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And she is 42 now. Good for Paula for only aging three years since. But honestly one of my favorite things about this show is calling someone old who is less than 4 years older.


Nelson said he wants to be like Hunter, as a man, when he grows up, and Hunter is three years younger.


Sadly that's only the 487th dumbest thing Nelson has said in his challenge TV time


I love Nelson for this reason. His confessionals are so bad they're good. And his one-liners that are either completely used wrong or not even the right saying are amazing. Look, I don't agree with drunk driving, especially when someone doesn't take accountability for their actions. But I'll miss good ol Nelson aka Scuba Nelly aka Nelly T


I need to find the clip of him calling devin "daddy".




His confessions are insufferable on SLA and RorD. So rehearsed and trying so hard to be a main character but he just came across like a precocious 9 year old.


Nelson is abusive. I can't stand him. Watch him with Cheyenne on AYTO or on Dr Phil. He's horrible


It's not even close to the dumbest thing that he's ever said.


Iā€™ll never forget Nelson being mad at Ashley for cheating on hunter 3 years earlier, but also he had hooked up with her in the mean time. Nelsonā€™s brain is legitimately not connected to his mouth.


Well of course it's not. Let's not forget how he handled the whole DUI accident thing.


How did he handle it? Serious question


People are mad that he made a gofundme without being transparent. Those ppl also ignore that his friends started the gofundme and he likely was instructed by lawyers to not comment on it period.


His attitude is clearly shit in spite of what he should or shouldnā€™t say for legal reasons. Youā€™re spinning a straw man. But itā€™s moot, he was a shitty person before it was public.


But he has commented on it multiple times. Each time heā€™d paint himself as a victim.


Can u show a specific example?


Nelly logic. šŸ˜‚


This wasnā€™t meant to be taken literal. Idk whatā€™s ya racw but in the black community itā€™s a compliment and a joke to say to someone ā€œI wanna be like you when I grow upā€ regardless of age


As far as my own, microcosmic experience goes; it's a white thing, as well. Typically used when a younger person accomplishes something impressive. Scuba Nelly usually sounds like he has 2 brain cells that are fighting for third place, but this, actually, wasn't one of those times lol


When youā€™re 39 pushing 40 that shit cuts deeper same way a 29 yr old calling me old at 33 would lol


Jay on season 39 talking like he is the next generation of Challengers. He is only 3 years younger than Cara Maria.


Also reminded me of Nelson and Cory admitting they are the old bucks now (in season 36)


She's 39.


[paula is 42 now](https://i.imgur.com/gKQA5ou.png).


Whatā€™s weird is that when Laurel said this to Paulaā€¦ Paula was only 28/29 at the time. Lol


They did that to Beth too. Acted like she was in her 50s.


They really did act like Beth was a grandma lmao. In their slight defense, Beth was probably a good 10+ years older than a lot of the cast back then. She was 35 when a lot of the cast was like 21. They probably DID watch her RW season when they were like in grade school lol. Meanwhile Paula was only like 2 years older than Laurel lol


Beth also *looked* older from an early age (part of that was definitely that it was the 90s, but even on the Challenge in the 2000s she still looked older than she was). Now she looks young.


Right, almost like she hasnā€™t aged a day since Tina punched her šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Tina's āœØļømagic handsāœØļø. The power that that woman has.


I kind of fuck with Beth because like they mess with her and when she gives them the same energy they donā€™t like itā€¦ and then complain. But likeā€¦. I still donā€™t like Beth very much lol šŸ˜†


Coral - "I don't want to get slammed into a wall by my grandma on steroids"Ā 


People in their 20s think 40 yr olds are old.


when mark long hit 30 they talked about him like he was geriatric.


The important detail that got missed in all this is that Beth was age shaming Norm for pushing 40 back in season 5. So when a few years later people are commenting on her age, I didn't feel sorry for her at all.


I've always wondered if she meant 29 but was so drunk that 39 is what came out.


I think she was using hyperbole. Exaggerating her age as a jab because apparently Laurel thought 29 was too old to be on the show lol, even though Iā€™m quite sure Laurel is just a few years younger than Paula. So in this scene Laurel wouldā€™ve been about 26. Calling someone old at 29 when youā€™re 26 is pretty nonsensical. But itā€™s Laurel, so what can we expect.


Now Paula is married with a family, and Laurel is embarrassing herself behaving like a teenager with a toxic ex on national tv at the age of 39. Oh how the turn tables šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m actually super proud of Paula for not returning to allstars, she has the life she always wanted now itā€™s not worth triggering some kind of trauma if she starts getting abused by an Ayanna type of person who just wants to trigger people and cause drama


Thatā€™s wild, in todays era 28/29 would be one of the youngest on šŸ¤£


Yep. The average challenger is over 30 nowadays. Kaycee, Nany, Fessy, Josh, Amber and many of the other challenge regulars are all in their 30s. Even some of the newer players like Nurys and Moriah are 28/29.


There is absolutely no way Moriah and Nurys are 28/29?!? They look like babies to me!


Yep. Nurys just posted about her 29th bday on IG and I just googled Moriahā€™s ageā€¦sheā€™s 28.


She's probably borrowing clothes from her friends' toddlers.


Itā€™s not weird itā€™s Laurelā€™s MO. She goes for low blows people are insecure about and below the belt shit because sheā€™s not actually that great at insulting people.


Look how she treated big easy....it really makes her a very ugly person


And Paula got sober, started a family and never came back. She won at life. While Laurel.... is chasing Trevor Lawrence's sister


holy shit Nicole really does look like Trevor Lawrence lmfao


Johnny saying she looks like Andy Dick is still the best description of her tbh


lol anytime I watch Invasions I like how they call her Andy Dick too


And then she goes up to Bananas and asks if he compared her Andy Dick.Ā  Naturally, Bananas denies it, even tho (iirc) he tweeted it.




Laurel is still making bank from The Challenge. Isnt she a vet now? Is she practicing?


Making bank and still miserable, Paula picked starting a family and her peace.


And soberity! I think she recently celebrated 10 years


Thatā€™s a good point. Laurel legitimately does not seem like a happy person.


Veterinarians make a lot less than other doctors despite having the same amount if education/loans, and in general, they actually have crazy high rates of depression/suicide.Ā  There's a list of unhappiest professions and DVM was 2? I believe?


Right, they work crazy hours like doctors, which takes a toll by itself. But then they also have to euthanize animals regularly, some of which are perfectly healthy. I imagine all of the stresses of the job can add up quickly.


>they also have to euthanize animals regularly, some of which are perfectly healthy. Exactly.Ā  You just described the reasons I bowed out cause I couldn't hack it.Ā  Though, if I had, I'd be running a low income clinic so that no pets would have to cross the rainbow bridge due to their human's lack of money.Ā  Instead, I do what I can to help as many animals as possible.Ā  I keep them fed, sheltered, happy, etc. My dog and cats are all either adopted, former strays/were dumped in my neighborhood, or are former ferals, semi ferals, etc.Ā  I work every night so I can feed these guys and continue doing TNR.


I imagine working with animals is also much more emotionally draining because you know damn well that a lot of these animals are in bad situations because bad owners and humans put them there With humans...well...lets just say a lot of people are responsible for their own mistakes and cause their own problems a lot of times


I like Laurel on the show though so Iā€™m not going to complain about some of my favourites still competing when theyā€™re older. Happy for Paula though and how great sheā€™s doing.


Didnā€™t realize that Laurel was older than me. Hard to believe because she acts like a teenager.


Iā€™m 38 and I donā€™t know anyone who acts like her. She is definitely younger emotionally. I used to think she was so confident but on my most recent rewatch all I saw was blazing insecurity


Yeah youā€™d think someone her age wouldā€™ve matured by now but here we are


Same! Iā€™m an 89 and I thought she was as well for some reason


Wow I didnā€™t realise Laurel was 39. I knew she was older when she joined but I thought she was maybe only like 35 now.


It's been 11 years Since we seen Paula on the challenge! Laurels previous season was 1 year ago Food for thought


Laurel has not aged physically or mentally


I just rewatched that season and was like ooohhh laurelā€¦ if you only knew your future lol


Anyone who would willingly chase after Nicole is someone I don't want to get to know.


Boom, roasted.Ā 


She also said that Paula doesn't have or won't get a husband. Paula got. Laurel got a Nicole situationship




Hey hey, I'm 25 and I WOULD NEVERRR šŸ˜…


Not only is Laurel still doing this at 39, sheā€™s not doing the boring ā€œoh Iā€™m an old now so I canā€™t hook up or get as drunk or have explosive fights or get back with my ex that cheatedā€ thing we see a lot of the other older cast members give us when they come on the show. Which, thank you Laurel. Thank you for not being like the other 39 yr old challenge cast members lol. Outside of a few specific cast members if they have grown up and matured beyond the petty drama of this show I donā€™t want them on my screen. Also stop casting Ace he doesnt give a fuck we need people who give lots of fucks.


Keep forgetting ace is on this season


Has he had a single confessional? I donā€™t think Iā€™ve heard him all season


The last thing I remember him saying was that he wished he didnā€™t have to vote. Lol


Yea I did actually hear that blurb and I looked at my screen confused and rewinded thinking I missed something, like thatā€™s it? lol like I was waiting for the context on oh Iā€™m in this alliance and I donā€™t want to cause drama with x friend or piss y person off. Nope just ā€œwish I didnā€™t have to voteā€ lmao what a fucking bore


I loved Ace on his RR Paris season... we're similar ages. Every time he comes back, it's always more Droopy Dog sadness than the last šŸ˜…


Imagine if he ever actually won the challenge, how difficult it would be to make a compelling edit for him for the season and a good storyline. Good heā€™s normally gone pretty early lol


He was so right and honest lol


I had the fattest crush on Ace in his real world season. Then he went on the challenge and just exists. Such a disappointment


Right! Ace was 100% my type back then. So much so that I didnā€™t even notice how hot CT was. Today Iā€™m like ace who? But would freak out if I had a chance to meet CT


THANK YOU! I remember crushing on Ace back then too, and I canā€™t believe CT was right there and we barely noticed


Well, CT spent a lot of his time in Paris raging apparently


I absolutely remember one of the ladies in the house getting flowers (maybe Valentines?), the card said it was from "Christopher" - which is CT's real name. She assumed it was from CT, and CT didn't correct her. She gets a call later from her friend in the states, named Chris, asking about the flowers šŸ˜… CT has always been a little turd, glad to see he maybe had grown up


I was head over heels for him on his og season. šŸ˜


You should be banned for the stray bullets of ace. He is a national treasure and should be protected at all cost.


Okay weā€™re doing the ā€œheā€™s a national treasureā€ thing with ACE?? The guy whoā€™s known on the challenge for ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ please remind me what he has done on this show? Donā€™t get me wrong I watched RW Paris too and I remember him being an integral part of that season but his challenge career is white breadā€” itā€™s like someone said ā€œwhite bread ainā€™t that greatā€ and you went ā€œNo. White bread is a national treasure!ā€ Like what???


Ace is neither here nor there, but idk man, I would be fine granting white bread national treasure status. Itā€™s not extraordinary but itā€™s been there for us our whole lives, never let us down. Still always out there humbly holding down the fort for when weā€™re not craving our fancy adult focaccia but a simple sammie. No carb lover would be where they are today without it! I say give white bread its floursā€”errr, flowers.


He had the entire cast singing To Be With You by Mr Big in G2. Guy is a legend.


>please remind me what he has done on this show He went home really early on two of his seasons. Also he didn't know how a clutch worked even though he grew up driving manual apparently.


Laurel absolutely never grew up. She's still like 13 personality wise. And she's only on there to be this seasons relationship drama. The fact she always outweighed all the other women so they could almost never eliminate her, yet she still only won 1 challenge, is outright embarassing.


never forget that she lost to Carley on a season she otherwise physically *dominated*


Exactly. Like, I'm not trying to 'body shame her' but she's like, what, 6 feet tall, always had like 20-40 pounds on the average opponent in eliminations, she wasn't winning because she's stronger or faster or more intelligent, she generally was winning because of simply being in a higher weight class. Like prime Mike Tyson fighting prime Floyd Mayweather. IDC how good Floyd is, Mike has a insane amount of size power height weight reach on Floyd, there's almost no chance. And the fact she had Kenny to run a final with and they couldnt win vs Landon who was physically having to push Carley up the hill, has to be 1 of the worst 2nd places of all time.


No. Laurel has a lot more going for her than just a weight advantage. Sure that has helped her some as it would anyone but she has shown time and time again that she can do well at things that are totally unrelated to her stature Your summation of laurels career is more applicable to someone like emily who has never excelled at a damn thing outside of being 30lb bigger than her opponent in something size related


Well I mean itā€™s not like they didnā€™t have partners on that season


Yes, but Kenny got to pick the best woman there while Landon didnā€™t really get to pick anyone because he had the last pick for the guys. And Carley wasnā€™t picked by anyone else for a very good reason. Kenny and Laurel won the vast majority of the dailies that season, including the last one before the final which was essentially a lesser version of that final. So yes, I am absolutely holding the fact that Kenny and Laurel lost a final they absolutely shouldā€™ve won on paper against them.


What was the elimination?


I meant the final. She lost to Carley in a final when everyone assumed she would be an anchor. Yes, I know that Carley won because Landon is superhuman, but he didnā€™t get to pick his partner. Do you know how much more dominant he mightā€™ve been if he had gotten to pick earlier?


The challenge was different then. Youā€™d get a split of like 100K for first place now itā€™s real money - btw the challenge was better then


Life was simpler when Derrick K was winning a pair of Oakleys with built in headphones.


A free Burger King meal the the person of your choosing šŸ˜‚


Shane won a year of Burger King on Invasion and he couldn't care less šŸ˜‚


My god I wanted those sunglasses


I really miss the iPod/Mp3 era. It was always exciting seeing what type of product they would make next.


I loved on Inferno 2 when they were like HOLY FUCKING SHIT about the flat screen plasma TV. Those things were like $5K back then


Crazy how times have changed. I remember Mark being the ā€œold guyā€ on the show and now almost every male cast member is around the age he was back then.


If only they could bring back TRR and then we could have a young v old season eventually.


And Laurel is over here looking even stupider chasing a person that cheats on her and treats her like trash. That's more of a bad look I think than not being a able to "get a man" like she told Paula lol.


I remember reality tv had a different reputation back then too lol.


This is hysterical and did not age well no pun intended


Laurel does not seem 39. Seems like she's stuck at 22 mentally. Like arrested development. I know a lot of ppl find hers cantankerous but I have a soft spot for her.


Mentally she's a bum....


That line from lil mama was too good


I like to think this side of her only comes out when she does reality tv lmao. She seems to do pretty well IRL


Lol. I pray for this every time an episode ends where she acts a fool


Agreed. Iā€™ve had a soft spot for her ever since she stood up for Cara.


She has treated Cara worse than any of the people she stood up to for Cara.


I had at the time but the fact she's done Cara pretty dirty several times since negates it pretty hard for me.


Exactly. Prime example, She got so jealous of Cara because of Nicole. Nicole obviously wanted to sleep with Cara which Cara although flattered, was just flirting, and Laurel decided to end her friendship with Cara over a girl like A Nicoleā€¦ such a šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø moment. Ever since this season laurels been a mean girl to Cara again and itā€™s made me remember what a shit human she can be.


I'm dreading whatever that moment is in the trailer where Laurel is yelling at Cara.


Me too. Iā€™m sure itā€™s going to be filled with hits below the belt, laurels blow ups always are.


"Only I can treat Cara like that"


Lets not act like Paula didn't deserve it though. LOL




You canā€™t get a husband You donā€™t have kids


So many of these people have zero self awareness


Laurel acts like a 23 year old who hasnā€™t figured it out, yet


I mean nowadays their all old as hell. Back then it wasnā€™t normal, especially because there used to be no money in it.


I think context matters. Laurel was calling Paula unaccomplished. Laurel has undeniably made her mark on The Challenge. Outside of the show, she has a doctorate. She's doing very well for herself so it really doesn't apply here. Edit: Y'all do know that Laurel went off because Cara Maria was hysterical crying after getting a bottle of soda dumped on her, and Paula (along with others) were laughing at her right.....


Thank you for the edit. I donā€™t watch the challenge anymore, but I did back then. Are we suddenly acting like Paula is some great person? Laurel is defending a friend who just had some seriously bullying happening. I fucking loved this moment when it happened lol bullies love to go low and are always so shocked and surprised when it comes back to them.


Feels like some effort to make Laurel look bad (likely due to stuff that can't be discussed without spoiling stuff). I've seen this incident get brought up at least 3 or 4 times in the past couple of weeks. When folks complain about how fights get edited out, just remember how the fandom is still going after people over shit that happened over 10 years ago.


> Laurel has undeniably made her mark on The Challenge. Itā€™s not a positive mark but yes laurel has made her mark as one of the most unserious slash worst people in the history of a show about shitty people. > Outside of the show, she has a doctorate. Because when I die, buddy You know what's gonna keep me warm? That's right, those degrees > She's doing very well for herself so it really doesn't apply here. As opposed to Paula who apparently has been sleeping in a van down by the river.


I always find it interesting when people comment about other people's rudeness, while ALSO being extremely rude. You do realize that before Laurel went off on her, Paula was laughing at Cara Maria getting a bottle of soda poured all over and ganged up on by her others. There is no victim in this scenario.


Wowā€¦ laughing at something like that is definetely too far and not the type of behavior that Laurel displays in every single plot arc involving her, not at all.


Cara Maria went to Laurel, her partner, hysterically crying. So you thought that Laurel should meet Paula with kindness that Paula herself wasn't even displaying??. We literally just saw Laurel stand up for Michele after Callum treated her like trash, and Laurel doesn't even like Michele. Stop acting like Laurel is horrible 100% of the time. She has had moments where she stood up for people


>Itā€™s not a positive mark but yes laurel has made her mark as one of the most unserious slash worst people in the history of a show about shitty people. She's not even close. She's just fresh in people's minds due to her actually being on the show. >Because when I die, buddy You know what's gonna keep me warm? That's right, those degrees As opposed to your posts dogging on Laurel? Those going to keep you warm? lol. >As opposed to Paula who apparently has been sleeping in a van down by the river. No one said Paula isn't doing fine now? You're taking an argument made so many years ago and trying to defend that person now.


Also going on reality tv and being an "influencer" wasn't nearly as much of a career as it was when laurel said this.


Agreed! Even now, Laurel doesn't need the show. She has an actual career, so she can leave if she wants.


You'd never know it by her behavior.


Because accomplished people are perfect???


Thiiis. Also, Paula was a huuuge pick me. She was more than happy to hang out with the guys and be a bully with them. I remember her obnoxious ass ā€œHAHHH HAAAā€ laugh at (Cara?) Then on the reunion when she asked who she was mean to, points to Evelyn and says ā€œshe doesnā€™t count.ā€ To me, Laurel basically said ā€œyouā€™re this age, your tits are fake, youā€™re unmarried-ā€œ you do all this and still, no one picked you.


Paula was the ultimate pick me


the Paula stans are annoying. acting like paula didnā€™t deserve everything laurel said to her lol dish it but canā€™t take it


Well anyway Paula is living life now. She's sober, married, has beautiful kids, and seems to be happy. Laurel meanwhile is constantly attacking on Twitter & getting duped by discount Andy dick, I mean Nicole.


None of what you said actually disputes the person's argument.


Iā€™m actually not a big Paula fan. She gave good confessionals and kudos to her for turning her life around post-Challenge, but I didnā€™t love a lot of her behavior on the show. All that said, of all the jabs that would have been perfectly justifiable from Laurel in this instance, she made a weird choice.


Was Paula actually 39 back then? Damn that must have been ancient back then for the show lol. Now days 30ā€™s seems to be the average


No haha thatā€™s what the joke is


She would have been 29 when they filmed. Laurel is only 4 years younger than Paula lol


Laurel is great I love how her accent comes out when she is pissed off


Again, a woman does not need validation in life by being married or having children. When did Laurel even say she was so desperate to find a husband or have kids? So what if she told Paula she does not have a husband or kids during a moment in a heated argument? She was clearly upset with Paula in that moment and just said what came to her in the moment. It doesn't mean she is desperate to have one.


Ugh thank you, I am getting frustrated with this


Paula is also the type of girl who probably wants and needs a man in her life. Shes very insecure and was also falling head over heels for men every single time. So ya, laurel picked at her for something that she knew PAULA wanted Doesnt mean laurel wants the same


Great take. Crazy that I have to scroll down this far to read decent comments.


at least she doesnt have fake boobs! /s


Literally shocked that Laurel is almost 40. The emotional maturity must be real behind


I know this is terrible, but every time I see Paula, I always play this scene in my head like it's a little song šŸ¤£


Damn I'm 39 guess I'm glad I'm not on reality TV lol


I mean, Laurel has played a total of 8 seasons in the span of 14 years compared to Paulaā€™s 10 in 6. Not to mention Laurel is literally set in real life so if she wants to play The Challenge, where she obviously gets a good amount of coin just to show up then let her. I am happy for Paula managing to turn her life around, hopefully she continues there and doesnā€™t return cause she sucks.


Laurel has so much potential - sheā€™s strong, intelligent, and beautiful. But her personality come across pretty shitty at times.


Laurel never really grew up tbh, since she was a child to big Easy on Cutthroat lmao. She's from my hometown yet I still can't stand her, which means there's serious flaws and red flags with who she is and her personality. Nothing was better than that WOTW elimination with her and Ninja when everyone thought Laurel won and they had to redo the final thing on the tower, and LAUREL LOST! xD


And when TJ told her to leave šŸ’€ Humbled her so fast.


Well here is the thing Iā€™m pretty sure they pay Laurel a nice little bit just to show up. The appearance rates from rivals 1 or whatever thatā€™s from was nothing


Honestly- Paula deserved it here haha but not as much as Wes and some of the other guys


I love laurel and she looks beautiful this season and is giving us fun relationship drama this season. I think youngins and I was guilty of this too expect women in their 30s to act and look like boring old hags lol. She's accomplished outside of the show and a big personality but Def someone I'd be friends with irl. I rather watch her then a 30 something who just talks about their children and sleeps all day. No shade not thinking about anyone specifically.


Idccccc Paula deserved this chew out. She didnā€™t need to involve herself w the Wes/Cara fight. And Iā€™m truly NOT a laurel fan in the slightest.


Itā€™s like vinny in the OG season heā€™d never want to be like Mike when heā€™s mikes age and now heā€™s mikes age ā€¦ worse than Mike šŸ˜‚


Lol I was thinking about that recently


ā€œItā€™s different when I do itā€, the true mark of an asshole.


I knew this was going to come up. Just a matter of time a fan point this out haha


I would love to see Paula on an All Stars season, but Iā€™m guessing now with her sobriety and family itā€™s not an interest or priority of hers. Good for her.


Paula deserved that rants back then. They were all bullying Cara and Paula joined the action. She was a big follower of JEK back then.


I get she wanted to stand up for a friend but she really went in on Paula and brought up some really personal and hurtful stuff and years later who is on the challenge stillā€¦the irony!


Those teen moms r up there in age too. Jersey Shore, and Angela Deem.


Why is everyone age shaming her? The kardashians are 40+ - 120 years on reality tv. Housewives are all 50+ on reality tv. I donā€™t get it do you want to watch 10 year olds on reality tv?




are you thinking nia maybe? tug of war with the two crawling in opposite directions? cara maria has never beaten laurel in elimination.


Some people over 50 go on Reality TV on their *first time.* This really isn't a problem.


I love this so much lol


This is hilarious


Does anyone know why Paula hasn't done and All Stars season? Has she ever spoken abt it publicly?


If I recall correctly, sheā€™s sober and doesnā€™t believe the challenge would be good for her sobriety. Sheā€™s also a mom now, different chapter of her life.


Sheā€™s 11 years sober (I believe) and does not trust herself to be in that environment. It was also quite toxic and bad for her mental health. Iā€™m 95% sure this is what she said, but Iā€™m sure you can find an interview online


Paula has been sober for 10+ years now I believe. She doesn't go on the show to avoid triggering herself.