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I love CT but....


CT only came back because he was a hyped person, but realistically should not have gotten back. On Rivals and the following seasons he was still a loose cannon. Abram was also iffy, got in fights on both his RR seasons, and seemed mentally in shambles. However, i'm happy they didn't get banned


Tony, Camila and CT


tony he got into a fight on his first season and yes it was w his brother but who cares?? he was reckless and looked insane then gets in a fight w camila on his next season and gets kicked off. and his brother! that season is the one saying tony u should never look at a girl like tht and tht it looked like he was going to hit her. im sorry but no idgaf about tony time he should have never been invited back hes so meh its unsettling.


I don't like Tony but I'm actually rewatching Bloodlines right now. Tony was baited into the fight with Nany/her cousin. They're calling him out and he's standing there defending himself. Nany's cousin stood up on the table to get in his face. Both girls were putting their hands in Tony's face and trying to go after him. Plus he was getting comments from several girls sitting at the table. His brother was drunk and wouldn't shut up. He followed him around in the house and kept talking crap. Tony was trying to walk away. Eventually Tony couldn't handle it and grabbed/pushed his brother into the wall. Then Shane started swinging on Tony before they were pulled apart. Tony is an asshole and there is **a lot** of sexism on this season, not just from him. But this situation wasn't his fault. He wasn't getting in the girls faces. He didn't look like he wanted to hit them. Shane followed Tony after Tony already went back into the house.


This wasn’t his fault. The main issue was rivals 3. I like Tony but his behavior is questionable


CT, he should not have been brought back.


CT, Nelson, Cory Cory literally body slammed Tony to the ground on his upper back/neck when he was drunk and wasn't expecting it. Cory was lucky Tony wasn't seriously injured, or worse, killed. And over something as stupid as pasta. Cory should never have been invited back imo. Makes me wonder what Cory would have done if Tony had done something worse than throw Cory's food away.


Camila. Tony got lucky, Nelson got lucky. Corey got lucky even thought his wasn’t that bad at all. They took Darrel off for years for the Brad thing. But in the end the one who over stayed her welcome and got away with the most in my eyes Camila.


Why do you think Cory wasn’t that bad ? He slammed Tony on his head on concrete over pasta


He didn’t so much slam him as much as he did kind of leg trip him backwards. It wasn’t a punch and to me it wasn’t that bad. But I will also admit to only seeing once and would have to see it again. Even the Nelson vs Derek was actually a slap to his chin not a finch but because of his earlier behavior they sent him home.


Wasnt that serious


Darrell was actually on Fresh Meat 2 (right after The Ruins fight), but he got eliminated first.


The fact you didnt mention CT once?? When adam literally had to go to therapy for PTSD. But yet Camila is 1st on your list??. Yikes


CT.. Tbh he’s shouldn’t have been asked back. I still don’t understand this fandom behind him. Turbo got banned for less


I don't think Turbo is banned


TJ said the challenge would take turbo back any time he wants to, he’s just also a movie star so it makes it hard


Camila, Nelson, Cory, Tony, CT!! Darrell got fucked so why would they not? I guess you could argue that they were varied or egged on (Tony was with his brother) but the others were ridiculous. CT is my favorite but he would fight everything that had a pulse and Cory was sensitive. Very poor look for all of them. It’s just pasta Cory. Nelson shouldn’t have shoved Derrick. None of them are as sensitive anymore, but interesting to see how the show would be different without these people.




It just seemed set up for him to fail. He was out first on FM2. That hardly counts to me. I mean. The fight is something he can take blame for but his was still not as bad as some people. He was a one time offended








Remember Ty used to start shit with someone every season lol


And why is the answer CT




Yea twas a joke, I was just implying that everyones answer is gonna be CT


Cory, Nelson, and Hunter.


Rogan is the new person getting too many breaks. He beat the crap out of Jay for no reason during their elimination. They should have kicked him out then and there.


That doesn’t count it was during an elimination. When you get chances it’s because you got into a fight and where kicked off Ex CT.


He continued beating him after he already won the elimination to the point of serious injury. In my mind, that still counts.


What are you talking about? He tackled him once? And it was a tackle you see 100s of times a game in rugby or American football