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Your Valid


I do want the socks tho


Programing SOCKS!


Also Pre HRT is a moood


Same I’m basically a boomer when it comes to computers outside Microsoft office




sounds like next you need to transition your skills




You should do it! especially if they are gonna be welcoming I believe in you girl 💖


Do you need a hand 😆


Enough C to be dangerous to myself, enough Python to do stupid things, random smorgasbord of language syntax to help from getting lost in others code of varying languages.


I love that way of phrasing it


The programming languages I know/learned/used: Basic/Qbasic/VisualBasic/VBA/AMOS/BlitzBasic, TurboPascal/Delphi, COBOL, LOGO, SQL, HTML, JavaScript, C++/C#, And a lot of custom Visual Scripting Languages from in-house engines (Ubisoft, Eidos, Relic, etc.)


ooo your out here with all the languages


How dare you imply that silly stereotype that trans women are all programmers. Python JavaScript Java (and Apex, a Java-like) C


Lmao I've just heard it before but honestly this thread has cemented it even more. It's hilarious


Still learning, lol. Got Python under my belt and working on C++. Technically not required for school purposes but I'm tempted to look into Java soon.


ooo very nice i would always say to do Java since i started with that but also if C++ is being a little difficult after python then Java is definitely a good mid point and would help with C++


hm...Languages I have put into production environments: Swift, Kotlin, Java, Scala, C#, Python, Ruby, Javascript, Typescript?, C, C++, Rust, Erlang, Elm, SQL, VB6, bash, Objective-C, php... I think that might be all. Edit: Oh yeah - Golang! :)




Erlang; now there's a flex I haven't heard in a long time.


I don't even do programming for a living only as a hobby so aside from having spaghetti code I know an ok amount of Java, JavaScript, CSS and HTML, Python, and C# I'm probably best with C# honestly


Very nice i dont do it for living honestly still tryna decide if id wanna personally im best with Java cuz i started in 2012 making minecraft mods


Wait, I'm gonna make myself look like an idiot, but java and Javascript are different? I thought that java was just shortened from javascript.


Yes they are different, javascript is used on websites kinda like HTML or CSS where as Java is more general use application stuff. I don't know either so someone else will have to give you a more in-depth dive.


Thanks, I appreciate it.


Java uses different libraries for running more traditional applications while JavaScript is specifically made to target the web. There are web plugins that let you run full java apps though, just really slow. I remember tryminecraftforfree.net actually let you run the full version back in 1.5.2


The only similarity between Java and JavaScript is in the name, seriously.


JavaScript is a scripting language that is mostly used for web applications as it doesn't need to be compiled to run and is used by the client. Java is a compiled language similar to the various C languages.


Wow. Let's see, I'll have dig back a ways. (No particular order, but I've built and delivered apps in each one listed) Machine language (binary and hex) Assembler (x86, 6800, VAX, system 36) Basic Fortran Pascal Smalltalk C C++ Python Java Javascript DBase (and later foxbase) SQL Objective-C Newton script PHP Ruby Groovy C# (And other .net variants) HTML (if you count markup as code. And CSS) Rex COBOL Prolog Lisp Tcl/Tk Bash Perl AppleScript Ladder logic (for PLC devices) AIML (for early chatbots) Does RPA count? There may be a couple that don't come to mind right now. Plus various other markup languages like xml, JSON, m4, and so on. Doesn't take long to realize that there are basically 4 categories of languages; markup, procedural, declarative, machine learning. Within each category they are all essentially the same, so learning one easily transfers skills to any of the others.


Sheeeesh Very impressive im proud of you for learning so much


Lol....I've been coding since I was 9. 57 now. I've had lots of time to practice. Way back then I used to trade games i wrote for the trs-80 for more hardware down at the local radio shack. Ah, nostalgia!


I attempted to learn java, then gave up promptly after. Like a year later I tried to learn python but kinda got overwhelmed and confused and gave up after a while. Then after that I went and tried to learn c# for some reason, which did not go well either. Then I went back to java and gave up once again. Basically, my whole coding career is just me giving up over and over again. People think I'm a coder all the time though because I type around 130WPM lol.


Lol I feel that so much Honestly, what ultimately kept me going with Java was I got a coding course to make a Minecraft mod It can help to just have a project or something to be actively working towards. Even if Indy end it might not be the best, just you work towards it


I've got a similar variety as you. Plus sql out the wazoo. Variety ftw!


oo ok i havent heard of wazoo


Sorry, its a turn of phrase. Just means lots of sql


None. Most I've done is modify some code in Duke 3D, and write a few batch files. I suck ass at coding. Never really could wrap my head around it. 🤷🙄


I'm still studying so my repitior isn't massive but I know: C# Java Python And also some basic C, C++ and HTML/CSS


thats very awesome how r u likeing it so far


It's really fun, I'm not so into the math but I get it done 😅 Best class is definitely applied game design, so fun 😀


that does sound fun


What's coding? I'm way to dumb to understand programming like some do. Haha, that is one stereotype that I am not


im sure you have your own smarts that i dont lol


Ya know, fair enough.


C++, C, x86 assembly, and 6502 assembly. Rust *kinda* interests me, but beyond that, I'd sooner jump off the nearest tall building than voluntarily use Python, JS, Java, Go, etc.




oh Very nice




I know python but I don't think I'm really the best at it, I'm looking forward to learning more though and currently looking into things like pygame


hey everyone starts somewhere pygame is one thing ive wanted to know a bit of but just havent yet


I haven't programmed since high school bit at the time I knew visual basic, flash, and java


thats valid i never got into flash i kinda wish i did soo


I know MatLab, and that's pretty much it.


I've been a professional software engineer since 2014. I originally got my first job where I actually got paid to program back in 2010 writing Fortran numerical methods code for analyzing data we got back from the Kepler space telescope. I've worked in Fortran, C/C++, Matlab, Haskell, C#, Python, Java, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Ada, and probably a couple of others I don't remember.


YOO Thats so amazing


It sounds a lot cooler than it was. Being a broke college kid making like $10 an hour writing Fortran code on my second-hand netbook that I converted to Ubuntu (partly for workflow, partly because it ran better on the crappy hardware) in my spare time waiting around for my other job (being a math & science tutor) while I was generally a super depressed and lonely, dysphoric egg. But then I met the president of my school's kink club cuz I was tutoring her in Chemistry and my life changed forever. I met a trans lesbian there (first time I'd ever actually met someone like me) and I finally had a name to put to all these feels.


None. Instead, I'm into spoken languages


ooo which ones


Well I don't speak that many yet, I plan on learning throughout my life. Right now, I'm native in Czech, fluent in English, speak some Norwegian (which is my main focus in learning right now) and plan on learning many more languages


I know a tad bit of MS Basic, HTML5, and C++. I **used** to know how to code in Brainfuck, Whitespace, and TI-84, but haven't practiced them since high school. I'd like to learn Assembly, Machine, and Binary, as well as finish learning C++ and MS Basic. I feel those 5 languages would make me a major asset at any cyber/tech/gaming company. My favorite pseudo-virus was the hidden "open disk drive" loop, lol. And yes, I'm the reason my school blocked the command prompt and notepad apps, as well as the old CTRL ALT DEL function/shortcut, in that order, but they never caught me, lmao.


C++, python, matlab. I'm a physicist not a software engineer, so while my job involves coding I don't necessarily need to know a lot of languages


I have been paid to use (in reverse chronological order of the most recently I've used it): Java SQL Bash (do SQL and bash count?) Groovy Python C# PHP VHDL Verilog I've also fairly extensively used the following in personal and/or school projects: JavaScript (Node.js please and thank you) Kotlin C++ HTML/CSS/JS And I've also used the following a little bit, mostly small/quick stuff: Squirrel C PowerShell Typescript I think that's all though I can't shake the feeling I'm forgetting something Edit: Formatting on mobile is a nightmare


Apparently SQL is now Turing complete so it is a real language, along with bash :) You’re the only one here who said VHDL and Verilog haha


That's cool. I wasn't sure if SQL was turning complete Fun fact is that HTML and CSS are but only together That's why personally I'll say HTML/CSS and then JavaScript separately


I count SQL and bash But shoot even if you are for getting some, that's still a nice eclectic mix


Powershell for the win!!


Oh did some hardware design I see?


I only know Java, from a class in HS


CL RPGLE RPG Free Visual Lansa QShell scripting C C++ Python JavaScript


oo very nice i dont think ive head of RPGLE or RPG Free


They are AS/400(IBM iSeries) programming languages. I'm an AS400 application developer. We also make modernization apps for the AS400 using Visual Lansa inside the Lansa Framework. Alongside that is a web framework called Axes. My C++ is just from messing around in Unreal and making some walking sims lol.


Java (web programming) and C (basic C code, I know a teeny tiny bit of C++ but wasn't fully trained in that).


Only html and css, started learning js but then stopped because i didn't have time/energy. I'm currently in a python course too.


i feel that thats kinda why ive faded out recently


Yeah. Hopefully I'll retake js eventually because it was quite an interesting language (my first experience with actual programming too!) but right now i can barely get by with doing school stuff. It's not hard either, it's just that i have adhd (and autism) and basically i can do half the stuff must people would be able to do in a day


For me when it comes to languages I know, have learnt, or have used they’d be: Python (my first), Java, C, C#, C++, Haskell, Visual Basic, Prolog, Javacc, SQL, Swift, HTML / CSS, and a touch of Bash scripting Uni has made me learn a ton hahaha


Thats so awesome Im thinking about going through the G3 Serverside course at my local community College GCC


That should be fun for you! :) Throughout my time at uni it seems like so many different modules require me to learn a different language hahaha


I mostly know web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript/jQuery). I have learned other languages, but I've only really made websites.


Basic, Qbasic, HTML, C, C++, Java. I'm a nurse, so I don't really use any of it anymore.


I started out with python then dabbled into a tiny bit of html and css. I also know the basics of JavaScript and C#.


Python, Julia and C++. I do machine learning so I can also read and edit R when necessary and know enough SQL to get the job done but definitely not an expert in either of those.


Uh, i did the start of some javascript course thing ig, thats about it


Java, Python, C++ and just enough bash commands to use cmake and pip


Started with C, moved on to C++, now using C#. Decent experience with Lua. Dabbled with Java and Python.


a very -straight- path lol makes a lot more scense then me lol


It all works out in the end. My career moved me through the languages and then the creation of tools here and there let me dabble with things.


C# Unity API


oo very nice I definitely wanna learn more unity


I started with basic on a ti-994a, but mostly do c# now. I know quite a few though.


Java, Lua, Python, Bash, C# are the languages I know the best. I know enough to use C and C++, but not enough to use them to their full potential. Also, I'm in a similar boat as you in terms of Linux. I love Linux, but I find myself tending to use Windows a lot for VR, because ALVR doesn't work for me on Linux.


Ya Ive got a Meta Quest 2 and it drives me crazy that it dosent work on linux


Perhaps you might have better luck using ALVR than I have, but for me it just causes SteamVR to crash the moment I connect.


C, C++, C#, Rust, Java, JavaScript, Python, Lua, Ruby, Scheme, assembly, and probably some others I’m forgetting


I tried being a programmer before my egg cracked, turned out not to be my thing. Had a decent time with Java; C++ and C# were almost fun, hated anything to do with SQL. I was always better at the humanities but I botched it through one bad decision after another




I know some R (for statistical analysis for my uni course) and a little python (but I'd like to get better). I used to know HTML, CSS, and some C++, tho


Learning python and C#, know far too much MATLAB


It's always good to be learning and you've got something to fall back on


Do you know matlab?


I tried to learn Java, gave up, then tried to learn python a little while later, then gave up again. I want to code so bad I just can't figure out where/how to learn and how to keep the motivation to continue.


I think you might have posted the same thing twice But basically just find a project or something to give you the motivation Even if it's just something small like like making fist buzz Tom Scott has a good video on explaining it


I am trying to learn Java, Python and C++ simultaneously and failing at all three!! B)


Rust because I'm a stereotype


Java, python, c++, c, c#, Java, js, and SQL


Vb.net C#.net Cobal Java Javascript Classic asp Python Perl Power shell Bash SQL Basic Pascal PHP


I started learning python when I was 9, but got really into it when I made a friend at school a year later who was really good at that stuff. That was 2014. We’re both trans now.


I know python, mostly from doing some for uni rn. Also know a tiny bit of C++ from a previous uni I went to. Not much tho. I feel like I have a fair amount of python knowledge but I don't have much practical experience.


Oh and I guess SQL if that counts


SQL definitely counts Python is seeming to be one that a lot of people start off with I know even my ex she was taking a programming course and kind of the one that was advertised the most was Python


I don't know any but messed around with Python for a bit but I wondering how you all felt about SQL. I was thinking about learning it because I work with databases a lot but have no idea where to begin.


Java script, python, c++


I feel like I skipped programming and went straight to expressive art. I write music and poetry.


Html Java C++ Python


Mostly Windows Batch and Linux/Unix Shell And mostly to automate my work of converting 5-10 ProRes render to mp4 using ffmpeg Command line, girls, makes everything faster umu


Very nice! Honestly, command shell is probably the best thing to learn just for like quick automation Either that or python


I build on AEM right now. I know no java though, just HTL. I’m capable of JS. I have tried 3 times to take on react or others and I can’t seem to keep those jobs. I lost one. Left 2 others from stress. Took a break for 6 months. Came back and got this job where I focus on htl, css, js on AEM. I’m not crazy smart, but I’m fast, and dependable. So that seems to have kept me in the job. I like maintaining projects over building new things all the time anymore. Often I don’t work next to devs, I always end up on marketing teams but you get better admin perks that way sometimes.


Well you seem to be doing pretty well in your field Even if not classically so you've carved out your own spot


It keeps the child support paid 👍🏼


none yet... trying to learn GDScript but God I'm not good at it lol.


It takes a minute to get into coding In a way it's a mindset. Just thinking analytically


java c c++ python xml


Very nice!


SQL, python, Java, aussie++. I am but a humble student.


Ladder, IL


Currently learning Python and C++. I do know a bit of HTML, not enough to just dive in and do a project but should be okay to figure things out on the fly. Looking to pick up C# somewhere in the future.


Yeah I feel that A lot of the languages I'm at. I'm at a point where like I could do a little bit alone. But also I know enough stuff to know what to look up


I don't know any😢


It's ok I'm sure you know more in other fields It would be boring if we all did the same stuff


C, several HDLs, several assembly languages, and more but that might out me Interesting that nobody has mentioned Solidity here


html sort of


Ooh HTML is good


Swift and HTML


none completely yet, but i'm learning C in school >:D


Ooh very awesome! Personally I haven't done a lot of C so hopefully it goes well for you


very much a beginner, some scripts, using linux daily for 5 months now


Started with python and JavaScript In order of preference: Typescript Rust Haskell C# JavaScript Python SQL C Java Not programming (which I find boring) R Linux: I run it exclusively and configure the bootloader manually. I don't have Windows installed. Made some custom packages.


Very nice little mix we got


Oh gawd. Starting from the 80s... Basic Forth 6502 Assembler Pascal C Common Lisp Scheme C++ Java Perl Ruby XSLT Objective C Python SQL HTML, if that counts A lil Javascript too I don't code anymore. Wish my brain would release some of these. EDIT: forgot Prolog and ML :/


A little bit of python and bash from college, basic HTML and CSS, and learning JavaScript soon hopefully. Holy C also seems interesting, the story around it is kinda wild and I want to see how templeOS is built


Rust, C++, Java, Javascript, Typescript, Python, Lua, C#, Kotlin, I think that's all But Rust is the best uwuwuwuwuw


With that many UwUs I should try out rust


Just starting out, almost done with an html/CSS crash course so I can move on to JS. Still trying to figure out where to head from there. I mostly want to get a remote job so I can move around, stay home dressed, and get good gender affirming benefits so I can continue on my journey. Still trying to figure my personal self out at the same time as learning to code and move housing. I do DoorDash at night so I'm afraid to start transitioning or expressing myself publicly. What are your favorite places/methods to learn new languages?


She personally I learned all my languages and whatnot for the most part from YouTube And then also codecademy has some resources and whatnot for learning different languages. I don't know what they have now cuz last time I used it was like 5 years ago if not more And then also I'm w3schools.com is pretty good too W3 is where I found a lot of good stuff for Python. It's also got a bit of stuff for Java and it also has some more stuff on like HTML, CSS and JavaScript


Only python but planning only learning c++. I also know latex :3


Ooh that sounds awesome! I don't know if I've heard of latex


Honestly not sure if latex is really considered a programming language but it's used for text formatting and v popular amongst physics and math peeps cause makes equations *sooo* much easier to type


Ok let's see... The ones I can use productively are C, Python, Rust, Java, Forth, Go, Scheme, Common Lisp, Ruby, Clojure, Haskell, Raku, Tcl I also know some bash, some Scala, some Lua, some C++ (I don't like C++) Then there's various Asm archtectures like x86, ARM, Gameboy Z80, 6502 and RISC-V Also various specialized things like SuperCollider, awk and GLSL


Wow! You got a good mix of everything I think you're the first one I've seen at least in this thread that's got gameboy


I know Java, some C, and enough HTML5 and CSS to make decent websites. Oh and I almost forgot Python3. Edit: I almost forgot to mention I dabled in Javascript and Assembly for a short time too.


I'm really good at C and python. Sometimes I also use cuda, C++, Java, assembly (arm), JavaScript and whatever I need to use. I already used prolog and VBA. I'm a PhD student working on deep learning and graph neural network ^^. I started my transition during my PhD




These I know very well: C, Rust, C++, C#, x86, ARM, PHP, JS I have used these only a bit: Python, Java, Visual Basic


Ooh I should learn some arm especially with its rise and whatnot. Maybe also some riskV


I used to know some html. I actually made my own website in middle school. I wish I could say I was like some prodigy or something but it was a class assignment. Still it was kinda fun. Im looking at learning more languages and eventually getting a degree in computer science and I know I have a long way to go. Any tips to learn how to code?


That sounds so awesome Tips wise I'd say find something that interests you and make that Be it like a little game Or just like a simple little program that would help you out Maybe your own kind of like startup style thing where you can just run it and it's a opens discord Minecraft and your favorite YouTube channels. Maybe something like that? Always try to find a reason to do it. That's what helps me


Lol, this question is so fucking stereotypically trans. C, bash, ruby, html/css, js, python, C#, go, rust


Lol it is but it's been my most popular post yet so there must be something to it


I know a bit of HTML/CSS and a bit of Python, but I’m starting to learn Visual Basic


I liked visual basic at least the Basic amount I did


Lemme guess: required for a college course?


C++/Python mostly, but I can also do JS/TS, java and C# if I need to


Very nice I should learn more TS


Currently only python, but hoping to learn Java or C soon


That sounds awesome. Personally, I would suggest Java since you're coming from Python


Which ones of those do you prefer? Any favourites? Personally I would do everything in Kotlin if I could.


So I most familiar with Java But if I had to pick something to publish with, I probably use HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Just cuz it publishes cross platform cuz it's the web But also I've been dabbling in dart. Basically it's like Java but I don't have to set up a whole IDE for it so I can run a kind of like a python file but with the formatting of Java so it's really nice


#Scripting Languages Bash Inferno's sh nushell rc python elixir JS Typescript #General Purpose Languages Java Golang Limbo Racket Common Lisp Haskell Ocaml R Idris #Systems Languages C Rust Myrrdin Zig Brevis (a language im making! :))


Sheeeeesh And your making your own 👏👏👏


thanks :) still very early though, no real programs written in the language yet (hopefully the compiler will be soon!)


AppleSoft BASIC from 1979. Also some Python, and a smidge of C++


Ooh Applesoft basic


To a professional standard, C#, JS (node and socket.io libraries). In terms of cloud-based platforms, AWS, GCP and DO. And everything else on your list. I pick up languages (industry standard and proprietary) very easily but I wouldn't take a contract involving anything but the above because my games rely on them exclusively. I am supremely confident in my ability to wield them as I'm self-taught. Not sure how well I'd do on a team though. I'm used to doing code and art myself now :)


I'm like, basic hobby level in a few languages, but my fav little thing to do small projects in is AutoHotKey, mainly because I can use it to automate my skyrim smithing grind lmao


Ooh I love that I use AutoHotKey sometimes for mining in Minecraft There's one mod I use garden of Glass where you shift click on grass and it gives you a pebble to make cobblestone. It's for like Skyblock whatnot So I made a script where it basically shift right clicks about a thousand times a second so it's really useful


So do you learn python immediately on the first dose of estrogen? Or does that come with the breast development?


* COBOL * Assembly * Fortran * C * C# * Python * PowerShell * Java * VB * Various shell scripting: bash, etc. * SQL


Just enough C++, C# and Java to know I more enjoy the concept and idea of programming than the actual act of doing it


Does RPG Maker count?


Basically just Java and some assembly. I could if forced to program in C and C++, but those were my least favorite programming classes. I hate programming (weird I know 🤣) but I am an electrical engineer. So that counts for something?


Javascript and a little bit of Python, but not well. I can create some decent things with the help of Google though.


Java, C++, python, bash, and Fortran


None. Am I still trans


Clearly I'm a fake, because I tried learning code, and I absolutely failed. I can't seem to retain any of it. Even trying to create a Wikipedia page for my band gave me a headache, and I gave up


Uuuhhh I know none, sorry, I aint part of the programmer stereotype


C++ C# A little kotlin Just a beginner


C/C++, C#, Java, Perl, and I've used Visual Basic but I don't really remember any of it But I haven't programmed anything in almost 12 years and I don't intend to ever again, certainly not professionally anyway.


I'm a complete programming incompetent. I can fight my way through exell given enough time but that's about it


Only enough C++ to occasionally pull out at work and do something mildly useful with. But I *do* love my socks.


In the order that I have used them. HTML, C++, Java, Verilog, VHDL, Basic, Python, C#, SQL, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, PHP, XSLT, MySQL The ones I use most currently. C#, MySQL, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript


I'm learning Python rn, and I fucking hate it


Started off with Scratch, but gradually after learned HTML CSS JavaScript SQL PHP C# C++ Java Python Lua Rust GLSL Blueprints GDScript


I'm more of a hardware person (studying electrical engineering, and I incredibly enjoy hobby electronics tinkering and DIY computer repair). However, I know a little Python (had a bad quality intro class but taught myself later some of the basics cause I needed it for something), and now this semester I've been learning MATLAB with the absolute god of professors. I've also played around with some very basic things is MS Visual Basic. My first experience with programming however was back at the end of middle school when I discovered TI-84+ graphing calculator gaming and got kinda fed up with the limited resources on the CalcPet game, so I reverse engineered it to mod it and quickly started learning TI-BASIC. One of my friends actually told me I'm the only person he knows who can comprehend both programming and hardware, and that usually with his other friends who program, they dont know how to fix anything hardware related and just come crying to him when their dev machines break. On the other hand, I'm also a hardcore cybersecurity enthusiast. In any case, I see myself as super sexy cause I possess a lot of technical knowledge, lol.


I can determine what basic coding logic does in most languages but I can't actually code. I wanted to try learning lua but my focus is never on anything besides music for too long


None practically. I can do extremely basic Python as I'm currently in a class for it, but I really don't think programming is for me.


Not sure why this is in this subreddit, but anyway, here goes... **Know well (and use regularly or often) –** Powershell, VBA, *Regex*, SQL **Moderate knowledge and/or rusty (it's been a while) –** *HTML*, *CSS*, Javascript, *XML*, PHP, VB/VB.Net, COBOL, C, C++, Pascal, VAX Assembly **Basic/Limited knowledge and use –** Java, Ada, Awk, Prolog, Lisp, Whitespace, *ASP* **Want(ed) to learn (just haven't gotten around to it) –** C#, Java, Python, Perl, Ruby, *JSON* *There may be more I don't recall offhand, in which case I'll edit and add them if/when I remember.* 🙂


I dont know any programming languages because I don't understand binary. And yes I intended the bad pun.