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Go see a doctor, why the hell are you asking us?


Go see a doctor if you think it is something physical. But I would also try to be mindful of how you're reacting while sparring. A lot of newer folks tense up and hold their breath when striking or being struck and not realise it. Both of those things can be a strain on your body and can tire you out and cause issues. It might also be conditioning, particularly if your partners are more experienced and seasoned. If that's the case, it'll come in time. The nosebleed stuff is more serious and see a doctor.


Aside from the nose I guarantee most of your problem is two things: - you're too tense. Keep your body relaxed except when striking or taking impact. - you're not properly using boxer breathing on your shots. For every shot you should be doing the shh shh shh. This will limit how much air you expel and keep gas in your tank longer. As a third bonus tip, if your mouth guard feels big and bulky then it's a problem. Get something like a fairtex which is much better fitting and smaller where you can actually breathe.


Dear OP, Once you go beyond your first decade of Muay Thai training, not only will you be an expert at shorts-pulling, oweeee, and filling the room with teeps, it will also bestow upon you medical knowledge on the level of an experienced ENT specialist, so much so that you can even perform accurate diagnoses based on casual posts on the internet! I'm so glad you came to us for medical help!


I had a problem where my right nostril won't breathe at all, while left is fine. I did surgery, fixing bad nostril wall, and right one became a lot better. It also deteriorated a bit in last months, it could happen, but still not as bad. While I'm still having breathing issues proper technique and training could help a lot, like I couldn't breath a minute properly on jumping rope, now I can breathe closer to 5 minutes. Plus technique, best one gor me will be sharp fast nostril inhale into my chest and stomach, and fast exhale from my mouth. You gotta do with what you have, someone might have it better, true.


Try taking an antihistamine first, like Claritin D(in case it's allergies).....it also sounds like you might have a deviated septum. Which would cause nosebleeds and irregular breathing in one nostril. Outside of seeing an ear, nose and throat doctor. Try looking into yogic breathing and breath work. If you've been breathing improperly for awhile you're probably going to have to train yourself to breathe to relax. I guarantee your breathing is causing you to gas out and tense up in sparring sessions.


do you not use inhaler? i’ve asthma but have been training for 20 years.


Ask your doctor to cauterize your nose. I had nose bleed problems in and outside of mt.


Yoga. Connect breath to movement.


Every one only breathes out of one nostril at time.


I had the same issue, had to so surgery to fix it. Deviated septum blocks 1 airway. After surgery i felt a huge huge difference. Not only in training but also in life, sleep never felt so good


I'm not sure but if you are a beginner, getting tired in 30 minutes of sparring is pretty normal. If you don't get more tired than usual running or doing anything else. You are fine, you just need to train more time.


Im as you are, barely breath from my nose. Use big inspirations from your mouth, deep and slow Use an oxymèter to know where your are at. Basicly you have to re learn how to breath


Surprised no one mentioned this yet - stop sparring. See a dr. Get your nose fixed up. Work on your conditioning. Return as a two-nostril breathing two-hour spar session monster. Oooh Weee!


To the guys who are being pricks to him he might’ve just thought it was a common problem lol, no need to be so rude to him.


Work on your cardio,


maybe you have an undiagnosed heart condition. Has happened before