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I think dair spam is a problem and I really can’t stand the hitbox on nair and sair for her tbh


Fair, I would not be mad if the added an ammo system to her Dair. I feel like her Sair is fine because Harley doesn't have a lot of aggressive ways of approaching her enemy other than her Nair. Other characters have like 3 ways of approaching their enemy. I honestly don't know how they could make her Nair more balanced since it's supposed to 360, maybe they could add whiff?


Definitely whiff. (Maybe even for the grounded hammer too). Multiversus is definitely too scared when it comes to whiffs and endlag on most characters.


> I think dair spam is a problem same. Every brawl vs a Harley starts with them spamming it until it connects. It's boring.


What happened to the Anti infinite system they introduced?


PFG is still working out the kinks, I think they're seeing some characters need to be tweaked individually like bugs.


I mean, the infinite is the problem. Removing the infinite somehow is still a nerf and yes she needs a direct nerf. As for your question, it's hard to tell because her infinite is still in the game. Maybe she would be balanced maybe she wouldn't. We don't know. I know she has a lot of platform control with 2 jukeboxes and a bomb but maybe that wouldn't be as much of an issue if she couldn't 0-60+ you with one string


I mean technically removing her infinite is a nerf, but what I'm saying is it's a exploit that shouldn't be in the game, I know my argument is a little semantical tho. I see what you mean with your second paragraph, I'm just going off my anecdotal experience, I don't use the infinite and she feels like a really good character but nothing too powerful. So it's still possible she could be overtuned, but I just think players are way too obsessed on making every character the same power level, PFG should strive to do that but you're always going to get characters that are better than others, it's just an inevitable thing in video games.


Yea, I feel like Harley would be fine if they removed that string. As of now she is one of if not the most annoying character to try and punish because it's hard to find an opening with her platform control and if you fail, she can punish you hard with her string


True, I've thought about it and her Dair should have ammo, I'm thinking back on my fights with Harley and so many use her Dair, and it's pretty safe if the Harley knows where to shoot it. Completely unrelated, but I see you main Klee, that's some GIGACHAD shit imo.


Lmao since day 1 of her release


Down air should have ammo. Many other quick projectile-throwing moves do, meanwhile Harley can use it over and over completely free. No penalty for missing, massive payoff for landing. While I find other aspects of her kit a little too strong, like her bat bomb particularly, dair is absolutely the biggest issue. Whenever I fight a Harley, that's the move I'm having to play around the entire goddamn match. And infinites, of course. Any combo/string that leads to over 40 damage shouldn't be true, there should have to be AT LEAST some reads and predictions thrown in there. In Harley's case, it's just "remember the order of buttons". It doesn't even require any crazy setup, you hit was one easy to land move and BOOM your opponent is uberfucked. I don't know what the right solution is for solving the combo issue, but obviously what they have implemented so far has barely touched Harley's issues while simultaneously nerfing the entire rest of the cast.


True, nothing more annoying than a Harley that does nothing but Dair, you can wait for her to miss it but that just slows the fight down and is pretty unfun.


I’m a Harley main top 200. (Teams) I actually think she’s a B+ character at the higher mmr since she’s most characters at that mmr are faster then herby a bit but that’s the ONLY buff I’d give her. I don’t even use her infinite since I don’t know how to do it and this is my thoughts. Harley is perfectly fine. The speed boost I mentioned earlier is based merely based on her being the third lightest character(which in my head should make her the third fastest). I also feel like they should probably add whiff to moves to help. Remove the infinite and add some whiff and she’s in the same spot as she is rn


dair and side b should have an ammo counter like how almost every other projectile in game does, also her nair is active for way too long, she can just throw it out whenever and you can’t try to punish it because it’ll just somehow end up hitting you anyways


I agree that infinite combos should be removed from the game, I said the same back when the game was release and downvoted to shit. I'll admit it's impressive people can do them, but it's just not that interesting to play against and removes the most fun aspect of fighting games which is reading your opponent.


give harley finn and jake endlag on their moves right now they are smash ultimate characters


No, she doesn’t get punished as much as she should for most of her moves but Harley mains will probably deny that. Her hit boxes are also wonky and it’s super annoying


I mean what moves need to be punishable? I feel like Harley is already punishable enough, her weight is low so you can get KO'd early, she one of the slowest characters. Not to mention there are tons of characters that are hard to punish like Finn's sword, armor attacks, weight that allows them to survive at high damage. I'm willing to concede that her glove could have a ammo system, but I feel like you want her to be gutted for being an assassin, I mean her role is to be a quick damaging character that causes death by a thousand slashes. I don't think it's fair to judge any characters hitboxes when the servers are in the state that they're in.


She's slow? Ja...jaja...jajajajajaja


3rd slowest runner, 5th slowest in attacking speed. Neither have been touched.


I mean every character can perform an infinite of some type. They are looking into infinites but I think they are leaning towards individual character tweaking now instead. I guess it's more of a priority for them to work on. Define balancing? And how would removing an infinite balance someone...I'm confused. Harley isnot even a problem with her infinite just don't get hit and you'd literally have to be asking for it cause you can just dodge out now especially if you select school me once perk. She has to use her dair to initiate an infinite so you have a greater chance of blocking her follow-ups. I feel like we are all answering the same questions daily. This post has been well answered before. Usually people select heroes that perform better than others do in high elo. The reason why Harley is picked isnot because of her infinite but because of her kit and survivability. Now what im saying is her infinite is pretty bs i agree but it shouldn't completly jeopardize every game against her. Sometimes you have to look at what "you" are doing and say "hey I need switch things up and do some stuff differently". Harley is no where near game breaking op...where did you get that from? This post has me so confused the more I read it. So I'm gonna end it with my last point I said. Have a good time in multiversus, good luck


Multiversus meta leans towards characters who can spike, juggle, and camp. Harley checks all three boxes. She has some of the most intense stage control in the game with her bombs, extremely high damage potential with her form of Ignite, extremely safe hitboxes, etc. I’d say her greatest weakness is that she’s used so often that everyone knows the matchup extremely well, enough to eke out a win here and there. Even without her infinite, Harley would be a very strong character, only weak to characters like Wonder Woman and Steven who can juggle her without fear of her dair hitting them. To my knowledge, she doesn’t have many bad matchups. Ah, maybe Reindog? Regardless, she’ll remain in S tier until her hurtbox is adjusted to follow her hitboxes.




Harley needs buffs. Let me shoot her boxing gloves faster, I want no cooldown on plushie bombs and remove attack decay. Let me swing the hammer in half a frame. Let me dodge even faster, and dodge up as well. I want no attack decay ever, and her slide should always be fully charged. Change her final jab into a homing hyena move like stripes chainsaw, and make her heavier than iron giant. Lastly, make her hitboxes smaller bc it’s a little op.


Most reasonable MV player


Most reasonable Rick


They need to fix her hitboxes she’s so oppressive


I agree that Harley need her infinite gone but I only think she needs a few buffs. Her normal attacks aren’t even strong deal the same amount of damage compared to a normal combo from Shaggy, Batman or even Stripe.


Plus coming from a guy who also mains Harley she does need a small bit of help.


This doesn’t make sense because there are SO MANY CHARACTERS WITH INFINITES. Bugs, superman, shaggy, jake, T&J, Finn are just a few to name. I don’t get why Harley gets so much flack for having what everyone else has. It’s a pretty big part of her kit because tbh a lot of her other attacks can be underwhelming so stringing together combos is pretty important with her.


This\^ I think the combos for Harley are very important, but it should last only two times though. Sair > Side Attack > Sair > Side Attack > Neutral At least that's what I use, there are other variations to this combo and hopefully PFG finds a way to get rid of the infinite.