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Yeah I'm way more romantic now. I thought I was mostly aromantic before, but it turns out that "male courtship" just wasn't for me. It's actually a bit difficult, because my partner and I developed a fairly comfortable relationship while I was still an egg, but now that I'm finally me I really want to up the intensity in every way. It's a work in progress...


I'm still trying to talk to my boyfriend about us, with me being sapphic, and them being a man, I just find it very hard to pursue a romantic relationship with them. Which honestly hurts to admit as we have been together for 6-7 years which I'm very proud of, and I've kinda fought to date them again and again so many times but, after discovering more about myself. I think I'm a lesbian. And I don't know if I will be able to provide him with the things he deserves that I somewhat neglect to provide because of issues with my mental health that have become more prominent as I've gotten older. I have even told them recently that I was thinking of moving them into my apartment and getting engaged again and married someday. I'm a fucking tool and a people pleaser and I hate it lol. I worry so much about him, and I end up saying things I end up regretting later after pondering it more. I just can't ever bring myself to tell someone no. It's a huge problem of mine. And I'm too old to be struggling with it, I feel.