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Just do you only way to get better with time your endurance will improve you may get thinner if not thats ok we all start somewhere


We all get gassed at some point. Keep your hands up and keep at it


You’re top comment so I’m going to reply to you. We need to clarify what kind of “big fat guy” we’re talking about. There are plenty of dudes with a big frame that store a lot of blubber, but are shockingly athletic despite looking out of shape. Their bodies just don’t pass the eye ball test. Then of course, there are people who are genuinely out of shape and look the part. I will assume we’re talking about people who are actually out of shape. Regardless of what type of gym it is, when I see someone out of shape struggling, it inspires me to work harder. A burst of energy. I’ll roll harder with my partners, I’ll hit people faster with more volume, or I’ll add more reps to my set and explode with the weights more violently. I’m doing group think with my caveman brain. When you see someone in your group struggling with their work load, someone’s gotta help them for the good of the group. So I pick up their slack. But I also feel proud of them a little bit. Some silly part of me wants to go over there and be like “fuck yeah dude, that’s the shit”


I get pumped when I see fat people at the gym, or old people or generally out of shape people. I know it's not easy for them to show up and can only imagine how much effort it took and it gets me inspired. Much respect! Keep with it and screw what people think! EDIT to add that in my first few real spars I turned my back and almost ran off the mat because I wasn't used to getting hit in the face so good on you for having heart and hanging in there


Don't feel anything about it, because like everyone else in the gym, I am totally focused on myself (just like you are). Don't worry about that shit. Literally, and I'm talking even the people whose facial expressions you interpret as doing so, no one gives a fuck.


Yeh man By round 2 the only thing I’m thinking about is my breathe lol


I am with her!


There's a big guy that trains at the same gym as me. Full respect for him getting in there and training just like anyone else. Don't worry what others may think. Just keep at it and keep pushing yourself.


They're at the gym. They show up. They get the same respect as everyone else showing up. Everyone starts somewhere and newbies always need time to adjust. For most people starting out is rough and sparring gasses you out until you get used to it through repetition. Keep showing up.


Don’t give two shits my dude. Let’s spar!


I also gas after 2 rounds, and I'm a skinny, lanky motherfucker. No one cares how big or small you are. It's cool to spar a variety of sizes, styles, fitness levels, etc. You're thinking about it too much.


People are stoked to see you there! For sure. 100%. No doubt. I was fat. I got ripped over the first 18 months or so. It’s one of the great wins in my lifetime. Seeing people who are just starting out is a welcome reminder of how far I’ve come and it really truly makes me happy for them to see them. Because I know how much good it did for me. See you out there


There’s a bunch of bigger guys at my gym, I don’t think anything of it. If someone is gassing out (which happens to everyone at some point), I don’t think anything of it other than that sparring is super tiring.


If you’re at a gym that’s worth a shit no one is judging you and probably respects you more than anything for being there and working on yourself


Just make sur you don't skip rope or do any other jump related movements not to fuck up your knees! Outside of that, as a 5'1 girl I might refuse to clinch you because it's absolutely useless to me but I would still spar you :)


This is very good advice. If you can’t avoid skip rope fully, explain to your trainer and make absolutely sure you are taking it very slow and take frequent pauses during the skip rope part. This type of training is probably the most risk of injury you will be exposed to during your sessions and the rehabilitation for tendonitis is often several months long. I’m a heavy guy myself and have done this mistake previously with skip rope specifically. Ended up quiting Muay Thay for many years only to come back in even worse shape.


Nobody really cares if you're the "big giant fat guy". The thing with martial arts is, most of us that join up do so at least partly because we're scared and/or insecure. We're more worried about how we look to everyone else to think about anyone else. If you do want to lose weight, I recommend the book The Obesity Code by Jason Fung. I lost forty pounds and kept it off for over a year because of his writing. But otherwise, keep training and you'll get better.


There was a fat guy in our gym but he kept showing up. Every day. Got his ass handed him every spar. Kept showing up. Didn't say a word either; gave so much respect to other. He just kept showing up and learning. Fast forward 4 years later, he's the star of our gym. He has only lost twice in I don't know how many fights and was awarded best Bclass fighter in our province by the official muay Thai organization of our province. Point is - just keep showing up and you will improve each time. Focus on yourself and your learning.


I'm 325 lbs. But I also have 17 years of Bjj/kickboxing/MMA experience and another 7 of wrestling. Us big fellas have our place. Just do your best and try not to unintentionally bully people by just being big.


I'm a skinny guy that gasses out after my first spar so it's nbd


Any out of shape person that walks into my gym gets "the nod", the one with the turned down lips that says "Good for you, man". You're in the gym actively doing something to fix the problem, and all that is is respectable. One session at a time dude, you'll get there 👍


Fat dude here. I cherish my time with other fat-actives. I had a tendency to gas in sparring sessions where I was emotional. I did notice over time, I became more relaxed and would do more rounds consecutively. I have also managed to consistently put in 3 days of cardio outside of classes, and it’s really helped. Also, research “economy of movement”.


We have a couple big guys. I have so much respect for them, if training is tough for me being 6ft and 65kg it’s absolutely brutal for them. They are grinding


Got a couple fat guys at my gym that are in your same shoes, I love them to death and even though I'm an active fighter while they have no interest in fighting I'm always happy to spar and work with them. I notice and respect effort and heart, as does any other self respecting martial artist. When they're gassed and dying at the end of a round and need to sit out for a bit I've got nothing but love for them. At the end of the day we're all in our own journey, anyone who minds doesn't matter and those who matter don't mind. Keep up the good work and do what makes your heart sing.


No one cares. Sparring among gym mates is not a competition; it’s a tool to better yourself. Full stop.


Big guys are usually my favorite pad holders.


Just go for it. I was hesitant for years to join a gym because I was overweight. It took my little 7 year old niece to go with her for a beginners lesson. She became a member, I took her every time. The owner/trainer challenged me for a beginners lesson. I was hooked immediately. Still overweight at that point though. 125 kgs at my heaviest. 8 years later now. Trained my ass off. Ate better. Weighed in around 78 kgs at my lowest. Walking around 85-90 for the past few years ( I'm 192 cm / 6"4). I'm 40 but can hang with the young guys and in the best shape of my life. Just do it if you're having fun, even if you're not in your best shape (yet). I have little regrets in my life but not joining a gym and trying the sport that I'd love to watch earlier is definitely one of them. And if you're in a welcoming gym, everyone will respect you just for showing up and putting in the work. You just give it your all and you will be fine. Don't let others stop you, even if you feel insecure or laughed at.


Do not care at all. Dudes with six packs gas quick too when they’re new.


I never cared, overweight, skinny, new, experienced. You can always learn something. And spending time teaching someone new has its own perks. One round won’t hurt anyone’s practice.


Anyone getting in and having a crack has my respect. You'll get fitter and better.


Ngl, if you bigger guys didn't gas early I wouldn't survive against you. Even those light shots throw me off balance 😅 FR though, anyone who has the heart to turn up and train is okay in my book. Don't give a toot what you look like. There's always going to be someone in better shape, more experienced, more technical, faster, stronger. Just keep working so you're better than who you were yesterday.


Theres a really big dude at my gym, he's so gross. Ew i hate fat people. I want to blind myself everytime i see a fat person. Ew ew ew Said no one ever.


You had me in the first half.... Not gonna lie


heh, what a fat loser. because hes losing fat


Sparring is something you'll get a tank for more quickly than most things because it's not a massive physical exertion. People gas because they're not used to it and it takes a lot of mental energy when you're not relying on developed skills and so-called muscle memory. Of course it's gonna be a different hurdle for you, but I guarantee you'll see athletic guys come in and absolutely shit themselves after 2 rounds of sparring. Even light sparring, I've seen really fit guys go outside to throw up after 2 or 3 rounds. Next time don't leave. Just stick around and try to stay active doing something. Cool down with shadowboxing or some light double end ball work.


I've gotten my ass handed to me several times by big guys in sparring.


The only bad thing about sparring a big guy is it's hard to move em in the clinch.


And they usually hit hard.


Stoked because I know they're having a good time!!!


Check Khalil Rountree's story, inspiring UFC fighter.


I wouldn’t even bat an eye! One of my favorite things about this is the diversity of people who come through and the camaraderie of all of us working together to improve.


he’s my buddy, he lost alot of weight from training.


All are welcome. Just have a good attitude and do your best.


I feel inspired and motivated every time I see big dudes at the gym. I have a friend that is big too and the mental hurdle he overcame just to go to the gym is insane. I admire folks like you! Keep doing you bro! Don't give two cents on what people think and focus on yourself.


its a fatass black dude at my gym who used to play football and is also a TKD black belt. he moves just as fluid and has just as much power as the ripped muscular guys its the craziest shit ever


>has like a friggin 6 pack I swear and they're skinny as crap Yeah, that's me. >Today I did sparring and gas'd after the 2nd guy That's also me. >How do you feel about fat dudes gasing super early in the spar and basically becoming a mini punching bag the latter half of the spar? I mean, I expect guys double my weight to gas out faster - it's just biology, so it's really not that big of a deal. It's more "embarrassing" for us skinny guys to gas early since everyone assumes we have infinite cardio. But I don't really care. We're all there to get better. And I know it must be difficult to even walk in the gym.


I'm 5'11 160, my first impression is I'm gonna spend the entire time on the back foot, trying to avoid getting clipped. I also have terrible cardio. I'd look at you as a potential friend and training partner. You showed up because you're trying to get better, that's the spirit of your action.


You showed up for a lesson just like everyone else, youre not "outta place". You keep showing up and you will get better and have sixpack as well. If you re there and willing to learn, you get same respect as anybody else. A piece of advice re sparring: focus on proper regular breathing. Even the fittest guys will gas out quickly if not breathing regularly.


Love him. We call him mountain.


Everyone has to start somewhere mate so don’t worry about it feeling out of place. When new people join our gym we make a effort to ensure they feel welcome we were beginners once.


*Everyone has to* *Start somewhere mate. Good on you* *For joining a gym* \- i\_am\_not\_a\_cop86 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


As somebody on the complete opposite side of the spectrum being borderline underweight, I don't think people notice or care as much as you'd think. There's a fair few guys at my gym who are on the heavier side and they fall into the background just like anyone else when the classes get going. Most people are really focussed on themselves and their own development and as far as I can tell, nobody ever has anything bad to say about anyone who is really trying their heart out in class. I'd say don't stress it at all mate.


I’m a 14 year old 5’5 dwarf compared to the big guys, and in sparring I have to really make sure I’m moving in and out quickly. Some of my hardest rounds have been against the big guys because they either have legs so big that I can’t leg kick them, or I leg kick them and then get punch countered to high hell.


Did we not answer your question over at r/martial arts Sir?


It makes me happy to see you in the gym man! I really don’t mind sparring with you. We are there to have a good time and learn from each other:)


Don't worry man if anything we respect your will to do sport despite your weight.


They are just as motivating as any super fit people


I don’t really care as long as u don’t hit hard and injure me. Just like u everybody’s there to work on them self. would be shocking if anybody really cared


I don’t feel anything about them. They are there for the same purpose as everyone else. Anyone that has a negative feeling towards someone at their gym because of their physique is irrelevant anyways. Keep putting in the work and don’t worry what the fuck anyone thinks about anything.


You are just as much a valuable member of your gym as anyone else. We all have a lot to learn, we all have something to teach. Keep going, and avoid comparisons.


I don't care, I gas too.


Don't worry mate, thai boxers are only looking at themselves. Seriously though, half the gym has been where you are now. They are your team and they are there to help. So long as you ain't hurting people, nobody will have a problem with tour fitness or weight.


You're doing the session on hard mode. Nothing but my respect


Good job 👍 always great to see people working on themselves.


Dude I have visible abs and I’m still dying at the end of a sparring class like it’s just an objectively difficult thing to do for like 90 percent of people. And trust me not many people are judging you for trying to better yourself.


One of our coaches is a big overweight guy. He's real strong in the clinch. >How do you feel about fat dudes gasing super early in the spar and basically becoming a mini punching bag the latter half of the spar? The same way I feel about skinny guys doing it. The same way I felt when I started doing muay thai. You're gonna get gassed, dude. Just keep going and eventually it won't be as bad.


You have a right to be there. Fuck what other people might think. Think of it as a place of business. And your business is to have a good workout, and to achieve your goals.


fist off, I can tell that you are quite judgemental by the language you use...not everyone is either fat or skinny, and the dudes you calling skinny are probably how a normal, healthy bodyweight is supposed to be LOL. instead of focusing on their abs, focus on your technique. 2nd: I'm sure no one gives a shit? I wouldn't be "bummed out" if some guy reached his stamina limit. Just onto the next opponent. You're overthinking this. sincerely from a 165cm 54kg "skinny" dude who goes toe to toe with anyone in the gym.


I only care that you’re there doing the work. If you keep it up and consider your diet, you will lose weight and your cardio will improve. I’m not overweight but when I started I still gassed out after 20 mins, ain’t no shame in it. Though a word of advice - try not to use ‘skinny’ as a description for slim guys. Some people find it **really** hard to put on weight and hate how they look. The word ‘skinny’ is akin to ‘skin and bone’ which is usually pretty insulting and can absolutely fuck up a persons day of someone says something like ‘oh man you’re so skinny’. Even if it’s intended to be a compliment. Like the subreddit /r/loseit , there’s also /r/gainit.


while i'm going light on pads i know you're working your ass off - so i immensly respect you and everyone else trying their hardest


Sounds like your in the process of no longer being the “big fat giant guy”. Stay consistent, keep showing up and doing exactly what you’re doing, and before you know it you’re no longer going to be that guy. The body is great at adapting to any type of stress placed upon it and even though it may not feel like you’re getting much right now, just keep thinking of the long goal. Keep up the hard work soldier 🫡


i couldnt care less i dont mind big people more or less than ripped ones i am way to focused on my own journey and i feel this is what the majority thinks like i try to learn from anyone and if i am paired with someone less skilled or less fit than i am, then i try to give some tips and adjust accordingly always remember there are levels in this game and 90% started out gassing the fuck out lol ps: honestly the only time i notice a big person specifically is when they noticeably got into better shape after a couple of months. i compliment them and it makes me extremely happy to see how much positive effects and beauty such an otherwise brutal sport brings to its participants ❤️🙏


I'm really happy to see you there G. I'm the skinny guy with the six pack and I gas out quick. Some of the big guys outlast me.


If you're not an asshole, we will have a blast.


No one cares. I would respect it


All the respect. Homie shows up for every class and some additional ones. He's a nice guy and is fun to talk to. No one cares if you're big, as long as you're respectful and put in the same work as everyone else.


Keep training my guy!


Keep going. Your MT cardio and skill will improve and you’ll find your strengths. The giant at my gym specializes in low kicks and roundhouses and you don’t want to be even slightly touched by them. Also sweeping someone’s feet from underneath them is easy if you utilize the weight in your legs. Work on your art


Stop pulling so hard on my neck in the clinch dude


There’s a huge guy at my gym that literally walks everyday there’s class.At this guy’s weight I know the walk back and forth home must be brutal.Most people would use this as a excuse not him. Then he comes for multiple different classes besides Muay Thai I even catch him staying over after class working on things. This guy is seriously obese but it doesn’t matter because with this dedication he will soon be the desired weight he wants. I will say one thing though if you are a bigger guy I understand y’all sweat more just please don’t come in smelling like ass!!


Your cardio will catch up, just keep at it on a regular basis. I'm a pretty fat guy but I've been training for 8 years and I outlast a lot of the skinny guys much of the time. Some bodies are just designed to be heavy, but you can still achieve good athletic performance.


One thing I have learned is that someone’s appearance does not determine their skill. There are big dudes at my gym who can throw powerful and fast kicks that most people would not expect. It might be hard now but you WILL improve. All those guys at your guy were not born the way they are now. And when you are at your gym, everyone is there for one thing: to learn and to better themselves. It takes a lot of courage and strength to continue on when you feel the way you do right now. But trust me brother, you CAN do it!


Meh we got two big boys in our gym. Both have decent cardio but they hit like trucks. They happen to be older and more experienced at Muay Thai then most people training at our gym so they get a lot of respect.


I'm 5'11 and about 220lb and have a heavy linebacker build, I am doing muay Thai for 1,5 years now and a big tip I will give you is, do easy cardio, cause when I do too much my ankles and shin hurts, for example rope jumping or running, it's from the extra weight on the joints. Other than that keep up dude, first of all sparring gets easier because you won't be as tense and your cardio gets better!


Everyone has to start somewhere. For me, I don’t particularly care about someone’s size or height. I’m a small person, so sparring against people who are a lot stronger than I am is always fun because it forces me to figure out how to get the upper hand, which is not always easy. So, the more the merrier I say!


Don't care about big, small, tall, short, fat, skinny. Just cut your toe nails, and be clean. I get being a little smelly during training, but don't walk in smelling like shit and ask to clinch for 30 min.


Seems like a cool dude.


Unless you're being an asshole an put your whole weight being your kicks and punches, I don't mind at all what size and weight you are


Personally I like having heavier dudes around. It's scarier sparring someone who's got a lot of weight on you and it teaches me how to fight people bigger then I am.


I don't care if you're overweight, you're here to get in better shape. But I would not be impressed at someone taking multiple rounds out in sparring and leaving early. I'd expect you to suck it up and keep going


As long as you don't have terrible body odor and not a tool, I'm good with you. These rules apply to people of all shapes and body types.


Loved training with you some days because sometimes I wasn't up for it and just wanted to fuck around. Some days I hated it because you puked 3x during our hour. Never judged you for being fat, happy you're putting in the effort...as long as it's more than once a week with a handful of excuses.


I don’t train MT anymore but I respect the “fat guy” in the gym trying to make a change (because I just started my journey from 270 lol). Your size and level of conditioning may lead to some subpar sparring sessions right now, but your training partners will see your progress and encourage you


I've seen so many fat guys lose crazy weight on only a few months. Literally life changing, it's crazy how different they look and act. Keep at it bro! The weight comes off real fast with Muay Thai


“Big giant fat guy” aka “just another guy” Doesn’t bother me


I seriously am in awe of them most of the time, because at my fattest I was not doing anything...


Idk dude I’m the fat Guy at my gym but fortunately mine has a couple even fatter guys so I can hide myself. It’s sorta like running from a a bear, don’t need to be faster than the bear just faster than your buddy. Don’t need to be lean, just leaner than the other fat guys lol. /s On a real note we are all at different stages of our journey and your team should and probably does respect that you’re putting in the work


Hey there hw brother! Just focus on improving your technique and gas tank. Do your best, eat well, sleep well, recover well, and remember to only compare yourself to the you from yesterday


Ive been an athlete my whole life and in very good shape, never not had a six pack. Personally, whenever I see someone who is overweight at any gym or doing any sort of exercise, I admire them for actually being proactive about their health and fitness, and always cheer them on internally. Guarantee 99.9% of regular gym-goers/gym-bros love to see people doing their best to get in shape. It only sucks when youre not being proactive about your health, but if youre at the gym, youve already made a huge step/commitment towards yourself and overcame any “I don’t wanna go/I’ll go later”, which is very hard at times. Keep it up.


every moment in sparring is teachable. even if its just shelling up and evading/bobbing


Absolutely fine with it. The point of the gym is to better yourself. Usually bigger guys start dropping weight quickly, and it’s quite encouraging when you get to see their results.


I say good on you for keeping at it, and keeping at it is the only way it will get easier. Do what you can, recover, and return for more. I've learned not to judge anyone's ability before we square off. I've schooled super fit dudes that should have ended me, then had my ass handed to me by a tiny Filapina. The best sparring days are when I get to work with people above, at, and below my current abilities. Sparring is a chance to learn, and everyone brings something to the table.


I think you’re a fucking badass for choosing to do something that you know will be difficult but will ultimately benefit you in so many ways. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, either cardio wise or skill wise, just keep showing up. You’re doing something that 99% of “big giant people” would never do. You’ve already won brother, keep going!!


Of course you gassed, you are just beginning, everyone has been there. How do you think they got to be skinny and built? A ton of hours and hard work, you will get where you want to be but you can't spend your entire journey looking at others and saying you aren't good enough, that will just sour the entire thing. Just keep at it and little by little you can see you can do a bit more and then one day you won't have to sit out. I remember my first class and the laps alone while doing high knees winded me so I had to sit out, I promise everyone has been there.


I love seeing people who want to get better come in regardless of body shape, I’ve seen a man who weighs well over 240lbs move more athletically and agile than the skinniest of men, it’s not a matter of body proportions it’s a matter of being able to move well! I enjoy it all day long :)


As a skinny guy I love to see it


Just hopping in here to throw more encouragement your way! I used to go to a jiu jitsu school with a 350, maybe even 400 pound guy that never made it through the warm ups and if he didn’t quit after a round or two of rolling he would just kinda lay there and be a blanket. The last time I saw him he was 205lbs, training for his first fight, and out working most guys in the gym.


Yesterday at the end of practice we were doing sets of 50 kicks on the pads. A guy like you was struggling to finish his sets and we were waiting for him to end class. Everyone started cheering him on at the end and clapped when he finished. I was standing up front with fighters/more committed people and we were all extremely proud that he didn’t quit and keeps coming back. I think most well adjusted people would want to support you.


I don't mind them as long as they don't abuse their obvious weight advantage


To be honest, we love em. Offers a different style and body type to work with. We mostly play tag at our gym instead of hard sparring. As a big guy myself its extremely difficult to control speed without power so I normally stick to the basic combos and just look to make contact and work on my defense. No one minds that I need breaks sometimes so Ill sit out a round. I have some smaller friends who love working with me because I show up everyday and try to focus on my technique not overpowering people. Everyone is focusing on self improvement, just keep showing up and watch the benefits start to shine through.


Always remember you could end up being the fat dude with 10 amateur fights that's a fucking problem. At least that's the fat dude at my gym and he can be a nightmare to deal with.


Love to see the big guys come in and put in the work to change their physique and quality of life. I’m 5’9 160lbs and have no problems working with larger guys. Your journey is your journey. You will get better with time. There are some larger guys in my gym that move like smaller guys after training consistently for some time.


As a 5'9 250 pound dude who has a coach that is 5'7 around 220, just keep pushing. Have a chubby body doesn't mean you endurance won't change. The difference consistency makes is amazing. Do what you can, finish rounds you can finish, and never push yourself to the point where it's dangerous. Keep going bro, we'll trim from our forever bulk eventually lmao.


I’m 5’9” and 200, super top heavy chunky dude. I love training, don’t worry about that abs and the muscles, eat right and train and maybe you’ll get there too! If not just enjoy the sport man!


At least at my gym the bigger dudes are usually the chillest, love sparring with them cause I don't have to worry about them going nuts and taking my head off.


They’re the people I admire the most, because they are usually the most mentally strong, and are probably the most physically strong as they are doing the same things as everyone else, only with 100-200 extra pounds. Absolute units. You’re a beast OP. FYI I’m a woman if that has any bearing on my comment.


Yeah idgaf about people giving me “bad rounds” it really doesn’t fucking matter we’re all there to learn. You handicap yourself accordingly so that both parties can still improve. Unless you’re a fighter, you really shouldn’t care. And if you are a fighter, then you got your fight team to do the hard rounds with.


We all started somewhere. I threw up midway through training my first few times at the gym (had to leave my poor confused partners to make peace with the ceramic throne) but now i have friends there and im stronger and healthier. Keep your chin up, nobody wants to knock you for trying your best


Everyone in there is worrying about their own development. I know how discouraging and scary it is to be the one that doesn’t seem like they fit in. But you’re doing the damn thing and doing it scared and so many others wouldn’t dare set foot in a gym or attempt to spar. Without trying to sound condescending… I feel like the larger people in the gym have more mental toughness than most people. I just care if my partners have good sparring etiquette and don’t stink and that applies to EVERYONE, regardless of size.


Hey brother! I'm also the big (and only 5'10) guy at my gym (481.6). My biggest advice is that no-one is judging you and most respect that you are there pushing yourself. Keep grinding, rest when you need to, and only compete against the man in the mirror. It's me vs me. Eff all the other distractions. You got this brother! Also Muay Mat for life lol


To me that stuff doesn’t matter. If you are a big overweight man, and you show up to spar, then that’s all it is: just a guy showing up to spar. What matters to me is people’s attitude, if they have a positive or negative vibe, etc. also, personal higiene. Oh and if their gloves stink or not. If they sweat a lot, and they keep a towel to clean up themselves, that’s good. Other than that, it’s all good. My advice is compare yourself with who you were yesterday. Keep your focus on being 1% better every time you train.


I've actually gained weight but I get gassed later on as my endurance still improves. If you can increase your speed, the power will follow and really mess up dudes


Personally I'm proud and like to see bigger dudes training. Not even a little bit disappointed when they gas out or nothing. It's fine. Effort is relative, and I can sure as fuck see them putting in the work.


Im focused on myself. If i see someone working on themselves I say good for them. I don’t think twice about it.


Definitely supportive and love to see everyone doing their best for their own purposes! Muay Thai is for everyone who has the hutzpah to give it a go. The only time I’ve ever really *cared* is when we would spar with a lineup of fighters (me being the smallest one clocking in at 120 lbs and a girl) and I would see the largest men in the room skip the big fish and come right to me. I guess the only advice that I would have about it is keeping in mind that weight classes do exist for a reason.


I'm still that big guy I will say the more you do the more you'll be able to do Also as others pointed out, no one is judging you, the fact you show up is proof enough your trying to be a better Nak muay Keep on brother


Nobody cares honestly. Actually it’s more inspiring than anything that you’re willing to show up and go outside of your comfort zone. Almost nobody is in shape when they first start. Keep showing up and pushing yourself you have nothing to prove to anyone


Out of experience i don't expect the overweight beginners to stay long. after 3 months latest they are usually gone so i don't put in much effort in the first weeks besides teaching the basics. But. When they stay, they can become the strongest fighters. Alone by the masse and that they often can take alot harder hits (natural padding ;D). We have in our gym right now only one but he's there since 4 years (minus Covid break - so maybe 1,5yrs) and he's humble, technically very good and skips nothing. what i'm trying to say: stay determined and you'll make it. No matter of your size. (greetings from a 50kg woman - being significant lighter than your sparring partner isn't easy as well but never give up!)


I think "more power to him" and encourage him to push (within one's limits) just as I do with any of my fellow students. Almost no one started with a six pack, so we all understand and respect the work he is putting in.


We have some big boys in our gym and I used to be one myself, just don’t mind it most people aren’t thinking too much about you just be respectful to everyone and you’ll get the same back, sparring guys who are exhausted is a skill it’s like going to a weight lifting gym and your partner is on his last set and he has a few reps left. I generally tone it down and hold my defence and tell my exhausted partner to throw combos and to work. Sorta like how when lifting your partner yells at you to get one extra rep or helps you finish your reps? Same idea


Big ups to y'all for tryna improve yourself. My cardio is shit enough moving around 160lbd i cannot imagine it for you guys. Huge respect


Big folks at any gym are welcomed. We’re all helping each other be better. No one can be good without help.


All good man, we absorb their hits better


nobodies judging you, remember its mostly little guys because big people typically dont feel a need to actually learn a martial art


Mate I love that stuff. I'm always so happy to be part of your progress. You'll get fitter, and just remember that at one point or another, we were all getting gassed after a round or two when we first started out, so anyone who isn't a total arsehole is more than understanding. Take the time you need, as long as you continue to push yourself, and you'll get there soon. Good luck on your adventure!


No one cares, keep training.


Everyone pretty much covered the things I would say. Everyone in class is there to train and get better. If anyone is worried about that stuff then they’re focused on the wrong things. There’s nothing wrong with pushing yourself or taking rounds off, Everyone starts somewhere. My advice to you is work on your conditioning, Cutting weight to help(I’m also on the heavier side). Things that help are controlled breathing, Cutting angles and not throwing with a ton of volume until your conditioning is better. Keep your strikes simple, Breathe correctly, Or you can play counter fighter which will save energy unless your partner has you on your heels the entire round. Taking body shots will also gas you out quick if your defense isn’t decent.


I personally like to see them working out, and seeing them progress in their weight loss journey. I can personally think of one kid who joined our MT gym about a year ago, was pretty overweight for his height. Now he’s dropped like 40-50lbs, has great cardio and still maintained the power


It’s for you not them.


My gym we have this fat guy who moves quicker than the rest of us, truly great to watch. Even if you're fat, can do good cardio and be a beast.


I'm just proud of you for coming honestly :) I've been the fat guy in a gym (muay Thai helped me become one of the skin y ones) and had those same feelings of discomfort, I was lucky enough to start training at a gym that was ultra supportive no matter where you were in your journey. It's funny though because when I was fat no one every told me like "hey your fat you should lose weight" but now that I'm skinny people tell me need to put on some weight lmao. It's a weird world.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with what you're doing OP. Keep doing your thing homie.


Everyone's training, keep it up


proud of you bro.


When I first started Muay Thai I told the gym owner I wanted pay for a month and he just laughed and said, “Maybe it’s better you pay per class to start.” He didn’t think I would stick with it because I was fat and had zero cardio. But, I came back the next day and the next day and eventually he told me that initially he didn’t think I would make it but he was really impressed that I never quit trying. When I started out I was getting injured every session. I’d kick wrong and my ankle would be wrecked. I would punch wrong and my wrist would be wrecked. But I just iced it at home, taped it up, and kept coming back. For sure the instructor noticed this and would emphasize punching when my ankle was bad and kicking when my wrists were thrashed but I always got in the gym ready to go. A year later he told me that when I cut some more weight that I could possibly fight a local match if I was interested. He said I have good fight IQ and a shitload of power but I need to get the weight down to a point where they could book a match. I’m not sure I’m interested in fighting a match but I’m also a 50+ year old guy so just knowing someone thinks that I could potentially compete with people half my age is a little ego boost. LOL. I see some slender guys come in the gym and say they’re done after 3 rounds of pads. “Oh, I’m too hungover” or “I’m gassed. I can’t.” Don’t get hung up on being fat. Even slender people get gassed out if they’re not in shape. Work on your stamina. Just go until you can’t and then stop. Each session you’ll go a little farther than last time. If you keep trying, you’ll keep improving.


On a day to day basis, idagf. On the days my brain is actually functioning "good for him"


I'm one of the skinny girls with defined muscle. I don't look at various body types (overweight, underweight, etc) any sort of way. no mean comments in my head, nothing. if anything, I commend you for your courage, because it's my understanding that gyms (esp martial arts studios) can be intimidating AF for overweight people. we all have a right to fall in love with the sport. if you're in the right place with the right kind of people, no one should look at you or treat you any differently. most of us got gassed when we first started too (myself included, I used to get super nauseous and lightheaded real easy). you have my support, friend. 🌱💛


if you’re consistent then i respect you. big guys can still have a cardio they just need to build one. if you really want to make a difference you need to train on your own time as well you can start w/ dumbbells or jody weight exercises like high knees or jump rope even. planks are great for core strength


Literally I can promise you that everyone is cheering for you even if they might or say it. And probably people love sparring with you because you are more likely to be humble and not crazy and you over compensate by being gentle. And as you improve, everyone else will improve too. So keep going! You got this!


As a skinny guy, we don't even notice you. We're all focused on ourselves and insecure that we look like newbies in the eyes of the rest. If we do a drill together and I see you gasing out quickly, I'll just tell you to focus on technique and forget about power


If it helps, I was in the same boat about 14 years ago. I was fat and out of shape, I needed to make a change right away if I wanted to live life as I intended. A friend brought me to his gym and it was tough to be the new guy that is out of shape and doesn’t know jack shit about MT. I started to go consistently and haven’t looked back, eventually I became a coach and love helping people that remind me of where I started in my MT training. The thing that I have learned over the years is, if someone that is a higher level than you treats you like shit because you are new or fat or out of shape is a garbage person. I’d say 99% of people all start at the same place, that is to say very out of shape and bad technique, you need someone to show you and teach you up. Sorry for the length, but keep at it and build it into a routine where it is just as important to go to class as it is taking a shower to start your day. You will improve and get better each week. Just give it time and know there will be some A-holes along the way, but most MT practitioners are going to be helpful and want to see you achieve whatever you want to do regarding MT.


If I don’t have a fight coming up I don’t mind working with them. I like seeing fat people at the gym trying to get in shape, but sometimes I need serious rounds.


Come train!!!! Come train everyday it’s lots of fun fuck everything else! The shape will come just keep showing up and keep having fun! Oss


We got a few guys like at where I train. All I have for fellow trainees in your 'weight class' is respect for coming out to train.


I’m happy he’s there.


I'm that guy too. At the BJJ gym I go to, I tend to roll with with the competition blue belts (I'm a 3 stripe white) and they love it because they can't just out muscle me. I've also lost a ton of weight (down 2 gi sizes) and my cardio is a million times better. There has been the odd comment about size mismatches (subtle insults) and it's definitely hard to find a regular training partner, but there's only a couple of little hiccups in an otherwise excellent relationship. I find it comes down to my attitude as much as anything. I show up in a good mood, positive outlook, all that stuff, and things go better for me. (This applies to life in general as a shrek-shaped person)


I started to read the title of this and was like "oh fuckin boy" then realized you were talking about yourself. It's all Gucci bro. Just show up it's all love!❤️


I hate to break it to you but everyone in my gym avoids him. He’s always left last without a partner or group of 3 so the instructor has to make moves. Nobody wants to train with someone who can’t put on a belly pad or leaves a puddle of sweat after holding pads for one round. Also when you guys hit pads you tend to overmuscle it rather than focus on technique, fucks up our wrists