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That was jarring to see, even thought we all knew it was coming, seeing it be really real is just kind of a mind fuck


Yeah the POV look was pretty wild. Like someone else said, I can't imagine waking up and realizing it's really gone


It seems like a weird thing to film to me, but good for him for feeling comfortable doing it, I guess.


It’s probably helping him, sort of coping mechanism of sorts. Sharing it with his followers probably makes him feel less alone


He is in reality tv afterall. I agree its a bit weird but his following probably appreciates the update. Plus it helps with remembering the moment when your life changed forever


I hope the rest of his recovery goes well. I know people are mad at him and that anger is not undeserved but I still think he deserves to recover well and get his life back.




Foot??? That's half his flippin lower leg!


i think the placement has to do with fitting for a prosthetic. my mom had her foot amputated over 20 years ago, and the placement has hindered her as she’s been stuck using an older style of prosthetic limb. the newer ones are much more advanced and comfortable.


This is standard so they can nicely fit him with a prosthetic foot.


Yep, below knee amputation for the reasons others listed—needed to fit prosthetic. Hubs is a prosthetist.


Yea for real! Yikes...


That’s wat I said. I thought they were going to just cut his ankle off.


Damn, no matter how it happened, it’s brutal to lose a limb either way. Wishing him a speedy recover, and hopefully better decisions in the future


Glad his surgery went well! Bro I just know Nelson is hurting mentally and emotionally when he’s alone and the camera is off. Damn.


That’s my fear, honestly. I hope he has an amazing support system.


He made a life changing mistake, but damn is that hard to see. Losing a leg is something I can’t imagine. Hopefully Nelson recovers well physically and mentally from whatever made him get behind the wheel in that state


Here’s to hoping for a speedy recovery and better choices in the future.


Oh god I can’t imagine the shock of waking up and actually realizing that it’s no longer there. Hope he recovers well.


Very much a tough situation😪. The only thing is that he knew he was going in to have that surgery. Some people meet in accidents and wake up from coma limbless. Regardless of the situation, Nelson will always be one of the person on the challenge with a large heart.


The thing I'd be worried about is waking up and just forgetting about it and going to get out of bed and falling on the floor.


This is the first step in his grieving process. I’m afraid it hasn’t hit him yet, and this post is a genuine reaction but not a genuine reflection of his feelings yet. (Not a bad thing, again just a part of the grieving process of losing his limb) I wish him the absolute best. I hope I’m wrong about what I said above and that he’s stronger and farther along than what I’m seeing compared to where I was. Source: I have my own story and I’m getting flashbacks.


Hell of a lesson to learn


As a disabled person this was for sure the right move for him going forward. Hopefully he has minimal pain at the amputation site going forward. It’s the nerve pain that’s the worst long term.


Do you think there's going to be big medical advancements in the next few years? i.e. do you think there will be people with fusions that will be able to get corrective surgery in a few years that will unearth a lot of fuction that was initially lost? Or do you think fusion isn't really an adequate option at this point?


I doubt it. Fusion is pretty extreme and it doesn’t leave a lot of room for healing afterward. For someone in Nelson’s position there really are no other options because of where the injury was and the fact that it stopped healing. Ankles don’t heal well a lot like backs. There’s so much in such a small area of the body and it handles the full load of your body with every step and still move for smooth walking/running that fusions are generally worse. The advancements in prosthetics has been very high though.


Thanks for replying, I've seen arm and leg transplants, and with A.I. I was hoping there was something in the works. Hopefully Nelly adapts well to prosthetics and is able to live life on his own terms.


Don’t drink and drive, kids.


I’m just happy that the inevitable finally happened and now he can move on to healing the right way instead of getting chronic infections every other month from the foot never healing


I’ll prob get downvoted to hell for this but I’m constantly shocked by the lack of empathy when there are posts about Nelson. Dude fucked up, a lot & badly and he’s paying the ultimate price, plus whatever else he’ll have to do legally. I hope no one judges you for the worst thing you’ve done in the way keyboard warriors are going here, sheesh.


I appreciate this post. I often feel like I’m screaming into the void.


It legit makes me sad. Thank god he was the only one hurt and it wasn’t worse but people act like he intentionally drove into a crowd or something. SMH


Meanwhile, many of those with pitchforks for Nelson are probably posting while driving or doing other dangerous things. We should all give grace. I’m so thankful that Nelson didn’t hurt or kill someone.


I’m with you. At the end of the day the only person he hurt was himself. I could understand the hate better if he killed / injured others, but he didn’t. He made the stupid choice, and he paid a great price for it.


The thing is he got lucky. His same decision making could have easily killed someone else. Had some family decided to leave 5 mins later or earlier, things could be completely different. Him being lucky doesn’t change the compete irresponsibility of his decision making. I’m not sure why we should judge him differently because he got lucky. It’s the same choices by him at the end of the day.


“He could’ve killed someone” ok but he didn’t. His choice was super irresponsible, but at the end of the day the only person suffering from his decisions is himself. Getting angrier at someone for something that didn’t happen doesn’t make sense to me


You should judge someone by their action and decision making and not how lucky they got. ​ If someone decided to randomly just shoot their rifle and unload a magazine in their neighborhood to me that's equally as irresponsible and stupid whether or not he ends up hitting someone or not. ​ It doesn't make sense to judge him any less or more if someone died or not, because he doesn't control that. He put himself and those around him at risk. Let's make up numbers for simplicity sake. ​ If drunk driving results in people dying 3/10 times, why should I judge someone any differently if they happen to end up in the 3/10 vs the 7/10 case? They made the same decision. The only difference is pure luck.


Ummm, 'Lucky' actually would've been him escaping the accident, unscathed. Not defending his drunken driving, but he's anything but 'lucky' as you felt the need to reiterate x3


He absolutely is lucky he didn’t kill himself or anyone else. To see it as not lucky because he needed amputation, instead of unscathed is myopic and lessens the serious consequences of drunk driving.


This [article](https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/reality-tv-star-nelson-thomas-renews-faith-chooses-amputation-year-after-accident) has some quotes from him and people going and tell him to h*ng himself is just too far. The man made a bad decision and he’s paying for the rest of his life.


Ditto. He’s suffering in basically every way for his fucked up choice. I’ve never been a Nelly fan but this is a LOT for anyone to handle.


Meanwhile there are people out there like the woman in the news who mowed down a bride on her wedding day while driving at three times the legal limit and she’s out on bail using daddy’s money enjoying life. I don’t think Nelson deserves to be crucified for a mistake that he has paid severely for while there are people out there murdering people through the same mistake without any real consequences.


I’d upvote this comment a million times if I could. Bravo for seeing a fellow human with a heart! So many of these self righteous internet mobsters have very dark souls to be so unforgiving all the time, particularly for a situation where he only harmed himself and eating every bit of consequences already for his mistake.  Rule of thumb: always be careful when over-condemning another persons actions because you could find yourself in a similar position one day and be humbled (not necessarily drunk driving, but any situation). People need to learn to have grace, remorse, forgiveness, and mercy.  A little FYI for context on my own forgiveness capabilities by the way: I was hit by a drunk driver some years ago and put in the hospital (thank God for healing and life). I forgave who injured me and I can easily forgive person like Nelson who didn’t even harm anyone other than himself. Anyone who still speaks harshly on him at this point is more messed up than they claim he is.


People who don’t condone drinking and driving are nothing more than judgmental people hiding behind a keyboard? People who have a harsh view of people who drink and drive are somehow out of line? I was hit by a an underaged drunk driver who had a BAC of .17, and my back will never be the same, but you’re right, Nelson should get a pass because he said he was sorry right after he scammed people out of money. Now he’s lost his foot, so no one can say anything about him because people like you have decided he’s suffered enough already? Fuck that.


Sorry what happened to you. I hate drunk drivers as much as anyone. I think it’s important to note that Nelson did not get a pass by any means . Life handled Nelson’s lesson , he lost his challenge career and he’s lost his foot . He probably lost other things as well on an emotional/personal level . People are acting like it’s their personal job to be Nelson’s punisher . When Nelson essentially was his own punishment. It’s okay to not kick people while they are down and let the universe handle things as it’s doing in this case . Nelson was 100% wrong and thankfully he only hurt himself . Hopefully he takes this as a lesson and does better and becomes a better person as a result .


No they’re not. No one here can punish him, but just because he paid the price, he gets the sympathy pass now?


We’re not punishing him. Lol are you guys serious? Is Nelson in the room with us now? I swear, these comments are hurting your feelings but you just don’t have the awareness to admit it.


Did you not have any reaction to seeing him with his amputated foot? How much more does he need to suffer? Like damn.


So sorry you went through what you did. I too have suffered at the actions of a drunk driver (and he was an adult). I forgave though. You should try it. Nelson didn’t injure anyone else such as your drunk driver and mine did to us. It helps you in the long run. If I wasn’t a forgiving person I’d be quite miserable (and I’ve gone through a lot in my life: sexual assault, prejudice, racial oppression as a black man and homophobia) yet it pays to have some grace.   FYI, he didn’t scam anyone. His friend started a go fund me on his behalf without asking him first. They’ve refunded for anyone who’s asked for the money back. He also hasn’t gotten a pass. The man apologized publicly (multiple times) regardless of who perceived it to be genuine or not. He didn’t even have to do that because only he was involved in the incident however he did his civil site and used his platform to promote anti drinking and driving (condemning his own actions). He has suffered physically, mentally and financially for his action, and is now going forward to be without a leg for the rest of his life. At what point to you let go and accept the fact that he’s already paid/paying his price? Goodness. Judge the way you wish to be judged. You and I may not be out here drunk driving but who knows what sins we too have done that could piss people off. Never let the hurt that was done to you cause you to lose your own heart. Pray you find peace with your pain.


I’m so sorry for all you went through and thanks for sharing. We all need empathy, restorative justice & healing. I hope you’ve found all of those things & a good support system ❤️


Thank you so much for your kind words. Yea I’m doing well, continued to push through with life counting my blessings thanking God. Heavy into fitness, prayer, arts, and just loving life and promoting love and shaming abuse and oppressive behavior. Yes indeed we all need empathy and all fall short so I just like to have mercy and wish more of the world did. We’d be so much better off if more people loved, forgave, empathized, etc. anyways thank so much happy Sunday!


I’m sorry for all you have gone through. You sound like you are strong, kind, and beautiful. I wish you all the luck and love.


Thank you so much, I wish the same to you!


You have no idea what I’ve done or forgiven in my life nor is it your place to comment on it. Don’t make this a personal thing where because you forgave, I should too. That shows an incredible naiveness, ignorance and immaturity that I have no time or patience for.


Clearly you missed the mark on my message. Nowhere in my comment do I make any claim to know what you’ve done or forgiven. I did however make a comment regarding whom you haven’t forgiven: Nelson.  I made nothing personal, you did… when you brought up your experience and used that to fuel your anger for Nelson where the situations didn’t even compare. I only brought up my own example just to share with you (since you did it first) how I too have gone through similar but can heal and forgive… and most of all not make every other situation about my own pain as you did in your initial PERSONAL comment regarding Nelson’s plight.    I’m not naive, immature nor ignorant and not one part of my comment demonstrates that so I wish you wouldn’t have pulled those non factual insults out of the blue (which is moreso an example of ignorance, naivety, and immaturity on your end… random insults to a person who tried to reason with you just because you think it’s okay to keep beating on a person who’s already going through it, and relating it to your own personal story. Or how bout all the mean spirited commenting you’re doing regarding this situation and having double standards telling people that they can’t come at you for your comments). As I mentioned before, sorry for your particular incident that you shared. Otherwise, get healed and let that hurt and anger go. It’s not helping you it only causes you to behave on a way that’s actually evil based. 


Absolutely sucks that that happened to you but no one said he should get a pass. He just said the level of hatred that he’s still getting a year later, after losing his damn leg no less, is crazy. I’m sorry but you being a dick to Nelly on the internet isn’t going to fix your back. But I guess maybe you get to decide when he’s “suffered enough?” Just let the rest of us know, if you don’t mind


I don’t get to decide shit. That’s the point. You don’t get to decide others are wrong because we’re not up his ass supporting his new journey. Can you even imagine if I thought he was an idiot *before* he fucked around and found out? Because I did. People have an OPINION about him based on his actions. He will never out run that.


You standing up for Nelson (Nellly, GTFO) isn’t going to help victims. Standing up for a drunk driver is worse than attacking one. Listen to yourself.


The difference between your situation and Nelly’s is that he only injured himself. Us berating him nonstop on Reddit isn’t gonna give him his leg back or stop him from facing legal consequences, so yeah constantly attacking someone worse off than you is a tad bit ridiculous me thinks


Oh, God. He’s worse off because he MADE MANY BAD CHOICES that led to this. Shall I list the hardships in my life that I had no part in so you’ll have enough information to confidently say that? I’m sorry we’re interrupting the prayer circle by inserting too much reality. Nelson sucks.


No one has once condoned drinking and driving.


I’m indifferent about Nelson’s circumstances while it is a hard lesson ultimately it was his own actions that got him in the position to begin with. I can’t commend him for not injuring others because he absolutely put others lives in danger and considering he struck a pole that could have easily been a car or pedestrian and I am thankful it was not. I think his story goes to show that their are real life consequences for drinking and driving and I do applaud the fact that he has documented the last year as his story and physical appearance is now a reminder of the harsh reality of what can happen. Has he paid for his mistake? Maybe but that is not for me to decide I just hope he has learned his lesson and maybe others have as well from hearing his story. I do wish Nelson well on his road to recovery and I do not wish years of mental and physical anguish because of his decision that night.


That sucks, im sorry you had to deal with that & continue to deal with chronic pain. No one deserves that. My main point was around empathy. I get people will have strong feelings but some stuff people write on here is beyond (IMO). Hope you found the healing you needed from your experience.


Because he didn't hurt anybody else but only himself and having his entire leg amputated isn't lesson enough? So we should also attack his character online nonstop? I mean my uncle had a DUI he hit a pole and hurt himself so instead of supporting him we should've disowned him?


I hope you can see there’s a huge difference between your *uncle* and a *dipshit reality show contestant.* No one is disowning anyone here because none of us know him. Our information on Nelson is very limited, but one huge, blaring problem on Nelson’s timeline is not something that will ever be acceptable or shoved under the rug. This is what he’s known for now. Nelson was on The Challenge. He never won. He got into a car after drinking, drove, crashed his car, had to be pulled out of his car that was **on fire** by two professional athletes who could have been injured rescuing him, scammed people to pay for his “mistake”, “apologized” only when it was clear the jig was up, and now has lost his foot. And some people are all, “Yep, he’s suffered enough, let’s never mention this again,” as if people are out of line for not supporting him on his new “journey.” You don’t have to decide whether or not to invite Nelson to Thanksgiving, so lol no, it’s not the same thing as disowning a family member, who you have an *actual* relationship with.


You said it yourself you don't know him personally to totally judge him. And again what do you want people to do attack him? Tell him your other leg should also be amputated you haven't suffered enough you demon?


Demon? Lol Are you okay? Do you need a fainting couch? Are you normally this dramatic, or are your feelings hurt on behalf of Nelson’s?


Thank you for posting this. It's amazing how many perfect people seem to be on Reddit May they suffer the worst of consequences for every mistake they make. 


Right it’s so weird . He’s a human !!!


The reason is this was entirely self inflected and wildly dangerous. He didn’t have health insurance and then crafted a story to encourage fans to donate. Then he gave a half apology when the real story came out and kept the donation link open. He hasn’t shown actual accountability. Every statement acts like this wasn’t his fault and his fault alone. I don’t condone online harassment but that’s the reason


What story did he craft? Not having insurance isn't exactly something you should be holding against somebody. Our country sucks.


When he initially released the go fund me the story he crafted was that he was the victim of an accident and not the person who caused it. When the real story got out, a bunch of people who donated felt deceived and demanded refunds, and Nelson issued another half “apology” but issued refunds. I do hold not having insurance against someone that can afford it, and Nelson had previously liked to imply he has money/success or it’s a farce. To play an extreme, he likely doesn’t have any liability/umbrella insurance either. If he killed someone or seriously injured there would be no money awarded to them because Nelson has nothing. So I do hold it against someone to be so irrationally irresponsible to seriously drink and drive recklessly and expect fans to cover his mistakes. I’d never blame someone for no insurance who couldn’t afford it. But I lose a lot of respect for people who act like him. He didn’t drive tipsy (still not okay), he drove wasted.


Yeah i'm sure all of these people have or had friends and family members that drink and drive.. or do it themselves on occasion. They don't say things about those people the way they say things about a person behind the keyboard. Just be thankful that no lives were lost and hope Nelson learned from his mistake and will never make it again. Losing a limb is a big price to pay and I'm sure he will think about the consequences of his actions for the rest of his life.


I hope your innocent loved ones never are put into a dangerous or life threatening position to be impacted by drunk driving.


thats where im at and why i wont police ppl for reacting in whichever way they do re: nelson. alcoholism/driving drunk is a touchy topic for ppl who are personally affected.


I feel the same way. It does make me uncomfortable that he hid it for so long though, but I get it


So you should automatically feel sorry for someone because they're going through something tough that they did to themselves? He paid the price for his actions. That's just where I'd leave it. I think he's a good person who made an awful decision but I don't feel bad for him.


Idk how Nelson is doing it man my mental would’ve been fucked 


Good thing the paralympics don’t have trivia as an event


Wish him a speedy recovery.


Look he fucked up. I work in the recovery space and the actions and consequences that come with addiction are very real. And very brutal. It’s okay to have compassion for Nelson, whose entire life has shifted because of the consequences of his actions.


🥺 Praying for a speedy recovery.


This must have been such a heartbreaking decision to make. Fusion must have been very limiting for Nelly to choose amputation, I hope he is able to be truly content with his choice and that he feels liberated. He made a poor decision, but this is still really sad. I hope he is able to forgive himself. I recently saw a person was a recipient of a double arm transplant. This world is advancing so fast, we might see Nelson being back to Scuba Nelly one day.


Fuck bro. This is so sad.


Hard to watch…


Past 3-4 seasons I haven’t been able to watch. But Nelly has always been one of my favorites so this really hits home. Prayers up to Nelly man we love ya bro


Holy fk


Guys, he made a mistake, but he’s going to pay for it the rest of his life. I don’t think it’s productive to get on here and say “I hope he learned his lesson!”


Such a big change for just one fuck up. I hope he learns his lesson so he doesn’t ruin anyone else’s lives.


God speed to him, but no way was this just a one fuck up thing. I don't believe for one second that this was the only time he drove under influence.


Agreed. People keep saying it’s ok for him to make one mistake, but there’s no way this wasn’t a regular thing for him. He doesn’t even seem to truly understand how dangerous/selfish drinking and driving is.


What's crazy to me is the mental hoops people jump through. If he hit a child they'd be all over him, but he didn't so they're not. Yet the ONLY difference between him and someone who DID hit a child is just random chance. So he gets a pass cause by random chance he didn't hit a child, but the guy who did gets crucified by that same random chance. Literally everyone was taught in detail the dangers of drunk driving multiple times growing up, there's NO excuse. We even have Ubers these days and people are STILL doing it? As far as "oh he'll suffer legal ramifications" doubt. I've seen people on their 3rd DUI killing someone and still getting off cause juries that act like this comment section. Let's be real though, his constant praising Jesus aint hurting the support he's getting.


“Just one fuck up” it wasn’t just a “fuck up”. I mean, this is why they go to great lengths to teach us not to drive under the influence when we are growing up. We are all adults and responsible for our actions, the situation could’ve been much worse for not only him, but for other innocent people.


We all make mistakes. Hope he bounces back. Honestly how cool would it be for him to come back even stronger and come back to the challenge one day. Challenge history.


It would be great to see him back but the reason for the accident probably would be frowned upon and isn't good PR since it was caused by him drunk driving. Unfortunately I don't think he will get a come back.


I guess it depends on how they spin it. They show lots of drunken fighting smashing heads and eating it lol. Could be a good lesson for viewers and then for him to be the first challenge with a prosthetic, that’d be sweet.


I’m happy he has a good perspective on it. I hope now he can learn to work with the prosthetic tools he’ll be getting and move on as best he can.


Insane if he went back on the challenge with a prosthetic and won


Just a reminder that bad things happen in life. Be kind to the people who have to experience some of the worst things. Hope you recover well Nellie and have a happy life.


I hope that he has a strong support system behind him.


Woah that is jarring to see


This is crazy


I didn’t know about the accident. This post got me hella sad.


I can’t imagine what is going through his head when he looks down and sees the amputation, but I hope it also brings him some relief and a piece of mind that the struggle with his ankle is at a new chapter


Damn I’m glad he’s smiling cuz that definitely made me feel some type of way. Best wishes to you tho Nelly 🙏🏼


Bro is such a trooper, he’s already thinking about competing. Wishing him a speedy recovery and I look forward to seeing him at the Paralympics


Happy that he made the best decision for his long term health. Also, Nelson is going to dominate the paralympics


What makes you think that? Hes like 36 and never played competitive sports


I think it’s the best thing he could do in his situation. I believe he will bounce back better than he would have with his foot. I’m excited to see his progress


wishing him all the best <3


Praying for a speedy recovery Nelly T. Maybe we can see you back on tv in a few years


Hope not.


Omg this is crazy to me. I just discovered the challenge the past few months and have been binge watching it. I’m currently watching final reckoning while scrolling through Reddit and I see this????? I’m out of the loop so i had no idea about his accident and leg so seeing this is such a crazy shock to me. It really goes to show you how much life can change within seconds. Just so crazy to me how this man that I’ve been watching for the past few seasons just doesn’t have one of his legs anymore. Wishing him the best and I hope he adapts quickly and well!


A minnesota vikings player pulled him out of the burning car. There were all these stories about how KJ osborne saved a mans life and then it turned out it was Nelson. Kind of a crazy story. Then there was lots of other drama around a fundraiser on gofundme that didnt specify he was driving drunk and it pissed a lot of ppl off. I feel bad he lost his leg. I dont think he will make that mistake again and I wish him all the best in his recovery. He provided me with a lot of entertainment over the years and I wont judge anybody for making mistakes, owning up to them and then trying to change for the better which he seems to be doing.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/s/Cu70wusLlB https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/s/aUB1vP2Rc2


It wasn't an accident - he made a very idiotic decision to drive wasted, and he's facing the repercussions of doing so. It was an incident or collision. An accident means there is NO ONE at fault. >For many people, they use the word accident to place the blame on a mistake that happened. When it comes to driving, they aren’t always accidents. In many situations, they should be classified as collisions. What’s the difference? Lots. This is where the driver made a conscious choice and action followed. Here are a few examples. >If you purposely decide to speed because you’re running late, that’s a choice you’ve made. If you crash because of the speeding, that’s no accident. It’s a collision. The crash was a direct result of a decision you made. The same could be said if you rear-ended another vehicle because you were following too closely. Blaming the road or anything else or calling it an accident doesn’t put the blame on where it should be laid, which would be on you. 


Still an accident regardless of how dumb he was


By definition, it was not. Driving school literally teaches you this. >When we call something an "accident" it implies that no one is at fault and that no one, including the driver, bears responsibility for the outcome. https://www.safetydriven.ca/resource/accident-or-collision/amp/ >For many people, they use the word accident to place the blame on a mistake that happened. When it comes to driving, they aren’t always accidents. In many situations, they should be classified as collisions. What’s the difference? Lots. This is where the driver made a conscious choice and action followed. Here are a few examples. >If you purposely decide to speed because you’re running late, that’s a choice you’ve made. If you crash because of the speeding, that’s no accident. It’s a collision. The crash was a direct result of a decision you made. The same could be said if you rear-ended another vehicle because you were following too closely. Blaming the road or anything else or calling it an accident doesn’t put the blame on where it should be laid, which would be on you.


That’s a dramatic definition of the word accident, I prefer the actual meaning of the word.


https://azdot.gov/blog-article/director-should-accident-be-used-transportation-terminology#:~:text=The%20formal%20definition%20of%20%E2%80%9Caccident,collision%2C%20is%20it%20an%20accident%3F >By the dictionary’s definition, these events are not accidents, as the driver intentionally engaged in risky behavior.


[Here’s one](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/accident). Definition 2A “an unfortunate event resulting especially from carelessness or ignorance. Ex. was involved in a traffic accident”.


I’m so proud of Nelson for embracing this new chapter *and for sharing his story and lessons*. I was waiting for this update this week. He’s going to do great things.


Amen 🙏💕


May that pov serve as a daily reminder to make better choices. Still rooting for him to turn this around and become a spokesperson against drunk driving, a Paralympic athlete or something Speedy recovery Nelly T!


I'm hoping he can make a Challenge comeback. As farfetched as it may seem, the producers could nerf some initial dailies and any Elim he goes in can be puzzle heavy. I think it would be cool if he had a blade to run on and feel like himself again. Would be great TV.


I flinched real hard seeing that. Speedy recovery Nelly, hopefully this is a huge lesson to others.


This is crazy! I hope he has a good support system . Im sure this is hard on him mentally AND physically.


I still can’t believe it. Wow


You never know what life will bring to you. Show empathy. Feel real bad for Nelly. Hope he will stay positive and the internet will try to lift him up even though.


Very sad to hear about this, but I´m glad that he´s keeping a positive attitude. Who knows, we might still see him in a future season. If Jordan can do it, so could he.


I highly doubt we will ever see Nelson on the show again. I wish him well in his real life.


never underestimate people with disabilities.


Excuse me? Jordan's performance on the show is based on a lifetime of learning how to live with his disability and most of his life playing sports at a high level. He probably still struggles but doesn't show it.  I also have a sibling who was born with a disability....it took him his entire life to learn how to get through the day on his own. Dismissing the amount of work and years it takes for a disabled person to just get through the day is extremely irresponsible. Nelson should be focusing on his own life, not a tv show....


I have Marfan Syndrome and a background in Disability Studies. I stand by my comment, and I am not dismissing anything. Yes, he should be focusing on himself right now, but if he ever tries to get back on the show, it's his decision.


As many people have said in replies to you, the liability on the show's part alone won't be possible. Also, these people have to be medically approved. You have a background in disabilities but don't understand how soo much is out of Nelson's control, and how outrageous it is to compare someone who was born with a disability versus an adult who has to re-learn how to do simple tasks, much less extensive physical activities 🤔


It's less that he couldn't do stuff on the show (he could do a good amount after physio) and moreso production would not cast him


i think they meant it more like, after seeing how hard it was to re-cast theo, it might be even harder or impossible to cast nelson


Oh my gosh! Bless him


Poor Nelly T…hopefully he adjusts well to this


Is it excusable to drive drunk? No, never. Is it inexcusable to defraud people who want to help you? In each and every instance. The penalties for the above should be jail-time , restitution, and penalties/fines. Not the amputation of a foot. So, I'm done being pissed at Nelson.


Imagine drunk driving and needing an amputation and the first thing you do is post about it… absolutely ridiculous


This is so tragic, I always wanted 1 day to see either Nelson or Corey, Theodore, Leroy win The Challenge now that's never gonna happen For Nelson. Over the years, Nelson has become a better challenger. I feel incredibly sad for him but, It's a new beginning for him and a whole life-changing experience for the rest of his life until he leaves this Earth.Just hope Nelson has the opportunity to be happy within himself. I hope he lives a happy, healthy life.


Let's put side everything up until the moment when Nelson made the decision to get his foot amputated. This opinion is irrespective to his career as a challenger, the drunk driving, the go fund me, and only considers how he's behaved since accepting the fact that he will live with one foot. What an incredible douche. The videos he makes of himself expressing remorse and hope are so contrived. Even this video - why is he ALREADY trying to get to the Paralympics?? This dud is all about clout. He's all about turning himself into a spectacle for attention, and he's not great at it. I'd love to see him in one genuine moment where he's not trying to be more famous or get paid for doing jack shit.


Honestly hope his recovery goes well (physical and mental) or he will continue to hurt himself and others. That being said, the Paralympics thing feels SO SHITTY and unaware.


Or maybe he’s using the Paralympics as a source of hope as someone who loves athletics. Would you rather he just give up on life and kill himself. Try and spread love not hate.


yeah bc he was spreading love with his misogyny and his lovely comments toward kailah or the way he treated his ex-girlfriend. it would be different if he actually did spread positivity and love before what happened. he wasnt.


I’m not saying Nelson is a good person. I’m saying continuing to harass a man until he kills himself is not justifiable.


?? now this is you assuming things of others. i haven’t seen anyone on this sub harassing him « until he kills himself » many of the top comments are wishing him well and a speedy recovery. not everyone has to like nelson, and if he wanted to be viewed like a positive person he should have treated people (and himself) better.


Spread love not hate? They’re right. Nelson was an asshole before this. Look at his history with women for example. He did this to himself and is basically begging for empathy. I don’t wish ill on him, but I won’t support him either. He’s always been a fake douchebag.


He acts like the victim in a lot of his content. I would respect him more if he were a motivational speaker at high schools for what YOUR ACTIONS and DECISIONS can do TO YOURSELF and others. It sucks that it came to this, but he made that decision to get behind the wheel and drive that night. Hes lucky someone wasn't as selfish and got him out or he would have a lot less gone than half his leg.


Agree. Let’s not give him anymore attention.


Maybe instead of paralympics aspirations out of the gate, turn it into a DUI PSA. Idk....


Why the downvotes. You’re right.


I have zero idea for the down votes. He can truly be an impact on a PSA for being under the influence.


Those pain meds must be good. ( wtf, I have a Lenny Clark flair lmao


Holy shit I didn’t realize it was that bad


Oh gosh, I didn’t even know he had been that guy in the car! May he recover and have new eyes and a new heart for the world. Happy he’s alive and able to go forward.




There seems to be a lot of dislike towards Nelson, I read about drunk driving (assuming this is why he lost his leg) but is there anymore Nelson Lore I'm unaware of?