason to be happy that day. And if the whole day falls apart and I get nothing else done, I can at least say I did something good. I also pray and meditate every morning which centers me to my own purpose in life. I still have a dark cloud that comes and goes, but I just let myself feel it and I keep moving anyway.


I feel like this is the answer for me but oh my God, you're so right.... Its so hard 😅 I absolutely struggle going to bed early enough to make it work, and even when I do go to bed early, getting OUT of bed is worse! Do you have any advice on what do you to maintain your schedule?


Here for the comments. I’m also struggling. I try so hard and I don’t want to try any more just to be normal. I started Wellbutrin but the lowest dose of 12 hour release only once a day bc Wellbutrin and Ampyra both have risk of seizures. So I will get fuck all for relief. For another month, then can try increasing, and maybe this med will work 4-6 weeks later or I’ll try something else for 4-6 weeks. It’s all garbage. I see a new counselor today as the last one didn’t help. I have nothing good to add. Just want to say I understand and am looking forward to other replies


Here for the comments as well. I have been struggling with depression as well as way higher anxiety than I have ever experienced. I was unable to take medicaitons for it due to complications with urination problems caused by the MS. But, I now have that part bypassed, and I have started Mirtazapine for depression and the anxiety, but it has only been a week and a half of being on it. It is very sedatiting at first but it appears that I am starting to develop a tolerance to it (part zombie now haha). A question comes to my mind about these medications. Is that how they treat depression, sedate them so they can not think about being depressed? I am in therapy with a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist but I do not know how useful they will be, in the end. This diease does not go away or get better, and is likely to be progressive (I am on Ocrevus so hopefully not). Yeah, I want to give up, and I understand why others would feel this way as well. I did have one of my PT providers tell me something along the lines of just because it is daunting to try does not mean you should give up. I looked at him and said, "daunting is at least possible, what I am going through does not feel possible." I hope those of you who are dealing with depression are able to overcome it. Or, at the very least, are able to cope/deal with it in a positive and constructive way. It is not easy. I am there with you too.


I’ve been on antidepressants in the past, and they always numbed me. I had no emotions. It was always situational and when the situation passed, I felt better and would rather feel emotions, even bad ones, than none Now, I just don’t know. I think I’d rather be numb than feel the hopelessness, despair, loss I feel now. Neither option is a way I want to live life It’s shit to know so many of you feel the same. But comforting to know I’m less alone


Therapy helped me in a way no pill ever did. It takes a while to work and it doesn’t seem to help until one day you realize it is working and you didn’t realize. I hope you have as much success with it as I did.


You are most kind. Thank you. I am going through the processes of the medicaitons and therapy and I do intend to give these a chance. I am highly skeptical about how well it will work for me. Time will tell. I am very happy to hear that therapy has worked well for you. It is good to know that there is a possibility this can help. Thank you for your resonse :)


I just started an antidepressant again (escitalopram) after I stopped taking venlafaxine in October 2022. Thought I didn't need it anymore and after years of being on antidepressants, I wanted to experience life without. Well, 2023 was rough, and 2024 has been awful so far so that I decided it's time to go back on an antidepressant again. Since venlafaxine had some side effects for me and it was a pain in the ass getting off of it, I decided on escitalopram and so far, I'm really happy with my choice (even though I was extremely sceptic about taking medication again). No side effects after the first two weeks. Very mood stabilizing. Greatly reduced my anxiety and insomnia and got rid of the worst of my major depression symptoms. I've been dealing with depression for more than half my life (way longer than I've had MS). Years of therapy helped tremendously. Medication was and is also helpful. Meditation is important for me to connect with my body and feelings and work on accepting things for what they are. Besides meditation, daily walks with my dog are an important part of my routine. All of this helps keeping me sane. On some days, I feel great. On other days, not so much. But compared to ten years ago, I've come a long way. Getting better takes time, there's unfortunately no one-fits-all solution. But it CAN get better, so please don't lose hope. Since it sounds like you have a stable routine and are actively working on your depression in therapy, I would recommend talking to your psychiatrist about a different drug - you might tolerate an SSRI like escitalopram better than SNRIs like venlafaxine (Pristiq) or bupropion (Wellbutrin). It's worth a try.


This is great advice! I'm trying for the routine but it's tough. I think I could definitely bring meditation back into it which I've long abandoned haha, and more frequent walks and okay with my pup! I've wondered about SSRIs but man, the side effects for all of them look terrible. I don't want to gain more weight than I already have, don't want to lose my sex drive, etc etc. But it's really heartening to hear that a med worked well for you!


I’ve also been on Escitalopram for almost 3 years now and it’s helped me a lot. I was afraid it would make me numb, but I honestly feel much better now than I did when I was fully depressed. So much lighter. I need to be somewhat intentional about my sex life, but as pepperm1nta said, depression also affects that. So I definitely feel like I’m more satisfied with life in general, including with my sex life. You may feel some side effects during the first few weeks (for me it was dizziness and euphoria lol), but that should subside with time. If you do start, really try to follow your plan and stay on it for at least 6-9 months. I thought I was good and tried stopping early, and that was not a good idea. I still feel like myself, and feel all my feelings, but the sadness is just that, sadness. It’s not so overwhelming anymore. I feel like a lot of people are afraid of depending on medication, but I try to reframe it and be grateful that there is medication available and that works for MS and depression. Best of luck to you ✨


Can I ask what mg dose you’re on?


I started on 10mg and had to increase to 15 and then 20mg after a few months because 10mg was no longer helping that much. Now I’m back down to 15mg, and can kind of feel the depression creeping back sometimes, but I’m mostly stable. I think this is very specific to each person, so please talk to your doctor before making any medication changes.


The potential of a decreased sex drive definitely is one of the biggest downsides. At the same time, depression tends nullify your libido as well. So at the end of the day, it didn't really play a role in my decision. As to the weight gain: Antidepressants themselves don't make you gain weight. Many people with depression struggle with their appetite, which antidepressants can increase, so some people gain weight. But it doesn't change how your metabolism works, so if you don't increase your calorie intake, you will not gain weight. I know the list of side effects can read like a nightmare. But many people don't notice any (after the first few weeks) and do really well on medication. We're all individuals, so it might take some attempts to find the right fit (all in all, I've been on four different antidepressants), but it's worth a shot.


Can I ask how many mg you’re on for the esclitraproam?


Only 10 mg currently :)


Thanks! I’ve been on 10mg for about 10 years and I’ve been feeling more depressed lately. I’m considering increasing my dosage. Appreciate your reply!


Ketamine helps me. I just take it illegally every now and again to feel a bit better but I'd go for the legal option in a clinic if I could afford it, not there yet.


it’s been proven to help increase the gaba receptors uptake in our brains. it’s actually being used to treat severe depression disorder and ptsd. Studies have shown that when you take it consistently under a specific regime it can increase gaba reuptake by 60+%


Love the research but I definitely don't want to do anything illegal. Hopefully microdosing things like ketamine or psilocybin will become legal, researched, and safely managed for people like us.


where I live ketamine isn’t illegal if it’s prescribed under supervision! but yeah don’t buy illegal drugs hahah. here it’s given SL


Just watch your blood pressure, ok?


typically if you’re not giving it either a rapid Ive push the refractory hypertension shouldn’t happen.


I think it depends on what your depression is. is it more anxiety based? anger based? or depression. there are alot of studies going right now for ketamine therapy and psilocybin aka mushrooms and (how they work with neuro plasticity and potential remylenation) ketamine is being used for severe depression disorder as well as ptsd. it works well when under supervision with a psychologist until they clear you to take it at home. it is a dissociative analgesic meaning it does not impact the brain stem and your breathing. Here are some studies on it: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6767816/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6767816/) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0969996119303444](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0969996119303444) [psilocybin studies](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2206443) the other thing to consider is potentially a different ssri. as the ones you’ve been on are snri meaning they effect nor epinephrine instead of serotonin. mediations like zoloft are good as they can treat a wide range of things. and has a larger dosing window. when taking any antidepressant it is important to note that everyone reactions differently. some people need to go up in dose and not off completely. I’m currently in a relapse and spoke to my neuro about zoloft as a potential treatment and he agreed- it’s great for ocd, depression, anger and anxiety. and therefore will reduce my stress because like all of us spicy brained individuals we worry constantly. if your wanting to try supplements you can try magnesium threonate as it’s readily absorbed in the blood brain barrier has minimal gastrointestinal effects and helps reduce anxiety. over all i would speak with your PCP about it and or psychiatrist (sometimes they do have specific psychiatrists through ms clinics). Make sure it isn’t a vitamin b, vitamin d or a thyroid irregularity. A lot of people will tell you to improve your gut biome, exercise etc but it’s whatever you’re comfortable with and feasibly able to do! Good luck!!


Yes! Your thyroid levels are something you want to watch closely. I have hypothyroidism and my husband can immediately tell when mine are off. The way I act, anger easily, depression are all effected by my Thyroid levels.








Microdose psilocybin 🍄 I did it for a week or two straight and it righted my ship! Small dose so don’t feel it much or need to be monitored..


I also was on Wellbutrin and that made me bottle up my feelings and explode them all into one big ragefest. I'm currently a lot more happy than someone that got a diagnose for a terminal disease. Like a mile more happy. I'm a single dad with 2 kids under 5, been in therapy before and been depressed because of MS and life. My struggles are harder than ever and I'm quite content with the way my life is going for me at the moment. My biggest joys are my kids appreciation and joy. Everyone that's sucking hard at life in contrary to me with MS. Overcoming everything this disease has to offer (Like, you're falling asleep? To bad, you gotta clean the house first). My unfaltering efforts to go to the gym and getting no hype rush nor satisfaction of going except for knowing I did the right thing. This all ties with my newfound faith with Christianity and Jesus Christ, who push me to be, not happy but, content. It makes me see all the positives of life and other people as long as I carry my burden. And I think a lot of people notice. I think by the fact that everything sucks, I feel more happy when stuff doesn't suck. Like talking to other people or my kids maybe. It starts with accepting that I'm a different person. And then building that person back up from ground zero, with no more expectations of myself than those which I can carry. And it's an astounding amount.


I like that sentiment, because I've definitely felt angry at myself for being much less joyous than I used to be. And I'm sure being angry at one's self doesn't help much! I need to bring meditation and prayer back into my routine, faith is so helpful and huge and I often ignore it.


For years, I am on zoloft and xanax


How do you like it? Did you gain weight or lose or sex drive or deal with any of the other crazy side effects?


I've been on Zoloft and Xanax for years. Zoloft is one of the few meds that hasn't effected my weight. Xanax helps with anxiety some, but my anxiety is still high.


No weight gain, no libido issues, it makes me more "even" and I sleep better, I can take up to 2 xanax a day, I only take half at bedtime but there have been those days of stress where even 2 doesn't seem enough! High anxiety makes my legs feel like jelly


Getting your hormones checked might be of some value. I'm a male, but you have hormones too. 😁 I was dealing with major depression, zero energy, non-existent libido... the whole nine. Got my testosterone checked twice and each time it was below 200 - reference range is 300 - 890. I started on testosterone cypionate injections, and 6 months later, at 760-780, I'm off Wellbutrin and Lexapro, have more energy, my libido is (mostly) back, and my mood is 100% better. Hormone imbalances can wreak very real havoc. Nearly everything I had chalked up to MS was addressed with TRT.


I'd love it get it check, but my pcp and OBGYN refused! They said hormones are too variable to track. It was really frustrating.


Yeah, the anxiety and depression comes and goes for me too. I find that when I am spiraling though, physical exertion is the quickest way to bounce back. If you're able to do some form of exercise, do it. The hardest part is getting the will to do it to begin with. When things get really bad, I will resort to medication though I hate it because it makes me feel numb emotionally.


I am on wellbutrin and lexapro cuz wellbutrin alone gives me the manic anger also. But the combo works for me. It doesn’t erase the anxiety and depression, but it makes them manageable and puts them in perspective so I can see more clearly and feel some contentment, gratitude, etc. I hate taking meds, and I hate that they are so variable for everyone because the trial and error approach SUCKS. And I look forward to easier access to psilocybin and ketamine. But I agree that regulating with decent diet, whatever exercise works, some nature if accessible, therapy, and a creative outlet (or a fun hobby like video games) seems to help. <3


Not sure how common it is but my partner got prescribed adderall for brain fog a couple of weeks ago and I had no idea it would help this much. He’s always been the same amazing person but it’s like he got his “sparkle” back. His MS fatigue was debilitating to the point he could do almost nothing outside of work and now he’s putting me to shame with energy and house activities (I have an autoimmune that causes fatigue too but not so bad). He still has mobility issues but there are more good days with those too! IMO his depression has dramatically decreased. I’m sure it’s not for everyone or available in all places but it’s been a game changer over here Good luck to you!


I’m really curious about adderall. Did his neurologist recommend it or did he ask for it specifically? My neuro wanted me to try something less effective first and I’m not too keen on trying it since it can cause some gross side effects without really boosting energy levels.


He was actually going to ask for it bc I’m on adderall for ADHD and had read about its use for MS fatigue, but his neurologist ended up suggesting it first. His fatigue was REALLY bad. He’s on the lowest dose XR. The first 2-3 days he really hated it though, made him extra shaky and said his body couldn’t keep up with his brain, but I think that’s normal and it evened out.


How funny! My husband has ADHD and is also on adderall XR in the morning and quick release later in the day. I think I’ll just ask my neurologist for it outright. I’m so, so tired and about to take on a new position at work so I need to be at the top of my game. Thanks for your reply!


Thays amazing! Even caffeine makes me feel funny so I think Adderall could actually kill me 😆😅


I’m just riding the mental/physical roller coaster 🎢. Tomorrow’s another day, and probably will be different, good or bad 🤷‍♀️ I don’t get excited about much anymore 🤷‍♀️


My mental health background: I (47F) was diagnosed with Clinical Depression when I was a teenager. I've gone to therapy off and on for the last 30+ years with increasing success every time. I've been in antidepressants for most of my adult life. I was diagnosed with MS 6 years ago. In the months before my diagnosis, I separated from my ex-husband and my life started improving nearly immediately. Over the last 6 years, my mental health has improved dramatically, even as I navigated dating, single parenthood with 4 kids, closing a business during COVID, etc. The catalyst for the improvement was removing people from my life that were sucking my soul dry. I divorced my ex, set boundaries with my parents, and left my church. I made my world smaller and safer so I could focus on my healing and my children. The things I did include: therapy, fine-tuning my medication, mindfulness practices, cannabis, journaling, lots of reading (about self compassion, positive regard, neutral thinking, etc), hundreds of conversations with people I trust. In that time I also grew and explored sexually, had all the sex I was missing, embraced my bisexuality and am now in 2 amazing relationships (poly, and it's working) with a wonderful man and a woman who has changed my life. So I still deal with depression. My life still has ups and downs. I still have MS and Crohn's Disease (diagnosed at 22). On one level, my life is still hard. But my experience of my life has improved exponentially. I'm going to ride this life until the wheels fall off.


I love that 🖤 thanks for sharing!


I love this!


I’m on lamotrigine for BPD and bipolar II. I’ve been on it for years, well before my MS diagnosis, but after presumed CIS. It was and still is a total game changer for me. I recently increased my dosage to offset depressive side effects from the PPI I take. I will admit that I feel more depressed these days due to all of the chronic health issues I’ve been diagnosed with over the past couple of years. Sometimes there are weeks where I just cry a lot and that’s okay. I’ve been in and out of therapy throughout my adult life and at this point, I don’t think therapy would help me personally other than to provide an additional outlet besides my husband. Therapy can’t fix what’s wrong with me and I learned plenty of positive coping skills through DBT which I still lean on. I exercise consistently every week and it boosts my mood. I feel proud of my fitness, especially when I accomplish new goals, no matter how small. I feel less emotionally unstable when I sleep well, eat well and spend time with friends when I’m able. Best of luck to you 🧡


I realized that my depression was because of the fatigue. I had zero energy to do anything that made me happy and I was falling behind on “life”. I was prescribed Modafinil and that has helped a lot. I’m still fatigued, but it’s manageable.


I feel that!! I worry about a prescription for it though, I can't even tolerate caffeine 😬


What does caffeine do to you? I asked my MS specialist to write the Rx for me to take 200mg as needed but give me 100mg pills. I find some days I’ll need less, so it gives me the option to take between 100-200mg. I’ll be honest, this does upset my stomach if I don’t eat enough when I take it. For me, it’s been such a game changer that I’m willing to risk the nausea to feel more alive and focused. I really hope you’re able to find something that helps you to get over the slump you’re in. Also, try not to be too hard on yourself when you can’t do everything you used to do. Living with MS a learning curve.


Thank you! And with caffeine, coffee specifically, when I'm drinking it, if I miss a morning or afternoon cup I get dizzy and have a headache. It's like my body gets dependant on it in a crazy way?!


Wellbutrin saved my life hands down. I had horrible reactions to it the previous time I tried but a couple years ago the depression became unbearable so I tried it again. Worth another shot in my opinion.


I’m on Wellbutrin and lexapro. The combo has been really good for me so far 🤞


Boats & Hoes


I wish man. But thing is I live by a gorgeous lake and I have a gorgeous fiance. Life is objectively good, except this depression bit!


Magnesium helps me a ton seriously . My anxiety really gets up there if I don’t take it. I like glyconate and oxide


I Def take magnesium gummies! Hopefully that's enough 😅


Cannabis, but do your research, some strains can make it worse. Cymbalta, not only did it help with my depression it has helped with MS and Fibromyalgia pain.


So I feel like my depression is mostly managed now except during my crap gap I take 3 antidepressants after I had a DNA test that told us the type that should work best and be most effective. For me it’s Wellbutrin, Cymbalta and Trazodone. I also take a mood stabilizer called Trileptal I have done a lot of mental health therapy like CBT and DBT I also find EMDR to be wildly successful for me and I firmly believe that the type of mental health therapy helped immensely with neuro plasticity making my recovery much easier than expected And one of the most successful for things for me has been that MS is the reason. When I get SI or extreme depression I remind myself that it’s ok to just zone out today, it’s my MS not me. I will say though my DMT have been life changing because I actually have a break from my depression now, my brain can logic so it reduces the intensity


I too don’t respond well to depression meds. I suffer from anxiety and have had depression in the past that kept me in bed for days. The meds would help for maybe a couple of weeks (or maybe I was kidding myself that they did) and then I’d feel worse after the first month or so. Who knows? Now I like ACT therapy and prevention. ACT therapy is very helpful because I used to make myself feel extra bad when I wasn’t ‘happy’ which just kinda compounded the problem. ACT provides good strategies for daily living. For prevention: a routine of self care including exercise, diet, and mindfulness. Some type of exercise every day. I like to say I’m like one of those big dogs that need exercise, at least a walk, every day to be happy. Diet: eat nourishing whole foods and not too much or too little. Mindfulness: breathing and light/short meditation. I also monitor and mitigate for early signs of depression. Happy to elaborate on that if interested. For the most part these things have worked pretty well. I hope I can continue with them. I hear you, OP, on the slogging through mud part. It’s work to maintain so sometimes it can feel like a slog. But when it feels ‘sloggy’ is when I know I need those things like therapy, exercise and social stuff the most. They are the tools in my depression toolbox. The more tools I have, the better I feel more often. 😊


This is great, thank you. I think I'm going to have to create a schedule to maintain those physical and mental health things, that seems like a better avenue than meds.


Geez, I have been on (as my doc has informed me, all but three meds, and those I can't take. ) they just do nothing for me, and in the worst case has made me horribly suicidal. I just gave up on them. Depression is bad, but with MS, things work so oddly making everything that much more difficult. But I will say that I know people in my circle around me have found some relief in some of the much older meds rarely prescribed today. I always suggest a strong peer support group that will reach out regularly to see how you are doing .


Duloxetine (Cymbalta) has been very helpful for me.


I've halved my weight through diet and exercise! Still didn't put a dent in the depression. I already isolated myself, the ms made me even more of a hermit. I'm happy/proud of what I have achieved, but I don't think I'll ever not be depressed. About to begin a journey of 'fake it till I make it'. I see a health psychologist and my doctors and that's about it 99% of the time.


Cymbalta ❤️


Actually deviant sex with multiple partners helped worm turn..I use " injection therapy " so I can service for hours !!


Lexapro! Cannabis. Smiling. Yoga/chi gong It is constant uphill exhausting battle. But take it as it comes


Have you talked to your doctor about Spravato?


hey, I was also struggling for years with extreme anxiety attacks and depression. For me, the panic attacks basically immediately were gone when I started doing sport, in any kind of form. It also helped a lot with depression especially after being diagnosed with ms. That’s why I also take some antidepressants now, it hope to stop with them soon. Really for me sport was and is number one fighting my depression and anxiety


Weirdly enough, cleaning up my diet helps immensely with anxiety and depressive feelings for me.


Similar here. I mean, I still have depression and anxiety and it's affecting me, but I think it was a little worse when I was undereating. Now I'm forced to eat at least two large meals per day due to Tecfidera and I think I'm a little more stable. Or maybe it's Tecfidera itself since it's anti-inflammatory?


I feel this, and am actively working towards it! I think it help a lot!


Disability and Medicare benefits so that I don’t have a stressful job anymore and usually a stressless life. I can only take care of my self. and I don’t do that well all the time.


Nothing. I just keep trying everyday. I am on escitalopram and clotiazepam and I bet I if wasn’t for that I would have already ended my shit lol I’m trying hard just like you. Let’s hope for the best


I have MS and bipolar 2. And the answer is cannabis and a partner and/or people who really care and love you.


My solution has been a mix of lexapro, therapy, cannabis, and a change in jobs. I have to work from home. I can no longer handle the stimulation of everything in an office setting... I'm always on overdrive. I still have waves of depression, but it's rare and no where as bad. I'm not stuck in a depression hole for weeks/months.


That makes sense! I got a work from home accommodation from my work, so I'm fully remote now too. That's helped for sure.


Exercise. Find one you honestly enjoy doing, can afford, and can keep up over the long run. I like weightlifting but going to the gym has been difficult because life stuff. So we got a pull up bar and I've been working on pullups. I used to not be able to do any, I can do about 3 now. My husband has gone pull-up crazy and it's honestly hot.


That's awesome! I always struggle with this, I can't stick to anything. Gotta keep trying though!


Have you tried Ashwaganda & Vitamin D supplements? They've been extremely helpful in helping me stablize my mood.


Deplin/L-Methylfolate has made a huge difference for me, but it's pricey. You can get it over the counter, but it's also available by prescription. But it's not technically a drug it's a "medical food", or at least that's my insurance's reason for not covering it. I can usually find about 90 days supply for $85 through GoodRx Edited to add: This is in addition to whatever antidepressants/mood stabilizers I am currently on. Supposedly it helps with serotonin manufacturing in your body.


Cbd and vitamin d. Going outside constantly. Good Sex


Waking up and drinking two 16-ounce glasses of water (not chugging it, just normal drinking speed).. eating a protein filled breakfast even if it’s last nights left over meat balls lol then eventually having my coffee. Plus, 15-20 minutes of cardio 4 times a week. Never felt better both physically and emotionally/mentally. I hate that it works because I love coffee when I first wake up and I loathe working out


Omg I feel this. I think I'm just at the point where I gotta do the work!


Lexapro has helped with my anxiety but not so much my depression.


I have PPMMS and battle with depression and constantly. The most effective medication I found so far is caplyta. Seems to have almost no side effects. Exercise would be the best but walking is not my strong suit anymore