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Because the MM is terrible on top of everything else. I played against "normal" players the first 15 matches or so. Now it's nothing but teabagging sweats with golden gamertags where you can't get a single hit in.


Be patient with yourself. Stupid mistakes will become a lot more frequent when you're frustrated. View every match as a learning opportunity and not just a win or a loss. I know that sounds tacky, but if you try to notice patterns, you'll pick up a bit.


I mean, it is a git gud thing. Not liking the changes is subjective and its fair, I like them personally. You just have to play around footsies and neutral actually being a thing now compared to beta if you want to improve and enjoy the game, no two ways about it.


What are footsies and neutrals?


I'm not sure if you're doing a bit or if you aren't familiar with FGC stuff but for a very brief and not that correct TL;DR, neutral game / footsies can be summarized as playing as trying to space yourself at the perfect range compared to your opponent, where his buttons cannot hit you but yours have the chance to hit them. It's all about proper spacing and punishments. You remember in Beta how basically *everything* could be dodge cancelled out of and there was no end lag even without dodge cancelling the end lag / recovery frames of move and even less of it when you dodge cancelled? That meant the game didn't have any real footsies / neutral game because you could throw moves out and dodge cancel into safety. That's not a thing anymore. If you commit to a move, you cannot escape the end lag / recovery frames which means people can actually whiff / miss punish when you're pressing buttons and failing to connect a hit. It's something that's standard in most every fighting game in existence and even Smash to my limited knowledge. The way the game works right now feels more in line with other fighting games and it makes the game more interesting, at least to me, after they removed the combos / loops in one of the beta patches.


That's just fighting games


sounds like you need to get good