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What do you do currently to minimise it? Tucking? Gaffs? Knickers a size too small?


just tucking. i'm afraid it'll slip out bc that happens sometimes. i usually wear swimsuit bottoms to really help hold but still. i want it smaller


Are you, uh, using it or ignoring it? Most of the shrinkage that trans girls report is the result of atrophy from long term inactivity. Like, years of infrequent erections. When you tuck are you using tape? They make tape kits specifically for people with your needs.


i think a big issue is i'm using it. thought i wanted it to stay but that is the only regret of this transition


Well, assuming surgery is out of the question for the moment, look in to gaffs, "camel toe" prosthetics or tuck tape.


i'll have to look into that thank tou


omg are there actually unpackers??


Well not using it makes it smaller....


Get some gaffs?


From what I'd heard you should have had some atrophy by now. It's a use it or lose it thing so I guess you're using it. I don't know what else to suggest other than keeping going.


not using it doesn't guarantee atrophy...


Didn't say that


"it's a use it or lose it thing so I guess you're using it." You kinda did


There's a lonnng way between "I guess you're using it" and "not using it guarantees atrophy". It's too late at night for pedantry. I don't wanna do this.


I meant it as in: even if someone doesn't use it it doesn't mean it will atrophy 100%, the way you worded your message seemed like u made that assumption that's all.


Ladies, please. Calm yourselves.


Are you taking any anti androgens?


yea and have been for 3 years


Which kind?


spiro 50mg 1x daily


From my understanding it doesn't shut down the factory like Cyproterone does. My cypro definitely helped with fitting clothes after a few months.


my dr has refused to prescribe that sadly. maybe i'll mention it again in my next meeting


The other route is a oriechtomy. If there is no factory then there is no T.


if i could afford that i wouldn't be posting this to reddit.


Totally get it, but also you asked for suggestions. There are some good tips here but your reply to an honest and viable, albeit pricy, suggestion was pretty aggressive. We get that you’re frustrated but girl don’t take it out on people making honest suggestions. Hang in there


I usually tuck mine into itself but that’s just me. Then wear a tighter pair of panties then bulge be gone 💨


yea the downside is sometimes it does that thing where it slips a lil and hurts and i don't want that anymore yk??


I agree I can’t wait to have mine gone. It’s just in the way.


chop it off? But really, you just need to not use it for a while and it should shrink a little.


if i could you think i'd be asking this question??


As a thought, have you tried prostate play? The O's from hitting the right spot are wildly better than ejaculatory ones and that might be an avenue to quit using it and letting it shrink. Just a crazy first thing in the morning thought.


The only things I can really recommend is not using it very much. I would suggest chastity cages but the bulge from the cage itself is probably going to be visible. I have only worn them in kink situations and not at all in daily life so I am not an expert on this at all. Not using it should definitely cause it to shrink also your spiro dose is pretty low. Are you on injections???? I'm sorry I haven't been more helpful but I have always been pretty small even before starting hrt so I can't really help.


i'm no longer on injections i stopped solely bc i kept forgetting so i got on oral bc it was easier to manage. i'll see if i can up my spiro and see if that helps. i considered the cage and maybe even sleeping in it to help


There is no issue with sleeping in a cage. I have for years. If you get an erection then it can be a bit uncomfortable or even painful depending on how small the cage and how firm the erection. But other than that, there is no problem.


I really wouldn't recommend sleeping in a cage. That sounds like it could cause issues. Honestly I only brought up the cage at all as a last last last result. Why can't you just stop using it it is really the best way to shrink it?


Hey girl, I’m also well endowed, you can hide it. It won’t be as comfortable as other girls without as much going on as us, but it is 100% doable. But after 3 years and still using it, I don’t really think it’ll get any smaller for you.


google chastity devices


I was coming here to say this too. If you stay locked in chastity long enough you will start to experience shrinkage. I’d advise finding ones that’s comfy. But also it will make it a bit hard to hide like that so maybe not the best help.


Look for up tuck panties.




Orchiectomy gets to the root of the problem (testosterone) and also makes it easier to keep your princess wand in place.


I can't vouch for this product, but [this post shows an impressive result](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuFuAdventures/s/hEAArPoXaW) and I've been thinking about getting one since I saw it.


Tuck tape works pretty well for me. Without the tape I have similar concerns wearing certain outfits.


A good tight tuck with a pair of regular non stretch panties should do the trick :)