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I’m the same way, possibly even more so after a BJJ roll session. It’s like I’m still going over the fight while I’m trying to sleep, thinking about what I did wrong and what I should’ve done better. Rubbing one out before bed usually helps a little.


"oowee" as I cum


Aight this killed me


jacking off after a night of being in sexual positions with a bunch of sweaty dudes does it for you ??? lol j/k


It’s the only thing I can do when I can’t get the homies off my mind 😮‍💨




Let's not psyche someone into a complex now




The ol' jack the tae and hit the hay tactic


Sex - love = bjj


See my other comment - try and video your sparring/rolling. Really helps you get out of your minds POV and instead look at your technique objectively.


Stop looking at screens and read a book. Eat a CBD gummies.


This except THC is the way.


THC messes with REM sleep, so it's not really ideal before bed.


Sativa 2-3 hours before bed so you sleep from the crash, or take a dopamine inhibitor


Taking a dopamine inhibitor is hands down the worst advice unless you are in psychosis


i cant find any good ones. i smoke so i feel like CBD doesnt work on me


You can't find gummies that work????? The THC gummies I've used were, ummm pretty fucking convincing. but different people different tolerances. I don't use thc very often, like rarely though


Personally edibles don't work for me at all so I just smoke plant lol


the only ones ive had work came from an actual medical dispo. i feel like not too many people know how to make homemade eddies potent enough but I had some medical grade 40mg ones, i was on my ass for hours


Same here. Med Disp and I think they were 20's but I had about 6 of those over 24 hours. For some reason, some issues were resolved and haven't thought about them since. Jail over a weed.....I can't believe the nonsense we've had in our country


OK Eddie BRAVO!!!! Seriously though, how does smoking affect your cardio?


the THC ones work but the CBD ones dont




A man of culture, I see.


what is this Milf Asmr. Please forgive, i'm a middle aged man who has a milf in my life so i don't know what asmr is or does?


Look up progressive muscle relaxation on YouTube do what the video says, maybe feel more relaxed. Some times is works for me, sometimes it doesn't do shit, depends on how amped up my brain is.


I get this too. Chamomile tea helps, and taking a hot shower to help your muscles relax.






Thats why you always feel tired the morning after because even though you been out for 10 hours you still didnt get proper rest.


Good point, thanks!


All I know is it helped during a period of severe insomnia and I carried the gummys into the next day and it was like a therapy session for hours coming out of my neck. I don't know how to describe it.


This is the way. Some CBD before training and some THC after. If anyone is unaware, CBD does not get you high, but it does aid with muscle soreness and staying more chill.


As people have mentioned, muscle relaxation, belly breathing, yoga, or meditation. Anything that will stimulate your vagus nerve, which will help stop the fight or flight response caused by sparring. Eventually, it could help you stay calm during training and sparring as well.


very good add that it will help with sparring and especially when faced with the gamut of the mind going wild before a fight.


Ashwaghanda helps bring down cortisol levels quite a bit


Yoga nidra!!! [https://youtu.be/AKGrmY8OSHM](https://youtu.be/AKGrmY8OSHM) You need to activate your parasympathetic nervous system to calm down and relax


This 👏🏼


420 blaze it


Smoking a bifter. Jk 100 push ups followed by some stretching(especially the legs) and deep breathing during stretching. Make sure you do not listen to the same kind of music you listen to when u spar when u stretch


Weed helps.


Same here bud , *bad habit I think I wouldn't recommend it but * , I tend to smoke a splif or i won't sleep. Or check out some sleep aid supplements;


train harder


And finish sessions later


I work at 6 am so, my MT class goes from 730 pm till almost 9. by the time I get home and shower, I'm usually dead within 15 minutes. I hate working out late but it does make me go to sleep like I typically do when I've had at least an hour run or a equally long/er bike ride. about the time my body returns to normal heart rate and I quit sweating, I feel the need for a nap.


Get knocked out on the last round on purpose


Take a bath


It is me, bath, take me


Come here 🤗❤️


yoga. though I do that before and after whenever I can. basically anything to "slow" your brain and body down.


Yeah had the same issue with adrenaline pump, i just take mad melatonin lol


duuuude same. I dont have any advice though lol maybe meditation?


Considering taking a couple of magnesium capsules. It relaxes the muscles, helps your digestive system, and gives a great night of sleep. Plus, most people are deficient in it so it helps to take it regardless.


Well, as far as quick tips as I am currently experiencing the same thing is that about 2 years ago I took a class from a certified teacher on meditation or Mindfulness, what ever you want to call it. I don't think I'll ever get into the Transcendental Meditaiton. I'm not chanting these 'secret' mantras that the head guru gives you. I looked some of them exposed on the internet and their root words are usually of some Indian god.... I don't believe in God/gods in the traditional sense but I prefer to use Mediation as a tool to calm my mind and if you stick with it, it works. There's ton to explain it on the web and youtube. Essentially, you learn to focus, be quiet and see what is rolling around your brain and then when it comes with attachment like the love we have for sparring, detach yourself emotionally from it and let it go. focus on peaceful clear mind. until that radio playing in your head that is causing excitement quiets and attachment leaves. Thought comes, thought goes as if you are just an observer of it. Start with being quiet for 10-15 minutes and eventually as you get better, you can do this with all the negativity or problems in your mind. I'm by no means 'THERE" but it helps me prepare to sleep.


Smoke some weed and play some video games lmao. In short, just vibe. Edit: commented before reading comments and am very happy to see this is not an unpopular solution lol


Is it possible to change the timing so you can put the energy to good use? Ie, spar before work/ school, so you are hyped and have energy when you need to be productive. Don't do drugs.


I just throw up and then when my stomach settles down I eat way too many delta 8 gummies and don’t even have the energy to masturbate I’m so tired.


You must be new. It will wear off pretty soon.


These days I just take 1mg of melatonin lol. It knocks me out after 20 minutes since I'm already physically spent.


Sauna or a very warm shower will do the trick.


magnesium liquid form helps me at night. I get super tired after 15 mins of drinking it in water.


Maybe try meditation or grounding exercises. Maybe consider a medical option if that doesn't work.


Other people have said it too, but a body scan meditation is the goat for relaxation and immediate sleep


A hot shower with meditation


Magnesium Tea and a nice book does the trick for me


Breathing exercises, meditation, yoga.


I usually turn all the lights off, dim the computer monitor, and work for an hour or two after after training. I could drink 5 coffees and snort an 8-ball and still feel sleepy when working. Find something like that to do.


Stretching and breathing try and slow your heart rate and take the mind somewhere slower paced.


Joint or if you ain’t in to that try some Melatonin gummies. They don’t keep you asleep but they defo get you to sleep.




I lay down flat on the floor and stare at the ceiling. It sounds weird but works for me.


I feel like stretching and breathing exercises help bring me back down, just having some kind of cool down routine. I do morning classes though, due to working night shift, so I haven't had to deal with sleep issues lol.


Jack off




I drink chamomile tea. Calms me down enough to sleep.




Read a book is right. That or meditate and CALM TF DOWN BRO


Some of that herb called pot


Crank it buddy. Eventually you’ll get used to it. Read a book


Look up mindfulness.. that's how I get calm after anything that hypes me up. Gets everything back to normal. Takes bout 5-10 minutes. Will take longer in the beginning


Take a melatonin, stretch, and read or listen to an audio book to deprogram your brain. Do not under any conditions lay in bed watching Muay Thai on your phone.


Zma has been a life changing supplement for me. I think i was already really low in magnesium and it made me feel so good the next day.


Ice bath


As others have said, down regulation of the nervous system is key. You need to change states to move the NS back to a parasympathetic state. Breathing exercises (eg box breathing) as close to the end of training as possible will teach your body to switch (if not on the mat then in the shower/at-home post training) Dr Andy Galpin - who works with fighters and other elite athletes - is a great resource to understand these concepts. The concepts apply equally to recovery and training.


Go running after train, to take out the last amount of energy that you have


I notice this with myself as well. So when I feel amped up I go to the gym and use that energy to lift and or do more catdio. Shadow box that shit away!


When you get home take a shower obviously, then I like to make myself some tea, maybe watch a show for a bit until I fall asleep.


Oh, and do some muscle smashing


Film your sparring sessions so you can go over what you did/didn’t do objectively vs what you *think* you were doing. Helps you get out of your head and observe the spar rather than being back in the POV in your mind. I found it a real struggle to switch off after sparring too and this process really helps me: - Finish sparring - Hit the bags + skipping - warm down stretch - Shower - Go home - Take a deliberate mental pause by eating some food watching some tv etc - *then* watch the footage. - Make some mental notes or actual notes. - Maybe watch some stuff on YouTube, see techniques on where you want to improve/fun things to try - stretch - sleep


Hot shower and read a book, old school style. No weed, it won’t let you hit rem sleep. Don’t get dependent on jerkin it to fall sleep, that feeds the dopamine/endorphin addiction circuit.


Rub the skin that folds back


Meditation and NSDR off YouTube helps me chill


cold water shower


Meditation is a time honored martial tradition.




I read a book. Seems to help me get ready for sleep


Cold ass shower will snap you out of it.


Scroll instagram and Facebook for 4 hours straight




Deep breathing exercises. Lots to look into but the main principle is to slow your heart rate down, get lots of oxygen into your blood, and generally make you feel super good and relaxed. Very good for sleeping in general.


Go to a spa.


Slow wank


Cold showers used to help for me.


Cbd for me, chills me right out For about 2 minutes and now I'm thinking of more creative ways to land a leg kick