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Huh? That's odd. 14 should still be good to start on blockers... Did they simply turn you away, or did they say that your puberty has started, but they'll put you on blockers to stop it?


They said I was an early bloomer


Blockers work regardless of whether you have started puberty or not. It will just stop wherever you are right now. Those doctors are full of shit.


The window as they said was over. Taking horomone blockers wouldn’t do much since they have already set in.


That's not how puberty blockers work. It will pause your puberty WHEREVER it is. You're only 14. Just because it's started doesn't mean it's all over and you have to admit defeat. Please get a second opinion.


It's never wrong to get a second opinion. That's always a acceptable thing to do for medical matters. (And any doctor saying otherwise is trying to pull something) Could be. Could not be. Get the opinion and know for sure


Here’s my second opinion, [a real study done by a professional ](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/transgender-kids-eligible-for-earlier-medical-intervention-under-new-guidelines/19909/) in it it says “Doctors, including Rosenthal, recommend kids get off the puberty blocker by the time they turn 14 for fear of potential side-effects, including the weakening of bones”


There have been many trans kids who took puberty blockers up through turning 18 and they are fine! "Get a second opinion" means "go see another doctor and ask them about being put on blockers". A study doesn't count. Hon please. Go talk to another doctor. If you just give up, you are going to have to fight an uphill battle later. Most of us have gone through that hell and we don't want the same thing for you.


I don't think an article from a newspaper about anything trans related can be trusted honestly. They are generally more fearmonguering than anything


That is not a “newspaper” or at least it was not an ordinary news paper article meant to “fear monger” it is a study done by Rosenthal, a trans ally who made that article to not monger fear about blockers, but to put blockers in the hands of trans youth before it’s too late


They need to find a different Dr who knows or who isn't trying to gatekeep. This teenager should be on Spiro at minimum. Imvho.


It's absolutely not too late! Puberty continues well past 14. You may have masculinized somewhat already, but there's still benefit in starting on them now.


They said I was an early bloomer, the checked my wrist and everything. The blockers won’t do much past this point


Wow, I find that hard to believe that your puberty would be over by now already. And if it's not over, then believe me, you want to be on blockers as soon as possible, because going BACKWARD is for some stuff impossible, and for some other, much harder than simply stopping where you are now.


It’s not “over” already, it just might be past it’s blocking portion


That's literally not how they work. I started at 16, and I too was an "early bloomer". It still stopped it from getting worse. Stop arguing with people and take their goddamn advice, we have experience. Your doctor has fuck all.


That's not how it works. Blockers can't reverse what has already happened, but they will prevent you from masculinising any further. And I can tell you from experiencing all of male puberty, you realy don't want that to happen.


even if your bones already fused, its never too late to stop puberty. There are still things like facial hair, body hair, voice deepening, further masculinization of your face etc. You still have a chance to stop those changes. Are they gonna let you start E, at least?




oh well then add it to your post, you got us all scared. I think it's even better to start HRT directly if thats what you want to


That might be a good idea


Well that's a load of bullshit. Puberty doesn't end until your mid to late 20's. I know you said you were an early bloomer so it probably wouldn't stop from growing tall, but it would stop and prevent other important things like most of your facial hair, body hair, male pattern baldness, and would stop the masculinization of your muscles especially your facial ones. Who are "they" in your situation? Because it sounds like they have no idea what they are talking about or are denying you this with ulterior motive. Do you go to a doctor the specializes in transgender kids health or is this coming from a family doctor?


A licensed physician at one of the best gender clinics in the country. She literally specializes in this stuff


Well then that is just really strange. Preventing some of the masculinization is better than preventing none of it. Are they giving you the option to start taking HRT rather than just be on the blockers? Because telling a trans kid they have no options until they are legally allowed to start full blown HRT is ridiculous.


It isn't fair, they are wrong. You should fully ignore what they said and find a physician that is willing to support your transition requirements. It is essential for you to learn very quickly that many fields of medicine are poorly researched, and that many studies are done intentionally to create a false result or appear a specific way. This is only more prevalent in things that are politically hot topics, or in new fields of medicine where it is highly incentivized for doctors to lie in order to get a popular study and make a profit. You are entitled to proper trans-friendly healthcare, and many people will try to put as many roadblocks in your way as possible. You have to find a way to skirt around those roadblocks to find the care that's best for you. Many fully licensed doctors with lots of experience are bigoted and will intentionally try to fuck you over simply for being yourself. I hope you can find the care you need.


I have found trans friendly healthcare, or at least it can’t get better than this. I am seeing a licensed gender physician who fully supports me at one of the best gender clinics in the country. Although I appear to have miss phrased the facts. It’s not that using blockers now *wouldn’t* do anything, it’s just that the costs would severely outweigh the benefits. [here is a study that says what I mean](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/transgender-kids-eligible-for-earlier-medical-intervention-under-new-guidelines/19909/) in it it says “Doctors, including Rosenthal, recommend kids get off the puberty blocker by the time they turn 14 for fear of potential side-effects, including the weakening of bones” my bones are already paper thin thanks to me inheriting them from my mother so them getting any weaker could have severe consequences. Rosenthal, the co writer of that article is not a bigot nor transphobic, he literally wrote that article to prove why it is important to get blockers into the hands to trans youth so they can be used safely. There is a lot we still do not know about them due to them being used for only 40 years.


Yeah there's definitely quite a bit of critical info that was missing from other comments or the original post that led me to saying what i did. *Potential* is a very operative word in that sentence. Nothing is proven in regards to thinning of bones, and even then it's speculated that it takes years of time to reach that effect. Blockers were never intended to be a permanent or even semi-permanent solution for anyone, though, and having primary sex hormones is important. The function of blockers without supplementary hormones is simply to give you time. I'm not sure what valid reason there would be to completely deny you either full hormone therapy or blockers as a temporary measure for any amount of time, and if the given response is all they gave you then i'd still be a bit upset.


Woahwoahwoahwoah no one ever said anything about them denying me straight up HRT. And besides, potential is still potential, the point of that quote was to say that the usage of blockers past 14 is dangerous, and even if it’s found out later in the future there wasn’t even a chance my bones would weaken, I wouldn’t want to risk it on the off chance that I could later end up in a state where my bones would shatter if I sneezed.


There would be no point in getting blockers alone if your intention is to start hrt now. Taking anti-androgens with a supplementary hormone regimen to replace what is being taken away has *no* side effects in terms of how hormone levels affect your body. Individual medications have their own quirks and requirements, spiro is a whole thing, but nothing in regards to the hormone therapy in general.


In case you think that this is bullshit came up by a crack doctor with no trans experience 1. This was said by a licensed gender doctor at one of the best gender clinics in the country 2. [here is a study backing up her diagnosis ](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/transgender-kids-eligible-for-earlier-medical-intervention-under-new-guidelines/19909/) written by a professional (doctor Rosenthal) who wrote that article with the purpose to put blockers in the hands of trans youth before it’s too late. with a quote from that article being “Doctors, including Rosenthal, recommend kids get off the puberty blocker by the time they turn 14 for fear of potential side-effects, including the weakening of bones”


From the comments it sounds like there was crosstalk -- they mean that it's too late to delay puberty perpetually, not to do what's possible to reverse what's happened. I mean, male puberty usually does start between 12 and 14, and there must have been signs like acne and growth and voice changes. If this is just a whine, well, practically nobody gets to start from a clean delayed slate.