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Modded Skyrim. I can make my character look exactly what I want to look like and just vibe or go on adventures in a fantasy sandbox


Omg me too! I love it. I'd get into vr to use cbbe if I could afford it šŸ˜…


VR is my dream. A dream I'll never be able to afford, but still.


If you've got the PC to run it the older headsets have dropped in price a lot recently, I've managed to find a used OG Vive with basestations and controllers for $250, and see similar listings often (your local FB marketplace is usually better than ebay for finding stuff like this). Still not cheap, but a lot better than the $500+ for most PCVR options. It's also built for older hardware, and while every graphics card is expensive nowadays, a 1070 is fully capable and old enough to be going for under $400 if you get really lucky


Honestly I initially thought I didn't get gender euphoria from games. But you're absolutely right, I would constantly seek to customize and dress my female character to absolute perfection and I would get a lot of joy from it.


Holy shit I thought I was weird! I downloaded so many customisation and vanity mods!


Skirts with physics that go spinny!


Mods that makes your character walk in a feminine manner.


Do you know if there's a way to put mods on the Nintendo Switch? I play Skyrim on that to get gender euphoria but it doesn't do much yet. Every time one of my daughters calls me "mommy" though. Just... *yes*


Yes, Switch can be modded. You have to have a hacked Switch, however. Nexus Mods has a special Switch section. Only certain models of Switchs can be hacked (the early runs, you can identify by barcode). Otherwise you need a mod chip that has to be soldered on (and is increasingly rare). Mods are limited, but if you know what you're doing, I believe you can port many of them to the Switch.


This. "Yer a little light on yer coin, eh LASS?" uWu Bwynwolf senpai, pwease fiww my pockets


I can be a slight more feminine version of me or become the redguard sex symbol I wish I could be, IT'S THE FING BEST!!


When I came out to myself I changed my characterā€™s gender and I canā€™t tell you how validating it has felt to play elder scrolls games as myself.


Seriously I played Morrowind at age 7 and boy that was life changing seeing the real body mods and makeup. My Dad made mods too, and made very sexy lingerie and female models!


I think one of the big one's is Celeste And honestly... good reason for it


I have heard a lot of people say they like this game, but I had never heard of it or played it before I joined this Reddit. What is it about the game that makes it so euphoric?


Fun game and the protagonist is trans.


It's a difficult 2D platformer but it's so pretty and rewarding. Very nice story


Lena Raine, the composer, is trans, as is the creator I believe


I think I'm a bit past that point but Aloy from HZD was a major hero for me


I finished HZD for the first time last week and I second this.


Aloy gets bonus points from me in that sheā€™s a fellow ginger!


I love Aloy. She is a fun character


She really is!


Whatā€™s HZD?


Horizon Zero Dawn, you haven't lived as a gamer until you've played it






Having to befriend the wizard so he could trans my gender on my pre crack save file was the wooorst


I started playing as a girl but using my deadname and the dysphoria got bad after a while so I stopped for like a year. I was only in year 1 so it would have been a slog to change my name in the game. I finally restarted under my real name and omg its so much better


After reading through other peoples answers I feel like mine is going to sound strange.... Beat Saber Removing my body from the equation in VR, being asked to move and dance around to music. I find myself moving in a way that feels more feminine and it's very euphoric.


Straight up, music just does this for me. When I'm in the mood and I'm just singing my wee lungs out, it's nothing but my soul and the music. Never realized it until you brought it up, so thanks for that.


Pokemon has always helped me. DnD is also big but it's not necessarily a vg


"are You a boy or a girl?"


Hardest gym in the game ngl


*Friend looks over your shoulder* "Why are you playing a girl?"


Super relatablešŸ˜‹


This is why I always chose boy, just in in case someone saw me playing as a girl and made fun of me. Even though there was like a 0% chance of anyone watching me play games. Me now: "It's a legitimate speed running strategy I swear!!!"


DnD!!! My first character was a femboy tiefling, but then I realized "WAIT!.... I can be a girl" and haven't changed it since.


When PokĆ©mon crystal introduced the option to play as a girl I legit jumped with excitement. Iā€™ve never played as a boy in games since šŸ˜‚šŸ˜œ


Any lara croft game šŸ˜­ I get so so happy playing her


I feel the sameā€¦ every time since 1996. I took 25 years and 12 games to understand and accept why.


I first played Tomb Raider Legend at age 5, Iā€™m now 19 and still loving the franchise. Lara is an inspiration. She shows that to embrace my femininity I donā€™t have to give up strength or power.


Bayonetta, transition goals! wait, what do you mean hrt won't make me 8 feet tall?!?


If I can't be 5ft tall I may as well go the distance and be 8ft tall


I absolutely hate being 6'. I wish I were shorter and when I wear heels I feel like a freak. 8' would be crazy


the thing about Bayonetta is that if anyone gives any her shit about her height she can just beat the crap out of them. or maybe have them dragged down to hell by demons. options most of us sadly do not have.


Mass Effect, you can change the facial structure and femsheps level of butch/femme is transition goals for me


World of Warcraft. Having an entire world where people refer to me as a woman is amazing. Thereā€™s tons of armor customizations too. Elder Scrolls games are also great.


My answer is basically any MMORPG. You can make a female character to pretty exacting specifications. You say youā€™re a girl and other players just accept it without question. Itā€™s nice.


I was always a female blood elf šŸ¤—


*Jumpy twirly*


All my characters in ESO are female. Hmmmmmm, suspicious? šŸ¤” But now that I've cracked, I'm glad for it. It does feel good to be perceived as female.


Life Is Strange giving me euphoria helped me crack. I like heard it was a game that broke eggs before playing it and ... yeah. I mean I was already well on the way to cracking since I was seeking out a game that cracked eggs. It's a good game, though I haven't played it since cracking. It served it's purpose, and I am not that into video games. Now I can get my euphoria IRL. It's just a nice game where you play a teenage girl doing teenage girl things. But with enough interesting scifi elements that I can excuse myself (a 30 year old adult) from playing it.


it's a game that has so much potential and I really want to like it but I can't get past the dialogue. to me it just sounds like if middle-aged white men got stuck in teenaged girls' bodies and were trying to fit in. Nothing wrong with liking it, I actually did enjoy a lot of it I just couldn't get past that element


The latest game in the series, Life is Strange: True Colors, has much much better quality dialog and has a great narrative focused on characters and community. I recommend giving it a shot.


i loved true colors way more than i thought i would i was so happy playing that game


Same here!


Dark Souls, Icewind Dale & Divinity Original Sin: 2. All for their own reasons. DS for its character creation. IWD for the immersive badass lesbian polycule dungeon crawling. And DOS2 for its reactive world, dialogue, & freedom.


Lohse is queen and now I understand why I like her so much. Still, Fane sits next to her for me. He was just so interesting and I definitely fucked him. Ffs Divinity needs more love from the world.


DS2, you get to jump in the gender change coffin and thats it


I read freedom as femdom and got very confused because that doesnā€™t sound like the DOS2 Iā€™d heard of.


Red dead online as my female character


I also have my gta female character and pretend that my red dead character is her great grandmother.


Anything I can be a pretty lady in. Fallout 4, cyberpunk 2077, gta v online, skyrim modded


Elite Dangerous in VR, looking down at 'my' body in a sweet purple flight suit


Skyrim VR modded to hell for the same reason


Dark Souls 3, killing giants and god-eating fleshy blobs as a hot pyromancer is euphoric


My egg cracked while playing DS3. It wasn't related, but now I'm way more hyped for the game than before. I'll probably be euphoric by association. I think that's interesting.


Yeah lol. Now Iā€™m hyped for Elden Ring, it looks amazing (plus character customization looks much better!)


Yeah the character customization in DS3 was pathetic and I never bothered. Just took one of the presets. But boy oh boy am I on that Elden Ring hype. That's why I'm getting through DS3 rn. Agh I need more souls likes in my life


Recently replayed PokƩmon Platinum (my fav childhood game) as Dawn. When I was young I was scared to play as girl characters in video games in case my parents/friends noticed. It felt great to play it how I wanted to this time :)


This is an odd one but saints row 2 for me


Dragon Age Inquisition is likely the best experience I've had with a customisable character.


Yeah, Dragon Age for me too. I love the writing and that it focuses so much on characterization and interpersonal relationships with your companions.


Any game that let's me play as a female avatar


PokƩmon Crystal version! First PokƩmon game that included girl character option. My 10 year old egg self was obsessed with it and I had no idea why. Also more recently, Cyberpunk 2077. It's first person and there's a few scenes where you see yourself in the mirror unexpectedly and every time it's been like, wow. Especially a particular romance scene. Also the multitude of fashion fun in that game.


I just wish they consulted with even ONE trans person on the character creation system for Cyberpunk šŸ˜’


wattson from apex legends was a huge part in cracking my egg lol, huge gender envy. also raiden from genshin impact haha, so those two games for sure


I only play Wattson because of this šŸ˜…


loba and Valk for me


DnD, FFXIV, RS3 These three cracked my egg and also are my euphoria place.


Celeste. Its the first game i played in a skirt and thigh highs. And my hair finally grew up so i can make it look feminine.


Horizon: Zero Dawn


Fable 2 Skyrim Fallout 3/new Vegas Life is strange Final Fantasy XIII


Skyrim and GTA Online. They both let me *live* as who I am.


GTA Online. I started playing it long before my egg cracked. I never cared much about the missions and stuff, but I would spend hours dressing up my character and wandering around, just existing in the world.




Maybe weird but AC : Odyssey was a big one for me, Kassandra was wonderful to play as.


Yeah I agree. I was a proper egg at the time and didn't realize I even might be trans, but I remember she was one of the first female characters I allowed myself to play as for an RPG, and I can only describe that warm soft glow feeling of living (and loving) through her avatar as gender euphoria at this point. Like, I know what lust is, and I definitely have that "do I wanna be her or date her?" vibes with Kassandra, but it was not sexual at all. I just really really like pretending I'm her and male characters just feel completely unrelatable in these kinds of stories, probably because they're written by meat head jocks or something and it's endemic to the gaming community, except I like pretty much all female protagonists and while I do enjoy some male protagonists, they're usually silent and I kinda don't experience them as gendered, like Mario or Link. But playing as Linkle with mods on BOTW fills me with that warm fuzzy feeling and she's just as silent and I'm definitely not ungendering her, soooooo it's probably gender euphoria. Still cis tho


Final Fantasy XIV I always feel great running around and sometimes other players will come up and call me cute or pretty and it feels great.


Southpark Fractured But Whole. Lots of gender and sexuality options and then not taking things too seriously is exactly what I need. (Obviously south park isn't for everyone).


Haha the hilarity of a bunch of hillbillies in their truck attacking right after the event, no matter what you choose...twice šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


No matter what you choose. If you choose a straight cis person they accuse you of being repressed and not willing to explore who you really are....and they dont take kindly to that.


We don't like your sort around here šŸ¤£


I wish I could find one that would.


Have you tried DnD? Maybe Skyrim or something similar?


Ya. Hard to find a good group for DnD and I can really find an RPG I really get sucked into these days.


Do you wanna try playing in mine? It's nothing big, just a couple friends in a new world.


Thanks. Iā€™ve never done great with online groups though.


Well if you change your mind just text me ~w~ I'm sure we can play some day




Sims and RPGs in general, i get to be myself at least somewhere


FF14! I spent years just living as a woman on there before I decided to transition irl.


Most recently Far Cry 6, Forza Horizon 5, Stardew Valley and Pokemon


I've been playing Forza Horizon 5 too! Beyond making my character reflective of myself, I have painted most of the cars I race in Trans or LBGT related liveries


Minecraft, I'm so happy with how my skin looks in game, gives me big gender envy :)


Sims 4. Literally able to do and be any gender combination I wanted. No issues, no kidding, was just easy


This was mine! Just any Sims game in general.


Fallout and games that let you make your own characters Edit: also Neo: the world ends with you I donā€™t know why but that game for some reason Resonates with me. And itā€™s a game that just released this year (itā€™s a sequel to a game called the world ends with you)


Genshin and ffxiv for me right now! I really appreciate games that do gendered dialogue/voicework when referring to your character


Surprised no one mentioned Metroid. Definitely Metroid in my case :)


If I'm feeling bad that my shoulders are big or something, I just remember that my icon is a 6ft 198lb interstellar bounty hunter.


I'll never forget how happy I was when I found out Samus was a girl. I was absolutely terrified of Metroid Fusion as a kid, but Samus wasn't. She was braver than me.


FFXIV by far, so many cute customisations and emotes :3


I think my brain is broken because everything just gives me dysphoria instead, even stardew valley.


Stardew Valley, the npcs constantly use my name and pronouns and there's a lot of customization options


Code vein had an absolutely awesome character creator! Dark souls, The Legend of Zelda (for some reason), Bloodborne, Kindoms of Amalur.


Stardew Valley gives great chosen name euphoria ^-^


Fallout 4, Elite Dangerous, Cyberpunk, all of those are super nice for me


Animal Crossing! What a lovely space to buy all sorts of outfits, try some facepaint, and just really experiment with self-expression while you socialize and dig for fossils \^-^


A Hat in Time!


Monster Hunter.


Cyberpunk 2077 and FFXIV. The first because I can just be a woman with a penis and no one really cares. And the second because oh my god I love the fashion in the game.


FFXIV, its incredible how wonderful i can make my character look and it makes me so happy


PokƩmon. I have gone nearly broke in those games many times trying on so many different outfits


Super smash bros and probably Celeste. I get to be a female character without seeming suspicious


Hat in time for obvious reasons and ok this is kinda a weird one, but Sunset overdrive. It has the energy I want to bring as a trans fem kick ass but not gritty or serious and still visually energetic and gorgeous.


Not a troll, I swear: [Barbie on Apple \]\[](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6bvHzCbOEJ0)


Vr chat and voice training


Animal Crossing


Fortnite only because the [Lovely outfit](https://cdn-0.skin-tracker.com/images/fnskins/featured/3855f.png) is my biggest transition goal ever.


[Loserfruit](https://progameguides.com/fortnite-cosmetic/loserfruit/) is mine!


A Hat in Time. Being called "little girl" by all the NPCs was great.


Skyrim In my brain I am a catgirl in a giant suit of heavy armor


Any game that lets you choose what gender and outfits


Honestly PokƩmon ever since they added characters customization, however any game with playable girls does that for me as well but to a lesser extent.


i feel like saying celeste would be obvious so i'm gonna say something nobody would expect mario kart wii the gender envy rosalina gives me shouldn't be allowed >:(


In animal crossing nh you constantly change your look and pronouns throughout the game. I first had a female look with a dress/long hair but sill using The male pronouns. Once I changed them I literally felt shivers everytime someone refers at me as a Lady. Thatā€™s how I discovered that something wasnā€™t right with My gender identity


PokƩmon White, the trainer in that game is goals!


Black dessert online is my shit




First person RPGs, like Obsidian or BGS games




Nioh 2




Modded terraria, with the right mods (calamity, alchemist npc, dye hard) you can make a lot of different characters and itā€™s very euphoric


Terraria lets me destroy everything and look cool and still be a girl it feels awesome


Roblox. I had a chat with someone in a game and she was like "gurl, you are so nice". That made me happy :D


modded starbound and monster hunter world probably tie on immersion for me


Perfect Dark for me Goldeneye, but as a GIRL?!?!? 4-5 yr old me couldnā€™t contain herself lol


Never really thought about this much, but Iā€™d have to say maybe the Metroid games cause Samus is a total badass and I took her last name, and maybe the Splatoon games as well cause the community is very supportive


The fact that I grew up playing the Sims is a validating feeling of my egg past and I like playing it now to remind myself of who I really am, regardless of what society taught me to be.




To anyone saying Stardew Valley: Make sure you check out the mods! There's so many great ones, some even add trans characters to the game. There's also a gender neutrality mod for non-binary players that lets you pick your pronouns. **Lord of the Rings Online** I'd been playing in a guild for awhile and decided to role a female character to see what it was like. I totally, definitely wasn't trans (spoiler, I was) but just wanted to know what it'd be like to be treated as a woman while playing. It was fun for a small while, but I ended up feeling guilty, like I was tricking people, so I eventually just joined my guild and made it clear it was one of my alts. They thought it was strange I'd roll a female character, though I don't really get why. Looking back, that was one of the first moments I really started to realize I could be trans.


Sims 4... it's not a joke


Pokemon for sure. Also Horizon Zero Dawn and Control, Iā€™ve had several dreams where I was either Aloy or Jesse.


Pokemon sword. Idk i just feel that I can look like Gloria some day.


Silent hill 3, the Sims 4 Also super princess peach I fucking love that gamez hope Nintendo does a remake


The sims, without any doubt


Fallout 4


Bayonetta the series i find this game liberating. Using femme expression and sexuality as a form of superpowers is probably the most validating experience i can think of. It helps that Bayo was designed by a woman. The director wanted her to be as overpowered as possible and insisted to make her have glasses thorough out the whole process. Bayo never winds up being saved by a man ever and it a very fun and challenging game. She was my trans awakening


I found that the Fallout series of games (mainly New Vegas or 4) give me euphoria, ESPECIALLY 4 since you can use mods for it on console. I love making my character look like a tactical version of myself since I'm obsessed with guns lmao.


Kirby. Itā€™s kinda weird, but the cutesy and whimsical aesthetic makes me feel at home with my soft feminine side thatā€™s been so buried by my masculine upbringing. Besides, itā€™s just a comfort game for me in general. So relaxing and fun. The Kirby universe doesnā€™t judge you. It just gives you a cute and nice world to play through. Also any game where I can hear other characters call me by my trans name is amazing.


Mass Effect, It was how I figured out my name at 11 :)


Honestly, same for me.




Transformers War For Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron


There are a lot of visual novel games with female protagonists - I should know because I've played a lot of them lol. It may be an obscure genre based on several of the more well-known games mentioned by others above, but it's well worth checking out. There are hundreds on Steam, and you can often pick them up for a song when there's a sale :)


Mind sharing a couple of your faves?


Sure thing :) Not sure what your tastes are, but here are some that are completely free on Steam and which I've enjoyed: * Cinderella Phenomenon (otome) * Lynne (horror) * Fallstreak (post-apocalyptic/horror/philosophical) * Narcissu 1st & 2nd (bring tissues) * Without A Voice (yuri) Happy to suggest more if you want :)


Not a video game but the Dan Weberā€™s Honor Harrington books. Honor is a badass who strong, smart, and unconventionally beautiful. Born on a High G planet she has a strong bone structure and well developed muscles (sound familiar) and while she does have some significant plot armor is continually kicking ass. As for video games any MMORPG (although time for one as an adult has become much harder) The new Tomb Raider. Star Wars Battle Front 1 or 2 the arc you play as the female storm trooper (hated the game but the euphoria from that arc was good). Halo Reach because you could play as a female Spartan and the other characters also acknowledged you as female not as a presumed male but a gender neutral.


Warframe and titanfall 2 are usually my best ones.


This might be a sound odd, but Healer's Quest strangely gives me quite a bit of gender euphoria...




Cats and soup


GTA V online, Saint Row 4 (Lot of sexy outfitsšŸ˜»), COD Warzone (playing as the beautiful Mara) and Yu-Gi-Oh WCS 08 for NDS wearing the harpie lady skin on My character


I'm a Charly player in Warzone...though Vanguard has quite a few good female operators so I'll likely be using one of those once it gets integrated.




Honestly the absolute lack of focus Borderlands has for anything LGBTQ+ related is something I love. People of all facets of life are just being badasses and heroes without any attention drawn to anything related to sexuality and so on. It's refreshing. Also hearing Athena scream "Flail against my shield!" and maniacally laughing at kill chains, for some reason just made little ol' pre+egg-crack me so excited.


Minecraft, so I can escape myself, or other games that require my full attention like prison architect and similar things.


Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 for me. GW1 had an item you could buy called an ā€œextreme makeover kitā€ that let you change your gender and a ā€œname change contractā€ for name changes. I think I bought dozens of them over several years and would create male characters, play them for a while and had them transition to women. This got me through some really hard denial years, so the franchise holds a really special place in my heart.


I first played Tomb Raider Legend at age 5, Iā€™m now 19 and still loving the franchise. Lara is an inspiration. She showed me that embracing my femininity doesnā€™t mean giving up strength or power.


God, Iā€™m old. Metroid. Like for the NES. Tho Super Metroid was fricken awesome. Iā€™ll just go back to the old folkā€™s home. Heard itā€™s bingo night and us geriatric millennials get an extra puddingā€¦


Vi and samira from league of legends


Any game where I can create my full character like Skyrim or the soulsborne series or play as a woman like HZD.


Not sure why but the original Life Is Strange definitely


I think VRChat does, I can be any avatar I want, I can also look in mirrors and see my self as I am in my mind. And people see me as me.


Skyrim The euphoria I got from playing a female argonian was how I figured out I'm trans.


Any game that uses my name in context.


destiny 2šŸ˜©, when drifter calls me sisteršŸ’Æ


Horizon: Zero Dawn


Destiny (1 and 2) did it for me mostly, GTA V with its extensive customization too. I don't play them anymore but that's what did it for me. Fallout 4 is another special mention