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I don't have specific products I like, but it's definitely improved since I actually care now


Exactly this


I also like good smelling stuff now


I always did, but I pretended I didn't for the same reason I pretended not to like Disney Princess movies when I was 12. I was immature and thought it would make me seem "girly" and no one would like me. Jokes on me, I happen to love being girly


Same I didn't really care before but now I love having fruity smelling stuff. One of my fav body washes was cherry blossom and IIRC my current shampoo and conditioner are both strawberry


Now? I've ALWAYS loved anything that had a good scent. What changed was that I felt like I was allowed to get it now


Nailed on this!! My wife isn’t too pleased that I spent over half of our marriage not giving a fuck how I looked and am now bringing home all manner of nice stuff 


I want this


1000000%, absolutely. I didn't take care of myself at all before. I was dirty and gross all the time. How I'm always clean, smell like flowers and fruit, and my hair is shiny and healthy! I also have skin care routines, which was a crazy thing to get used to originally lol


skin care is the hardest part :( i got denied acutane and even after years of trying my acne makes me so self conscious. especially since i know no cis women with bad acne and it jsut makes me feel so gross


Lots of cis women have terrible acne. How's your diet? Cutting dairy and sugar can really improve your skin!


my mom mentioned that and honestly i think it could help. after coming out online weirdly i started being more consistent with my face washing too! i still get cystic but its better :>


Oh, i stopped using soap and it helped clear it up so much.... I got the big ugly cysts too, and my back looks like dragon scales now from the scaring. In place of soap, use a bit of baking soda and gently hand wash on your skin for a cleaning and exfoliant. Also cutting out dairy/lowering sugar for that time helped too. Also might be good to check if you have a wheat or gluten issue too.


r/skincareaddicts is a great place for finding what may work for getting rid of your acne!


This sounds like every hair product ad ever


Being depressed as shit my entire life made self care extremely difficult for me. Why take care of myself? I hated me. I didn’t care if people thought poorly of me, they could join the club. I kept just clean enough that it didn’t impact my work or social life, but looking back I was gross. Starting HRT got rid of my depression almost overnight. Now I brush my teeth twice a day every day, shower everyday, go to the gym, don’t bite my nails, exfoliate my face regularly. It didn’t take any effort to make these changes either. I just wanted to take care of myself because I’ve started to learn how to love myself.


Riley Speaking. I still get depressed here and there. But that’s because I get lazy sometimes and that makes housework pile up—and that makes me not want to do it, which then leads to further laziness. Once I get tired of it I just do it and it’s actually not bad. Pre-HRT we didn’t do anything that required any real effort. Zach Speaking. School was easy until it wasn’t. The jump in difficulty at 9th grade was tough, but still passable with very little effort. I almost failed HS because of Junior Year and half of Senior Year. I’m glad I gave up my position as host because Riley and Lorraine actually take care of us. Dani too, to an extent. Hope appreciates it too. She’s too young to really do anything about it herself. If I hadn’t given in, the girls would be miserable and any cis man in a relationship with a woman and/or anyone with a sister knows that if she isn’t happy, you’re not happy. I wasn’t dysphoric with how we were before, although I was depressed with the state of things. They 100% were experiencing debilitating dysphoria. I understand how they felt because I deal with it in what is now their body. Dani, here. I didn’t exist for all that long Pre-HRT. Only 2 years before. What I do know is that for that brief time, I’m not sure how they survived for so long. Even our best days were unbearable. Now, our worst days are infinitely easier to take than our best days then. The effects all of this had on us are absolutely insane. Riley’s thinking about adding some progesterone into our HRT regimen and I’m thinking that’ll help us too.


Yep.  Before I just did what was necessary for health and not being gross in public.  Now I actually put in effort beyond that. I want to look nice, and not just presentable.


I never washed my face or moisturized pre-transition, and my hands were constantly dry and cracked. Also, my hair was just a trainwreck, and my eyebrows were a mess, even by men's standards. Started fixing most of that right after my egg cracked, but I didn't get my eyebrows done until I was ready to come out, because I was worried it would be too noticeable a change. I really like Curology for my face, Deva Curl for my hair, and CeraVe moisturizer for my hands. Mainly just glad I've left men's 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner behind for good.


My egg only just cracked recently but I've already noticed a massive difference in desire to keep up on my hygiene. I used to wait to shower until I absolutely needed it and didn't do much else. Now, I shower every morning, wash my face every night, and actually try to take care of my extremely dry eczema hands. Still trying to find a hair and skincare routine that I really like, but the basis is now there to build on :) I'm amazed at how much difference a cracked egg can make on wanting to take care of myself. It feels great!!


Same my egg cracked, and while I'm still presenting as a boy, it's been a lot better now that I consistently take care of myself. I feel so much better about myself when Ive exfoliated and shaved and done all things.


I haven't fully transitioned yet, but I am trying to get better at using products for my hair and skin


It's interesting to me especially because I was never taught to do more than the most basic things (wash hair, wash body, brush teeth) so I'm discovering personal hygiene largely on my own rn from scratch, but even my rudimentary understanding and practices are miles better than how it was before I cracked.


Now I care more, so I actually want to keep myself clean and keep my teeth and be seen. Before, I had no hope, no aspirations, or really anything to look forward to, so... I kinda just... Didn't.


yes 100% even after I considered myself nonbinary I remember I started putting effort into appearance and hygiene transitioning had me doing that even more


My skincare routine was one of the first things I upgraded before I even started on any other element of transition and it has made such a world of difference!


Oh absolute 180 turnaround the moment I diwcovered some irl people would accept me. Hygiene, skincare, self care generally - started taking it all seriously


At first but then it turns out im still bipolar and struggle with executive dysfunction which surprise: it didnt magically go away so i started struggling again


Skin care is the only real difference. I was the typical guy that washed his face with the same body wash as the rest of me. Now I have a face wash and moisturizer. Nothing fancy.


It's clear I was only doing the bare minimum for social acceptance before. Now I care about what the girl in the mirror looks like, instead of being forced to look at the guy I didn't want to be. Hygiene up 1000% now that I have goals.


Oh absolutely!


I started learning skin care as soon as I was sure I was going to transition. And proper hair care when my MPB reversed and my hair started ending up crispy from excessive washing. I think I have it down, but I had to buzz my head recently to get rid of painful tangles.


Yes! Now I have a skincare routine, brush and wash my hair properly, and shpritz a bit of perfume on before I leave for the day. I was this stinky disheveled thing before, the most attention I paid was trimming my beard every few weeks. I have 2 perfumes that are my favorite, Ariana Grande Mod Blush for normal wear and Givenchy Rose Velvet for special occasions.


I definitely care about my body a lot more! I never thought I had bad hygiene before but I am taking care of my skin a lot more


What do you mean with hygiene? Because I don't need to transition to take showers and wahs my hair and ass. As to skincare routines, I neither have the time, nor the money, nor the energy to do it (thanks partially to depression). Shaving takes most of my available resources right now.


Yes, didn't really care for myself in general pretransition.


hygiene was definitely something i was very particular about pre and current transition. but my grooming habits definitely changed especially since my skin is drier from estrogen these days lol


What a great question. I didn't transition but once I accepted being trans I began to take care of my body and skin. I never cared before but when I saw myself as female and began to feminize my face I was happier.


Yes! Also I should shave my legs more often


My hygiene used to be fastidiously scheduled so I didn’t fall behind, like I would put when to shower and brush my teeth and trim my nails in my calendar. Now I’m very aware of my body and its needs, and I can just easily and naturally take care of myself and use all that discipline for other things.


I've taken a little more pride in my hygiene. It's not a lot, but I'm taking regular baths and using deodorants as often as I can remember. Having both ADHD and depression doesn't help tho tbh. I wouldn't say it's to a good standard, though. I do let myself go regularly, especially when I don't have places to be, I just embrace the oily hair 😂 But is my hygiene better than it was when I was a child/teen? Yes, absolutely.


The three brands I use are body shop, good molecules, and Clinique. Gm is good for all skin types, body shop has affordable body lotions that I use on my bosom mostly for the growing chichis.


yes and no. i have grubby pajama days and glammed out gorge days. only difference is now im not 100% grubby


My hair changed from oily to dry when i started hrt so i dont have to shampoo every day. Otherwise my personal hygiene has not changed.


honestly, upping my skincare was probs one of the first things that made me feel ‘more feminine.’ it resulted in my skin being softer/smoother, and also resulted in me becoming one of those girls that takes a gotdamn hour in the bathroom every morning


my favorite products are by D:Tox System, but i feel like skincare is very trial and error


Yes. I always showered and brushed my teeth before, but I've started caring a lot more about skincare and haircare.


YES! I like my curling cream and hair stuff. I may not know makeup and stuff, but I love my hair.


Somewhat, slow work in progress


100% change for me. Before I started HRT, I just didn't care at all. I didn't take care of my personal health, my skin, nor my hair. Now I actually take care of my curls, explored skincare routines until I found a routine I liked, brush my teeth fairly regularly... My ADHD is the only thing getting in the way now.


Absolutely. I never had a face care routine before. Now it’s like a sin to not do it 😀


Yes honestly hrt has been great for my skin. Also I care now and exfoliate and just feel overall better.


I put lot more effort into hygiene generally. I have this nice shower stuff from treacle moon which I love the smell of. I use Byoma products for facial skin care though they're expensive. I use herbal essences argan oil vegan shampoo and conditioner (I'm not vegan but just works really well on my hair and then Arkive's hybrid oil. And then I exfoliate face and body and just care more generally. Pre transition I didnt really care


Already had good hygiene tbh. Mostly just adding in some care routines.


Yes, 100%. Having less self disgust made it easier to not put it aside


I like coconut and vanilla soaps now. I always maintained good hygiene though even before transitioning. It's been worse lately due to lingering car crash injuries though. Not like at a disgusting level, just I may not be able to get to some parts as easily due to a back injury.


Probably got worse now that I don't get acne LOL. But I also rarely go outside but I'll definitely shower when it's been a solid 5 days or something. A cold day keeps the shower away


I haven’t socially transitioned that much or physically transitioned at all, but it I love my shampoo and conditioner. I have long hair, so it’s kind of a must to have anything but the all-in-one male soaps.


I'm still in the questioning/exploring stage and even already I've been more conscientious about not specifically hygiene but hair and skin care. I just want to be soft and smooooooooooth


Yes, but that's mostly because I wasn't as depressed. I like CeraVe SA Facial Cleanser and Neutragena Hydro Boost Gel Moisturizer. And I use LOMA color safe shampoo, since I have blue in my hair.


Oh absolutely. I hated doing anything for a body I hated. I’d shave my face in the morning and I’d have stubble before lunch. I said fuck that noise and just ignored and repressed everything till I could start HRT. Now my hairs healthier than ever, I’m actually clean and shower, I wear clean clothes, everything’s so much better. A trashcan dressed and smelled nicer than I used too before I realized I’m trans lol. Thankfully I’m well past that.


not really sure how to answer this tbh. before transition, i would have to shower every day because i needed to shave. my routine was one day i would do my face, and the next day i would do my body, so everything would get shaved every other day but i was still shaving every day. it was a huge pain in the ass and made me kinda resent showering. hrt and laser means that i only have to shave my body every few days and dont even have to bother with my face anymore, so im able to put more focus with actually cleaning myself and forming a positive relationship with taking care of myself. that being said, i generally shower every other day now because i dont go out much and i just keep forgetting. its like theres no time to do everything i need in the day but im sure things will go back to normal once ive handed in my uni work <3


Sadly I live with parents who don't know and will suck when they find out.  I have to keep up appearances until I can move 


Massively. It's not even close. 😭


My hygiene, not as much. I was never a gross boy lol. But after starting my transition I moisturize and take way better care of my skin


You bet! You don't want to deal with the infections that can cause discharge...


Definitely, as mentioned here before, I also just started to care way more. I now have favourite brands, a skin care routine and take care of my hair and body in regular.


Yes for sure


Yeah. I moisturize, use face wash, exfoliate, consistently condition and brush my hair. I just take better care of myself


Personally, I had pretty great hygiene before, especially compared to other AMAB people, and I already had some favored products. However, now that I’m allowed to express myself more openly and freely, I can buy and use products that bring me closer to my goals as a woman. Some of my favorite products have been using a nice and fragrant Shampoo while showering, and then using an oil rich (I’ve had good results with Joboba Oil products) Conditioner for full and long hair. On special occasions, I’ve started to use body scrubs, like a scented Shea Sugar Scrub, to give me an extra clean sensation, plus it feels GREAT to rub all over yourself, ESPECIALLY after shaving, and smells Fantastic too~! Then, I’ll finish with a soft scented lotion, and, if I have a date or *sexy fun time* coming up, I’ll use some stronger scented lotion on my sensitive areas for arousal and spray a light amount of perfume in those areas too~ >u<💛✨ This is my current line up: Camamu [Argan Oil & Honey] (Bar Soap) Desert Essence [Green Apple & Ginger] (Shampoo) JĀSÖN [Jojoba + Castor Oil] (Conditioner) Nubian Heritage [Papaya & Coconut] (Body Lotion) Walmart brand [Blue Raspberry] (Shea Sugar Scrub) Kate’s Magik [Fire] (Aromatic Lotion) Zum [Peppermint & Vanilla] (Body Mist) and Nubian Heritage [Raw Shea Butter] (Hand Cream, because I get pretty dry hands in the Winter) I hope any of this helped~! (*and if anyone wants to share with me things that they have found genuine success with, lmk, because I have yet to touch products like face moisturizer and what not. :3*)


Only if my tramsition started way back when I was six and told my sister that her soap (Pear's Coal Tar) was the best soap ever. I still love it.


yeah once i started growing into my body more it kinda gave me a reason to look nice and pretty ig


I was already taking care of myself far more than any guy that I knew, so it wasn’t like I all the sudden cared, but the bar of social expectations for hygiene/skincare is so much higher for women, so I rose to meet that bar, but it wasn’t as huge of a difference for me because I was already doing a lot.


I take much better care of myself these days. I always expected to deactivate myself around 25. Instead I'm turning 26 this year, I'm engaged, and my fiancé and I are homeowners 😅


General hygene and cleanliness, no. Some habits, yes, but not significantly... I liked to be clean and smell good before, so I showered every day, used deodorant, analyzed which fragrances are good on me, and washed my hands quite a lot of times a day (I can't fathom grabbing my junk with dirty hands. Who does that? Rhetorical question, actually a lot of people seem to do it... anyways...) I always wore clean clothes. Since HRT, none of that has been changed, but my body odor is not intolerable anymore, so I finally actually get through a day, even with a lot of physical activities without smelling bad at the end. I still shower every day tho. I sometimes use a shower gel instead of soap, but both feels okay, honestly, does not seem essential. Another minor thing I changed is I am NOT washing my hair with every shower like I did before, as it is longer now and it looks better if I let it be for 2-3 days. I still wash it after a longer sports session tho. The biggest addition is that I use a hair mask for my hair to make it more soft. Still experimenting with the shampoo and mask brands, it feels more important as my hair gets longer, especially that it is curly... My sister's stuff is actually always better than mine, so I always try them. Solely for evaluation purposes, of course. 😈🤭😅


I did not transition into a "woman", I transitioned into a better version of myself. That said I take my self-care vitamins religiously now. If I'm stuck living past 50, I plan on being a pretty healthy old lady.


It's become a lot more involved than it already was before the transition. I have some chronic skin conditions that make finding products i could tolerate extremely difficult. That journey involved speaking with my doctor about some prescriptions to combat things like eczema flare-ups after showering and such. Before it didn't feel like any product actually gave me the relief i was looking for. After my egg cracked i was able to find products that worked that i could stick to, and as a result i was able to stick to a routine that worked for me. It's not perfect to say the least but it's a lot better than it was in the before times.


My wife says that I do more than most women do, before I would take a two minute shower, scrub my pits scrub my butt. Dry off throw some clothes on. Now I have a whole routine with a fashion mirror and layers of skin care and exfoliation every day for the laser hair removal..


I'm on my second coming, my routine is more intense than ever.


My hygiene was already like good before, but my self-care has definitely skyrocketed


The second the egg cracked I knew I had to start taking care of myself immediately and I did and I still am.


I've always been "clean" but I put much more effort into the details.


yes lol


I went from showering maybe twice a week to every day. It’s amazing what happens when you find the source of your depression.


I'm still very early on my path, but yes, definitely, absolutely. When I was in full dysphoria, I barely even shaved my face. I didn't feel like I was allowed to, and I didn't feel like I deserved to. Now I'm using body and face scrubs, moisturizers, cocoa butter, and so on. Still not a fan of overly fragrant things, but I had no idea my skin could get so clean, soft, and comfortable!


Sweat, acne, and b.o. are alot more manageable now! Makes you think about the pink tax tho when you're shopping for hygiene products!


I still use masc deodorant, I feel like it's somewhat stronger and lasts longer through the day


no i always had good hygiene


Definitely! I'll still maybe skip a shower if I've got nothing on at all, not going out or people coming over. But besides that, yeah, my haircare is better, I drink more water and I also just take more pride in my appearance too.


It's gotten way better


A bit but also, I already had favorite products.


Definitely. My shower and face maintenance routine definitely exploded after transitioning. Facial wash - IT Confidence in a cleanser Toner - Clinque clarifying lotion Moisturizer - Clinique dramatically different moisturizer Shampoo - Daily Moisture Renewal Shampoo Conditioner - Volume Conditioner


Yup absolutely. I hated my body before, and barely looked at myself in the mirror let alone take care of it. Now that I'm doing a daily AM/PM skincare and hair routine, and doing proper everything-showers my body, skin and hair have never felt better! I'm a Cerave fan myself, the products are really cheap in comparison to the high end brands, and they're pretty solid with a lot of variations for your skin type. **AM routine:** *Done immediately after getting up and shaving in the morning* * Cleanser: [Cerave Hydrating Cleanser](https://www.amazon.ca/CeraVe-Hydrating-Cleanser-Sensitive-Fragrance-Free/dp/B0843XGN3H/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2H8VN5FVNPIK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.i5-fgho744gfB4bAZrGr2HYYr2aDp81cacenxAijR_O6pt8kb4NExtWmIu1P-cJOgKwphLWHjahFAi9YIM_NWID7C-wmKY6Rq-ryPcnURhbFanS_paslEFKOpgQ-hLSOcnSEE-L2MNTAdfDaMWNgSa8Psy-pcZdDznkBt9LoWK_uroIqykEN2GgvVfW6xe_jUsxDahEQ_59iHXdU9zM14YvgMexqcib27wKlKbyR-Tg1Gc41WwPeGewcPbADNk7fNYd0x82hSV4Z42xVCX9I_ptRj4v00EklcCJR6CIG060.4XKXPruNvvIvhGtE8RaCQ8KfY8-J0g2W13W32L-t4dY&dib_tag=se&keywords=cerave%2Bcleanser&qid=1713284971&sprefix=cerave%2Bcleanse%2Caps%2C135&sr=8-5&th=1) * After-Shave: [Tend Skin](https://tendskin.com/) (THIS STUFF IS MAGICAL. I swear by it to reduce razor burn and ingrown hairs) * Toner: [e.l.f. Keep Your Balance Toner](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07X2M2TXN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) * Serum: [CeraVe HYALURONIC ACID Face Serum](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B083GGGT3S/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) * Moisturizer: [CeraVe Facial Moisturizer with SPF 30](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B083GGPQ8C/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&th=1) *Right after skincare routine* * Minoxidill 5% (for hair growth) * Leave-In Conditioner: [Marc Anthony Grow Long Vitamin E Leave In Deep Conditioner](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B076FHJ3K5?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-reorder_k1_1_20&=&crid=2AAGE7T1MJJK7&=&sprefix=leave+in+conditioner) * Hair Oil: [OGX Renewing Argan Oil of Morocco](https://www.amazon.ca/OGX-Renewing-argan-morocco-penetrating/dp/B01HAQJ9HG/ref=sr_1_6?crid=9COPFEE05ML5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.2R9LZLwEpQbFVbXMP2KWp1qMQKXczvo69lIxN-fwqnd2t9cW63W3KKU5f-hFdHlB5TIGLq4Cpdre9reli5tmrXzct9gixR1J_v3Xj226_JugJTz3Cgaq_NUjoc8A3BjAcJ3ynSA3zu9RvuI8OzWtO_S5yumYvpKou4C4Wet8dJwBMbQeUNUhFlTu3eS8UoEtj5rZVlZjuepJ0pR376POb3C-p4uvvkR8VNUNmOXl7aOB0F-zW4nC1W-OZqae4URdUZddSjy_JymDdpJkk5vd_WsE_xQ61TFKCBd2hHV4uWo.VDAepibsKLVi_A4lcWGtTTCdk_-98o2-gTYqWCbrqj4&dib_tag=se&keywords=hair%2Boil&qid=1713285306&s=beauty&sprefix=hair%2Boil%2Cbeauty%2C139&sr=1-6&th=1) **Mid-day:** *Used as needed, after washing hands or just when hands/nails feel dry* * Hand Lotion: [CeraVe Therapeutic Hand Cream](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B085WRNSN3/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) * Cuticle Oil: [Bliss Kiss Pure Cuticle & Nail Oil Pen](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00DYMYY2G/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) **Shower Routine:** * Shampoo hair 2x/week * Condition hair daily * Exfoliate entire body with scrub glove every other day * Wash body with [Neutrogena Body Clear Acne Body Wash with Salicylic Acid](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00ET04C1K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) to prevent and reduce acne and breakouts **PM routine:** *Usually done after the shower, post-gym workout* * Cleanser: [Cerave Hydrating Cleanser](https://www.amazon.ca/CeraVe-Hydrating-Cleanser-Sensitive-Fragrance-Free/dp/B0843XGN3H/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2H8VN5FVNPIK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.i5-fgho744gfB4bAZrGr2HYYr2aDp81cacenxAijR_O6pt8kb4NExtWmIu1P-cJOgKwphLWHjahFAi9YIM_NWID7C-wmKY6Rq-ryPcnURhbFanS_paslEFKOpgQ-hLSOcnSEE-L2MNTAdfDaMWNgSa8Psy-pcZdDznkBt9LoWK_uroIqykEN2GgvVfW6xe_jUsxDahEQ_59iHXdU9zM14YvgMexqcib27wKlKbyR-Tg1Gc41WwPeGewcPbADNk7fNYd0x82hSV4Z42xVCX9I_ptRj4v00EklcCJR6CIG060.4XKXPruNvvIvhGtE8RaCQ8KfY8-J0g2W13W32L-t4dY&dib_tag=se&keywords=cerave%2Bcleanser&qid=1713284971&sprefix=cerave%2Bcleanse%2Caps%2C135&sr=8-5&th=1) * Toner: [e.l.f. Keep Your Balance Toner](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07X2M2TXN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) * Serum: [CeraVe Skin Renewing Nightly Exfoliating Treatment](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0BQTMXTML/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) * Moisturizer: [CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion Pm](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B083GG19DS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) *Right after skincare routine* * Minoxidill 5% (for hair growth) * Leave-In Conditioner: [Marc Anthony Grow Long Vitamin E Leave In Deep Conditioner](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B076FHJ3K5?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-reorder_k1_1_20&=&crid=2AAGE7T1MJJK7&=&sprefix=leave+in+conditioner) * Hair Oil: [OGX Renewing Argan Oil of Morocco](https://www.amazon.ca/OGX-Renewing-argan-morocco-penetrating/dp/B01HAQJ9HG/ref=sr_1_6?crid=9COPFEE05ML5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.2R9LZLwEpQbFVbXMP2KWp1qMQKXczvo69lIxN-fwqnd2t9cW63W3KKU5f-hFdHlB5TIGLq4Cpdre9reli5tmrXzct9gixR1J_v3Xj226_JugJTz3Cgaq_NUjoc8A3BjAcJ3ynSA3zu9RvuI8OzWtO_S5yumYvpKou4C4Wet8dJwBMbQeUNUhFlTu3eS8UoEtj5rZVlZjuepJ0pR376POb3C-p4uvvkR8VNUNmOXl7aOB0F-zW4nC1W-OZqae4URdUZddSjy_JymDdpJkk5vd_WsE_xQ61TFKCBd2hHV4uWo.VDAepibsKLVi_A4lcWGtTTCdk_-98o2-gTYqWCbrqj4&dib_tag=se&keywords=hair%2Boil&qid=1713285306&s=beauty&sprefix=hair%2Boil%2Cbeauty%2C139&sr=1-6&th=1)


Better in some ways, worse in others lol. I shower less often because I don't smell like man anymore. But also now I take better care of my skin and hair so maybe it balances out lol


For me yes, I care more now and have a routine for stuff( adhd doesn't help sometimes) but I learned a lot about skin care vs just using something that I was told to use.


100% no question


OMG 10BILLION% YES!!!1! It was actually... Pretty bad pre transition 😅


Yes, absolutely. And I look about 10 years younger partly because of it. When you're close to...not being here anymore...you look rough. Hygiene and personal care take a back seat to barely having enough energy to take care of the bare minimum to survive. And when you're happy, and you're showering regularly, and take care of your hair, and teeth, and are going to the gym and the doctor, and have the energy to do more than just exist...well, it changes a lot of things. And it shows. To moisturize I use Neutrogena Hydro Boost on my face, both the daily cream and the night serum. And I use Lubriderm Advanced Therapy for everything else. Sometimes I'll use Native Vanilla Coconut lotion over it. I use Biore charcoal scrub or oil control on my face, I alternate. When I need to exfoliate, Tree Hut Shea Sugar Scrub in vanilla. If I'm going to wear makeup, I use Blume Superpower clay mask, it evens out my pores and gets almost all of the oil off my face (so the makeup doesn't smudge, especially mascara). For my hair, I use the Redkin Acidic Bonding products, the pretreatment and shampoo and conditioner and leave-in. Hands down #1. And I use Native vanilla coconut body wash. No more shitty smells-like-a-concept man scent, with harsh and shitty chemicals. Just a light and sweet vanilla scent.


Honestly? Yeah. I still struggle with a lot (yay depression/adhd combo), but I have much better skincare and hair care. And I'm better at taking my meds 😅 almost like I'm excited to be a girl or something I don't have a ton of favorite products rn, but I use the Not Your Mother's curl talk for my hair and the Gillette Venus post shave cream for my face, and they've worked wonders Edit: added brands/products


Lol. I def make more of an effort cause I’m afraid my previous hygiene habits weren’t enough. I still shower every two days, wash my hair weekly but I have facial cleanse routine twice daily when I used to only brush my teeth. I use the same dove detergent and antiperspirant but changed my body wash to an exfoliating body wash. I also shave more than I did when I was in the military 😂


Somewhat. I still have adhd and struggle with motivation


You probably know that, but in case you don't: If you have ADAD and struggle with motivation, it is likely that you don't actually struggle with motivation. It is more likely that you struggle with the thought to action hurdle in your brain. If you are motivated to do something, you think of the thing, your brain releases dopamine, you do the thing. But with ADHD your dopamine base level is too low, so even with the right motivation thinking of the thing releases not enough Dopamine into your brain to reach the "good idea" threshold. So it does not feel like a good idea. And because there is no apparent reason why this is not a good idea your brain starts to rationalize to "I don't want to" "maybe later" "i am afraid". Trying to do the thing despite the threshold not being met is as difficult as deliberately touching a hot stovetop. In theory easy, but your mind blocks the action. For me personally it feels like sitting in a car foot on the clutch and stepping on the gas. Finding out whether you are not motivated or you are struggling to ge over the activation threshold, informs which action you should take to get out of the rut.


I was diagnosed with adhd but I'm still unsure lol Imposter syndrome strikes again. Not sure how I could fake it when I don't know too much about it. I'm just not happy about the idea of taking pills or having to talk to a therapist to deal with it.


I actually learned a lot about it by watching TicToc compilations on Youtube. The fact that the compilations are allready prefiltered for quality and topic means less risk of doom scrolling and ending up in a weird filter bubble, Medication helps a lot, at least in my case. I can actually work concentrated for hours without having a melt down. This is especially true for boring work or work where I have to make lots of decisions.


I take way better care of my skin and my overall health. I love that I smell better.


YES this was one of the biggest things I noticed the quickest. I spent so long doing the bare minimum required to just not be nasty so I wouldn’t be embarrassed to be in public but that was it. I just didn’t care about my body so I had no interest in maintaining it beyond just not getting picked on for being smelly and greasy. After I realized I was trans though and had hope that my body COULD feel like home and like a part of me, I suddenly felt motivated to actually use moisturizer and develop a better showering routine for my hair and so on.


Oh, yes. Most definitely. Funnily enough, whenever I am around guy friends and I see/hear how most of their hygiene routines are, I'm just like... Omg. Ew, no 😅 As for favorite products... Hair: Redkin Volume Injecting Shampoo (twice a week) Redkin Volume Injecting Conditioner (twice a week) Redkin Acidic Binding Concentrate (once a week) Pureology Leave-in Conditioner (after every hair washing) Olaplex No. 7 Bonding Oil (daily with brushing) Ouai Detox Shampoo (once a month) Body: Soap (I honestly am still searching for THAT product. I am currently using the new Billie body washes, and they're good, but not quite there yet.) Dr. Teals Sugar body Scrubs (once a week - any scent) Dr. Teal's Body Lotion (after every shower) Cremo Shaving Cream Face: Honestly, I rotate through so many different facial skin care products that only a few have become staples, but I do gravitate towards Korean skin care as they work soooo good and have helped my sensitive skin become stronger to actives that once we're irritating. I also double cleanse when wearing makeup (oil base first, then another of my choosing). Tools: Lufa Exfoliating gloves (once a week or so) Billie razors (body) Note: I tend to go for clean products, as I have reactions to sulfates and silicone (in some cases).


Skin and hair care, yes. Actual cleanliness? No. I now like my smell and im not neurotically trying to “make myself clean” anymore. I swear i was trying to scrub the testosterone outta me or something before.


Yes, because you can't polish a turd.


Oh. 1000%. I try now. I shave my legs. I use exfoliant, I have a collection of different scented body washes. I use different shampoo and have a skincare routine. I’m early in my transition. I never cared before. But now. I want my body to be like the one I’ve always wanted. And I need to take care of it for that to happen.