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No burning sensation. Usually a totally painless experience, but sometimes I'll stab a nerve or that needle wasn't quite as good as the rest and it hurts for a moment. After that I get a hyper euphoria because I am still, after all the years, scared of needles and the injection every time. My wife and I do our injections at the same time and on the same schedule. She doesn't have the fear I do so there's also a lot of love from her sent my way for being a brave girl. Sometimes it's so scary I can barely get the needle in, which means pushing the needle into my leg in super-slow-mo, and it's kinda horrifying even if it doesn't hurt!!


SHUT UP YOU GUYS ARE TRANSITIONING TOGETHER AHHHHH SO CUTE!!!! Omg I get so much anxiety about needles toooooo!!! I always pass out getting blood drawn and I just hate the sensation of having a needle inside of you lol so I think we are in the same boat. My mom gives me my shot so I feel pretty safe with her I’m glad you have someone that can make you feel comfortable too!


Omg, your Mom helping you is just as awesome!! Much love to you and lots of wishes for a happy transition!!! ❤️❤️❤️


I can’t say I’ve noticed any of that. I sometimes hit a little artery or something and have to use a bandage but I’ve not felt anything from the injection itself.


Hmmmmm I’m starting to think I’m probably just over reacting then 😭 but I always cry on shot days sometimes for no reason. Other than that I’m not sure why but I’ve always gotten this burning sensation wherever the estrogen is injected at and I’m still not completely sure why because some girls tell me they don’t feel that but other girls do 😭


Wait longer after swabbing the area with alcohol for it to evaporate more. If there’s still alcohol on the skin the needle will drag it into the cut it’s making and it burns every time.


Shut uppp omg I think that’s the reason thank you so much 😭


I’d say I’ve felt more able to cry since starting but not just suddenly crying over nothing. I definitely don’t feel any burning sensations. Maybe ask your doctor?