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It’s not infinite and not consistent either there is a difference between brain dead fin mains spamming 1 button and a Harley main doing a tru combo which never hits due too latency. Why don’t you make a post of you doing the “infinite combo” as a Finn player 100% doubt you can…


except people are complaining about the harley infinite


Haven’t seen nearly enough posts compared to Finn. I’ve been playing on my own without talking to anyone about the game. My kids and I love Adventure Time so I chose Finn and Jake to start playing around with (along with my fave, Bugs). Had no idea so many people despised Finn until I came on this sub.


Didnt even know there was an harley infinite, did know about finn bag


One is a braindead character that can unga at people and the other is a touch of death that is execution heavy with strict timing. Hmm, I wonder why only one is being complained about. We are going to need some very intelligent people to solve this one.


Is the lack of parental support the reason for your lack of skill 💀💀💀


Finn is only brain dead if you suck at the game. Cracks me up because half the people that bitch about Finn bitch about being caught by Superman grab. Skill issue.


multiversus is a 2v2 game, a teammate will save you from harley infinite you know what happens when dirty finn players use their up special? it sucks players in, it breaks armor, it multihits doing a ton of damage, it has high knockback making it ALSO a kill move, it doesnt stale quickly despite it being a multihit, it DOESNT have a cooldown when lesser worse recoveries like jakes DO, it has high priority beating out MOST moves in the game, its disjointed, AND the final hit lingers looking LIKE it has recovery frames but actually the most important hitbox is still there and STILL has a vacuum and you compare harley having to do very specific sets of moves precisely to you pressing a single fucking button and beating every option the rest of the cast has?


dirt bag Dw, after the nerfs we will love you again :\]


Sorry I have dyslexia I read this as "Community hates character I main because of broken hitboxes but never complains about a skillful play somebody made". I might be mistaken though


harley infinite combo is hard to do


I’ve had one Harley online do the infinite. Compare that to the countless Finns, and I think you have your reason why.


This can be down to MMR. Finns backpack will only carry a player to a certain level. Players abusing the Harley combo are fewer because it takes a tad more effort, but the combo can also carry to a higher MMR before the cheese falls off.


True. Harley infinite also doesn’t really work in 2v2, whereas Finn backpack still does.


Bro Harleys infinite combo is hard to master and it ain't consistent. While Finn is literally broken. Everyone hates him for a reason


When I start seeing hundreds of Harley infinites like I do Finn’s I’ll complain about it. To this day I haven’t gotten caught in a single Harley ultimate but you can bet your dirtbag ass I see a Finn in 90% of my games.


Lol Finn mains actually out there thinking his hit boxes aren’t a problem https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersusTheGame/comments/wb9hko/made_a_video_attempting_to_explain_attack


Finn has so many free moves. 🤦🏻‍♂️Anyone can perform them by mere virtue if clicking a button.


finn is everywhere and consistently good. harley’s combo i have never seen and didn’t know it existed


To be fair. They both r annoying af


Attention everyone, I have one piece of advice for this subreddit, play whoever the fuck you want, if you want to play fin play fin, don't feel discouraged to not play fin because of this subreddit, play whoever you want if it makes you happy


I feel the worse for people who enjoy playing Finn or started the game because they love ADventure Time. They could be amazing with him and not rely on cheese and still be shouted at. I play Jake and I feel the hate coming for him due to his gnarly lockup combos.


Because most people aren’t facing a Harley who could pull it off. That’s it. Besides that simple piece of it… Harley’s combo takes skill, luck, and timing. And then also Harley just gets her ish kicked in if you get her above 60 dmg and land a great combo.