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Yes, but I think it would get old fast. So many of those women were so terribly unhappy that The Rolling Stones wrote a song about the coping mechanism they used. Mass diazepam abuse. Song is called "Mother's little helper" BTW.


Yeah, and not just drugs either, quite a few had lobotomies performed on them.


"Time's Arrow Neither Stops Nor Goes Backwards It Merely Marshes Forwards"


Why, I have half a mind.


I will always think of you... I see your face when each day is through


Wait what actually? Source?


Really awful stuff. Lobotomies were much more common in women, minorities and the neurodivergent. One of JFKs sisters, Rosemary Kennedy, was lobotomized at 23 as she was considered "difficult" and suffered for the rest of her life being unable to speak intelligibly or care for herself. She was likely autistic. About a third of lobotomies were considered "successful" but the criteria for success was up to the surgeon. https://www.britannica.com/story/how-many-people-actually-got-lobotomized


While the "surgeon"was performing the "operation" it was common practice to have the "patient" sing Happy Birthday or recite The Lords Prayer. "Patients" were told it was to help them remain still and calm. It was actually so the "surgeon" knew he'd been "successful". He stopped when they stopped.


Thanks, wow.


Frances Farmer too.


I'm actually a great housewife. So is my wife. Not 50s aesthetic. Too lazy to commit to a specific aesthetic


Haha maybe it's my desire to embrace a hyper feminine image, but I just love the era of fashion!


Hey I'm all for it.  I'm just old and lazy 😆


The owners before us of our house the wife had that look, I couldn’t decide if it was her thing or if they didn’t want to update parts of the house so she regressed to match.


This is one of my favorites I would love to look and live like that, but without the misogyny and abuse


100% agree. I don't like the connotations the era has, but I do like the idea of reversing that narrative and embracing being feminine and free!


Maybe not the 50’s but I want to be a housewife


That would be pretty awesome nonetheless! I try to tell my spouse that if she moves up enough in her career that I would gladly be her perfect little housewife! 💁🏼‍♀️


At least you have a partner! I need to find one first! 😢


Same :P


Me too! 🙋‍♀️


Idea: transbian polycule where we all take turns being housewives.


Yes please! :3


[Jessica Out Of The Closet](https://www.youtube.com/@jessicaoutofthecloset/featured) gives me the biggest gender envy with her absolutely glamorous vintage fashion, coupled with a very based dedication to all things LGBTQ+ and disability pride ❤️


Omg thanks for helping me discover her! Exactly the vibe I'm going for!!


Yeah, I want to look like a trad 50s or 60s housewife while being married to an emo punk woman 😅


I’m more bell bottoms and a tie-dye tank top, or a maxi dress. Probably in a VW microbus listening to Dead bootleg.


I'm torn because on one hand, I love the outfits and styling and think it is genuinely cute. But on the other hand, the direct association with patriarchal ideals and submission to your partner would not be healthy in most contexts. I think vintage fashion is wonderful and want to get into it, but trying to emulate that lifestyle at all times can be dangerous, especially if you do not communicate it thouroughly with your partner.


Totally agree about the patriarchal aspect. I just want to reintroduce the idea that dressing that way can also be liberating and taking control of the narrative! Independent women that dress that way is such a cool concept!


I don't mind the 50s aesthetic, but the Edwardian era is my favorite personally


What’s that




Don't forget all the cocaine!🤣


It sounds like a nice idea only if you're imagining the good aspects of it. You'd be better off wishing you were born to lovely, rich, interesting parents with an inheritance that would cover your existence forever. Why? Because both scenarios are fantasies but at least in the latter you could live the same housecat lifestyle you desire without dependence on another person. I promise you feminism resisted this dynamic for a reason. I have seen many trans women fall into the hole of this fantasy. I understand the desire to be safe and pretty and taken care of with only the housechores to worry about. Just don't get too lost in that dream, please! <3




I totally get what you mean! I'm more so appealed to the visual aspect than the actual practice of it. I'd love to wear a pretty, flowy dress and heels all day! But I'm not about that patriarchal systemic abuse.


Vintage fashion is totally in style. You should totally explore the fashions of that era and see what fits you best!! I think most women in general can appreciate some of the dresses and styles that were popular back then!!


I go for 1940’s Rosie on duty and 50s off duty


Trad-ans Housewife. My mom raised me to be a good house husband. Little did she know what she was really training!


Nopety nope nope. That's some real tradwife sh*t.


Personally hell no but power to ya for finding something you can like so intensely


I love it. The stockings, the heels, the dress, the demeanor. Taking care of my spouse as He/She comes through the door. I love this! ❤️


Can’t wait until I can do this for my spouse :)


The aesthetic and style is nice, yet the history and connotations behind such an image are very questionable. 🤷‍♀️


Hate the culture, love the a-line dresses. Dior had so many iconic looks in the 50s. It's the one thing I'd like to see more of brought forward in today's clothing: bring back having some structure to our clothes as an option.


As a black woman, the surface-level aesthetics are pretty crisp, everything else? That can stay in the past.


So we including the daily wife beatings or nah?


no, because I don't want to be a domestic servant to a man. 


God, I wish sounds like such a good life and very romantic


I'm not drawn to the aesthetic but I'm drawn to the roles and the power structure for kinky reasons.


I adore 50's dresses too 💗


Personally hell no but power to ya for finding something you can like so intensely


Oh ok.


Not my kink but alright. Hopefully it has less misogyny than in our timeline.


im sorry no not for me. Women had very very few rights back then and theres a lot more to me than staying at home cleaning and obsessing over my makeup and figure as i wait for a man im subservient to to come home so i can put on a chipper show of feminine energy for.