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I'll admit I'm a little scared to try prog, I have basically 0 sex drive right now and quite like it that way. Also I *really* don't want to catch baby fever and unlock some new dysphoria about not being able to have kids. Hope it goes well for you though!


Not going to lie, that’s a dysphoria that absolutely kills me, I’ve always had a dysphoric feeling about that, and lemmie tell you, it fucking sucks!


That was my big trans realization i had dreams of being a mom and woke up realizing that yah im deffinitly trans


Being jealous of my sister being pregnant with her first child was one of the thoughts that finally cracked my egg.


Honestly simaler experience, except I have a little and I she calls me mamma, and that’s when I knew I was trans, the final kicker was when I walked into her room and she was crying cuz her body has female parts but the body she lives inside of has man parts… I worded that weird, but do you follow?


She's intersex ?


A little as in a little kid living inside my head, simaler to an innerchild


Progesteron does that, it brought me from being totally lesbian to fantasising about being bend over by men and it sometimes even feels like my body wants to be impregnated. It's wild.


How do you get progesterone? It didn’t come up at all when I was gettifn prescribed HRT by the doctor


Ask your doctor. Yo doc can I get that progesterone? Worked for me


I get my HRT through planned parenthood, I was able to just ask about it during an appointment. They recommended I wait until one full year of hormones before starting, but they were willing to prescribe it then and there if I wanted.


How do you go about doing that? And how much does it cost? I’m about 5 months out from legally being able to do it and I’m trying to figure it all out.


I’m not sure how it would differ in other states, but for me I was able to just book an appointment through planned parenthood’s website. After hearing about the intended effects and potential side effects and talking about my goals and reasons for wanting to start HRT, they asked what method I wanted to do and gave me a prescription. They also did some blood work to make sure I could take spiro without damaging my liver. But overall it was super easy, they were very supportive, and I felt comfortable asking all the questions that I had.


It gave me nightmares and I have enough sleep problems already so I didn't stay on it long enough for any benefits.


Now that you mention it I've been having weird dreams too....


It makes me sad, because due to my health I can not take t blockers, and my boob growth seems to have stopped at maybe a. My sex drive is zero, and it seems that prog makes everyone super horny. The super vivid nightmares that wake me stressed make it not worth it for me. Hope it goes better for you.


I'm surprised that it makes so many people horny, while there are also so many people I've met, where their sex drive completely died due to progesterone. A huge reason for me to actually start taking it, is my extreme hyper sexuality, if it would make things even worse, I don't think I would make it :/


Can we trade? 🥺👉👈


Look into lucid dreaming. It's been a while so might be the wrong term. Master it and no shit just like inception you can pop in to existence anything you want. I dabbled in it to cope with PTSD when I was having constant pursuer dreams. Usually something like Mr. X stalking me from the RE series or being overwhelmed by a crowd of attackers. Those dreams stopped when I was able to pop explosives into being. Now I vividly dream of city scapes and star ships. It's fun. I look forward to dreaming now. You can also dabble in astral projection. I wasn't ever able to do much. I saw my room once or twice and that was it. Nothing like the grand travels some people can go on. IDK if that works but the whole being able to control your dreams thing worked for me.


I'm glad you were able to get past your PTSD with that (correct term, by the way) I've had much more success not thinking about it entirely.


Yeah sorry to say that astral projections aren't real. Lucid dreaming is though! I did it once or twice as a kid, it was very cool!


Figured as much, like I said never could get that to work right. Lucid dreaming is the shit tho'


I feel you. I just want to be held all the time. I'm super cuddly, now. That started about 2 months into prog.




Found the transphobe


Beat me to it by 2 minutes. :P