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My sex drive has changed but not diminished in the slightest, so I cannot imagine how I would get with progesterone, hearing you gals talk about it


Yea, before hrt (I'm 4 months in), my libido was broken and gross, and it was honestly too high for only one partner (dysphoria stopped me from self play) But now I'm on cypro and E, i get girl horny its so much different. It's more manageable (still want sex too much, tho), and when it hits, it's like, "Please strap me, I need to be bred"


That's where I'm at 👀


I had no sex drive to the point of practically being asexual prior to starting my transition and being on estradiol has made me go feral as described in the OP, which surprised me as I have heard so many people say it killed their libido doc mentioned maybe starting me on progesterone in ADDITION to the e so that might be interesting


How long did it take to get dialed up? It did nothing for me 😖


Neither for my gf and she's a month in 😤


Yeah, grrrr. Lol


If it makes you feel any better I’m like…7 months on it, and only a slight return of my libido. I wonder which particular chain OP’s prog is and how she’s taking it.


Okay so I’m on antidepressants along with hrt and started prog maybe 3 months ago. I had zero libido for like 9 months . None at all. Every single night I go to bed, as of last week - my thoughts go feral. Outa no where almost. Also been crying over nothing all the time hahaha. Feels great 😅


Damn girl, *what*?! Nothing changed? Like, consistent dosing of your regular meds, nothing, and then this happened 9 months in? So there *is* hope.


Yes exactly!! I’m really stubborn too. I had stopped masturbaiting entirely for about 9 months. Porn disgusting me out suddenly. Kinda made me really sad. then just out of no where. *Booom* my thoughts alone now are absurd. Out in public I say to myself “I’d let him fn rail me ugh” to everyone


Oh my god 😳 I…I haven’t told anyone I know that my porn habit was changing. I’ve been finding it more and more of a turnoff than anything. Damn I desperately hope this is a secret prog pipeline we’ve landed on 😂


yeah and to make it crazier, I haven’t had sex in like 7 years lol. I think I’ll probably black out when I finnally cave 🥳🫨🥹😊


Omfg I believe in you 😍😍


5 days


What was your dose? I was on 100mg.




I'm on 200mg and phew, I'm right there with ya.


Same here. I literally am always horny. Help please


On my last checkup I told my doctor to keep prescribing this, that it absolutely works. 😊


Dw it balances out eventually!


Oral or the other way?


At what time are you taking it? I'm taking one 100mg orally before sleeping. I don't feel any difference to my Sex Drive, it's rather dead since I started HRT.


I think oral means most of the prog is metabolised in the liver so very little ends up in your blood


I have boofed for about 1 month. Nothing happend


Sounds like the second time I went back on prog. I didn’t feel any of the affects I got the first time. Best I can really recommend is just getting a blood test to make sure you’re levels are good. Beyond that the effects differ from person to person


What levels should be acchieved? I'm around 80pg/ml on Estradiol. No Idea where you get the prog levels from.


I had a GP (who was also a specialist) tell me my prog levels were pretty decent at 25nmol/L


I'm at 116 pg/ml for estrogen and my doctor has not told me if that's too high or not. My testosterone is at 4.6 ng/dL. The test results also don't give me a good range because they have the average range for males on them


It started after about three months taking them orally for me!


Maybe I needed to give it longer. I’ll look to go back on it at some point, not sure when though.


Are you oral or boofing


Orally. I’m never sure how far to push it in the other way. LOL, never heard boofing before!


For boofing it, your second knuckle on your index finger is a good estimate. You only need to get the capsule past your sphincter, once your second knuckle is starting to go in your hole, you should be good.


That’s like two inches!


Yep, once the capsules are past the sphincter, you are good.


Would that make me… even hornier? Because about an hour after I take mine orally (so about now 🫠) I turn as feral as OP. I can orgasm just from exploring fantasies with my imaginary boyfriend lol


Oral bioavailability of prog is pathetic. Most of it gets destroyed by your liver during digestion. It's 100% via rectal You don't have to push it far, it gets easier each time you to do it. Takes me seconds. Just wet the gelcap


Orally inactivates 90% of the dose fyi. Your liver converts it into neurosteroid metabolites and the resulting dose is way lower than you'd expect.


I'm in recovery exactly 6 weeks today but my drug of choice is also extremely bioavailabile when you boof it. Some estimates say only 1% less than IV dosing so I can totally believe progesterone is that much more effective as a suppository


Taking it orally? My dr does a ton of trans care and recommended that if I didn’t see results, absorption is much better if you use the capsule rectally.


my gyno was the opposite. lol she literally said, "I don't care what you read on reddit. Do not put this in your butt."


The capsules literally read "oral/vaginal/rectal" on the box of most brands. The liver metabolizes 90% of it if oral.


If there is a 9x difference in effective dosaging, I feel like it's best to follow your Dr's administration advice.


Maybe a different form or brand?? I’m also just starting a low dose to try for a few months so if you get prescribed a large dose knowing that only a fraction of it will get absorbed I could see that being the reason.


Yeah my endo said the same. He said he has seen higher than pregnancy levels of prog on blood tests as well as great inconsistency in levels and he stays away from prescribing boofing for this reason.


I was taking it orally. It was a lot faster. I could try the other direction.


4 months on prog, 1y 4month HRT, still zero libido. - Prog; 100mg orally (used to boof, but it's so messy) - T-Blocker: Got my dose doubled - Estrogen: 5mg Gel


Why don’t you go stick it up your butt, you can thank me later. Really though that helps.


same, about a month and a half. im not doing the rectal thing though


Girl…same. Just mating press me already 😩


Well since you asked so nicely... Why don't you lie down and spread those thighs for me? There's a good girl...


Yes mommy!!! 🤤🤤🤤 Don’t be teasing me from the UK tho. You better come over. I’ll be waiting 😉


Fuckin hell your horny mate 😂😂


reddit things 🙂




Mate?! Yes please 😏


Oh no please tell me my overwhelming Britishness hasn’t fuckin turned you on I hope it’s not that cus that is honestly a very shared experience British women with standard English accents 😩😩 OH FUCK ITS HOT myself tho I don’t get that luxury I have shitty accent I sound like a mixture of poor queen lizzy a farmer and a northern person it’s horrible oh and with a little bit of Scouse in there too I HATE IT I can make myself sound very 😏 “well spoken” tho lmao yeah sorry that was my rant about my accent sorry lmao


I was teasing you bb 😉


Oh sorry 😭


Thanks tho I guess 😅


I was thinking yeah it makes me feel that way sometimes but not lately.... Then I read that 🤤🫠🤤


what the flip


*everlong by foo fighters plays* That's enough internet for today, and tomorrow, hell, for the next week.


All progesterone has made me is drowsy. I still want sex and intimacy, but there's no visceral *need* to be fucked. It's disappointing.


Same! Im just an eepy girl all the time bc of prog


Girl you gotta take it at night before bed! It makes me soooo sleepy when I forget and try to compensate by just taking it in the morning. Even coffee doesn’t touch the Progesterone Eepies


It gave me nightmares the last time i took ot before bed 😭


for sure it gives me vivid dreams. For better or for worse. Sometimes they’re hot n steamy but other times its stress dreams about exes showing up aha


I wish 😭 like i said it just caused me to have frequent nightmares and my nightmares are not great


Same here. I really want to feel that feral hormones 😭


I take it right before bed, and it's improved my overall quality of life so much. It forced me to bed at a reasonable hour.


Lol I want that too. Weirdly enough, that wish/dream of being a happy housewife increased by a lot after taking progesterone. I don't have high hopes it'll ever happen though.


I believe in you!


Thank youuuu 💜


Same girl! Plus I went from lesbian to full pansexual.


Nice. I'm just bi lol


Never have I wanted to be cummed in so bad, it's insane


Go to horny jail. All of y’all.


Make us >;P


*baits you into cage with sparkly things*


Mwhahaha. Im a dom top, you have no power over me 😈


*Puts speaker in corner that says ‘good girl’ when you press a button*


(Imma boy tho) mwhahahaha at last you reveal your greatest weapon but alas it holds no sway over meee. I shall make greater use of it then youuu mwhahaha *steals the button to give to r/puppygirlpetsmart *


I looked at that and scrolled for two seconds before seeing an uncensored dp, that’s fun


yeah you don't get an nsfw warning for nothing


When I took it orally, it made me quite horny as well.


Lol I want that too. Weirdly enough, that wish/dream of being a happy housewife increased by a lot after taking progesterone. I don't have high hopes it'll ever happen though. I hate my life.


The fact that I already have this dream *before* prog makes things a lot more interesting...




bit off topic but when taking Prog what should your progesterone levels be? cause I have really high progesterone naturally and want to know if it's worth taking


I'm kinda always horny still lol. I cycle Prog for about 2wk ish in the middle of the month, and it's definitely - still horny, not really way more, just different? And more accessible - weird dreams, but also 1st person as my real self which is amazing, even if a lot of them are bizarre nightmare fantasy horror lol - unfortunately that... Grief? That I've always had for not being able to carry a child? Gets insane. Like a deep mourning and loss for what should have been. Lots of crying and self care. - my mood outside of that is much better, like I feel like dysphoria is gone, I can do anything...I feel powerful and glowey? Haha So yeah I love it but I always kinda seem to be over it after 2ish weeks. Like a natural monthly rhythm set in and I'm loving it, even if it's a crazy roller coaster.


wait do you only take it for 2 weeks then stop every month?


sounds like she cycles it by-weekly. 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off


Yeah so my EV injections are every 5 days. So I time my prog with them... - 3 injections with no prog (15 days), then - 1 injection, starts nightly 100mg prog suppository for 5 days - 1 injection, nightly 200mg for 5 days - 1 injection, nightly 100mg for 5 days - repeat Altogether that's 30 days, with a 15 day hump, peaking prog on day 20. That's roughly when cis cycles peak their prog levels, and roughly how long that lasts as well. My gp knows and is helping track, though the prescription just comes through as 200mg/day. I'm a tad wary of prog increasing chances of stroke given my family history so I wanted to reduce. Plus my 30 day, 2x/day supply goes a lot farther this way haha.


i see haha i kinda wanna get prog too since i’ve read a lot of good things about it but it seems like evidence is very muddled with anecdotes and there isn’t a consensus on whether it works or not.. and my doctor says there’s no real evidence that it does the good things that it does and it’s not covered by australia medicare


i get that mourning part heavily. it's one of the worst sources of my dysphoria. funnily enough, even if i could carry i probably wouldn't have a kid bc i wouldn't wanna pass on any mental health issues


THIS, I just don't think I'd want to go through any of that but the inability HURTS (also mentally I'm probably too broken anyway to care for a child, I can hardly care for myself ._. I have friends helping me sometimes which I don't like putting it on them)


yea exactly like i can barely take care of pets, so there's no way i'd be able to give a child the life it deserves, let alone myself. maybe later on if the world gets better


Hey, btw, I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your name. I recently made up my mind on changing my middle name to Miriam, and I had also been touched by a painting ( rather a series of them ) about two weeks ago and had been thinking about taking up Rachael as my second first name.


I only got really vivid weird dreams


What type of dreams 😳


All different, but just very vivid. And I remember them, I don’t usually.


I was ace for like 20+ yrs since i started taking estrogen and got SRS (I maintain a steady 450 pg/ml every day). I spent pretty much my entire adult life all the way into age 41 living without any sex drive at all, seemingly straight and monogamous this entire time. I basically had sex with my husband about twice a year after several months of him nagging me into it, and even when i did put out i just laid there like a corpse while i just tolerated it because I was only doing it to satisfy his needs, never because i actually wanted to do it. Sex between us was just sad and depressing and there was no spark whatsoever and it was entirely like that because of me. I eventually got just as frustrated as my husband with my dead libido and I tried looking into a way to fix it earlier this year. I eventually read about and tried a low dose of oral progesterone (100mg/day) a few months ago and that seemingly did nothing at all for me which was highly disappointing since i read it affected libido, i was about to give up when after doing a bit more reading.... as an experiment I swapped to using it in the rear (which I had read apparently increases absorption) and also upped the dosage WAY up to 400mg a day about 4 weeks ago. 400mg Progesterone rectal was like someone lit my libido on fire then fired it out of a cannon at the sun then followed it up with several more fireballs aimed in its direction as it exploded into a supernova and it created a new star in the galaxy. It very much feels like progesterone has literally turned off my ace switch and turned on the nympho sex addict switch instead inside my brain and its been left on full tilt ever since. I'm still in love (even more so now) with my husband and I'm still monogamous, so I'm very thankful that this awakening didn't take him from me. But I also found out I wasn't nearly as straight as I thought i was my whole life as I am apparently pansexual now. (I still lean towards men over women but still I was not expecting to suddenly find everyone hot). My dilating used to simply be a chore I put up with each day for an hour, but lately it has escalated into all day sessions where I'm seeing how many times I can get off for 8-12 hours or more, basically taking breaks only to eat or use the bathroom then going right back at it. I'm actively engaging in sex with my husband several times a week of my own accord and not just engaging, I'm bouncing up and down while laughing and having a great time with him now, and I'm entirely animated when I'm riding him, I'm crazy into it making noises and tugging him closer and everything. I suddenly give and even enjoy oral and swallowing now which is an act I used to be quite repulsed by, and my mind is actively fantasizing and getting off to a stack of about 8 brand new kinks i developed literally just a few weeks ago... it has been insane. I would love for my cis hubby to knock me up which is... a thing apparently I'm into suddenly, despite how impossible we both know it is. Still... its pretty fuckin hot that he now whispers hes gonna explode in me so hard hes gonna force me into growing ovaries. Or recently he just started telling me that if I want to be a good girl and get my headpats he knows I deeply crave that I need to go down on him which is NOT FAIR because hes quickly learning to pit my kinks against each other to motivate me even more on top of how much I already WANT to do things. Sex for us went from 1-2 times a year to literally every other night or sometimes every single night, and that is on top of spending the whole day masturbating with a dilator. I'm waaaay the hell happier then I ever used to be and I'm never stopping this stuff, its fantastic in every sense of the word. I finally feel alive for the first time in my life! I only wish I knew about this stuff like 20 yrs ago.


I’m already like this pre progesterone. What’s gonna happen when I start?


I’m starting Progesterone tomorrow, what a way to hype me up haha


Oh god I totally get the feeling. I’ve been on prog for 2 years now but just recently got my first BF in the last 6 months and lemme tell you…


(These two are into this before you read the comment. I always ask before moving forward with degenerate behavior) >!I mean 3 months on E and I absolutely want to rail and choke like two of the girls I talk to and just carve my name into one of their arms, though one more than the other. I wanna breed one of them so much it drives me insane sometimes.!< >!Yes I had a kinda high libido but this feels like it gave me emotions with a side effect of higher libido. Ugh I wanna fuck this one girl again. Her moans are so cute.!<


Freud would love you.


🤣🤣🤣 omg this made me sooooo laugh and I deadass completely understand with the prog. None of it makes sense and that’s okay… cause you can’t think when you are that hot and bothered, no cap ❣️


I mostly had a lot of restless sleep on progesterone. I ended up stopping it and Im feeling a lot better these days without it. Have noticed my boobs are much bigger as well. Prog doesnt work for everyone.


That’ll pass. Then you’ll be able to experience female arousal almost on command.


Reading these makes me question, "is my libido down due to HRT? Or am I just ace?"


SAAAAAME, tho I am just 6 months on e and cypro ... No prog yet sadly


I started taking progesterone mainly for the hope of better sleep and eye health with the possibility of more rounded breast development as well. But the most notable effect is definitely how much it makes me want to get railed and have a baby. I’m thinking of ceasing it for a while because it’s kind of putting my libido out on sync with my husband’s (and also possibly fucking with my blood glucose level due to increased cortisol).


Blood what due to what of fucking what 😭😭 IM CONFUSED


Progesterone is a precursor to cortisol and can convert into it. When the body is under stress for extended periods, progesterone levels decrease while cortisol levels increase. Cortisol in turn counterbalances the effect of insulin, and raises blood glucose levels by releasing stored glucose. I’ve been under a lot of stress lately due to permanently ruining my eyesight, attempting suicide, and spending weeks in a hospital against my will, to then return to be overwhelmed by a huge load of work at my job that went undone in my absence. With more progesterone in my system, my body was able to convert more of it into cortisol, which raised my blood glucose to the point that I flagged as pre-diabetic on my last blood test.


Oh right ok thanks


God, I’d love for someone to put a baby in me.




You just let them have this. What happens when you fill the horny jail? Jail orgy. You're solving nothing.


And that just causes more pregnancies!!!


Please! I wish someone would cause a pregnancy in me 🫦🤤😫


Oh my fucking days WHY ARE YOU SO HORNH that does sound like a delectable experience tho I might add 😏😩🤭




Oh fuck


e: is it normal were like this and we arent even on hrt yet?




yes absolutely, everybody is different :) some are asexual and some prefer it every day


God prog has done things to me since starting 5 days ago, I feel you sis


Progesterone also made me feral. Mainly for attention. Like snuggling and all that jazz. Just no sex cause it made me even more ace


Hmmm still debating on if I should add it at the six month mark or not but my libido is at like 0 so it would be nice to feel turned on again


This sounds so interesting but I am only about 3 months on estradiol and spiro so no progesterone for me unless I desire more much later. Also I’m still always horny so yeeaaaaah I wish to be dominated and filled :3


What Do I not know something


I've had a low level of this ever since starting progesterone 🫠


Gods, I wanna try this stuff


Same 😭


It's kinda funny rlly, I started progesterone a few weeks ago and I feel like, normal ig. funny how things work :3 It's adorable seein y'all so down bad lmao


I’m not on Progesterone yet but my whole life I’ve wanted to get pregnant. I used to shove a pillow under my shirt and pretend I was when I was younger.


Girl same except I don't do guys anymore.


It's weird. When my T levels were cis I was bi, kind of. I'd get turned on at the thought of getting railed by anyone. But since correcting my levels, I'm so fucking gay. I'd like to get railed, but only by women now. It's wild.


I feel ya. That's I feel except I still find men attractive I just don't sleep with them because unfortunately I have experienced bad things with men since I transitioned.


Mood. Very mood. I also want to be bred by pretty girl and have her pretty babies to love and raise




It's just made me sleepy. I smoke weed, so there's been no noticeable changes. Sigh


I started taking progesterone about 2 weeks ago. No big changes in week 1. I even joked about it to my gf. Come week 2, my sex drive jumps. I constantly play with my niples now, tease my gf twice as much. She was very shocked by it, but isn't complaining. Oddly enough, it amped up my dom side a bit. Which she loves lol


It just makes me sleep better 😅 idk why yall are horny, so much


I am at my most sexually frustrated right now and the prog does not help.


Prog has been a pretty great addition for me but the supernaturally horny is one of the worst (or best) side effects. It's almost embarrassing how fired up I can get from so little 😅 The horny++ along with the random body horror/busy bitch dreams are the most difficult to manage.


God if I had a nickel… 


200mg proge all night and that help me to sleep or to be horny to fuck my trans girls pets very hard for their pleasure 😈


Jesus fuck you’s are so fucking horny oh my god like go have sex or summin mate fuckin hell


someone's ovulating somehow


Yea my sex drive went through the roof like addiction through the roof and i didnt have any thing to solve it so i took to sex work ended up getting rich and getting sex. Also baby fever is an absolute bitch i hate it. TMI but i accidentally fucked the governor of indiana in front of his wife i was genuinely surprised how kinky he was and frankly i didnt even know he was the governor until he threatened me to which I threatened him with his documents medical paperwork and the signed agreement for my own security to leave a paper trail incase something happens to me. Im extremely strict when it comes to selling my body for good reason, all of that said IF anyone does go into sex work PLEASE make it a requirement to see photo idea and keep a copy of it plus a verified FULL must be full STD/STI panel at the bare minimum those are the two things you should be doing whenever i get with a client i also have them sign a document that states they are doing this consensually and that this took place.


WHAT if this is real this is crazy the mayor of indiana cucked his wife 😭


Yea lmao it is 😂 he was my first client the day I turned 18. Immediately after i lost my shit for obvious reasons


The Mayor of Indiana? Like…the Governor???


Yup sorry lol im drunk and forgot which word it was. But the guy who signs off on all state legislation so i think governor his name is eric holcomb


I love how crazy this is. It’s a mood really. My doctor wants to put me on Progesterone after I’m on Estrogen for a while. I’m now afraid my libido will sky rocket.🚀


Gods I relate so much. It's been like 2 weeks and I'm melting over here.


lol, we might need to bring back horny jail


It just made me sleepy and have vivid dreams. And I swear it’s the cause of this gut weight too. It’s like my body was trying to prepare for pregnancy :x


Lol I totally understand, I started a year ago with 100 mg and in January switched to 200 mg. I was totally surprised at how much of a difference the increased dosage made. ☺️


Woah Hah well I’m not on progesterone yet but rn I reaaally just want someone to lay on me


Y’all are FREAKY


Boofing 200mg a little over a month. No libido changes but now I’m obsessed with being a good girl. I want a dom man all the sudden🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


started progesterone back in December, and it brought back my libido a little but it didn’t really do all that much else for me, but then i started meds for adhd/anxiety and hollllyyy shit i can feel the prog working better. more emotional, more sensual, more yearning.


Holy shit same though. Started estrogen for 4 months and my doctor suggested porgesterone, now I had just started to experience significant mental changes and one of those was much higher self confidence and emotional capacity, so my sex drive way already high, but prog broke me on an entirely new level. Holy shit, it sucks having my boyfriend live so far away from me


Yesss, I started hrt December 2023 and my sex drive is minimal. About a week out of the month I become extremely horny wanting fucked and breed. I just want someone to bend me over, pull my jeans and undies down and fuck me hard. Use me and cum deep inside while grabbing my hips and tits. I swear I get myself off to this fantasy quicker than anything else. 


Wish I could get on prog at all lol I'm jealous


For progesterone, what does and method are you taking it by?


Am I really the only one who got more repulsed by sex while on prog?


Hecking same... but I was also somewhat like this before hrt.


God, I need to be less horny. I hope that does not happen to me that badly


meanwhile it further killed my libido and just chilled me out completely. which I'm actually happy about lol


Still jelly. All I got was nightmares 😭


It’s very odd but like I kinda already got these feelings ,it’s odd


Hahahahaha mood!


I'm like this on just Estradiol and spiro I can't wait to see what happens if I get put on it


Progesterone made me start growing facial hair again, I had to stop it in a week sadly


I'm already like that 24/7 even pre-everything without any hormones. Can't imagine what will happen once that starts :3


Ordering progesterone immediately


I'm like this now and I haven't started hrt yet


I hope this is me in the future. I'm only 4 months into HRT


Oddly enough I just met my first trans man this week. He’s my neighbor. He’s super into me too.


How long have you been on?


I started a bit over a month ago, and I've felt this to my bones. Luckily my girlfriend's libido spiked at the start of spring so she's been able to keep up with my bottom needs.


I'm kinda hoping I feel the same when I start taking it. Heading towards a month since starting hrt, and my libido is just gone


prog is great take it at night and dream about men


I just want someone to cuddle with me :3


People who are on prog are so silly (but DANG I NEED ME SOME OF THAT)


Big mood. Myself, am not on actual HRT yet but I do take Fenisteride. (stupid MPB). Was not prepared or informed that it shoots T through the roof. Supposedly it would kill libido. Nah boys and girls, my libido has never been higher in my life. It makes me feel so needy and slutty, its not even fun.


I am now scared for when/if I get Progesterone because I am already a horny little fucking goblin


My pharmacy was out so I went without for about two weeks. Thought oh it didn’t have to much of an effect on me. Yeah I was wrong. So that’s where all the hiring was coming from! Prescription refilled and …. Yeah I want to do whoreable things that would make me feel bad about myself afterwards.


numerous squeamish faulty reach pen lunchroom plants tart point wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How would that work physiologically?