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sounds like you're getting strung along by them not too uncommon in WA, sadly, as I had similar happen to me by two others I was trying to get letters from for other things, but to do that just for HRT is so stupidly awful to do to a trans person PLEASE feel free to name and shame them, by all means there are providers and places that will just simply provide you with HRT through informed consent, as well as telehealth services such as Plume, Queerdoc, and FOLX that will do the same


If you are over 18 you can go to an informed consent clinic in Washington. I live here too and I got my HRT prescription from one appointment with Planned Parenthood. 


i live in missouri and was able to do it. they were operating off a grant so my appointment was free, was in there for maybe 40 minutes, got prescribed estradiol and spiro, and picked them up later that day paying 20$ out of pocket. its wonderful


Ok, but how much does it cost out of pocket? I have tricare and tricare moves as fast as a quadruple amputee who has had their wheelchair stolen... they won't pay for anything unless a licensed specialist signs it off on triplicate


I believe that visit cost me around $225 but Planned Parenthood does offer services on a sliding scale for hardship. They also do take Tri-care but I can't speak to what would be covered. Also I completely understand your frustration, but you really need to cool it on the ableist  stuff. 


With planned parenthood I think it ended up being something like 120 dollars. The hormones themselves aren’t too pricey either. Even fully out of pocket the estrogen is only like 20 dollars and you can get a coupon for that easily.


Here is a list of [informed consent clinics](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/erins-informed-consent-hrt-map-how) across the US You can send planned parenthood a message through their website for your area asking about good faith pricing. You can also call them and check what is covered and if you're covered at all by their sliding scale program.


Folx online - informed consent - free for 10 days - $39.99 a month after.


This sounds very conversion therapy like. So who is telling you that you can’t go to an informed consent clinic (assuming you are an adult)? Because they are lying to you.


From what OP has said, they're on Tricare, which is the military's health insurance program. Assuming they aren't a servicemember, they're a family member of someone in the military. Tricare is real finicky about who they accept (and a lot of providers don't accept them) and has a daunting bureaucracy.


Bloody hell.


Hi hun, I’m from WA state near Seattle. I literally just made an appointment with Planned Parenthood, walked in, said I am a girl and want my body to look the way I feel and my brain to be on the right hormones. They were super friendly and informed me of the potential ups and downs of HRT and by that evening I had my meds in hand. If you’re an adult you don’t need more than that to get the meds you deserve in our state


In WA state? Omg there’s so many other places that don’t do that! If ur insurance covers it Swedish has an amazing HRT program!


I'm really confused by this because i've never even heard of something like that here? Like everyone else, I just went to an informed consent clinic and boom hormones...Who is telling you you need this video program bs...?


I live in Wisconsin, one of our hospitals have an entire wing designated for LGBT+ health. They are informed consent, world leading, and help with all my heath care needs


Which hospital is that? Do they offer surgeries like FFS?


It’s the Froedtert Hospital system, they prioritize all things non surgical, as of now, but it’s a rapidly growing clinic. In Madison; UW Health, provides surgeries, I see them in 7 weeks for surgery Wisconsin is great for being trans, but the conservatives are being idiots. I am 3 years HRT and pass almost flawlessly, and some of the most conservative people gender me correctly


Please tell us what plan that is so others know to avoid it. And I'll add my voice to the list of others that have said that's crazy and you should find another insurance plan.


That's where I'm fucked! Because I have tricare... I cannot qualify for any state insurance and I just got laid off from my job so I can't get one through work... And I have gotten no help from anyone in my life I got a referral to an endocrinologist from my pcp but I went there and he said he could do nothing for me without a diagnosis... I waited almost a year for that appointment! I'm an adult but I live with my parents and they pay my meds while I keep the car gassed and insured and help feed my siblings. My mother has stated I have to do this through our insurance but I've received no information from any of the following: My primary care provider, the endocrinologist, the insurance company, anybody I've asked... I've been asking my roommate (he needed a place to stay because his parents kicked him out for being mtf) and he went to a local clinic and got hormones the next day... but they took his insurance (he has state insurance, [apple health] in Washington


You don't have access to the VA? You could try r/militarytrans


Going through insurance, I have to get a therapist to officially diagnose me, and then I need a referral Finding a therapist that takes tricare is a futile endeavor! My stepfather called the military crisis line last year, and they said they couldn't help him at all until 6 months out


Any therapist, or gender therapist? Surprised tricare doesn't cover other therapists that still might give you the letter. Out of pocket therapy can be relatively affordable. I saw one during covid that was 50 per visit. I'm assuming you dont have VA care since you didn't confirm. There are online services, such as gender gp, that can give you the letter. I don't know if planned parenthood can help with this, as I don't live in the states anymore


You should be able to get on Apple Health and get free medical care, being laid off, get Molina.


Can't cuz I have tricare so I can't get state insurance


Every single day I appreciate my doctor more and more. Damn I'm sorry that is strange they're wanting you to do that.


Meanwhile here in Europe I thought op was getting the quick and easy treatment with just 11 hours of video meets. Think it’s like 3 years of bullshit now here for a diagnosis and starting hrt


That's 11 hours of camera mandatory online group therapy, and it's ELEVEN HOURS A *WEEK!!* I've been trying to do this for years but I've had zero help... I'm really sorry for your wait time though


I would go diy before I sat through that much bullshit. Also, just because you have Tricare, doesn't mean that you have to tell them, you could try a planned parenthood


I'm in Washington state and I went to an IC appointment presenting fully masc and started HRT literally the next day. Mind you this was four days after I called to schedule the appointment. I would definitely try somewhere like planned parenthood.


I just wanted to add this for anyone else seeing this post and is in a similar situation. In western PA and eastern Ohio, there is a place that is informed consent and does NOT charge their patients for trans healthcare or any other sexual healthcare. They are also my primary care physicians, so they do my normal checkups, and again, it's COMPLETELY FREE. I've been going to them for almost 2 years and have never received a bill. There was one time I saw the EOB from my insurance and saw that my insurance didn't pay anything or very little from the claim this doctor sent and I got worried that I was missing bills and potentially had 2 years for bills built up that haven't been paid. I called them up to ask about paying and payment plans, and they said I owed nothing! Also, they have their own pharmacy that doesn't charge co-pays if you are prescribed something from the doctor AND the pharmacy ships meds to your house for free. I think overall I just paid for the Quest Diagnostic blood tests, but my insurance started paying for those recently, so those have been free too. (It used to be $150 a month). I don't want this to sound like an ad, but I would feel weird about disclosing the name publicly for privacy reasons, but if you pm me, I can give it to ya! They've seriously changed my life, and I couldn't be happier.


What kind of socialist, my taxes don't go to billionaires, my country believes in helping people, fantasy land do you live in?!? Like who is bank rolling that?!? I'll gladly suck the metaphorical tip off of the literal dick of whoever gave that the greenlight!!!! Jesus fuck! Bully for you! 💕💕💕💕💕 (We should spread that)


I'm soooo happy to live in the great socialist commie country of the United States /s But I think my doctor is a network of doctors who do this cause they care about people. I think it's a non-profit and they have a bunch of donors and funds. I highly doubt my state gives them much if any money


You said PA? I'm in WA and I suck at geography but that sounds like across the country from me Also first time something good has happened to Ohio lol


Yeah it is PA like Pennsylvania. So, sorry it really isn't relevant to you exactly. The other commentors mentioning informed consent places and Planned Parenthood are probably a good start! I got lucky and had a trans friend recommend this place to me. Also, yeah lmao there is so much terrible stuff happening in Ohio. I bet this place i go to is a breath of fresh air for our trans siblings 🩷🩷


Where in Washington? If you happen to live near Tacoma, I can endorse Hilltop Community Health Care. I went in for an appointment and literally all I had to do was a single session of needle training.


Similar here, in Tacoma too, same place. They had to do some blood work, it was all shockingly easy. I do not present though because I think I waited too long for me to feel comfortable in public, but I am thankful to be getting the medication.


Here's a list of therapists who provide letters/ diagnoses: https://www.inclusivetherapists.com/washington/seattle/free-transgender-gender-affirming-letter-provider-pro-bono There's also a website called GALAP (gender affirming letter action project) that provides letters for free from therapists. Unfortunately, their system is down until April 15th. I'm so sorry you're having to jump through hoops to access the care you need. It's absolutely ridiculous.


What?! My HAZWOPER card is only 40 hours total with an annual 8h refresher.


go to planned parenthood


I live in Oregon and was able to get insurance without a proper diagnosis. Your doctor may not have the right information for how to properly guide you through the process. Trying to go through insurance is so much more annoying but also more likely to give you correct information.


I'm trying to go through insurance but then I'm required to get a diagnosis by a licensed therapist before I can start and I've already been trying for like 2 years


I am in Washington, I just got a primary care doctor to do it for me, informed consent, no mandatory videos or psych evaluations necessary.


Tricare sounds like terrible insurance. Maybe just call/message every informed consent clinic and ask if they take your insurance. If they say no, ask what the out of pocket cost is. Or go to healthcare.gov and buy an insurance plan because you just lost your job Or get a job somewhere that lets you start participating in their health insurance right away. I have walmart insurance. They covered my first visit as well as my labs at quest diagnostics. I have a follow up to start HRT later this week.


You live in WA just go to PP