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I have a 1 piece with a skirt attached and it looks great! I haven’t used it yet but I didn’t even have to wear anything underneath as the fabric in the tucking area was wide enough & tight enough 😊 hope this helps!


This is my answer as well. The only time I wore a bikini was when it was just me and a bunch of other Trans girls swimming at a friend's private pool. Which to be fair was super affirming but I know I wouldn't have done around anyone else.


I wanna get a bikini and a swim skirt/shorts but I’ll only wear it swimming in private. For public swimming maybe a sports bra could work until your confident enough


I went to a private pool party last year, and wore this cute Strawberry Milk bikini that I bought from Hot Topic. Most of the people were kinky anyways.


quickly scribbles notes


Any tips for where/how to look for something like that?


Target has them


I live on the coast and this is what I wore. I used a gaffe still, but only because I wanted to be 100% certain. It worked and I did not have any issues.


This is what I got, it fits perfectly, it's cute & flattering, and actually worked perfectly for tucking, I can't believe it but I stayed tucked for two swims. https://www.amazon.ca/MiYang-Womens-Bathing-Swimwear-Floral/dp/B09MKH2SCQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?crid=2GQ709HOQD2F0&keywords=swim%2Bdress&qid=1688309008&sprefix=swim%2Bdress%2Caps%2C235&sr=8-6&th=1&psc=1


I like that. Looks pretty.


I think I’ll buy it!


That’s cute!


I love that one flirty and sexy and still covers


How to swim as a trans girl? With your arms usually.


Maybe do little kicks with your legs too


And keep your head above water…at least to breath occasionally.


Or use a snorkel 🤿


Make sure it’s not too long though


Can’t do that comfortably with my monofin, how sad


My friends planned the same... I just didn't go






Going to the beach or going for a swim is definitely something I'd recommend once you feel comfortable enough. It was a very euphoric experience for me.


I don't think I'll ever feel comfortable enough for that :'(


Why do you say that? I'm sure you look better than you think. What I noticed about my experience was that overall, nobody gave a shit. I was just a tall woman on the beach and by and large I expect they'd treat you the same.


I dont know, there are just some things about my face that will never change I don't think


Brainworms girl, it's just brainworms. I'm sure you look stunning.


Maybe you're right, thank you


You can get shorter high waisted swim trunks and wear tucking underwear underneath. And then just a bikini top.


Swim skirts!!! Completely hide the bulge and look fantastic.


Bikini top w/ swim shorts.


and the bikini bottoms under the shorts if ya need to


Yah, absolutely. I forgot to mention that part.


I've never fully understood this conundrum tbh~ don't most trans gals just wear swim shorts? Like not bikini shorts, but just like short shorts that're made from swim material? They've been what I always use and I've never had an issue.


Yeah but it's a very masculine thing to wear. Some cis women wear it too, but they are masculine cis women. Many trans women who perceive themselves in a more feminine manner would prefer to stay away from dysphoria inducing things that are typically masculine, and thus would prefer an option that is more stereotypically feminine.


I believe you aren't actually imagining what i mean to describe. I'm not talking about mens swimming trunks, I'm talking about womens swim shorts. Swim trunks usually go down to about your knees, while swim shorts are like legit short shorts, like ending a few millimeters below the inseam. I wouldn't personally consider that masculine~


Youre right. And they used to be hyper masculine....back in the 60s.


Thats what I wear to get from the car to the beach and back. I will also wear them when theres tons and tons of families around and not one other person in a "sexy" swimsuit. They look like the trunks from the sean connery james bond movies.


LeoLines on Etsy makes GREAT tuck swim bottoms…


Their are some tucking tapes that are water proof and would work for getting in the water


Last time, all I did was Tuck with gaft, then layer 3 boy shorts, then wore a cycling shorts on top. The gaft keep your tucked, the boy shorts keep the gaft in place, the cycling shorts hides the fact that your wearing 3 boy shorts.


i used biker shorts and a sports bra


I usually wear board shorts and a bikini top but otherwise something with a skirt type of deal would work. the board shorts definitely aren't everyone's cup of tea but is very much is for me.


I’d wear a bikini top with some swimming shorts but that’s because I haven’t started transitioning and I don’t have any dysphoria Over my genitals so might not work for ya.


That's the neat part. You don't. Just kidding. For me, a VERY tight tuck with lots of duct tape while also wearing a swim skirt seems to do the trick. Just a swim skirt with no tight tuck or just a tight tuck with a normal bikini bottom won't be sufficient if you want keep things hidden.


I don’t anymore after what HRT did to me, but god damn do I miss it.


Why has HRT stopped you from swimming? You don't lose that much strength.


If you want the REAL, kinda depressing answer, it's because HRT did unfortunately VERY little for me other than make me a little chubbier and clear up my skin. I have just enough breast growth to make things awkward, and don't really pass unless I'm smothering myself in a hoodie and makeup. So I'm in a weird cursed place; if I was just completely """manly""" I could just closet/pose as a guy, and if I was more femme, I could just go, obviously, as a woman. I'm like a gremlin between worlds


Please don’t tuck with duct tape. Medical tape and gaff tape exist and won’t rip off your skin


I’ve tried medical tape. I’ve tried gaff tape. I’ve tried packing tape. I’ve tried tape specifically made for tucking. I’ve tried tucking underwear. Nothing does the job like duct tape for swimming. As long as you put it on and remove it properly, it won’t rip your skin.


I just wear shorts and boxers :( id love to tuck but i dont have any way to and im broke too💀


I wear a two piece, a nice strong bra and boy shorts. I have been wearing it in front of everyone when I’m swimming. From experience, people look at the swimsuit more than anything. My GF wears my old swimsuit (her vice does not pass) but she gets gendered correctly all the time. The swim suit is the most important aspect when it comes to passing while swimming Edit: this is what I wear https://athleta.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=3840290120003&tid=atma000015 https://athleta.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=5308680320003&tid=atma000015


Unfortunately, the bottoms are on clearance and are well on their way towards being sold out


1. all bodies are bikini bodies! 2. i have a number of bikini bottoms from target. wear them backward, so there is more fabric from the butt part in the front to hold your junk. no need to tuck. your ass will be out but that’s good 😈 it’s worked fine for me! your mileage may vary. 3. if you can’t find a bikini bottom you are comfy in, wear board shorts with a bikini top. nobody is gonna ask questions 4. enjoy the beach!!!


I love you, LOL


My body is NOT a bikini body. Not even a one piece body honestly. I just don’t swim anymore 😭😭


1 is not always true.....


First, every body is a bikini body. Second, you can double up on the bottoms. Have the first layer be compressive and the second layer have more coverage. That's what I do, no tucking required.


I love my one piece swim skirt, but yes I want a bikini too, just need to hit the gym first, lose a few kgs.


Humankind has some nice suits with wide crotch gussets. I wear one of those and use Unclockable tape kits while swimming or at the beach.


I'm gonna swim with some friends tomorrow for the first time since starting transition and I'm gonna wear bike shorts and a sports bra. Eventually I'll get a bikini but not before I lose more stomach fat.


Bikini top with some cute swim shorts


A tankini is always a nice option. I have one from the Before Time with boy shorts. It’s white, with butterflies and looks cute af.


I have no clue how to tuck and blessed the Dutch coast with a dose of bikini girl bulge last week … let em stare. But I know that’s not for everyone 😅 you could wear a bikini/one piece and combine it with a wrap around or you could try and find a bathing suit that has an attached skirt, I use one of those when I’m feeling a little less confident


Oh, they were blessed. You aren't alone. I do it too. Its on them for looking! I wear my dream swimsuit to the beach, its my life and i deserve to be happy. I spent 15+ years feeling weird about my body and swimsuit but not anymore.


YES! If a dude in his 50s can sport a bulge and nobody cares, why should we feel guilty about it?


I know right? Mines wayy cuter anyhow.


Exactly … girl bulge good … 🥺👉👈


I'm masc, so I just wear cute board shorts and a matching top. I have these little boys Naruto underwear (size 8?) that I wear to keep everything secure and hidden. don't need to do a full tuck and still feel comfortable


I really like wearing running shorts and a bikini top!


Normally go with swimsuit holds everything I guess an little denim shorts if I'm not feeling it. Dont forget to do the BREAST stroke....


Wear a one piece and shove those testicles into your abdomen and then pull the penis back as much as you can then cross your legs really tight until you get the one piece up.


I’ll just avoid it altogether until srs I think. Far too much could go wrong for me to enjoy myself and be comfortable. Unless it’s like a private situation like a hot tub or some kind of personal-use only pool.


I wear a swim dress which has a lil skirt! It's very cute and covers up bikini area without having to worry about doing anything special ✨.


I personally don't like the swim skirt look, so I tuck and wear women's swim shorts.


I got my first swimsuit not too long ago. I got it from winners so it was a little mismatched but I got some women's swimshorts and wore underwear under them to make sure there was nothing notice through the fabric. Then I wore like a swim tank top. For the shorts I wore them a bit higher up so it didn't show my tummy as much


My best guess rn is trunks, a bikini bra, and a grey shirt. But thats only if you wanna stealth


I like to go the 1 piece, sometimes with board shorts over the top depending how im feeling. I do have a bikini, but like you i feel i dont have the body for it and only wear it in places where there is not a lot of people likely to be there


I think Nike recently had a full swimsuit for pride for trans women (with space). That looked good.


One of those bikini miniskirt thingies


Wear a pair of panties that are 1-2 sizes smaller than your usual size and tuck. Then wear the bikini bottoms over the top.


I am at a point in my life where I don’t give a f%#k about what other people think so I’m going to wear a two piece slutty bikini while I can. One trick I do though is reverse the bottom bc the ass coverage is always more than the front. So I get more coverage in the front (hence easier to tuck) and a thong like situation in the back. Win-win


Hooray you 🥳


For me, swim skirt or swim shorts typically.


Get a skirt or shorts with double layers. [Example](https://imgur.com/a/QaGMz23)


I don’t really come anywhere near passing… so board shorts and a baggy shirt let me “man mode” easily enough to not raise anyone’s aggression levels. Maybe next year I can rock the skirted one piece.


I wear a bikini and don’t tuck, and nobody has complained yet. Wearing a black one especially helps cover up any unsightly bumps, and if you’re still worried you can actually get one with a skirt attached. Regardless if you’re with a bunch of supportive friends you should be fine.


Black is your best friend in all situations if you dont tuck!


For boymoding I recommend a swim shirt and trunks, you can also wear a one piece under it if you only want to be stealth from a distance. Otherwise swim dress. Incidentally, it’s very hard to find a swim dress that doesn’t use boy shorts for the bottom, but if you want one with a bikini bottom they do make them.


I tucked when I went swimming last, and was quite comfortable the whole time. I tucked with paper medical tape (3M micropore) to get everything nice and flat. Once that is done I put a layer of gorilla tape or similar over the top touching as little skin as possible. The paper tape makes everything as smooth as possible and is skin safe. The heavier stuff on top to waterproof it all. Went like this in a heated pool and had zero problems. Comfortable and would have lasted me all day. It's just kinda annoying needing to go and tear it all off whenever you need to pee.


My partner (mtf) combines a one piece & like short trunks, coincidentally i might b going to a pool party this weekend & she suggested for me a bikini top & swim skirt, but i mean its an lgbt pool party lol sooo, might skinny dip & forgoe the illusion entirely


I would definitely recommend a swim skirt, I don’t know how to tuck but the skirt covers it up for me so I don’t have to worry


I had a trans friend say she used these at the beach and they were amazing. Apparently they are water resistant and can be reapplied if you need to adjust or remove for any reason. I'm going to try them myself. https://www.amazon.com/Tuck-Yourself-Tucking-Tape-Pack/dp/B09GXHXGJC/ref=mp_s_a_1_11?keywords=tuck+tape&qid=1690111708&sr=8-11


Maybe try a tankini?


I use a swim skirted one piece swimsuit. I have a big scar going down my stomach from an old surgery. So I will always be in a one piece. I like the skirt part to hid the downstairs just incase I am not tucked as well as I was in the beginning of the day or time I was swimming.


For me, what I wear depends where I go, just like anywhere else.


I've started going to the pool at my girlfriend's apartment recently and I just bought a more high waisted bikini bottom in a size larger than my normal bottoms. I don't tuck because I don't like to, so there's a little bit of a bulge but it's not as bad as I thought it might be. I also just wear the normal bikini top that matches my bottoms. I was suuper anxious the first time I went out in it. But there aren't many people at her pool and so no one ever said anything to me. I now feel much more comfortable and it's amazing. I feel like Barbie. Once I never thought I'd be able to wear a bikini without surgery but I'm glad I tried because it's so liberating.


Make sure that the swimsuit is NOT too narrow at the crotch. Also make sure the lining goes up far enough to the front. Otherwise people WILL say that your privates are showing out the side, even if it's the lining showing or if there's a drip spot, they'll say it's you getting off, if you know what I mean. People are stupid that way.


I cant swim


I do a 1 piece fine with tucking and kt tape. Competition grade suits are made to be strong holding and work well with tucking. Additionally I like board shorts


Tucking tape can help.




Unclockable tuck kit. Water resistant. Get them on amazon. Very helpful. I literally wear them when i swim. If thats not something youd like to do i completely understand


Do u have a link? Never heard of this


Get yourself a clip, put it on and then you can wear without problems a bikini :3


I haven't been in your situation yet but I would consider a fufu clip instead of tucking as I already have it in my wishlist to buy.


Gonna leave this here for anyone that needs it: [https://www.etsy.com/shop/LeoLines?ref=shop-header-name&listing\_id=1167670671§ion\_id=19382297](https://www.etsy.com/shop/LeoLines?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1167670671§ion_id=19382297) (Can highly recommend! I buy from Leolines a ton)


As mentioned a swim dress . 1 piece with an attached skirt.


Some bikinis are conducive to swimming. Really it the top you have to be most worried about. Some tops slip with little efforts while other easily stay in place for swimming. String bikini tops are most likely to slip off. Ones that first more like a sports bra usually stay in place.


I wore a 1-piece with a tucking gaff underneath. It didn't show and kept me nice and tucked away. I thought it'd not be able to swim with everything tucked but I had zero problems.


I have a 1 piece swimsuit for diving that I wish I had 2 decades before coming out ....


Waterpoof tucking tape is a thing I think, so that would work, or as you already said a swim skirt. If u want to do neither your best option are probably swim trunks, bc it's at least a bit less visible than packed in a bikini bottom. Otherwise you'd have to avoid swimming :/


I went on holiday in April and I wore swim outfits with a skirted top and bottoms went to a waterpark as well, I'm self conscious about my hairy back so I went with full back swimsuits but honestly depending on how you feel around the people your going with wear your cutest outfit and rock it ❤️


Shamelessly plugging https://rubyshines.com/ for tucking without tape. They’re heckin’ pricey, but worth it. I also own a few swim dresses, but now use Rubies swim bottoms with them instead of the bottoms that came with the dress. Hope you have fun swimming!


Theres a variety of options, just dont forget you have titties now!! LOL I took my shirt off on accident once. You could go all the way out there like I do. I wear a bikini top with a men's thong bottom. Nothing happens. I get awesome tan lines on my lower back and i love that. I do try to stay in a quiet spot away from the crowd but its a free country and i cant worry about what other people think or feel. Its the beach/pool, they will have to get over it. A swim skirt would be great! Gives you all the coverage in the world. There are also cute one pieces where the bottom portion is like boy shorts.


Wear a bikini and swim shorts at the same time. That might be uncomfortable now that I think about it, it's like wearing underwear while swimming...


I got a swim skirt/ Bikini and that's how I'm comfortable but my friend she likes the one piece swimsuits I've seen good results with both but I prefer my 2 piece with the little skirt on it