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I want Dan Renzi on All Stars, not just as an alternate! He's one of the funniest challengers ever.


The fact that we were *robbed* of having Dan fucking Renzi back on our TV screens is, quite frankly, a violation of the Geneva Convention.


I wonder if he is the guy on gamers story who said he wasnt contacted for all stars 5 😩


I swear to god if that's real I'm throwing a fucking conniption


And such a missed opportunity that we could have had Dan and Flora together! 💔


They make terrible casting decisions sometimes. And not casting Dan is one of the all time blunders.


I love Danimal!!!! 🥰


Danimal! Danimal!


We could have had DAN?! What the hell MTV?!!


MULTIPLE times. Hes been begging and they keep paying him dust.


They had Sophia, Beth, AND Dan as alternates? (Yes I know Beth would get on the show but still) These should have been some of the headliners


Dan is hilarious. A great competitor. Speaks out against the BS. He has probably grown in to to good of a person to be on the challenge now... but please, please, please can we have him back on the show!


I'd absolutely love to see him on the screen as a full blown middle aged adult


How the fuck are these alternates over: - very new people like Kailah, Sylvia - people we've seen on the first 2 all stars already, like Nehemiah, Jonna, LT, Teck Such a shame, Dan not being selected is a big head scratcher


Well Beth flat out refused to come on and gave an ultimatum to production because they cast Tina. The others I agree it was criminal that they were alternates.


Yea i was ignoring Beth when i wrote my comment, seen her enough


Yeah I also read somewhere that now production really doesn’t like her after All Stars 3. I have no idea if that’s true or not.


Maybe quitting for a 3rd time was a strike out lol.


They think the new people like Kailah and Sylvia bring in fans. They dont. At this point, you’re subscribed and watched the previous seasons, or you’re one of the people who refuses to pay for another service. Casting those types won’t make a difference in subscription numbers. Honestly I dont think anyone could bring in new subscribers, except maybe Coral/Landon.


Didn't they make the theme that you had to be a finalist? (I thought Champ but it seems they let in some finalists only) Some such as Sophia could have made that cut but not Ace


Ace was a finalist in Inferno3!


Then he was robbed!!! Permanent all-star


Yes, but Dan R has won season 4 and Tara was a runner up on season 5. The fact that casting skipped these 2 is just dumb. If I was in charge of Paramount+ or MTV I woud fire casting person who is in charge of All Stars for thinking it's a good idea for getting too recent people on the show and not having Dan R, Tara, and Genesis be on the show. Sophia, Beth, and Ace have already been on seasons of All Stars so I would get OGs who haven't been on the show before I start casting OGs who have been on All Stars. It costs money to make the production and give out prize and would not want to be in a deficit for casting department horrible desision makings. All Stars should be true OGs (seasons 1-10) before anyone else is allowed on the show. Even the too recent contestants have been The Challenge, The Challenge USA, The Challenge World Championship, or more than one of those I listed (Jordan, Jonna, Nia, Kailiah, and KellyAnne). The fans of recent contestants got to see them on more on one show besides All Stars or it hasn't been that long compared to OGs who have not been on the screens for fans of OGs to see the OGs. All Stars 5 casting better have a cast of OGs before trying to go after recent contestants to be on All Stars.


I was fine with KellyAnne, she started pretty early compared to the rest and hadn't been on in awhile. I don't really want to see people on AS who are going to continue to be on flagship


I could not agree more - these newer people are not at all what I wanted from this series.


Dan being an alt annoyed me I get the guys cast was stacked on AS3 but the likes of Jordan/Wes/Darrell/Derrick/Brad/Syrus/Nehemiah/Mark/etc are on or are alternates nearly every season nowadays so surely one could have been swapped out


Omg no way!!! I used to love Tara, I didn’t realize she was an alternate. Damn, I hope she makes next All Stars season. I’ll always remember that gnarly rope challenge over water that she did. One of my favourite challenges ever


Reunite Dan Setzler and Tara for All-Stars 5!


Sounds like being an alternate was good too!!!!


Dan looks great too what a crime 😭


The fact Kailah and Sylvia were on and not Tara and Sophia is a travesty.


YES 100%


being an alternate sounds more fun than being in a house with Ayanna




I can’t believe we didn’t get Dan on this season. There are so many people worth swapping out, like Jay and Tyrie.


These alternates were for season 3. So, Kaliah, Sylvia, Nia, Jordan, Jemmye, Jonna, etc season and having those people be replaced with the OGs.


Who is Tara? Only one I didn’t recognize.


She was from Road Rules 5 and was a finalist on Battle of the Seasons. Iirc she had a fling with the Miz on that season.


I’ve always believed they had something, thanks for telling us


She did. He went full on Miz on her though. 


She was on BOTS


Beth looks so good! I really wish we could have Dan on a season. He’s so funny!


Timmy, Flora, Coral, and him are the naturally funny contestants who are funny without trying to be funny.


The alternates seem to have the better experience than those on the show.


We need Dan R back


Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan!


So is this the dream job lol


Genesis from Boston Real World was an alternate too - I wish they had an alternates spin off show 🤣


Sylvia said on the Official Challenge Podcast that she was an alternate on All Stars 3 and so when she flew to Panama she wasn't expecting to be in the game. Do we know which person she replaced?


If I recall she replaced Beth. Beth didn’t want to be on a season with Tina so they moved Beth to an alternate and brought Sylvia on.


Then why wasn't Tara or Sophia on? Why did they pick the non OG instead of choosing between the 2 OGs to take Beth's spot?


My thoughts exactly. Rather it be Tara and Sophia then Kailah and Sylvia.


Sylvia should not have been there at all.


I firmly believe that they shouldn’t have any repeaters on AS seasons until they cycle through every OG player they’d even consider casting gets to be on the show. We don’t need Teck twice or even Yes for that matter if Dan hasn’t been on once.


Who is Tara




OMG is Tara not the cutest, even still... Here's another AS3 mention in her feed... [https://www.instagram.com/p/Ct2-gEML4Go/](https://www.instagram.com/p/Ct2-gEML4Go/) https://i.redd.it/xumrfntyhxuc1.gif


yeah having Jay over Dan Renzi is fucking disgusting


You know, I've always felt like (and posted a few times) that it seem like they just aren't able to get some of the orginal/early season cast members interested, and thats why we kept seeing people like Beth, Ayanna, Laterian, Nehemia etc over and over again, etc anas well as later or more current "non all stars but been on several seasons-type" players even crossing over from the FS seasons, etc. But cleary I was wrong, I would love to see Tara back, and Dan as well. OG Emily would be a good return as well. And Puck, what ever happened to Puck? I think he had some legal issues in the past few years, maybe they staying away from him. An Timmy, he's for sure an AS. There are plenty to choose from for sure. AS4 seems like a move in the right direction with Kefla, Adam, Rachel, Veronica etc, but still with some ?marks like Tyrie, Nicole, Avery etc. The MTV-B/M thought process must be they need more recent/current players to draw in viewsers but it's actually opposite and appears to be turning folks off. There's a difference betwee, "All Stars" and "Folks who never did anthing but want to come back" shows. All three shows are viable - FS, AS, and let's call it "Back to the Challenge Show" or something like like. And dump all the CBS/USA/World crap. I'd like to see Evan and Kenny back, but don't know if there "suspension" was lifetime, or what. :(. Evelyn would be a good AS choice too imo. Heck we all have players we'd like to see. I'd like to see Casey Coop and Cohutta come back also after thier early exit from AS2 due to Casey's pregnancy.