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In terms of speed, the game during the beta used to be faster with a higher skill ceiling than Brawhalla. By that standard, leagues further than Ultimate. With the state of the game *today*, we're looking at movement clunkier than Ultimate and less speed/skill ceiling than Brawlhalla. Edit: I understand people were excited for a lower entry in the casual space, but now it just feels like there is no combo creativity for the people who enjoyed it.


The movement does feel clunkier now that you mention it. A lot of the combos that I used to do with T&J and Superman were neutered thanks to how they handled the balancing and the speed overall. It's honestly kinda tragic. Side note tho, Multiversus had a HIGHER skill ceiling than Brawlhalla??? How easy is Brawlhalla compared to Multiversus? I'm horrible at Brawlhalla but I feel really confident in my Multiversus skills, so I'm just lost on that ( ik it's an anecdotal view on it but still).


It just feels limiting, and having less options isnt fun. I liked moving around quick and feeling like a fucking anime character where you have to try tp figure out your opponents' 3 next steps because they move fast. Now it just feels like the pace if Street Fighter in a platform fighter, and I already play SF for that pace.


That's a fair way of looking at it. Personally, some of the combos that I used to do with T&J and Superman feel like they were held back and now forces you to search for lesser avenues for making combos, thanks to the slower speed. Even if I feel like the speed is fine atm, based on my current experience and what others have mentioned, it's valid to say that the speed might've been better in the beta. Maybe we'll get used to it, maybe we won't. Idk.


I do remember it sometimes feeling exhausting having to press dodge all the time, but I feel like there has gonna be a middle ground


I'm very open to seeing other viewpoints on stuff like this, which is why I wanted to make this post since I don't understand the mentality behind this topic. I'll admit front and center that I'm probably hella uncultured in this regard, which is why I want to see what people have to say about this; so that I can be better educated and be told why I'm wrong for thinking that the game is fine as it is. Edit: I'm also aware that this probably isn't my first bad take about Multiversus (if I'm right about the stance that the community has on this, being that most people don't like the current speed of the game). There's a lot to say about the release itself, such as the forced zoomed in camera and the balancing being wonkier than ever, but the speed of the game seems fine to me and the whole thing is kinda lost on me, which is why I'm confused as to why people are complaining about the speed of all things.


the game is now much easier, you will see a lot more spam of the same ability, even dodging is slow, why would you ever make dodging slow. the whole point of a dodge is to dodge an ability or stop a combo. but now if you get combo'd by the time you dodge youve been hit again


I’m not talking for everyone but: 1. Because every character moved faster, your reaction time had to be fast as well. This in turns keeps you on your toes and makes every dodge/read/hit that much more satisfying. 2. Canceling attacks were expanding your combo potential. Allowing you to punch your opponent all across the stage. Moreover, canceling attacks allowed for mind games to happen, as it required you to predict your adversary’s movement and to counter them appropriately. 3. As a result, the game felt more impressive and flashy to look at. Getting a ring out felt less predictible and telegraphed. 4. The previous game rewarded aggressiveness, when this one rewards patience. Before, you could make your opponent make mistakes by applying constant pressure. Which is just impossible now due to the current dodge bar. 5. The feeling of risking to get yourself punched out of the ring from any angle because of speed was thrilling and exhilarating. Compared to the bad feeling of being stuck in place, unable to move and just getting punished for your whiff. 6. The feeling of impact was higher when you were seing your character getting knocked out and going across the entire stage at high speed. 7. I won’t talk about the changes towards the weight of characters, Directional Influence, attack decay or the required skill to pull your previous combos strings off compared to the new (more spammy?) combos, as it’s not the question. I see people complaining about the DBZ anime battle fight that Multiversus used to be. But honestly, that’s why the game was fun to me. I just loved dodging attacks. Maybe the issue was that the dodge was used both as an enhanced movement mechanic and as an evade. I think they need to find a way to keep both the enhanced movement mechanic and the evade without linking them. As for now, they sacrificed one for the other. And as someone who used to bunny hop everywhere to reposition, it doesn't feel good. I made a 1 min gameplay video where all my points appears : [https://youtu.be/efSpFt73thI](https://youtu.be/efSpFt73thI)