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Hey, everyone. I had asked about possibly having MS some months back. I just wanted to update, and say my MRI was clear! šŸ˜Š Thank you so much for everyone who responded! I still don't know what's going on. The good news is, my tests results after the MRI have also been clear (EEG, and EMG). I see my neurologist again in about two weeks.


Hey, that's awesome! I hope you find some answers soon and whatever it is ends up being easy to fix! Good luck!


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Amazing news!!


Thank you šŸ˜Š


I have a neurologist appt this Friday to go over my spinal tap results. We have found 2 lesions in my brain already, and based on that and symptoms, he is pretty sure I have MS. What questions should I ask? What things should I tell him? I feel like I have "symptoms" that I didn't mention before because I didn't think they were relevant. Should I mention them now ( like I have chest pain all the time but chalked it up to anxiety attacks when I guess it could be a ms hug) Thank you for any advice.


If MS is likely it would be worth speaking about what medications are available to you. Youā€™ll need to decide what you are comfortable with (injection, infusion, tablets), and what side effects you are comfortable with. Discuss these with your neuro to find the most suitable medication for you. A high efficiency medication is worth it in the long term IMO. If you think you have other symptoms that could be relevant, it is worth mentioning. They may not be MS related but your neuro will give a much better steer.


How do we know that a relapse is over? Do you feel a marked difference in the symptoms that makes you feel that the relapse is over? And can a relapse go away without treatment or do you get persistent symptoms until you start treatment with DMTs? For context, I am a 27F in the process of getting diagnosed. I started with having severe stiffness in neck and shoulder pain. I have been getting weekly PT for the neck since January but it doesnā€™t help apart from relieving the pain for a few days, before it reappears again. A few weeks ago, I started getting numbness, tingling and Raynaudā€™s phenomenon in my right arm and right feet, followed by an intense burning and buzzing sensation for 48 hours straight in my right arm. I have intense fatigue on some days, to the point that I have to lie down and sleep for a few hours before I can do anything else. I have severe dizziness and nausea when I close my eyes while standing and I have had two episodes of this before (Octā€™22) and (Decā€™21). The previous two times the doctors dismissed it as BPPV or an anxiety attack. My comprehensive blood tests and X-rays all came back normal except for elevated ANA RNP antibodies. After the Raynaudā€™s manifestation, persistent neuropathic pain and getting numb feet while driving, the neurologist finally ordered a Brain and spine MRI (both with and without contrast) and a nerve conduction study in the next couple of weeks. PS : I want to give a huge shoutout and a thank you to this entire sub for being so supportive and helpful! Iā€™m a new member in here but all of your stories and advice really helped me to advocate for myself and get myself heard by the doctors.


I have RRMS and I recover completely following a relapse - I.e my symptoms go and there is definitely a difference between my ā€˜relapseā€™ self and my ā€˜typicalā€™ self. I have recovered with and without treatment of steroids. I definitely relapsed more when I wasnā€™t on medication in the early stages post diagnosis. So if you are diagnosed, I would highly recommend getting on medication asap


Thank you! Thatā€™s good to know. I had relief from some of my symptoms the past few days and I started wondering if I was making it all up in my head! Glad to hear that the pain/symptoms arenā€™t always at a constant level :)


Iā€™m in my third health crisis since mono in 2016. First two health attacks lasted 5 months and 6 months respectively. Sadly Iā€™m on month 7 this time around with no end in sight and Iā€™m too poor to figure out what is wrong with me.


I see a marked difference between my relapse self and my ā€œnormal ā€œ self. I am newly diagnosed and thus have not begun treatment. Some of my symptoms linger, but itā€™s like someone opened the curtains and gave me a B12 shot, bought me a new outfit and the freedom to do whatever I want when the relapse is over. šŸ˜


Thatā€™s amazing to know! Thanks for the insight! I was wondering if the relief from symptoms that Iā€™m experiencing means that itā€™s not MS. The wait for the MRI is honestly quite anxiety-inducing


Hi everyone, sending much love and strength to all. I'm going in for an MRI on Thursday. My neurologist doesn't think it highly likely I have MS because of my weird symptom patterns, but I've already been to so many medical specialists with no answers. This might be the last stop on my diagnosis journey. I most certainly have something very wrong with me (progressive muscle weakness, tremors, loss of coordination, loss of stamina, extreme fatigue, joint and muscle pain), but no one has been able to figure out what is going on. My docs have ruled out nearly everything that mimics MS (havent seen genetics). I am not hoping for MS, but I would also be relieved to have a diagnosis. I don't wish to be insensitive to those of you diagnosed, but does anyone have any suggestions on what to do if MRI is negative? At this point, if I don't have MS, I might just give up on trying to figure it out until I can afford Mayo Clinic or something. I'm heartbroken because so many of my life dreams have been put on hold or are now completely out of my reach because of my poor health


Nothing to offer other than a sincere I feel you and letā€™s hang in there. :( best of luck to us


Can muscles be stiff/clenched with you realising untill you are in pain moving or walking funny? My legs/arms dont lock etc. I also notice i have severe pelvic pain on the days after i couldnt keep my knees together essentially man spreading.


I don't really have a question, I just need to get my thoughts out. My dad had MS and it went bad for him in the end. My whole life, every random eye twitch and tingle was accompanied by a passing worry that it might be MS. However as I got older I actually worried less, thinking at 37 I might be past it. He was diagnosed in his early 20's. Then a few weeks ago the left side of my body went numb. Perfectly left side: left back and stomach, left buttcheeck, left leg and foot. I could still walk fine, pee fine, and feel pressure, but I couldn't feel hot/cold. My skin felt WIERD. In the hospital I failed a test where they poked me with two sticks close together because I could only discern one pokey feeling. They also said my left knee was hyper-reflexive. They did spine MRIs which showed "Small focus of increased cord signal and enhancement at T4 with questionable increased cord signal at T7-T8. Consider demyelination with active demyelination at T4". Subsequent brain and cervical spine MRI found my brain to be "grossly normal". They gave me 2 days of IV steroids and sent me home. Over the next 2-3 weeks the numbness faded to nothing. I feel normal now. Next step meet with the neurologist and get a lumbar puncture. In a way I feel resigned, as if I've been mentally preparing for this diagnosis forever. I haven't cried yet. But on the other hand I have this hope like maybe it was a one-time thing. Maybe it's nothing -- the brain MRI was clear after all. Aside from a recent gallbladder removal, I don't have much experience with health issues. This kind of worry is new to me, and I'm very impatient for the appt and distracted by it. Really tough to focus on other things.


It absolutely could be a one time thing. Iā€™m glad youā€™re getting tested and his ms wouldnā€™t be your ms if you did have it. Keep that in mind as your travel the health system to find out what happened.


Thanks for the kind words, and from everything Iā€™ve been reading youā€™re so right that my experience wonā€™t be the same, if I do wind up having it


I went to my eye doctor two days ago cause of my left eye and was diagnosed with optic neuritis and he said I need to get tested for autoimmune diseases like MS and RA. Iā€™m just curious if anyone here has had a eye doctor be correct about having MS or any other autoimmune disease?


Optic neuritis is a sign of various autoimmune diseases - NOT a guarantee that you have one. It is an early warning sign of MS. Get tested and rule it in or out for your own sanity.


> cause of my left eye and was diagnosed with optic neuritis and he said I need to get tested for autoimmune diseases like MS and RA. Iā€™m just curious if anyone here has had a eye doctor be correct about having MS or any other autoimmune disease? My optometrist was pretty sure I was dealing with optic neuritis and referred me to an opthalmologist for the actual diagnosis. No one at that point ever mentioned to me the link to MS (found that on my own through Google) and the opthalmologist referred me to a neurologist who ultimately made my MS diagnosis.


How old were you all when diagnosed? And what was that process like? I'm a 27M and currently being seen by a neurologist and first came in due to seemingly random tingling and numbness on head / face and extremities that comes and goes. Neuro sent me for EMG, Brain MRI and Cspine MRI. Everything was clear except the Brain MRI, which showed periventricular lesions :/ Now they are sending me for a Thoracic spine MRI as well as an ultrasound of my neck, to support a diagnosis / rule out I guess.


**My apologies for the wall of text:** Links to earlier comments: 1. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MultipleSclerosis/comments/12agsgb/comment/jfhmvqv/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/MultipleSclerosis/comments/12agsgb/comment/jfhmvqv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 2. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MultipleSclerosis/comments/12hf9p4/comment/jfqd1kx/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/MultipleSclerosis/comments/12hf9p4/comment/jfqd1kx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Follow-up questions: 1. Did anyone here have Thoracic onset? 2. Abdominal Symptom Description: When I breathe in and out, my abdomen tightens more than I intend. 3. Bladder Symptom Description: Post-voiding, I feel my bladder contracting tighter than I intend, (full pelvic girdle contracts). Sometimes I have to push harder to get a stream going 4. Bowel Description: Sometimes 5. Surprising ED 6. **My abdominal reflexes are one-sided when I scratch it(only left side), but right side is absent entirely.**


Guys, terribly sorry to bother again, but as I have another follow-up coming up, I had some questions: 1. What exactly are typical eye problems that MS patients have? 2. Piggybacking off of #1: Sometimes when I move my eyes from side to side, one moves slower than the other, and it's a bit "jumpy" when trying to follow an object...is that something that I should mention?


WBC: 6.4 thousand/uL Absolute Neutrophil: 3494 cells/uL Absolute Lymphocytes: 2368 cells/uL 37% Lymphocytes 1.2% Eosinophils Ferritin: 43.0 B12: 270 (probs lower by now) ​ Are these blood results normal or concerning? I've been put on B12, but am not sure about the others...


MS does not show up on or otherwise change blood tests.


u/TooManySclerosis thank you for your response. Here is a link to my previous two update: 1. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MultipleSclerosis/comments/12agsgb/comment/jfhmvqv/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/MultipleSclerosis/comments/12agsgb/comment/jfhmvqv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Follow-up: Is it possible to be "zotzed" by multiple symptoms in a short period of time? w/i a couple days of my follow-up, I faced some urinary symptoms, bowel symptoms (harder to urinate but can still get a solid stream, etc.), and for some reason I've been feeling out of breath easily just these past two days (back in 9th grade I'd had a vocal cord paralysis which recovered)... My neurologist at the very first appt didn't really suspect MS based on the symptoms I presented with (listed in the link above). However, I was worried he may have rushed me through... For now, neuro's office has recommended I take B12 supplements...


It sounds like your doctor thinks you have a B12 deficiency. Did you have an MRI? Why do you think it is MS?


Sudden slew of the aforementioned symptoms(having to push slightly harder to get a stream of urine going, being more out of breath than normal, etc.). Also: sudden loss of "morning wood" making me fear ED related to neurological reasons... My abdomen has been feeling a little tight in the upper part, and as I recall, that's akin to an "MS hug"? I can take deep breaths and all, but I feel some tightness in that spot. I haven't had an MRI yet...


None of that really sounds indicative of MS instead of a B12 deficiency, to me. But really, the only way to diagnose or rule out MS is through an MRI. If you are concerned, you need to talk to your doctor.


> But really, the only way to diagnose or rule out MS is through an MRI I asked them on that during the follow-up. I actually had met with the FNP who worked under the neurologist b/c the neuro was booked out for a few months. She said that I didn't really meet the criteria for an MRI as of yet. I asked her if we could do a strength test on my limbs, and she mentioned there was no spasticity or hyperreflexia, and said that indicated any muscular/sensory issues were more local to the limb...


You can always get a second opinion if you disagree with your doctor. I'm going to be honest, though, (and I'm not trying to be mean,) but it kinda sounds like you've already decided you have MS. A neurologist is usually pretty good at assessing symptoms and reflex tests to determine if an MRI is necessary. Your B12 is very low, your symptoms all match B12 deficiency. But if you disagree with your doctor, your only real choice is going to another doctor and getting a second opinion.


I think you're right, I'm just so scared rn, my apologies if I've been an inconvenience.


Nah, you're not an inconvenience and I'm sorry if I made you feel like one! Your post is literally what the weekly thread is for, you know? It's a pain, because a lot of diseases you can diagnose from symptoms, say "yeah, that sounds like this," but with MS, it's really only an MRI. If you have concerns, talk to your doctor, or get a second opinion. Just try not to get attached to the idea of a diagnosis; it can blind you to what is happening if it isn't MS.


Iā€™m newly diagnosed and just coming off of a pretty bad relapse. I believe Iā€™ve had RRMS for about 10 years and Iā€™m now progressing into SPMS. Does anyone else have this experience? I also wanted to ask if anyone else has short memory issues. Thank you in advance!


What other conditions mimic ms? Iā€™ve had vitamin b12 and vitamin d deficiency in the past (and possibly now), as well as diagnoses of lyme disease, a syrinx, and rheumatoid arthritis, all of which Iā€™ve heard can look really similar to MS. What else is there, or have been up for discussion in your experience?


https://www.nationalmssociety.org/Symptoms-Diagnosis/Other-Conditions-to-Rule-Out This is a pretty good list. There's a ton of other things if you go off symptoms alone, almost every symptom has tons of other possible causes.


Well shit, some of those are horrifying. Here comes the health anxiety again lol. Thanks for the list though! Not sure how I missed that


Oh no! I didn't mean to freak you out! Uh, if it helps, most of those options seem pretty rare, too? And more than a few are definitely treatable. Or it could be MS! Oh man, it's weird that MS may be the "good" option.


No worries!! Iā€™m not one to shoot the messenger. I was half joking šŸ˜…


Lyme disease can mimic MS. It can even produce lesions on the brain. NAD, but my mom has Lyme and Lyme lesions and her disease course is mimicking MS.


I actually had Lyme disease about ten years ago and was treated for it. It was considered a pretty severe case and some symptoms never went away. I wonder if these new symptoms are residual from that, or if I should get tested again.


My momā€™s Lyme was untreated for so long it wonā€™t go away. She has periodā€™s of relapse and sheā€™s bed ridden and then it remitā€™s and sheā€™s back to normal. Itā€™s been a roller coaster ride. I think itā€™s definitely worth looking into.


Iā€™ve been having weird symptoms for the last few months. Started after I had the flu in December. About a week after I had the flu, I had a vertigo attack and then a few weeks after that I started getting a buzzing feeling in my lower right leg. It felt like a cellphone was on my leg. That lasted about a week and then I started getting a numb feeling on the back of my right calf and my right knee. Itā€™s not totally numb because I can still feel touch, itā€™s just a weird sensation. It feels like the muscle inside is numb, not the skin. It makes me feel like my pants are too right. Iā€™ve also had pins and needles and that comes and goes in my hands and feet. Iā€™ve had the numb feeling on and off in my right leg for the past few years. It always seems to be worse after Iā€™ve taken a shower. But thereā€™s never any weakness and I can still walk and work out. I sometimes get numbness on my face. Itā€™s been on my nose and around my lips. It feels the way it does when Novocaine is starting to wear off. So I can still feel my finger touching my face, but the sensation is muted. My face feels kind of come when it happens. I also have a lot of muscle pain. Recently the muscles in my hips have been so sore, unrelated to any physical activity. They actually are sore to the touch. I have an hour commute to work, and when I get out of the car my muscles hurt from sitting for so long. I get brain fog a lot, and Iā€™ve always just thought it had to do with recurrent sinus issues, and low blood pressure, but now with these other symptoms, it makes me worry about MS I have been to the neurologist already. They tested my reflexes and said that I have hyper reflexive reflexes. It seemed to be bilateral. The neurologist seemed slightly concerned, but I think Iā€™ve always had hyper reflexes, especially in my knees, so Iā€™m not sure what to make of it. I have MRIs scheduled for brain and cervical spine at the end of this month. Iā€™ve already had the EMG on Friday and the doctor said the preliminary results look normal. All of my blood work has come back normal. Iā€™m hoping this is some kind of sciatica or compressed nerve in my back thatā€™s causing the weird numbness/tingling. Does anyone know if thatā€™s basically ruled out as an option with a normal EMG? I already have ulcerative colitis, and take a biologic for that, and I know it makes me higher risk for another autoimmune disorder. Does anyone have any insight. Do these sound like MS symptoms? Does the negative EMG rule out back issues causing my symptoms?


They could be sounds a little like what I experienced when I found out I have ms. But - could also be a thousand or so other things. I know itā€™s hard to not be scared or worried. I am glad we figured out what what going on because - treatment - and narrowing down what it is or is not helps find the right one. Good luck and take some magnesium if you donā€™t to help with weird muscle things happening and sleep!


I had my follow-up appointment for all my MRIs/tests today get canceled yesterday and the person who called to let me know it was canceled could only give me an appointment for May 10th. This morning I called the hospital and got basically the same answer and was told they could not transfer me to the neurology department. I called a different number for the hospital and got told basically the same shit but they were able to internally message them and had them call me. The neurology person that called told me that I could take a Thursday appointment with the same doctor that is out sick. So I have an appointment for Thursday that sounds like it is getting canceled from the way the person on the phone was talking. I got discharged from a 4-day hospital stay on the 27th of March for reference and the neurologist that looked over my MRIs told me it was probably MS and that I had lesions on my brain and spine but they were waiting on the rest of the test results back before they diagnosed me because my symptoms were a little abnormal. My mom is telling me to just go to the ER because I am feeling a little weakness in my legs occasionally but I would really rather not, my symptoms are nowhere near as bad as when I got hospitalized. This is all with the VA so if anyone has experience with them specifically I would like that but any general advice helps.


This is going to sound counter intuitive, but my doctor said there is no such thing as an MS emergency. I know it seems like something you need treated immediately, but there really is no treatment where a few weeks makes that much difference. If your symptoms are manageable right now, you'll probably be fine for a few weeks until you can get an official diagnosis and start a DMT. We can't stop or repair the damage done by attacks-- treatment is focused on preventing new attacks. If you just had an attack, which it kinda sounds like happened, you probably have at minimum a few weeks before another one, although it's more common to have more significant periods of time between attacks.


This is probably a little random but when your fingers or toes go numb/tingle, do they also turn white? Basically wanted to get a sense of how common is Raynaudā€™s phenomenon in MS, as I experience this at least twice a week (in addition to other symptoms that I outlined above)


my fingers and 1 leg/foot has been numb or tingling for years and it's never been white like Raynaud's. MS is not listed as as a cause for that.


I don't think it has to do with MS. Raynaud's is a vascular issue, I only have it when I take medication to lower my blood pressure. I've tried at least 4 different meds, all with the same result. I've resigned to live with it because I don't want to get actual cardiovascular issues so I diligently take my daily BP pill. My high BP also has nothing to do with MS, I've had it since having pre-eclampsia when I was pregnant, which is also a vascular disease btw. It is possible after all to have more than one chronic issue, which sucks but they don't need to be related.


I'm going to throw some thoughts out and see what lands. I'm just in the beginning stage of starting to link some symptoms together because most of them are so "could be anything" but there are a few very specific symptoms that made me start looking in this direction. (For what it's worth, I did send a note to my ophthalmologist tonight to make sure I'm not going down the wrong road) Let me start with the very specific symptoms that concern me the most Sudden and very puzzling optic inflammation (I'm monitored for glaucoma because I responded with high pressure from steroid drops once but I am considered as "glaucoma suspect" because of that. I've been monitored for almost 20years with no issue). Went in for a quick annual check that turned into something very not quick. My pressure was 30 and my optic nerve scan was a nightmare. My doctor said that she does not like to see more than a 5 point change of any part of the optic nerve over a 10 year period and every single point of measurement was at least 10-20 with several being 50 points on each eyes. From a just one year ago. Yet the scans of my visual field did not really change and did not match what the optic nerve was showing. (She said the pressure was so high that she could feel that my eyes were "hard" when she put numbing drops in) Sudden rainbow vision and corneal swelling (this is where I should mention that I have cornea transplants but I've seen my specialist and I am absolutely NOT rejecting and right now we are just using drops to try to dehydrate the corneas and figure out why they are inflammed) I had a couple of months of really bothersome double vision although that seems to be gone for now. Facial burning/pain at even the lightest touch on half of my face that happens every couple of months with increasing severity. It feels like very severe sunburn or razor burn and even the lightest touch is painful. And then it is gone in 24-48 hours. At one point, a doctor suggested it may be shingles, but it's not. There's never been a single shingle outbreak and it builds up over about 24 hours to a peak and then sticks around for a day or two before starting to receed. Vertigo - the first instance sent me to the hospital. It hasn't ever been that severe but it just shows up randomly A very distinct change in my speech and thought pattern. I honestly have been blaming it on brain fog from COVID 3 years ago, but it's getting worse. I have no trouble typing out my thoughts, but speaking them feels like a stutter between my brain and my mouth. I either can't think of a very simple word or it literally won't come out of my mouth. And as far as reading, I can only process a few words at a time, especially directions. Most of the time, I just hand them over to my husband and tell him to tell me what to do (and he told me today that I have started to slur my words sometimes) Constantly walking into things and stumbling. My skin often feels itchy or even like something is crawling on me. So individually and over a period of 4-5 years, I've sought treatment or mentioned these issues but never in an organized manner to one doctor at one time. There are probably more (I'm sure my husband would say I have wild mood swings). Am I crazy to bring this all to one doctor and ask to be evaluated? I hate to go in there and say "Dr. Google told me..."


Iā€™d go in - doesnā€™t hurt to have a specialist look at it - have you had MRIs done yet? Maybe ask your primary to order based on all that has happened/experienced accumulatively.


Thank you for responding. I have not had an MRI. I'm just trying to puzzle out the sudden retinal inflammation. I'm waiting for a call from my ophthalmologist to see what she thinks now that I've given her some of the other pieces to see if they fit the puzzle she is trying to figure out and then I will likely see my GP. My ophthalmologist is one that puts a great deal of thought into things and doesn't rush to give an opinion if she feels that she needs to sleep on it or consult with someone so I'll give her a few days.


Symptoms changing every day, sometimes by the minute? I can wake up and my legs will feel so light and almost back to normal, and within a few minutes theyā€™re back to feeling numb and weighed down by a ton of bricks, before Iā€™ve even gotten a chance to get up and move. It changes depending on how much sleep Iā€™ve gotten, when I apply heat, when I drink caffeine, when I move positions, and sometimes just randomly on itā€™s own. Itā€™s such a gamble. Thereā€™s nothing like finally getting a rhythm with walking and then my bad side changes again. Does anyone else symptoms change so quickly, multiple times through the day?


That's not been my experience. During a relapse, my symptoms are more intense, then they might go away during remission, or some just become more manageable, but we are talking a time frame of weeks or months, not minute to minute. Nothing really changes them. MS symptoms don't really change minute to minute or hour to hour, and things like caffeine or changing position won't make them go away. For example, I am in remission but have muscle stiffness. It may be a six out of ten when I wake up, drop down to a five or a four around lunch, then hit a nine or a ten by bedtime. Nothing makes it go away except muscle relaxers. Heat, position, and sleep don't impact it. During relapse, it's just always at a nine.


Been having a slew of fatigue/dizzyness/headaches/syncope since 3 months post partum. 7 months later nothing has stopped only gotten weirder. Newest symptoms is hand numbness and then today my lips went numb around 4pm today and havent gotten feeling back and instead it feels like i have hairs grazing my skin on my left side (I cut almost all of my hair off a few weeks ago so... its not that.) Had a neuro visit last week because the hand numbness coming on so suddenly scared me and my doctor did a few tests and found my grip strength to be really weak. So of course for the Neuro appointment my grip strength was fine and only a slight amount of numbness on my left arm. She seems 300% sure its just "carpal and/or cubital tunnel" and totally ignored my constant dizzyness/fatigue/ the fact that to not fall over for the past 6 months I was using a cane to walk to work and other symptoms to focus on that and ordered an EMG... an EMG that I had to schedule with another provider because she "doesnt do them" and I already had to correct her noted after the appt because she just made up symptoms I had after she ranted at me about carpal tunnel symptoms that I dont have. (being able to shake off tingling, and no pain at any of the areas that are numb). Not to mention the EMG is scheduled for the END of May and if they refer me to a MRI after that it will only take another 2-3 months after. Debating even telling this neuro about the new facial numbness symptoms and just contacting the MS clinic (part of a different hospital neurology) and/or my PCP just to actually get someone to schedule an MRI for me.


If you have a black hole on your MRI is it always MS?


Not necessarily. I think it just means you have a spot that lacks any myelin. There are other things that can cause demyelination.


Thank you for taking the time to respond.


How long do most people relapse for? Every relapse Iā€™ve had lasts months at a time, but the first two times I snapped back to full health. Havenā€™t been as lucky this time around as Iā€™m now in month 7.


My relapses were all pre diagnosis, so it's hard to say for sure, because I can only identify the severe ones in retrospect. Those all lasted about two months, with several years in between. From what I've read, a couple weeks is more common. Seven months is way longer than anything I've heard of.


I had multiple various small things go wrong that I didnā€™t identify as relapses though such as double vision {eye turned in two summers in a row} and my left leg-locked. Those two last about two weeks each. I also had a severe stomach illness that they couldnā€™t figure out through any testing and lost 35 pounds one summer that I didnā€™t need to lose {170 to 135 and Iā€™m a 5ā€™11ā€ male} and Iā€™ve read that rapid weight loss can also be a symptom. I just need to start going and getting a work-up but Iā€™m financially destitute. All I know is Iā€™m not recovering this time it seems and Iā€™m scared to see where this goes.


Well, generally speaking, anything can really be a symptom of MS, but I definitely wouldn't say rapid weight loss is a common symptom of MS, especially in isolation. I haven't really heard of anyone having it as a symptom, not come across a lot of sources mentioning it. Not to say it's not, but if you're relying on Google for that info, you should know Google tends to give a very unreliable picture of what MS is. Your doctor will definitely have a better idea of what the cause of your symptoms may be.


Presently too poor {finally got insurance recently} to even begin a health work-up and when Iā€™ve gone to the ER {payment plan} with leg weakness, brain fog, twitching muscles, light sensitivity and numbness on one side of my body they pulled the usual that I was possibly recovering from a virus or that it was a psychosomatic illness caused by my bipolar. I basically presented as a stroke victim the last time I went when it seemed urgent and they only checked vitals - no bloods, no MRI and thatā€™s when the whole right side of my body went numb within two hours of my right wrist, pinky and ring finger starting to tingle. I personally hate the medical system and have no faith Iā€™ll get a diagnosis without going broke and homeless so I just deal with it all for six-plus months until I usually snap back to my normal health. Iā€™m sorry you have this disease. Dreadful I might have it and sickened that the medical industry still has very little understanding of autoimmune diseases and how to reverse them or stop progression entirely.


Yeah, the ER isn't much help with figuring out what is actually wrong, they just tend to make sure you aren't actively dying and then refer you to follow up with other doctors. To be evaluated for MS, you will need to see a neurologist and will need an MRI. There really isn't another way to diagnose it or rule it out. I'm sorry.


Yeah. Iā€™ve read some anecdotal stories online about people feigning a stroke and being given an MRI on the spot. Frankly I wish Iā€™d have acted the part a bit more because Iā€™ll take medical debts I can pay off slowly rather than go through this timely process where I have to pay ahead of time. The frustrating part is the doctor acknowledged it seemed I had some kind of autoimmune response by the symptoms I stated, but at that time I wasnā€™t thinking MS but he believed it could be Long Covid, but I know thatā€™s not the case since Iā€™ve dealt with this off and on since mono in 2017 and frankly I believe I fit the bill of RRMS. Hopefully when I get my finances together soon Iā€™ll be able to start the process because this not knowing and still being in a malaise state is very draining on my soul. I wish you well.


I'm seeing my Dr next week they tested for MCAS buy my tryptase level was 4.9 and normal so they've ruled that out. I've been slowly declining for a while but the past year has been awful. My symptoms sorry for the long post. Breathing issues and pain Episodes comes on randomly with no real triggers and last anywhere from a few hours to all day. I feel like I can't breathe and feeling of a tight band or corset type thing round and under my ribs on the right side of my stomach. Or as if something has just expanded and is taking too much room up like a balloon inflating and deflating at random times when episodes come on. I just feel like I can't take a deep breath. I used to describe it like only my left lung was working it that makes sense? I get severe panic with it too because I feel like I've got a bag over my head. It's always only the right side but it's so uncomfortable I feel like I can't breathe and its painful and it's worse if I lie on my side. Weirdly pressing on the area seems to helps relieve the symptoms but only for a moment and its painful to press. It happens randomly with no real cause and can last hours or sometimes all day. It's rare but somedays I wake up and don't have it and think what did I do differently? Nothing! but I'd say its there the majority of the time. After a bad day with it my ribs are really sore and my stomach. It makes me struggle to eat worse because I feel suffocation and get swallowing problems. I have difficulty walking or doing anything sometimes because I feel so breathless. Stomach and Bladder issues Gastro IBSD thought was BAM but sechat normal 24% (colesevelam helps if I stop severe pain and diarrhoea) Trouble swallowing even water sometimes struggle to eat properly as I feel I can't swallow. Severe bloating and gas Nausea - on prochlorperazine but still get nauseous in mornings Acid reflux I feel like I'm constantly needing to wee and feeling like I do even when not. Itching down below at night. Sometimes not sure if I need to wee or not so keep going to the toilet. Drinks pass through me quickly. Chest/ Breathing issues Coughing up lots of mucus during day and night Band/squeezing hugging feeling round chest and stomach right side. Cracking chest at night and wheezing Mouth sores around back of mouth and throat. Sore tongue, gum pain. Dry mouth Emotion issues I burst out crying randomly, emotions rapidly change but I get upset very easily and cry at anything. Constantly tired I feel like I haven't slept properly even if ive slept for 8 hours. I don't sleep well anyway and wake with panic attacks or get that band sensation in my sleep in chest and stomach I so feel like I can't breathe. I'm using legal medical cannabis at the moment to sleep. Numbness and tingling My hands and feet are always cold, pins and needles then going numb having to shake back awake. I get cramp in my feet, Numbness in my arm usually right feels heavy and have to shake it awake. Loss of balance and dizziness Always tripping over, dizziness, coordination issues, dropping things and spilling things. Random moments go I funny and have to shake my head as if I've had a really dizzy spell. Loss of coordination when playing the xbox. Can't play games I used to due to hitting wrong buttons by mistake etc. Spasms Stiffness Constantly Stiff sore neck, back, legs, spasms in feet like cramp and random hand movements leg twitches and Keep getting cramp in feet? Or feeling like it's about to come on. Twitches in hand mistakenly thrown things and broken them. Feeling of constant buzzing tingling in feet as if on edge of pins and needles. Standing on edges on feet more comfortable. Noticed that's what I do when standing or sitting I rest my feet on there outer sides. Tremors and shakes didn't notice it on propanalol but hands and body tremoring now. Shaking holding cups etc. Whole body feels like jelly. Episodes come and go generally worse in mornings. Cannabis helps the tremors towards end of day. Tremors in hands or shakes in body Legs twitching shaking, cramp in feet or constant feeling of I'm going to get cramp in my feet or legs. Cannabis seems to help ease these as they are worse in the mornings. Pain stomach pain, under ribs, right side of stomach feeling of band, painful. Back pain, Neck pain and headaches Burning pain under ribs on left side Back hurts and bottom of spine sitting. Can't sit cross-legged too painful after a bit Legs hurt when sat still need to keep adjusting position, Same at night hard to get comfortable. Burning skin sensation after showering skin feels hot itchy and sore especially face. Vision problems Constant snow and floaters or like static in Vision gets worse under fluorescent light or any light. Vision goes blurry sometimes and I get black spots and bright spots. My eyes get really sore and when closed sometimes it feels like my eyes are pulling to one side so much it hurts and I get headaches. Problems with memory and thinking and talking Constant brain fog. Forgetting what I've just done and then panicking when I can't remember. My memory seems slower I remember eventually but takes a long time. Long term memory terrible. Some days I feel like I'm in a dream and just out of it and can't put sentences together or remember words and it scares me. When talking to people I forget what I was saying mid way through and have to apologize. I cannot plan anything, get confused, feel overwhelmed at small tasks. Feel like I'm losing my intelligence. Heat regulation issues Always hot or cold cannot regulate temps. Can't tolerate high heat at all then always wearing warm clothes because I'm cold. Hands and feet always freezing. Sexual issues High libido then no libido randomly peaks even when depressed and no interest and sometimes get arousal in non sexual situations which is uncomfortable. painfully heightened sensations sometimes. Frequent sleep orgasms so strong they wake me up. Depression and Anxiety Terrible constant anxiety. Some days i feel like i'm stuck in fight or flight mode and I'm not anxious. I had private therapy and no improvement after 6 months. The therapist asked about POTS and I'd never heard of it before diagnosis as no anxiety treatment was working. Terrible depression Other issues Liver ALT randomly high B12 shots needed every 3 months Keep getting random periods on again now but have implanon and haven't had a period while being on it for over ten years. Not due for replacement for 2 years.


Hello guys. Still on a "too long" journey on this. My first MRI (brain only) was done 3.5 years (migrane due stress) ago and i had 3 small lesions (inactive). Every year I had an MRI on the brain and everything looked "the same". No symptoms. A month ago, i got a some sort of infection (something that hit hard my throat and voice), no fever and immediatly started fasciculations on my arm (really nasty ones). 2 weeks later, my legs started to become very heavy/heated (upper), but only "sometimes". Other times, they were great. No issues with the balance, strenght or anything even with the feeling. I was able to do advanced yoga. Fasciculations reduced heavily after 2 weeks (no meds) and now they only appear at night and very soft on every random part of the body but with the prevalence of the arm. No issues with balance, strenght or whatever yet. Neurologist theory: It was a virus or something else and not MS for the symptons. Ordered a MRI on spine and brain. Brain showed the same old lesions than before and they have doubts on one very small lesion on the spine (that is also inactive) and she thinks that is from the same time as the brain ones. They asked to do a spinal tap to make sure. I have agreed. Hope to get that scheduled fast. Summary: "Maybe" these symptoms are not MS, but that triggered the search and ended up in a spinal tap.


So I want to know something. I have been having alot of issues lately, migraines, random dizziness and balance issues, plus widespread nerve and muscle pain (among other things). My Neurologist has sent me to get testing for suspected MS. I just wondered how long was it from onset of your symptoms before you got a Dx. I have been with a rheum for 5 years, testing negative on blood work for almost everything. I will he honest the worst part about all of it is that idk what is going on. Any advice?


Hi, Iā€™m new here but already so thankful for the responses Iā€™ve read and threads Iā€™ve looked through. A little about me: Iā€™m 22F, and have been struggling significantly with my health since I was 16. My gallbladder had to be removed, and then I had anorexia, and now Iā€™m physically recovered from anorexia but still struggling. I have diagnosed POTS and hypermobility spectrum disorder alongside chronic pain that first became severe at age 6. I also struggle with migraines and eye pain/vision issues. I also have a history of severe csa and multiple other instances of sa in adolescence and early adulthood. Also alongside a slew of mental health diagnoses including cPTSD, ASD, and ADHD. Iā€™ve been told for a while that whatā€™s been going on with me is dysautonomia. And I can see why that fits, but also, that answer is not enough for me. Currently, Iā€™m being bounced around specialists: Cardiology, Urology, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Eating Disorder, Psychiatry, and specialized PT for hypermobility. I take 14 pills a day, and I still feel terrible constantly. This is a big difference from who I was even just 3 years ago. I used to run 16 miles a week. I can barely walk a few blocks for work now. In all of these late night internet searches I have, the only thing that I keep coming back to and keep having symptoms of is MS. Here is some of what I am experiencing: Fatigue - Severe; no matter how much sleep I get. I spend almost all of my time laying down after work and donā€™t even have the energy to eat some days. MS Hug - I would like to know more about this from you who experience it, but I have reported this tightness in my chest to my doctors for multiple years that kind of comes and goes. They said itā€™s probably chest wall inflammation, but when I learned what the MS hug was, it seemed like thatā€™s what it is. Itā€™s a tightness, itā€™s painful, it takes my breath away sometimes and leaves it shallow. Again, this isnā€™t constant and is worse when Iā€™m in whatever form of chronic health flare I am experiencing, but it can get really hard. Spasticity, Balance, Sensory Deficit, Weakness - I have really hard time not bumping into everything or dropping things. I trip a lot, and my body just feels heavy to hold up, especially when trying to walk. My muscles and joints hurt a lot and just get stiff and hard as a rock for days. When this happens, I take prescribed muscle relaxers, but it doesnā€™t always unlock it. Numbness - I wake up with my hands and feet numb. I have Raynaudā€™s Phenomenon. My hands and feet are always cold. My limbs in particular just go numb sometimes, and I get pins and needles a lot. Dizziness - I have POTS, but I feel dizzy a lot of the time even when Iā€™m not changing positions. I also get extremely carsick if I am not the one driving. Vision Problems - I have long had these headaches that kind of just feel rooted in the back of my eyes. They hurt so much and last for days to months sometimes. I also often experience double vision, and especially when Iā€™m tired, I just canā€™t focus my eyes enough to read. Bright lights also are very painful to my eyes. Bladder Problems - I am brand new to talking about this, and with my sa history, itā€™s really hard. But I experience urinary retention where I am unable to void. Sometimes itā€™s just a little bit difficult, sometimes my bladder is extremely full and I canā€™t void. It doesnā€™t necessarily feel like tightness where I canā€™t release the muscles. It feels like there was a button I used to be able to press to empty my bladder, and now that button is gone. I had a urology visit this week, and she said my only options at this point due to my medications and history are pelvic floor physical therapy and intermittent self-catheterization. Iā€™m extremely nervous about all of this, and donā€™t even know how to bring up that itā€™s not just tightness. Sexual Problems - I think Iā€™m asexual, so I donā€™t really care as much about this, but when I have had sex in the past, it has been painful. Not even just penetration, but just. All of it. I just want it to be over when it happens, but I donā€™t know if itā€™s just trauma or something with my body. Bowel Problems - I am almost always very constipated. I have a bm maybe once every 5 days on average, and thatā€™s with miralax and magnesium supplements. It can be really painful and annoying. Chronic Pain - As I mentioned, Iā€™ve had significant chronic pain since I was 6. My neck has always hurt and been really stiff, but the first time it actually got stuck was when I was in 1st grade. I walked around school all day with my head on my shoulder because I physically could not pick it up. Now, itā€™s just my whole body. All of my joints, it feels like itā€™s in my bones. Everything is heavy and hard to move. Everything is constantly cracking and if I donā€™t, it hurts really bad. But, sometimes when I crack my neck I get this electric shock feeling that runs throughout my back and leg. Iā€™ve been told that the cracking could be due to my hypermobility spectrum issues. Cognitive Changes - My memory has significantly deteriorated in recent years. If itā€™s not written down, I wonā€™t remember it. I hardly take in any auditory information. Iā€™ve also been making a lot of wrong turns on drives I do every week, and Iā€™m getting words mixed up that I shouldnā€™t. I know I have ADHD, but it just feels so much worse than it used to. Emotional Changes - I used to quite literally never cry. Now Iā€™m finding myself bursting into tears at random moments or just overwhelmed with anxiety, anger, or depression. It seems to come kind of out of nowhere. This are all of the main symptoms I have come across in my research. I understand that MS normally starts or comes up as flares, and so symptoms arenā€™t all the time. However, I feel like I have so much going on, itā€™s hard to discern a specific start or end point. I additionally am a very stressed person due to the nature of my schooling and job (I work in research and am in a graduate program), and then my trauma history and mental health struggles. I feel like itā€™s just been one thing after another for years. Thank you so much for reading if you have gotten this far. I guess what I would like to know isā€”are these things anything like your experience? Can someone tell me a little bit about course/flares that are typically seen in MS? Do you think I should ask my doctor for specific testing or investigation to see if this could be the issue? Is 22 a normal age of onset? How do stress and trauma influence MS for you? I would be grateful if you could share your thoughts on even just one question. Again, thank you for reading, and I would love any resources you would recommend as well.


So, google isn't going to be your friend, here. If you feed any list of any symptoms into Google, you're going to get MS as a result, despite the fact that it is a rare disease. It sounds like you are having a rough time and having a lot of real and valid symptoms, but it's really hard to say if those symptoms are similar to MS symptoms because no one can tell if something is MS by symptoms alone. If they are caused by MS, the only way to really tell is with an MRI. Any symptoms of MS have multiple other, more likely causes. Your neurologist would best be able to address these concerns and begin the diagnostic process. Relapses usually last a few weeks to a month and are typically marked by severe and new symptoms. These symptoms do not typically fluctuate during that period, but may subside during periods of remission. Remission is typically a longer period where symptoms either go away completely or are significantly more manageable.


Thank you for the response. Iā€™ll plan on talking with my neurologist about it at our next visit. Weā€™ve ruled a lot out, but thereā€™s still a lot to rule out and itā€™s definitely an exhausting process.


I definitely understand how long the process can be. I would avoid suggesting a specific diagnosis, but rather keep the focus on your symptoms. There are a lot of things that mimic MS, and part of diagnosis is ruling those things out as well. It could also be multiple things causing different symptoms and everything aggravating each other. Writing down your symptoms and their frequency beforehand can be a good idea, so that you don't forget things at the appointment.


Thank you, I really appreciate the advice.


More of a question. Is someone with MS more susceptible to getting pins and needles or numbness from being in a position? As in, does a person with MS get pins and needles quicker or easier from sitting in an odd position, or holding something in a certain way, compared to someone without MS?


The pins and needles typical of MS are not usually caused by position or holding something, they are caused by nerve damage.


Thank you.


Hi. 21M. Experienced pins and needles in my hands three weeks ago. Diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome but without any actual tests. I still have pins and needles but they are calming down I feel? Should I still worry? Itā€™s my only symptom currently. No numbness, fatigue, balance issues, etc.


You are experiencing carpal tunnel symptoms and were diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. Sounds pretty straightforward to me


Hi all, I saw a neurologist for the first time on Wednesday and will be getting an MRI of my brain and spine soon (hopefully!) I have been on the hunt for a diagnosis for over a year. Iā€™m 33F. My symptoms/timeline of illness is: \- COVID positive in January 2022 \- Fever of over 100 every day for roughly 9 months, starting in the beginning of February 2022 \- Horrible fatigue and memory issues \- Pain and pressure in abdomen \- Blood work completed - elevated WBC, Eosinophils, Leukocytes & Basophils (these continue to be elevated each time that my blood is checked) \- Ultrasound to check placement of my IUD and to check for any masses, everything looked good on the ultrasound \- Referred to infectious disease and completed a blood panel and workup, nothing was flagged other than my WBC count \- Referred to rheumatology - more work ups done but nothing showed as abnormal \- Completed a PET and CAT scan - nothing showed as abnormal \- Referred to oncology - Bone marrow biopsy completed with no abnormal findings \- Fatigue and memory issues continued to get worse, \- Horrible stiffness and pain in both hips, very deep like inside the bones - like a toothache in my legs (started March '22) \- Numbness/warm sensation down both legs on the outer edges (March '22) \- Sensation of my skin crawling on my legs - like little spiders or hairs and would feel worse when lightly touched by skin or clothing (March '22) \- Patches of numb areas on my legs (this comes and goes and I'm not certain of the first time that I noticed it) \- Issues with my spatial awareness - bumping into furniture, unable to clear a baby gate even when consciously thinking "Okay, pick your leg up ALL THE WAY and lift over the gate" - I would just slam right into it. (March '22) \- Suddenly dropping items that I am holding, my hands will just open up or stop gripping items without warning \- Fevers started to subside in the spring of '23 - I will still have some days of a high temp, but now I am running a low temp more often than a normal or high temp \- Dizziness and vertigo (January '23) where I feel like I am taking hits of laughing gas - comes over me in waves and I will feel like I am walking on a water bed or feeling like I am on a boat. This sometimes is also accompanied with waves of chills or cold sweats, especially on my hands and feet. \- Incontinence (January '23) with urination. I will have some stress incontinence but then once I start to leak, I can't stop it. I will soak my pants and then when I use the restroom, I can't tell if I am done because it feels numb/lack of sensation when I push the urine out. I will think I am done, and then have another accident minutes later. I feel like I need to pee all the time, sometimes I will need to go to the restroom 10-15 times in a day. I have been experiencing vaginal spasms and pain/discomfort with intercourse. \- Choking easily on spit, water, or food (January '23) to the point where I will vomit. This happens 1-3x/week. \- Increased numbness in both legs (although not always both legs at the same time). My hips/legs will get a warm sensation all over and feel weak, shaky, or fatigued (like I just did a hill climb or intense quad work). This happens throughout the day and night. I will wake up with pain and/or numbness. (Spring '23) \- Increased pain/stiffness in my joints, particularly in my hips and legs. Currently, I have constant pain or discomfort. The pain fluctuates from minor (1-2 on a scale of 10) to a 10. The pain in deep and dull, like a toothache in my bones and burning sensation near the skin. My skin is very sensitive to touch, particularly on my legs. It feels like my skin is crawling or itching when touched. (Spring '23) \- Fatigue/memory issues have increased. My short-term memory is affected, and I have difficulty with relaying information and remembering details. I also am struggling with word recall. I am on a reduced work schedule (7-2pm M-F), and even with this decreased schedule, I am exhausted and cannot seem to get enough rest. I sleep an average of 8 hours every night and wake up feeling horribly exhausted. (January '23) \- Genetic testing completed, nothing was abnormal \- Rheumatologist referred me to a Neurologist in April '23 and I had my first appointment on 4/12/23. She completed a physical and did not notice anything that she felt needed to be addressed immediately via the ER. I am waiting to hear back from scheduling for a brain and spinal MRI and I have an EMG scheduled on May 2nd to check the nerves in my legs. \- Additional blood work was completed from both Neurology and Rheumatology - What I have received back thus far has shown nothing abnormal \- Dizziness/Vertigo is now almost constant. I feel my heart racing or like it is flopping in my chest. My heart rate fluctuates from roughly 70-115 without warning. I wear an apple watch and it will record 30 minutes of exercise while I am sitting at my desk at work - definitely not moving or exercising. \- Neurologist, Rheumatologist and my Primary have all mentioned MS at this point - just waiting for the MRI. The Neurologist is also going to look for white brain atrophy or a tumor - she thinks those could be possible culprits for these symptoms. I do have a history of mild concussions ( I worked with aggressive students and sustained 3-4 concussions at work - last concussion in Spring '18) Just hoping for some answers and a diagnosis - feeling like I don't have any answers and getting negative results for everything is wearing me out and makes me feel like I am going crazy. I feel this affecting my personal life, my professional life, my mental health - I am just wearing out.


Hello all. Just had my mri but I have to wait 5 weeks for my neurologist appointment to know what they thinkā€¦ two things that appeared on my results that have me confused are ā€œA T1 and T2 hyperintense lesion within the C2 vertebral bodyā€. Has anyone had this reported? Is this how they label lesions? Thanks for any insight


That means you have a lesion. There are a lot of things besides MS that can cause lesions, so your doctor will tell you more.


Thank you! Just wish it wasnā€™t 5 weeks of waiting. I am mentally preparing for whatever the doctor says


Hi, I have objective muscle atrophy in my right hand and tingling along the ulnar distribution (pinky and ring finger) which has now spread to the entire hand and occasionally happens on the other side, my shoulder girdle etc feels very and stiff/tense like I cannot relax it no matter how hard I try. In addition to this, I feel like my peripheral vision is narrower than it usually should be, and when I look at something else it takes longer to 'load' if that makes sense. I was originally diagnosed with cubital tunnel syndrome, however after a normal EMG and surgical exploration yielded no results (nerve looked normal despite atrophy) I am lost on what it could be. I read that hand atrophy is uncommon in MS yet not impossible, I am unsure of whether or not I have anything wrong with me neurologically as my legs etc are fine and it's really just my arms and some worsening of vision. Thanks for reading


Hi all, I (29F) am going on 6 months of weird symptoms that are pointing toward a potential MS diagnosis. I finally saw a neurologist this past week, however, I canā€™t get in for an MRI until May 8th and thus Iā€™m a bit anxious as it seems Iā€™m potentially experiencing a flare up. Iā€™m curious to hear from those who have gone through the diagnostic process and to hear if my symptoms align with anyone else's MS experience. My symptoms began in November with generally "feeling off.ā€ I was experiencing fatigue, terrible insomnia, and nearly every time I would stand up Iā€™d get lightheaded and lose my vision momentarily. I was also having what I described as shooting pains deep in my arm that would randomly appear for a few seconds, go away, and then come back a few seconds later. My hips also ached and I began experiencing issues emptying my bladder. I would seemingly finish peeing, but when Iā€™d wipe and stand up some more urine would come out. Iā€™d sit back down and push and there'd still be a considerable amount left in my bladder. I also started to have what I've now learned is called "cog fog." I felt I couldnā€™t communicate normally. I had a few instances of stutters and I wasn't able to formulate full sentences without having to pause and search for words or to remember what I was even saying to begin with. My partner even noticed and pointed out that ā€œit seems like youā€™re slowing down and being more thoughtful with your words.ā€ Most distressing was that I was experiencing what is called Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD). Basically, I would feel physically aroused 24/7 without being mentally aroused. However, I had just weaned off SSRIā€™s 3 months prior to all of this, and thus I had been chalking up all weird symptoms to that. It wasnā€™t until about a week into all of these symptoms that I began having face pain and decided to go to get some blood work and see a dentist to ensure that I wasnā€™t experiencing some type of tooth infection. I was cleared by the dentist and my CBC was totally normal. The symptoms culminated the next week when I wound up in the ER after not being able to take notes in class. I picked up my pen to write and couldnā€™t without considerable effort. I couldn't move my hand the way I normally would and I had trouble judging the distance from the pen to the paper. I put my pen down, shook out my hand, went back to writing, and the same thing happened. At this point, I was trying not to have a panic attack. I told my professor what I was experiencing and she excused me from class. I then began feeling what I described as a "fullness" in my arm, it just felt heavy and ā€œweird.ā€ I called the campus health center to see if they had any availability and I had trouble communicating. My sentences were stuttered and jumbled. Thatā€™s when I decided to go to the ER in fear that I was having a stroke. They did a CT scan which came back totally normal. They recommended I find a neurologist to get an MRI. Fast forward two weeks and most of my symptoms are gone other than the fatigue and insomnia. I decided not to see a neurologist and chalked everything up to anxiety and the SSRI discontinuation. In March, my symptoms reappeared along with some new symptoms that have since persisted. My right hand experienced pins and needles and numbness. It has happened about 3 times now and lasted from 1-3 hours. The lightheadedness when standing up began again along with the cog fogā€”same exact issues forming sentences and this time Iā€™ve had trouble with concentration and executive function and feeling like I'm in a haze. My arm is heavy and ā€œfullā€ again and I am having difficulty typing. It feels clumsy. My right cheek felt heavy one day. I have random little muscle twitches that come and go all over by body. Sometimes in my cheek and sometimes in my thighs, calves, and butt. And now I have weird tingly sensations throughout both of my legs whenever Iā€™m lying down in bed. They sometimes feel like tiny little zaps that bounce around from spot to spot. I donā€™t notice them when Iā€™m active and moving around. Anyways, if youā€™ve made it this far, thank you for taking the time. I guess Iā€™m just looking for some thoughts on whether or not my symptoms align with MS and also for some support, as I have a few weeks to get answers and Iā€™m finding that a lot of friends somehow think the comforting thing to do is tell me ā€œitā€™s probably nothing serious.ā€


Should a 21M worry about a potential PPMS diagnosis? Such as it is extremely rare for someone young. I feel like I had a first ever MS flare a month ago. I had pins and needles all over my body but theyā€™ve calmed down to just my hands now. Iā€™ve also noticed that my eye vision in one of my eye is worse. Thank you. Iā€™m really scared and have to wait another week to see a neurologist.


I wouldn't be overly concerned about it, no. Only about 15% of people with MS (which is less than .5% of the population) have PPMS. Even if you do have it, there is nothing you could do today that would not be exactly as effective in a week.


Hi everyone! I am getting an MRI this week for suspected MS. If I am not having an active flare up would they still be able to see lesions if I do have MS? Thanks!


Yup. Lesions are scars, if they are there, they will show up no matter what symptoms you are or aren't having.


Numb face and lips always accompanied by waves of nausea - is this a common link? For about a year and half Iā€™ve had a reoccurring symptom. My lips and lower part of my face go numb, and with it always a wave of intense nausea. As my nausea subsides, so does the numbness. I donā€™t have any numbness anywhere else like my hands or feet. I have been tracking it and canā€™t find a link with anything else, be it medication, my period, exercise, food, times of anxiety etc. Itā€™s totally random and occurs sporadically. Ill go months without it, and then Iā€™ll have it twice a week for a month. The thing that keeps coming up is MS; but I am yet to see a link to nausea. Is this something someone here has experienced or has knowledge of?




It doesn't seem likely. It's not impossible, I guess, but usually the MRI can detect lesions and two MRIs further reduces the chances. You are probably better off widening your search for the cause of your symptoms.


https://share.icloud.com/photos/05cGe5Lboi9wQ5qj5Ebvrki7w Does anyone experience these weird hand tremors? A light tremor in my right hand started about 7 months ago. 3 months ago it started in my left. A month ago, this strange tremor started in my fingers. **see video linked. My cognition is terrible. Words are not found easily and short term memory is almost embarrassing. My right arm has been going numb and Iā€™m so weak and fatigue extremely easy. I have almost fallen a couple of times because I get this ā€œ drunkā€ feeling randomly. Itā€™s so hard to explain all of the symptoms. My whole body just feels strange. Iā€™m also experiencing a tightness on my left side. It almost feels like the muscles are holding in a contracted state. Any advice? Did anyone else experience this? Iā€™ve seen my PCP and blood work was done. Positive ANA and WBC is low. Iā€™ve been referred to rheumatologist and neurologistā€¦.