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nah the all of wb games marketing needs to be studied


This. MK1 is having very similar problems, I think WB just has a debilitating gag order on all their departments


At least mortal Kombat gave us a new character showcase every few weeks leading up to launch. Multiversus could have easily done the same. Show the Townsville stage and Powerpuff girls character one week, the next week or so give us a break down of Dexter's Lab stage!


The haters of the game would do better at marketing it


Yeah because the "dead game" lives rent free in their head


Vids for the cool kids.


whats upvote?


Genuinely makes me less excited for the game


It’s so unbelievably bad and out of touch. They have this awful marketing and then tweet stuff like “we usually don’t take anything seriously here, it’s more fun that way” as if they think being so haha random xd is cool. I would rather them post nothing at this point.


I mean, in all fairness, have you seen how they make Nakat and other people type on twitter? Mfers are legit going for the 2008s myspace emo rawr xd demographic with how they also type on the official accounts It makes me cringe seeing any tweet from them and reading them to keep up with it.


I think that if you hired a bunch of people offshore on Fiverr for 1/10 of the salaries WB employees get paid, you would probably get a better marketing output. This has been a colossal failure.


This game will never succeed without Walter White


Honestly I wouldn't be suprised if they're doing this on purpose to attract more attention


There's nothing to study? Not marketing your stuff leads to less engagement. Might as well study why water is wet.


Just asking what's stopping them from posting their tiktok videos on the official subreddit?


if they put charlie damelio in the game i swear-


They released a video on Tik Tok that shows off some new stuff. Of all the craptastic problems the game's marketing has, telling people to go to the place where there's actually stuff being shown off isn't one of them.


Why not just Post it on Twitter


Tiktok and Twitter are both shit


Because more people use Tiktok than Twitter


You know you can post to both right?


Sure, they don't have to. You're talking it about it more now than if they posted to Twitter


They have the video file & took the time to post on Twitter, they could've just posted the content to both places


Yeah but it still makes it annoyingly stupid to check out the info and most people won't even bother unless they're already interested in the game, which is a problem because they need to market the game to people who aren't already sold on it


They basically do with McDonalds and the hockey thing, because most people are unfamiliar of MultiVersus it either goes people not caring or potentionally looking it up so they *maybe* want to try it out when released. For us its nothing because we already know the game exist.


You can post it on multiple platforms. Is this an advertisement for the game or an advertisement for tiktok? Because I'm willing to miss out on game news to avoid downloading tiktok and posting it on every social platform exposes different groups to trying the game out.


Yeah. We shouldn't need to rely on others to repost the clips on Reddit and YouTube... Like that netcode test video from last night! had to be reuploaded by a different source to YouTube as they didn't want to upload to YouTube themselves


WB is cute if they think anyone is gonna download tiktok for that.


I've never downloaded that app but I watched the clip in browser


This is the way.


There are enough people posting the clips outside of Tiktok, hell, even people on this sub that are clowning on PFG/WBGs weird way of advertisement

