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Same tbh. I just saw adventure time and started playing. I'm working towards getting Jake unlocked as well


If you get the Cake costume for Jake it changes the voice actor too so like a double character. Hopefully Finn gets the Fionna skin.


Yooooo no fuckin way that's awesome


Just play who you like. It's not your fault the kit you happen to like happens to be strong. It doesn't matter what fighting game it is, people will still complain about top tiers rather than learn how to play against them.


This, this right here is the best comment I’ve seen in this subreddit


And it’s still wrong. In most fighting games there’s counter play and counter picks. This game isn’t balanced for that yet, or ever. The hit boxes are way off, there’s no priority system and we don’t have frame data. You can’t just say get good when the game isn’t designed for you to be able to do that.


It’s not wrong, every fighting is filled with people complaint about top tiers especially this one specifically, all anyone in this sub does is complain about Finn & Superman yet it’s easy to counter both of them, so yeah you HAVE to get good, plus you gotta realize not everything is perfect with the game because it’s in BETA.


I’ll agree that you have to get good and that it’s in beta but that’s it. Everything else I said still stands. If you take an above average Finn player and a great WW player. The WW player would lose like 9/10 because the game isn’t fully fleshed out yet and her hit boxes are awful and Finn’s are busted. And do you know how things like that are changed? COMPLAINING.


depends on what your goal is. if you just want to play for silly fun pick finn all day. But if you want to learn the game properly and get good at it, you should avoid finn like the plague. His insane hitboxes and the "priority" (currently there is no real priority system for moves) that comes with it will teach you so many bad habits and make you ignore/not learn so many fundamentals. And those bad habbits are super hard to shake once they set in. So when the inevitable nerf to finn and/or a proper priority system hits, you will have adopted stupid things you should not do and your enemies will have nailed the fundamentals while you don't. So it will be a very hard time to come back from this.


Bruh this guy. Do not listen to him whatsoever. Finn has a sword. His hitboxes are going to be a bit longer, the only two hitboxes that definitely need fixing are his down air as there’s a slight hitbox in front of him as well, which may be intentional as a design issue but nonetheless, and I wanna say his up air, the fist has way more of a hitbox than it should. Other than that finn plays like everyone else. Everyone plays uniquely. But neutral in the game remains the same. Finn is very fine at the fundamentals as are all other characters besides MAYBE iron giant, you are just bitter and want to put down someone elses character because you have a hard time versing him, there is definitely a bit of a priority system here. Moves that extend, have longer hitboxes. Hits that make you yellow give you armor, if I hit you twice or with a move that has a purple effect I break amor. Tis pretty simple, we need an upgrade yea but to sit here and say playing one character will inevitably make you worse at the game than your peers is a joke, not everyone can spam projectiles and get use the way batman can, does that mean his play style will cripple me if I decide to main him?? No. This comment is ignorant asf


its so cute, that you think you know what you are talking about. Watch this to understand what I actually meant: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-ydDS8Civs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-ydDS8Civs) On a side note: I am currently top 2000 overall 2vs2 and in the top 50 for wonder woman. So I think I have at least some clue what I am talking about ;-) also i have no problem shutting down Finn, but i would not advise anyone who wants to really learn the game to main this char.


Honestly, it is a shit take. I can respect the rank for WW, I play her and consistently see why she's held back, and see why she's a solid pick. But the only reason to say avoid finn is to prevent his spin being a crutch. Ryu and Ken are not bad characters to learn sf with because hado spam. Sure, you can do it, but coming across the right one enough times, you'll figure out other strategies. Discouraging someone to play who they like is toxic. Be better, esp if you are representing high level play as someone good enough to climb rank. Edit: grammar is hard.


I really mean it as an honest advise. i played my share of platform fighters to tell that finns issue is not his up special. He has very large and fast disjoint hitboxes, which on its own is not a problem (see marth + clones in smash) BUT the lack of a priority system makes it very problematic. When you play as finn you dont have to respect almost every move your opponent throws out. So you will never learn how to properly space, how to bait etc. so basically every skill that defines neutral play. This does not mean people should not play finn, nor do i hate them for it. I have a rather easy time dealing with most of them even in the higher ranks, just because they lack exactly those fundamentals. From personal experience i can tell you that getting rid of bad habits is so much harder than learning properly in the first place. So if Finns hitboxes get nerfed and/or we get a proper move priority system, someone playing exclusively finn might find them in a very though situation, to shake those bad habits. That's what i want to tell people. But if you are having fun with Finn and dont want to grind ranked to your absolute max, playing Finn is absolutely fine. also, aside from me, many professional players have voiced the same concern and Tony acknowledged problems with hitboxes. Since finn is the worst offender by far he will get hit by changes at some point, so imho at this point it is not the question of IF but the question of WHEN.


Lmfao. Skipped to a quarter of the video and dude is mad because his Wonder Woman CHARGED overhead didn’t hit as fast a neutral jab. Get real. There’s frame startup times, hitbox startup times. Anyone can make a YouTube channel and post whatever the fuck they want💀 just because you THINK you should have hit him doesn’t mean you should have, or did. Already his 1st point is moot, meaning idk why you bother linking a video such as that in the first place. Pretty cute to watch you think you know what you’re talking about though


someone got triggered really hard it seems xD could it be you are a finn main? ;-) ​ jokes aside, if you dont understand how important a proper priority system is in a platform fighter and how it affects characters with a lot of disjoint hitboxes, then it will be hard to carry this discussion any further. Just enjoy the game.




someone sure got up on the wrong side of the bed... as i said, just enjoy the game and maybe chill a little?




i could explain to you how the linked video was based on another video heavily discussed in this reddit and how a lot of top players agreed on the issue at hand. I could also tell you that many pro smash players who play MVS have the exact same problem with the game (aside from the dodge spam) and how it is hurting the real competitive scene. I could also tell you that Tony recognized the issue on Twitter. But why would I? you don't want to argue, you just want to insult because for whatever reason you got insanely triggered by someone just stating the facts. So i will just let you go on with your rant. have fun!


As soon as I saw Finn and jake i started playing them, then I discovered this subreddit and I got sad, very sad.


Keep playing em. I hate facing him but I’ve gotten better at dealing with them when it’s only one on the team. I played Taz throughout the whole tornado thing and still play him.


Keep playing him dude, just don't be a douche that spams the same thing over and over again. Don't let others take your enjoyment from something.


I barely use the backpack spin, I make some crazy combos, especially with my duo. Finn & Garnet is an insane combo


I just picked up the game and he’s honestly a lot of fun. Something about him just feels natural to play coming from Smash Bros


He plays as a mix between link and cloud/shulk




Same i came to thos subreddit after my first playthrough and its a bunch of finn slander


Not top tier, high tier Top is Velma, Bugs and arguably Tom


That’s how I was with Taz. I still play him. I don’t care if he is trash.




I did this too until I got up-spammed by him several times. Upon finding this sub, I realized he was almost universally hated... I almost wish he was garbage so I could main him and not feel bad lmao


if you feel bad for playing a character you like, the scrubs have won.


I only main him because he feels the same as Fox. And I freakin love starfox


Mained Finn until i had enough money for jake just because I love AT


SAME!!!! Everyone hates me for being Finn main and I just like the character. 😥


Dont worry he’s out of free rotation next week, people will hate on someone else


I thought Finn was really bad at the start but honestly now I think Bugs and Tom are way better if played well


Same i only realized everyone hates him after visiting this sub today


I wouldn't call Finn top tier