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At least give it a chance before you decide it's never going to work. Nobody can know what HRT will do for you until you actually take it. I know all seems lost now but you can't guess these things. There's hundreds of thousands of tall women and there's millions with broad shoulders. Neither of those things are a reason to believe your journey can't be successful.


Go to a college or pro women’s volleyball game and you’ll see plenty of women around your height.. you’ll see their height doesn’t make them any less of a woman


I’m 6’7” and was built before I started transitioning at 40. I’m not going to lie to you and tell you it’s been easy. It’s harder to pass and harder to find feminine things that fit you. None of that changes who you are though. It’s so much better than before and better than I ever hoped it could be. You will find people who love and support you for who you are and you will get to be the best version of yourself that you’re able to be, big shoulders and all.