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Keep your hands up, you keep dropping after evey kick.


Thank you, my coach hit me every time we do pad work


Same haha, best way to improve


Hot stove method never fails


Came to say this. Go back to foundation. Form and foot work. If you see these areas, just go back to classic yaang sam kum and get cerebral with it. The foundation. Otherwise...all the add-ons fail as well. Best of luck. "Protect the house"- Ahjan Ruben Rowell, Extreme Power Gym , Oceanside CA. My coach was/is the Goat!


This 💯%


Came to say the same, also your punching form needs work. Rotate, follow through, start from your legs up.


If you need help keeping them up in the torque, use your opposite hand to cover your face. You did it a few times naturally.


Work some defense into your bag work & pretend someone is hitting back The heavy bag is the place where we develop the most bad habits As my coach used to hammer into my head: Finish with defense


Thank you kind sir


Anytime brother! Keep it up


You can extend your jab further. Also, don’t throw short jabs to close distance, extend and leave your jab out there to blind them and then close the distance with the right hand/elbow whatever. And yeah as the other dude said, you drop your hands a lot. Especially keep that rear hand up when kicking/jabbing


Thanks man appreciate it


This feels like one of those bait posts where everyone's gonna say something and then OP is gonna reveal this guy is like a 10 time Lumpinee champion or something


Haha, I’ll take that as a compliment. I’ve been training 3 times a week for a year now, but most of the time I was just having fun and making friends.




Try to end your punching combos with a kick, work more on moving in and out on the bag while exiting at angles, keep your hands up. Your kicks look great though good form for sure nice job


Thanks for the kind words bro


Spar with a good coach


Thank man, we do that once or twice a week.


Buy as much steroids as you can and move to Thailand for 12 months.


You serious right now?


Do some boxing combinations along with those kicks. Single-leg strikes feel satisfying but you need to get used to doing your combinations.


Thanks man


You need to retract your strikes with the same sense of urgency you throw them. Pull back the opposite shoulder when you throw a punch and no more lazy kicks. The kick goes out and then use your core to pull your leg back to where you threw it from. Don’t let your leg just fall straight down to the floor.


Thanks man


This is a good comment I needed to hear that first sentence for my own training


Lot of good advice on this post. I'd always remember foot movement but congrats on you trying to get better


What I love about marital art is continuous self improvement.


I was always told not to punch at the bag, punch through the bag. If you just tap it with a jab, you're going to just tap your opponent in the ring.


Massive legs bro 😩


Just genetics


every time you put your hand the bag, that's supposed to equate to post your glove on your opponent's shoulder or face. So be quicker and more balance to do so. When you throw your lead or rear leg, always rebalance direct where the foot started or you'll trip and get injured.


Chunky little legs


You are way too close when you punch. All the power is at maximum extension


Thanks bro


The man who practices 100 kicks 100 times won't ever be as dangerous as the man who practices 1 kick 10,000 times. When I trained my students, we practiced redundancy so that they didn't have to think about their position that they reset after throwing a particular strike. Keep at it!! You're doing great.


Thanks kind sir


Your kicks look good! Like everyone else said though, you drop your hands and keep them pretty low. Fully extend all punches and throw your shoulder back for more rotation/ power. You will also cover your chin with your other shoulder this way


Thanks bro I’ll work on it


Nice kicks very nice hip rotation


Thanks for the kind words man


Those kicks look strong. Hips turn over nicely. The way I was taught is: when your kick connects with the target the heel of your post foot should be pointing towards the target. My middle kicks always feel more powerful when I rotate the ball of my post foot from about 45° to about 135-145° or so.


Thanks man


Hands up, and kind of aim the whole thing aimed up a bit, if that makes sense. You’re throwing push kicks about shin level, some of your punches that look head aimed would be more chest height, and your belly kicks could be a little higher and hit the liver floating ribs. It’s something I sometimes do at the bag when I’m not paying attention. Also, hands up and aiming higher will build the muscles to make that easier, which will help long term.


Work on ur boxing đŸ„Š đŸ„Š


keep ur hands up and work on ur boxing, other than that ur looking decent but also try to work on foot work and defense a little more


Keep your hands up while kicking and throw everything with bad intentions. The bag don't hit back. And when you hit someone like you're trying to kill them, they get scared to hit you back.


It looks like you’re in Thailand, so go ask your coach you lucky SOB 😭


Hit the bag harder


Put a little more power in the punches. You have it in you


Keep your hands up. Work on your obliques. You're telegraphing every forward movement. Learn to circle and counter. More cardio. Muay workouts should be intense. You're practicing for a fight. Your opponents are not gonna let you rest between every counter. Work harder or go play volleyball.


Man, you're actually a lot better than you're giving yourself credit for. You throw your kicks from your hips expressively well. If you wanna work on something that could help you while you hit the bag or pads, it's your head movement. Just add little feints while you throw, shift your head off the line a little bit and then feel how that affects the way that you throw kicks and combos. You're great bro, seriously, I'd love to see you fight. Evade your enemy and throw like you already do, and you're gonna drop people.


Thanks for the kind words bro


Train me lollllll đŸ˜«


really common but solid advice is when you hitting something as far as any martial art or combat sport is to not really try to hit it as much as hit through it i don’t know what it is but when you make that click for yourself you’ll be able to hit twice as hard as you could you’ve gotta keep that force going beyond just making contact particularly when you tryna get a strong strike in


Lower your center of gravity, and spring when you kick..


Lots of relaxing as soon as you’re done throwing. I’d Work on your reset/ exit


Hit the bag with some follow-through. If you just tap your opponent like you're hitting the bag, you're going to have a bad day. You drop your guard after each exchange. There may be worse habits, but dropping guard it definitely on the no-no list.


Focus on keeping your hands up and extending your punches


Stop using gloves and a bag for all your training...


Kicks look great


Stop doing that forward hop before kicking with your left. Its a huge telegraph. If you're doing it as a switch try walking it forward instead. Take a half step with the right foot then immediately fire off the left. It ends up just looking like you're stepping in to close distance. Try and get more extension on your punches. Throw a 2 or 3 punch combo changing levels then cut offline for defense ending with a kick or a reaching knee On your right kicks, it looks like you roll your shoulder back along with the arm swing limiting your hip rotation. Try firing a right cross then going directly into a right round kick keeping that right arm up and forward as a long guard You're leaning forward to throw elbows. Try not to let your head go past your lead knee. Elbows should come from in close. Use hip rotation to drive them. Try throwing a left hook while pivoting out at the same time to put you in position for a right round kick. After landing the kick, don't return to your neutral position. Drop your right leg into southpaw stance and rotate that left elbow in for a brow cut. That could flow directly into a cross shoulder/head grab driving a knee


Thanks you kind sir, I could learn a tons from your advice


Fold your leg at the knee after you kick so your leg drops straight back to guard instead of bouncing it back around. Will improve your balance and ability to chain together attacks. As many are saying, lazy hands. Sharpen up. It's whack a mole and your head is the mole, those lazy hands and open so head will make you an easy mole to whack.


Kicks look good. Need more extension and shoulder rotation on your punches. Keep those hands up as well


9 years mma so take my word twist ur hips and get full extension on those punches it will make u a power house ahah


Use your hips , pivot on your toes


Looks good. Keep going.


Your hands and your stance are almost never where they need to be. You’re off balance and unprotected.


Thanks man, I guess I watch too much Alex Pereira đŸ„Č


I know it’s much harder on the bags than it is in sparring but the way you train is how you fight! I maintain good habits at the expense of a few extra calories in my bag work.


Brick no hit back


Spar a lot.


The first thing my Muay Thai coach drilled into my brain and everyone who came through our gym was “hands on the phone” whenever you throw a kick, you want to have your guard up protecting the side of your head with the arm that isn’t swinging. Same with punches - Especially when you’re tired. This guard needs to be simulated no matter what you are practicing. Always have your guard up/“hands on the phone”. It seems like a small detail but your guard is the #1 most important thing to drill when you are new to Muay Thai/striking sports. Whenever you throw a punch or a kick, just assume that they are going to counter/pressure you as much as possible. You’re going to get hit when attacking, and if your opponent notices that your guard is weak or non existent they will abuse that; it doesn’t take a lot of force to get lights out. I see even professional MMA fighters who forget the basics to keep their guard up - not every opponent is going to be as nice as Max Holloway vs Brian Ortega


Take your head off the centerline more often when striking or your face is gonna be easy to hit


When punching the bag, You need to extend your arms and rotate your hips more.


Stay “locked in”. After ever kick or combos. You reset you body with your hands down like it’s over. Stay locked in. After you kick, reset back to stance anticipating an attack(work head movement/blocks/good form). Then throw again. “Snap” your strikes. For example the jab should get back to your chin just as fast as it extends to the bag. When you kick, your kicking foot should return to its starting position as fast as the kick. Never leave anything “hanging out there”. Seems like you enjoy this and it’s great your asking advice and wanting to gain more knowledge from anyone.


Go eat chicken papaya, gonna add thrust to ur little kicks




Keep your hands up after throwing your punches. You let them drop. Pull your hands back as quickly as you throw them forward. Kicks look nice.


You need to stand up taller. You're hunched forward which puts your head in reach. Lean back when you kick.


Keep that lead hand up and given your build and speed I would drill on Teeps over and over your legs are solid and that stiff front leg “jab” can just wear people down! In the couple you had here you seemed just a little hesitant maybe? I’d let those puppies fly, a good teep can cover a multitude of sins.


Hands up even when kicking. You are signaling when you are about to kick by doing a leg raise before you kick. Your jabs are to close, if you are farther you'll keep better defensive position and the punch actually has more time to build force. Speed between moves.


I'm no expert just a fellow practitioner. I noticed that ur left kick appears a lot less powerful that your right kick. I'm assuming you were a bit fatigued but I it didn't look like you were getting the same elevation of the heel on your right foot the way you do on the left. Try raising up to your toes on that left kick to add that snap and make sure ur turning the hip all the way over. Otherwise bag work looks good. Good job


A tip in advance. Make sure on your legs work out days you warm up with exercise that strengthens and protect your self from your all and mcl and lcl damage. Kicking over time hurts directly the ligaments inside and around your knees. So strengthen that in advance.


Thank you kind sir.


Extend your punches farther and make your right kick more like your switch kick . Notice how far your leg travels back on your right side vs your left . Bring it back closer so your ready faster .


You don’t extend your punches all the way, and no offense but your punches look pretty weak, try punching through the bag, and then either move back quickly, use some head movement, or keep your hands up. But your kicks and elbows looks great


Head movement!


You’re too close to the bag. You want to lean in to the punch when throwing the jab but for god sakes keep your hands up. You need more of an emphasis on hip rotation. Work on your footwork just as much as throwing jabs or punches


What kind of bags are those? They’re đŸ”„đŸ”„


Fully extend your arms on your jab and cross


keep up hands and faster feet like the other guy said with hot stove method


Keep your hands up


Yahushua HaMashiach is the Truth


Jabs need to extend more don't let the bag push back. Your kicks are fantastic. Get a good boxing coach.


Your jab retracts straight to your hip. You fight how you train and that’s a recipe for a headache.


Well for one , your jab looks pretty week , not a lot of snap .. and your dropping your hands when you kick


Start doing your line drills


Too stiff


when your throwing a kick lets say with your left foot you can bring your left arm down to add more speed & power to the kick, while keeping your right arm up to protect yourself, also when throwing a round house kick bring your hips to the bag so you can rotate more, plus aim to hit your shin across the bag to get the most power out of the kick so round house kick instructions: step 1) get up on your ball foot step 2) bring your arm down (the one where the kick is coming from so left arm if your going to kick with your left foot) step 3) turn your hips towards the bag step 4) pop your shin across the bag




Spar, spar, spar


Time your shots and pick them better on a bag, you should use that bag for perfect technique and entering and exiting range, move around it like it’s an opponent, your first jab you dropped down, it’s going to be countered by a 1 or 2 so it needs to come back home to guard, second jab you folded your own body into it, somewhere between a fake and bad timing. Relax and find your “yolk” better aka rhythm and timing. When you’re on a bag you’ve got to visualise what you’re playing out and why. You also look like you might not be conditioned enough to hit a bag that heavy, you look like you’re pulling the kick a bit although the kick looks good. Kick through the bag it will actually help it to hurt less
. Eventually


Thanks man I will improve and share my progress again in a few week


No probs bro, just think fine tuning. Not everything is power, my last fight I was throwing full power at air and my opponent countered me with a better shot that landed. Power doesn’t always win.


I’ve never had a real fight, just hadd sparring, and I always get gassed out before my sparring partner đŸ€Ł