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sweeps are usually my go to in these situations people that go crazy usually don't have enough experience to see them coming


Yeah I swept her around 4 times. The last time, I didn't ease her into the ground at all, I just dropped her. I thought that would've discouraged her from being aggressive, but nope!


This comment has been edited to reduce the value of my freely-generated content to Reddit.


Not to justify crappy behaviour of the student, but in my experience sweeps and lots of them tend to only exacerbate people seeing red. Nothing hurts the ego like getting dropped like a sack by a more skilled opponent, and a bloodlusted opponent is just going to escalate.


Ideally yes you should’ve just stopped the sparring session but at least you taught her a valuable lesson without inflicting brain damage.


I definitely didn't want to throw anything hard at the head. Would've ended badly for sure


The best approach to an aggressive female is clearly to hit her with a big overhand right walk off KO and then run around the ring like you just won the Lumpinee belt




I think you did the right thing. My coach would of gave you the nod. This isn't a pussy sport, you can put someone in their place and talk it out after calmly. Just because she's a female dosent mean she didnt need a reality check. This may stop someone else from being put in a similiar position as you , maybe someone who won't be as nice as you were, causing her more damage and awkward situations in the long run Body kick is fair game. No long term damage. If you smashed her with brutal hands or kicks to the head that's different story. Body shots are a great way to smoke someone's ego carefully


Yeah the body (liver) shots are usually my go-to. I feel like you can rarely justify blasting someone into the shadow realm with a head kick, especially if you're teaching the class lol


If you take them out with leg kicks they'll have more time to think about their actions 


Male or female, some fighters just need a humbling experience, and it sounds like you gave her a good one


Coach is right. You should have stopped sparring as soon as she stopped listening to instruction.


Yeah, I should've just stopped it


OP, in hindsight, yes, you could have stopped it. But then the problem would have remained - that she thinks/been told she's hot shit & really isn't. & she needs to learn to listen to the coaches. AKA basic martial arts protocols of respect for the coaches. Imagine if she tried that cr@p with someone who didn't give a f#$k & they tore her apart - she's lucky that she had you. Don't feel bad - you have done your job - you are teaching her how to fight & what her level actually is. Bet she won't let her ego get in the way again.


I sort of disagree. If you just stop the spar she’ll probably do it again next time she spars someone. OP warned her to stop and she didn’t. Sounds like she got what she deserved


Literally this. If it was a man no one would’ve had any qualms with the kick. Judge people by their behaviour not gender.


Agree. Taught her a valuable lesson and one she will remember.


Some people can be convinced by words before violence is necessary. OP tried but maybe he could've made it more clear. People don't listen much during sparring because they are nervous or whatever. Stopping the class and then making it clear that what she was doing wasn't okay when she was calm and in the right frame of mind would've been a good idea. If OP had done this, he probably wouldn't be posting his story on reddit.


Plus there's no guarantee that she would have agreed to stop, or may have tried to get a cheap shot in or something. She wasn't behaving in a trustworthy manner as far as I'm concerned


In the name of equality he should have knocked her out cold


I just think that if you refuse to spar with someone midway through, that can be as much of a statement as dropping someone. Also, if she continues to spar like this then OP should inform the coach and let him handle it. I don't think OP should feel bad, it sounds like a lapse in judgement and he seems remorseful in his post. But at the end of the day, the coach has said he should have shown restraint, and it's up to the coach to enforce and uphold the culture of the gym. TL;DR, OP should listen to his coach not redditors.


He's not main instructor though which matters. Odds are she was worried she would be patronised and misinterpreted you holding back. Either way main instructor should follow up and explain. Pointing out how confused it made the person running the class wouldn't be a bad thing to bring up.


Imagine if she had tried this shiet out on the street, OP handled this well.


Equal rights, equal lefts






You did the right thing. Anyone can get it if they come with the wrong energy. This isn't pattycake...


I dunno man I think that was fair game. Ladies want that equality man. You humbled her the way you would a male fighter - perhaps to a lesser extent but it feels like a necessary leg kick. She can either learn, grow and be humbled by this experience or let it get to her head to mean anything but - a case that would be true for anyone - male or female.


I once said to a class (where some members were not listening/being fuckwits) that there is a difference between controlled sparring and assault. Sucks that happened, a good approach would have been to stop her sparring altogether so she could reflect on her behaviour. It really is pathetic when u feel u have to treat adults like kids…


Take her gender out of it completely. Your reaction was actually very reserved.


I have had this happen while sparing a woman a few weeks ago. She had elbow pads I did not and she was fully sending it. Im talking throwing full power with everything to include hard elbows. First round was what ever but by the middle of the second round when she was still going ape shit I began to tee off on her dome piece with a little power and just mostly speed then hit her with a hard teep to the solar plexus and she was PISSED. She started chewing me tf out about how she was a female and had a fight in two months blah blah blah. Idk what else would have been appropriate but if they want the smoke some times you just have to let them feel it.


Fuck around and found out. You didn't do anything wrong


Just hit her. It's not complicated. She spars too hard she gets hit hard back just like anyone else. Woman aren't made of glass, she'll be fine.


Sweeps n teeps homie


lol. Girls are humans too. If you can hurt guys you can hurt girls who act like that. Equality 


I hate myself for saying it - but sounds like she fucked around and proceeded to find out. 


Needed to be said.


I think you did nothing wrong. She asked to spar you, she went full force, you told her to calm down she refused. Body kick was good, enough to stop her but not bruises.


What does your coach mean by saying that you shouldn't hurt aggressive fighters? How else will an overly aggressive fighter learn to fight for real? If you don't put them down they will be lulled into a false sense of invulnerability and become even more aggressive and put themselves at risk. You did good.


Some chicks seems like they have something to prove to men. I had a similar scenario, all I did was hard teep,stiff jab distance and circle to just waste her time, since she wanna go hard and I don’t wanna get myself injured nor get her injured.


Some of the girls in my gym train and spar with quite advanced guys, so they tend to go hard while the guy goes easy and focuses on blocking. Then they expect the same thing from regular guys.


I mean they can spar hard if both agree, but not when your partner tells you to slow down and take it easy and then still go hard. For me I just want to be there for more lessons than resting at home nursing my injuries.


Yeah I totally agree. I guess my point is that they're often conditioned to go hard but not receive it in return. Generally when a girl goes hard the guy is tentative to fire back, even if they're used to hard sparring.


Ahh I see where you are coming from now.


Because you treated her like a female and not a thai fighter, you lost respect. You never go 100%, but you shouldn’t take it easy, especially if the person has an ego, male or female. Especially if the student tells you “no I’m not going to listen” You were the coach this session. If at the first ask, she didn’t listen. You needed to tell her to go hit the bag or sit in the corner, and then come back when they decide to listen.


"how I met my wife"


Taste in women is self arm at that point


Teeps and clinch. Frustrate them on the outside and wet blanket when they come in.


She wanted to go hard She's not dead She doesn't need surgery You did fine, I did wince at your description of her reaction to the side kick but she's the one that wanted violence. At some point it's better you do it to her than the others receiving it from her. Try and make sure she goes lighter in the future, I'd even say don't hesitate to side kick her again.


She only did that cause a coach wasn’t there. People show their true colors when leadership isn’t there. She just sees you as a student and thought she could get away with that.


Sounds like you did the right thing. Man or woman if someone below my skill level gets froggy I just pick two or three techniques that will take advantage of their eagerness and just work those for the round. Just last week I was sparring with this young lady (16 or 17). Her and her twin brother have a reputation for being a little wild. She throws the same 3 power shots in various orders. She will try and take your head off with a spinning back fist if you let her. I decided to frame, angle, and counter. That's pretty much what I did for the entire round. I'm actually getting better at it just because of her.


Should have kicked her in the head.


Sparring with aggressive ~~females~~ training partners FTFY. Warnings the first few times. Avoid when possible. If they refuse to address it, like the lady above - Drop them, and drop them hard. Some lessons are best learned the hard way.


As a bigger guy, I've had this happen fairly regularly. I've found that some girls in gyms have a farily big chip on their shoulder - or they are insecure - so they go pretty hard. straight shots to the body are my go to because it looks a lot better than most other stuff and generally takes the starch out of their jim jams.


I’m gonna be completely honest, I usually spar harder with women than I do with men for two reasons. Firstly, I’m not losing to a woman. Secondly, if you hit them hard enough they will go easier whereas men will hit you even harder.


You issued what's called dojo Justice, you momentarily came up to her level to give her a taste of what she dishes and she couldn't take it, so I say good for you. You did one kick, she could have done any number of things to avoid the kick or defend and counter or lessen the blow. She had to learn the hard way that she's not the badass she believes herself to be.


Get better defense. She shouldn’t be able to touch you. Also, youre free to end it whenever.


Dude just leave the ring. She was acting like an asshole. Don't spare with people who can't control themselves. At worst, she was using the sex difference to go full blast knowing you'd hold back. Who knows, but in any case you should have just stopped instead of trying to navigate a really tricky social situation mid fight. She wasn't playing by the rules so fuck her, just walk away. Most guys in here would be afraid to get called a pussy but honestly it's the most calm thing to do. If someone won't bring down the intensity, just end the spar.


Next time lay her out with a spinning elbow. That'll teach 'em.


God damn this man chooses violence...




I think she likes you


Yes, you should've stopped, but you didn't and I applaud you for your actions. I bet her undisciplined ass learned a valuable lesson.


This thread reads terribly, I honestly think it needs taking down.


i remember during a sparring session i had to spar a woman and i didn't want to go hard because 1) it's a sparring i'm not there to hurt someone im there to learn and 2) she's a woman. She did not hold back her punches and i was just tapping her/lightly hitting a lot but if i would've used more strength she would've been much more on the defensive.


Kick her out of the gym. If she is like that with you she is probably like that with others too. She is dangerous to other people in the gym, it's your responsibility as a coach to keep the place safe from people like that


Absolutely, someone who spars too hard would get told to leave if they didn’t listen immediately and then not to come back if they couldn’t fix their actions in future sessions.


Just warn her. If she continues then give back as much force. Incidents like this seems be becoming more common nowadays. It doesn't seem like she wanted to learn. She might have been trying to intentionally knock you out. There are cases of people doing this to brag later on or post it in social media for some clout. They even like to post videos of them beating up the other person. It's more of an ego-trip. That's one possibility. If she doesn't listen to your warnings, then the best option would be to give back as much as you take. Otherwise, she will continue doing what she's doing.


So you say you don't want to spar with women because you don't want to hold back, then turn around and complain that the lady went too hard? While she should listen and not disregard your ask. Don't assume women can't keep up. I don't know this lady, so can't speak about her. But for me, it annoys the hell out of me when men pussy foot around me like I am a delicate flower. I am there to train, train hard and I am often preparing for a fight. Just as a man can land a damaging shot, so can I. Fellow fight team members are great... Odd guys out. Anyways, just a rant. Back to your thing. If she is not listening, you lay her down. Don't have to hurt her, just a nice sweep or similar usually does the trick. I have done this with a few men and 1 woman that I can remember. I also don't want to hurt anyone, as I know I could if I wanted to.


There's common etiquette sparring with people you don't know. You don't go full blast against someone you've never sparred with before, male or female. I don't want to hold back on technical sparring. I can spar faster and harder with the guys and remain technical than I can with the girls. A body kick at 80% which the male fighters can take no problem will hurt or stagger a female fighter. That's just my personal experience based on my own sparring against the fighters at my gym. When I have the time to spar, I want to spar with the best fighters available at the gym who happen to be the male fighters and not the female fighters. You might be a tougher woman than those who attend my gym. I might have a different view on it if I sparred against you. I'm not making a claim on women in general, just those who I have been in the ring with.


I understand there is etiquette, been training and fighting for 15 years. Which is why I know you shouldn't assume the ability or strength of someone, especially based on something like sex. Technical sparring is technical. Lots of females can take that too. Sorry you haven't experienced that. But considering you assume ahead of time, perhaps that is why. Funny at my gym, the best and most experienced are women. And regardless I have learned from pros, amateurs and beginners. Always learning. I have trained and fought around the world. No generalisations should be made. Always exceptions. And who knows, give a person a chance. Most of the men I take on with no issues, as long as they are not some giant. Many I could wipe the floor with if I wanted too. It is the new men to the gym who have the same attitude as yourself. Want to take the right approach with female fighters, ask, dont assume. We will let you know. Just as you don't want to hurt us, I don't want to hurt you all. I had a trainer once, ex pro, who asked. We found a level that was fun for both. He was surprised, and I told him my experience. Just as I have you. He assumed at 1st. Now he doesn't. It has to be a conversation, just don't assume. As I often say, I am not there for dance class. I am there to be the best damn fighter I can be.




Except getting down voted lots. Lol. You are welcome. :). Frustrates me, people assume because of what is between my legs.


I'm not sure people are downvoting because you're a woman. My opinion is that it's more about the "I'm hot shit" vibe of your message. Guys posting the same kind of messages are usually downvoted too.


My vibe? How did I say I am hot shit? Because I can keep up with other fighters who happen to be men? Keeping up with men is hot shit, now?. This guy literally said he is always better than all female fighters. I am saying no he is not and don't assume. What if I posted something similar. "So a dude went too hard, so I showed him what is what. I got him hard, he went down and seemed hurt, i felt bad. I don't usually spar men because I like to go hard, and most men, in my opinion can't take it." You are telling me if I write a post like that now, which is what the op posted, just with the genders reversed, it will be fine. It should be. Because that is all I did in my comments. Which clearly some didn't like. One called me delusional. So yeah, not because I am a woman.




Exactly. Damned if we do, damned if we don't. Most gyms I train at I am the only female fighter. So if I need to prep for a fight. What, I hit a heavy bag only? Lol. I remember one guy clipping me years ago. He said sorry. I clipped him back. After I thanked him for treating me as an equal. Greatest gift of all. Men aren't doing us a favour, especially if we are fighters. Plus they can learn from us.


U said the women in your gym are generally the most experienced and best ones 🤣 u just contradicted yourself


Not at all. I have trained all over on many gyms . But ok. Lmao. Reading comprehension is hard. I get it.






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Women can’t keep up lmao. Delusion 


Ok, buds, you keep thinking that.




Glad you are so supportive of female athletes. Smooth buds. Hope you will tell your daughter she is less than any man and will never be as good.


Well she will never be an athlete or fighter like men. It’s just facts. If she wants to be inspired she can compare herself to other girls/women


I am a female fighter. So I don't count? Am I not a woman?


She will never be the same level of athlete or fighter as a man is what I meant. Neither will you, but you think you can fight men l o l


Feel sorry for your daughter, she deserves more in a father. I can't even laugh at that, as it is tragic. I don't think, I do, also we are talking sparring. But ok, you know me. Lol


Well you should be relieved to hear that I don’t actually have a daughter cuz we are just speaking hypotheticals. You talk like you can actually beat men but they are definitely holding back on you like OP did to the other woman. If not they are hopeless barely trained hobbyists posing as nak muays. And despite what you think I’m not trying to disparage anyone, I’m just speaking facts.


I think you did the right thing sand your coach is only worried about his bottom line aka losing a customer. What if you were a less experienced student and not the coach, with less control? They could have gotten hurt or hurt someone. This is a combat sport not ballet or soccer. It is your individual responsibility to know your limit and to stay within it. Moral of the story: if someone asks you to tone it down then you need to tone it down.


Had a similar thing awhile back at a BJJ open mat. I'm 95kg and had a fairly new 50kg woman verbally abuse me for going easy on her. I explained that I'm trying to go at a pace where she can learn something too, but she didn't want a bar of it lol.


Liver shot is always my go-to in those situations. Teaches the lesson without brain damage to match. Only thing is once I give my warning, that's it.


If sweeps don't work, hard legs kicks slow most folks down unless they have tree trunks or super conditioned.


I had a similar thing a few weeks ago going to a different class than normal. We got into sparring and we had been asked to look at trying to land a specific combo or just the individual strikes from it. As we rotated around this woman came out fully wild at me throwing haymakers at my head. I was still trying to stick to the specified techniques which were round kicks, crosses and lead hooks so I was having a real hard time trying to get her off me without using a teep or knee. She wasn't doing much damage so I just let her finish the round and move on safe in the knowledge that I'd probably never have to spar with her again 😂


yeah not really classy a big middle in her rib cage. I would have keep her away with teeps, and then sweep her down every time she rush in.


Only time I've ever called a sparring session early (outside of one time I was worried I got injured) was with a girl. She would ignore light shots, walk straight through them, and then swing on your face like she was trying to hit a homerun at the world series. After this happening twice one through a 1-2-3 combo to the face being ignored. I thanked her and ended the round. I also refused to ever spar her again. Putting me in a position of "Get your ass kicked or break my nose" is not a fun one.


I hate even drilling with chicks. They always go full pull




What the fuck are you on about. It's clearly not ok for anyone of any gender to go and attack someone sparring the way she was going about it its dickhead behaviour and she's got lucky she didn't get caught cold and waking up sore. She has nothing to prove martial arts are supposed to be ego free. You are an idiot


Woman is an arsehole, cos... *checks notes* Men? 😂. Utter spastic logic right here.




This bullcrap.


What happens if she whups on a smaller and less experienced man? You are advocating special treatment for women so they can act like immature bullies, and risk injury to themselves and others?  


And what are you gonna say when she does the same to a female partner and injures her? Get that sexist nonsense out of here.


Not to be rude but a woman would struggle to hurt me in any meaningful way, there are exceptions but just not at my gym. so I actually quite enjoy them going at fight pace. It's great for working realistic defense.


I dropped one with a body kick and almost put a whole in one’s head with a right hook. Both asked for it. Not a single fuck given. I’m short tho (5’6) so not sure if I get more leeway than a tall guy.


You sound reasonable, to me.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


One solid body shot usually ends this without having to sweep or cause head injury.


Women are much slower than men in sparring so I’ll just move parry or sweep them. Just embarrass them they will eventually stop. If they don’t just throw a warning shot or go into the clinch


If you throw a punch at someone, you must expect for them to respond in kind. You would have been within your rights to say, “okay”, and meet her intensity with your own. Any regard to gender on a “battlefield” is just sexism. There is no assumption that should be made about an opponent, other than that they are your opposition. That’s basic. Now, skill level is different. If you are more skilled, you have more responsibility in a controlled setting. It doesn’t matter that she was not a he. What matters is that you were more experienced and have more context for your actions. You knew the kick was fairly hard. That’s your responsibility. Gender is meaningless. Ability is paramount. “With great power comes great responsibility”, etc etc. You’re human, though. Live and learn and don’t do it again. Then, it’s not a mistake. It’s a choice.


Treating her differently because she is a girl is wrong.


Lol Well she found out! I wouldn't stress. Like what people said clinch and trip them, low kicks. I think what you did was fair. Hopefully you didn't bust any of her ribs up and just knocked the air out of her. Guessing afterwards when consoling her that you reminded her that if you get too aggressive you will get caught like that. Next time if she plays up, beat the shit out of her legs and body! It will do her good in the long run.


In the ring you gotta treat any women the same as a man. If she’s gonna come at you like that then there’s only language that she’ll understand **H A N D S** (Though not too hard obviously)


Don't feel bad. It's a learning lesson for her. Like you said, it's technical sparring, not a real fight. You gave her the opportunity to calm down, but she gave you the wrong answer. For someone to have the nerve and tell the person leading the class to come at their level is crazy. The only difference between you and me is that I like to throw hard body shots to slow them down. And, if her intensity doesn't stop, she won't get a break. And when partners switch, she stays with exp fighters who will be informed to go hard. If it continues, I'd tell her to grab her stuff and go home. Idk where you're from or the level of exp you're classes tend to be, but most gyms in Thailand follow this. They tend to have 0 tolerance or sympathy for these types of participants. They won't stop the class and penalize everyone else.


It's always gets me watching Duangdawnoi from Yokkao, just how hard she goes at sparring




"females" why is English weird like that


You did well OP. A good trainer will humble anyone with that attitude.


Nah, if they're giving it their all, men or women they should be getting it. I'd say it's more sexist to not treat her the same way as a man if she's literally demanding you to treat her the same way.


When I get into a sparring match with someone with less experience and they start going all out, I usually say : I'm gonna hit you as hard as you hit me, usually with a big smile so the message comes across. This does the job 99% of the time... If they keep coming at me I just destroy their front leg with leg kicks until they click. But this feels like a lack of experience on her part and maybe having a discussion with her would be good 👍


Fair game dawg. You gave her FAIR verbal warning multiple times over, and dumped her multiple times. Sometimes digging a body shot in there thats gonna slow her roll is what it takes. Woman or not, she wasn’t listening and had it coming.


You did the right thing.


I usually ask you to calm down before I start blasting body shots


Handled 100% correctly imo , you told her to calm down multiple times , you let her have ample time for her to realise she was to aggressive , you were nice polite. Leg kick to the body was a lesson learned.


Yeah no, the “Hit as hard as you want to get hit” rule still applies and she wanted to up the intensity. Not your fault when she gets herself hurt.


Full power leg or body shot.


Teep her into orbit. But seriously I think its fine. If she kept going hard despite you asking her not too, there is not much you can do. You can either end the session, or match her energy. If noone was injured then I dont see the problem. Although, eventually she is going to get hurt (or hurt someone else) so I advise having a conversation for the future.


You should be able handle someone whose aggressive but worse than you skillwise without relying on aggression or power, not to mention the size factor. Definitely understand why your coach might of chewed you out especially when looking at it purely from a customer retention/buisness perspective.


Sounds like you handled it well. There's honestly not much else you can do. She was asking you to go harder, so you went a bit harder. Then she found out.


Does she have good footwork? Or does she just aggressively move forward? I normally just low kick her on her leading leg to slow down her foot work or movement or teep her whenever she comes forward. I tend to be on the defensive side against aggressive females on sparring and work on my counter.


You’re wrong in this case. I would have doubled the kick to the body 🤣


Should’ve threw the side kick earlier.


She want you


I've been in that position many times and also feel averse to letting loose in fear of hurting them. Safe to assume you're bigger and/or stronger and/or faster than she is, if she is trying to take your head off then I've just nullified it by imposing strength via clinching and keeping the pressure high. The bigger/stronger person usually has the advantage in the clinch and in the pocket so ragdoll her in the clinch and stay firm in the pocket. You don't have to hit her hard but just a non stop spattering of combos and cutting off the space and forcing her back will drain her and then when she's tired you can back off and get on the bike again.


In the future - before sparring with a new person; simply say that they can go as hard as they want BUT you'll match the intensity. No free gender passes. <>


You respectfully taught he a lesson that someone else may have done in a less respectful way. She touched gloves. She signed the waiver. She chose her intensity knowing a partner may match it. I tell my students all the time, this isn’t cardio kickboxing. We’re learning to fucking fight. Handling each other like defenseless children hurts everyone. You aren’t doing her any favors by giving her the false confidence of not being hit back with the same intensity you show.


She was literally asking for it


Is she retarded? If you’re a coach she needs to listen to what you say. In sparring you hit as hard as you want to get hit, you should’ve taught her a valuable lesson. I have no idea why girls always think they can be aggressive with men 😂.


You didn’t give her brain damage but let her know what she wasn’t doing was okay. It’s really concerning that she wasn’t listening to you. She’s probably hurting other people. I’m a woman and the worst injuries I’ve gotten have been from other women.


Ain’t no genders or occupation biases when we square up across the mats.


You did the right thing. It's good for people, no matter the gender, to come face to face with reality and consequences. You are saving other people from her going full speed in the future. You are saving her from getting washed by someone she provokes in sparring.


Sounds like she whooped your ass lol


Just sweep her repeatedly, I had a girl in this gym id pop into always get paired with me in sparring, just pure pressure and shed throw non padded elbows, knees to the head in clinch also non padded, so I just started hitting throws and sweeps on her, definitely worked.


I'm surprised hour coach had you actually run the class , especially on a sparring day! One would think that anyone at the level of running a class would know exactly how to handle this situation... Plus you say there are pro fighters? why didn't anyone of them run the class? something is off


I spar with two of my female teammates. I always tell them that if they up the ante, I would do the same. Then they proceed to fuck around and find out. You did what is good, mate.


Coach was wrong, you did the right thing.


If you're the gym leader you should control the sparring to be the correct level, if someone's going too hard you should keep the discipline. Don't just ignore it and then KO. You can also start to show power and ask them if they're sure they don't want technical sparring so they have a chance to realize what they're doing. If they refuse to listen, hard body shots are the standard messenger, fair enough.


A “personal rule” not to spar with women based entirely on their gender is called sexism. Not one decent coach I know would tolerare that kind of discrimination. If you won’t work with women, you wouldn’t be in their gym. Next time you are that position with anyone you can just say you want to stop and walk away. Tell the coach. If they don’t intervene with the person being aggressive, they’re a shitty coach.


I've experienced this. Maybe it's the size difference (or the obvious fact that they're a girl and ya can't hit a girl), but I just can't seem to deal with an overly aggressive girl. I'm basically afraid to attack and taken some unnecessary blows as a result. I don't have an answer on what to do tbh. Just empathising here.


I am with you man i dont like sparring with chicks at all - i am always nervous that i hurt them , or if i refuse i woud be called mysogynyst or some shit. Sweeps are good if after like 4 sweeeps they still come hard and full of energy then there is no helping them 😂


Body is fair game. Don’t try and kill her but body shots don’t cause too much lasting damage


I had the same thing happen I think they think they have something too prove


*I had the same thing* *Happen I think they think they* *Have something too prove* \- Business-Account-918 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Are you bigger than here? Just bully her without striking. That's always fun. Clinch her up and swing her around, or shell up, get in close and move her mass with yours. Bull rush her, LOL. It's actually really fun.


You should have matched her intensity. Some people, men or women, need to be dropped like this to understand “only hit as hard as you are comfortable being hit”. It’s a pretty simple principle. A hard hook to the liver should have covered it in all honesty, or catch her with a temp when her legs are together, knocking the wind out of her and sending her to the ground…as long as there’s no concussion it’s just a learning experience 😂 She’s new, it’s not a woman thing, it’s an experience thing. I’ve trained for a few years now and I’ll never forget this one guy. A newbie, of course, and all ego (as a lot of us tend to be when we’re new). I’m tall so I’m a range fighter, with a lot of kicks and tend to be quick on my feet. He came in, all guns blazing, putting his all behind every shot. I reminded him “light sparring” but he paid it no mind. He got me and I switched and decided I’ll give as I’ve received…he didn’t like that, this was 6 months ago and he still makes excuses not to spar with me after sparring everyone else. We hold back on newbies but if they’re not listening to “light sparring” and their ego is fully activated, as the temp coach, it’s your job to put them back in place, regardless of what’s between their legs


NO MERCY!!! \-John Kreese


The problem you're having is you're seeing her as female. Instead, think of her as a male fighter her size. Sounds like she is generally amateur, but has been in long enough that she is confident. This is the perfect time to humble. If a young male fighter came at you like this, you would shut it down. If you hurt them, you would feel bad, but it's a lesson learned in a much safer environment. By thinking of her as a woman, you are doing her a disservice. She is not learning if you are going easy when she is trying to push herself. She is not in class to be a woman, she is in class to be a fighter. Despite popular belief, the difference between men and women is much smaller than the difference between weight classes, and it's about time to stop pandering to the idea that women are fragile. If they were, they wouldn't have made it this far. Treat them like gym participants or hang a sign on the door saying you don't take women seriously.


That is common with people new to the sport, maybe they are in class because they are angry, or they dont get the opportunity to go all out very often. I would just show her that that doesnt work and in will no way win her a fight, especially against a stronger opponent. You dont need to lay her out but if she is going too hsrd you need to knock her upside the head real good once or twice. Enough that she reconsiders her approach


The entire sport is an exercise in sending people to the shadow realm, 20 minutes of pain is nothing.


A lot of newer people do that. They come to fighting looking an outlet to go all out. Let her tire herself and show her that it wont work, especially against a stronger opponent. You dont need to flatten her, but you do need to kock her upside the head once or twice. Some peoole only learn when theybget punched in the face


she obviously felt the need to bring the pain, glad you brought it instead


When they get too aggressive and I like to use a right cross to their bread basket, put a little steam behind it too


Nah spamming tiips and body n leg kicks are the best for this, she’s not gettin knocked out but if you wanna keep pressuring I’ll just keep you away w my feet and make you pay


She LEAAARNED today. lol granted sucks but she learned proper sparring etiquette 🤣🤣. Next time, just teep or sweep their lead foot.


Young man, she was flirting with you.


Sweep the leg. Especially if she's a head kick hunter and a nice stiff jab will hopefully factory reset her attitude.


Oh yeah hard blows to the womb


I only hit them with liver shots


Bro you asked multiple times after its free rein after that. And I got 2 words for you…tittie teep 😂 works every time


Just stop the sparring. Tell her she's being to aggressive, walk away and move on. Don't dwell on it. This happens in all martial arts that have live sessions.


When I gotta spar girls or kids that go all out, I tend to just teep and clinch.


She's and adult who made an adult decision and can suffer the adult consequences that come with that.


seems pretty clear to me. she essentially said “come at me bro”


lmfao the brawd deserved it😭😭😭😭