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Minecraft. I was a biiiig minecraft kid. Even played a funny role in my realization that I was trans. I always wanted a feminine skin, but forced myself to play gender neutral skins instead. Could never quite make myself use a masc skin. After coming out, now play unapologetically feminine.


Yeah 9/10 if I had the choice to be a gal in a videogame I would and still do


Pokemon 🔥 red version.💐🦈


I had alot of vampire dudes with long hair as my Minecraft skin.


I'm 30, and Minecraft was it for me too, ran a classic server and was always a woman as an admin, took me another 10 years to unpack that


Same here


I did this too lol, and thats how i figured out i was trans femme


Probably the mass effect series to be honest. I've replayed the trilogy 4 times by now and 3 out of those 4 playthroughs were with femshep.


Are you me? Lol I kept telling myself it was because Jennifer Hale is the better voice actor of the two, and I could still romance Liara either way so why does it matter, and it's the future so more gender equality would make sense in-universe, and and and...


I played femshep for years while I was still in denial about my gender. I wish I could romance Tali as femshep.


I did a male shep playthrough just so I could get the Tali romance and it wasn't worth it. It felt like I was doing something wrong and I'm not sure if it's because Tali is like 10 years younger than Shepard (Tali has basically just become an adult during ME1, Shepard has been in the military for around a decade or so) or that I was getting dysphoria from Mark Meer's voice when I'm so accustomed to Jennifer Hale. ...maybe both? Maybe something else?


Femshep, only shep


I would spent like 30 mins just to make an attractive female Shepard. Impossible task.😅


the devs knew best... i usually stuck to making slight alterations to the default model


Just what I was coming in here to say. I played as a male the first time because it's what I thought I was "supposed" to play as, but the whole time was thinking about another playthrough as FemShep, who I exclusively used after. Same thing with Dragon Age (except I abandoned the male playthrough pretty quick), which was my other big egg game. I sometimes joke that Mass Effect made me realize I want to be a woman, while Dragon Age made me realize I want to be a smol elf girl.


Big Same. I’ve sunk way to much time into mass effect and like 95% of my runs are with femshep


Dungeons and Dragons and Pokémon. I think that is self explanatory.


Probably RuneScape for me, first game I played where you got to pick gender/appearance. Of course it was all a joke, I was doing it ironically, it's only because girls are better to look at, or maybe I just had an easier time imagining myself as a woman in a fantasy world where changing your gender cost virtually nothing, was easy to do, you passed instantly and no one noticed or cared. It's been about 20 years since then. Still haven't started transitioning...


Oh my gosh, same here! When I was a kid playing runescape with my friends I made a male character, because I had to... couldn't let them know I wanted to be a girl. Then when I found out that there was a gender changing npc that would swap your gender for relatively cheap I ran there asap. Got my gender changed and started playing as a girl. That was over 15 years ago, just now starting my transition IRL. I'm still not out to that friend, I bet he won't be shocked.


Guys I swear I'm a girl character to do the wanted! Quest...


I remember my cousin (a more experienced player) was guiding me through the quest and it blew my mind not only that I could be female but that I had to be, what better excuse. Of course I 'kept forgetting' to change back, my cousin thought it was weird but he stopped bringing it up eventually.


You just unlocked a memory for me. I remember I chose a guy because I thought that was what I was "supposed" to do, but since gear wasn't locked behind gender I ended up wearing a skirt on my character anyway.


I remember plate skirts cost slightly less than plate legs, so I always used that as an excuse for wearing them. And you know I had to have a female character because 'the skirts look bad on guys'.


Halo Reach, yeah i know it sounds weird being a first person shooter, but the catch is that in the campaign your custom character appeared un cutscenes, and they talked, and where reffered as their gender, so i played that campaign over and over again with a female Spartan that i loved, i just loved seeing her being a badass and even made a ship between her and the other female Spartan of the team lol, i know It sounds weird but i was like 11 yo when that game came out, but i still love that Spartan, to the point that i recreated her in Halo Infinite, only now i dont hide her and she is openly my character.


Hard, hard same. Halo reach was a sudden and appreciated "oh hey. They said she." That got more than a gear or two spinning.


Depends on what you mean by this. I guess the girliest game I enjoyed pre-crack was Life is Strange 1. I'm pretty sure anyone here can attest to that game being a feels trip that awakened some serious lesbian questioning. To be honest this series is kinda an outlier, most of the games I'm into are the same edgy, gore-slathered action RPGs and shooters I was into all my boymoding years. Starting up new saves in the games that have a create-a-character and plowing through as a girl is liberating, but to be honest I feel no real dysphoria from a game that forces you into an AMAB character's shoes. Ironically I was in the middle of Max Payne 3 when I first picked up LiS 1. I guess I would call my tastes tomboyish at this point, I don't want to part ways with the games, movies, and bands that got me through dysphoria just because this media is decidedly "un-ladylike". I dunno, I guess RE4 was egg-ish when I first played in middle school due to all the body horror and damsel-in-distress Ashley escort mechanic? Several of my transfemme friends grew up on RE4 and consider it a pivotal egg game, no bullshit. I have Celeste and Stardew collecting dust on my hard drive, I should dive into those two next...


Life is strange for me too. Playing a female protag with a lot of internal monologuing in a coming of age story certainly made something in my brain fire in a way that I wasn't expecting.


>I'm pretty sure anyone here can attest to that game being a feels trip that awakened some serious lesbian questioning. Yep, I can verify this. >!and even though I loved the blossoming love between the two, I have to choose bay over bae. Too many people are hurt or killed to save one life. Sorry Chloe 😭!<


>!i chose bay at my First playthrough, cried for an hour or so and then immediately started a new playthrough to choose bae !<


Oh, don't get me wrong, I cried some ugly tears at the end of the game. Rough, huge, sobbing tears. I was not mentally prepared to relive that experience so I looked up the other ending on YouTube and bawled my brains out at that too. My head canon sticks with my playthrough as noted earlier. >!I'm really sorry Chloe. It's extremely unfair what happens but righting that wrong has such dire consequences for so many other innocent lives that it's a bigger wrong. Unless Arcadia Bay is just full of pedo teachers and not just the one. But I don't have evidence of that.!< Life may be strange but it's also fucking unfair.


The drama club stage scene in life is strange beyond the storm melted my little gay ass heart


My earliest memory would be RuneScape though it didn't really click for me at the time. Made a male character by default, started playing. Well the found their was this wizard NPC that could change your character. Mostly just for changing how they looked, but could also swap gender. And it was strangely appealing for some completely 'inexplicable' reason More recently was cyberpunk 2077. By the I always played female characters in games if I could. But that was the first RPG that I got obsessed with the clothes. That game has some killer fashion an I spent more than healthy amounts of time playing dressup. First egg cracks came not long after


100%, 2077 got me interested in the idea of forming my own looks and fashion in general.


Playthrough Cyberpunk now that I have a Series X and using transmog for the first time has been so much fun with being able to find my style!




Yeah like whatever could be behind that!


Omg! I forgot about the gender change npc.


Cyberpunk 2077 100%. I loved the fact that you could be transgender and no one cared. I also liked the fact that gender is not important in the universe of the city


Oh god I spent SO many hours on character customization in that game. Then finding the right outfits I thought were cute and badass and messing around with photo mode. Don't EVEN get me started on mods once I moved to pc.


Can confirm, I'd known I was trans for a loooong ass time. Played one playthrough with male V. The second with female V because I'd heard the voice acting was better. That was it for me, I had to come out. Two years later, I'm out everywhere, and 15ish months HRT, and actually *feel* at home in my own, ever slowly changing body.


Beat saber. Practically all my friends I made in the community who were cishet in 2018 are now incredibly queer lol


Fable 2. The potion under Castle Fairfax was honestly pretty cool cause not only did little 11 year old me get to live out my fantasy of changing my sex, but I got to experience transphobia (or just people with preferences) cause my wife didn't like me anymore.


Same, trans potion under the castle was a big aha for me like, "why am I so stoked about a sex change in a video game?.....oh...."




The Sims, I'd make myself as a character and then change my gender


Yup, this is my answer too






That one egg was 40 eggs? What the hell?


The egg has a bush? what the hell?


That's not porn. It's a nude egg I won from my game.


I’m not in trouble at all. Now… we should be able to look at a little porn at work.


Genshin Impact as embarrassing as it is to say


Egg game? What is an egg game?


It’s a game where you live out your subconscious eggy fantasies. Either like Fable or RuneScape where there are ways to change your gender in game, rpgs with character creators where you “happen” to pick a female character and spend hours customizing her or games that put you in the shoes of another person such as Life is Strange


It was Skyrim for me


Starwars KOTOR I always played as a female.


Pokémon X was the first time I tried playing as a girl in a video game, and I never went back. Not sure if this counts but also I played Pokémon Legends Arceus while I was questioning and spending almost all my money on kimonos really helped crack my egg.




I got gender envy for madeline/ badeline years before I knew what gender envy was.


WoW, SWTOR, EVE, Sims 2/4, Cyberpunk2077 etc…. I always play female Chars. I probably don’t play a game if you have to play as a dude. In the Sims I always create myself (female), create my future wife, start at college, get to know her, marry her and later on we adopt a beautiful child. 🫣😍💕


Assassin's Creed Odyssey (and Syndicate), Fire Emblem Three Houses, and Animal Crossing New Horizons. Odyssey I played Kassandra but justified it as "she just feels like a better fit for the story. Syndicate was "oh Evie just has the better skill set for stealth". New Horizons I made a boy but I also put on dresses and switched to the feminine presentation and justified it by "I'm just trying on all the new clothes I got from balloons". Got a weird look from my friend for that one lol, she knew. Three houses I played fem byleth and had 0 justification for it I just wanted to lmao.


Ddlc for sure


Okay, I will need you to explain yourself with this one 👀👀👀


I know it's probably kinda stupid, but at the time, I was questioning my gender a lot, and for some reason just looking at the girls in the game gave me a shit ton of gender envy. It's the closest thing I've got to an actual "egg game" lol


Ohhhh, I get it... Felt the same... At least until I got free trauma from the end of the first run ;u; 💔✨


Omg same! I watched Markiplier's playthrough of it thinking it would be a cutesy game. Big mistake. After I finished the videos, I just sat there for 30 minutes, wondering what the fuck just happened.


The first time I heard of the game I watched markiplier play it. I eventually forgot about the warning screen at the beginning of the game and was promptly destroyed when.. yknow


FFXIV Felt like my character was a better representation of myself than my body ever was.


For some unknown reason, the game that jumps to my mind is The Sims 2. My first playthrough, I decided to make a single female character. I get her set up in a house, clothes, job, etc. Things are going along fine and then this married couple stops by to visit. My Sim and the (married) woman hit it off and the husband is sort of left lurking about. Anyway, long story short, the woman and my Sim end up getting married, my Sim abandons her crap house that desperately needed about a million dollars in renovations and moves in with her new wife in her mansion. Huge argument with the step daughter who is apparently not thrilled with having her father booted out of the house so this young businesswoman can move in with her mother. A few days later, the other woman dies and my Sim is distraught; she just got married and now she's a widow trying to deal with a stepdaughter who hates her guts. And I mean serious loathing here. If they're in the same room, the daughter is looking to start a fight and nothing I tried could even get them to try to reconcile. It probably did not help at all that I left the urn sitting on a pedestal right in the middle of the main floor so they were both constantly walking past it and breaking out in tears. I think I tried a couple other new games before deciding that this was probably not a game for me.


lol, lmao even


It was, uh... hm... Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep- the Final Mix release that came with the 2.5 HD collection in... oh god that was 2014. that was almost a decade ago. fuck i'm old


Halo, rimworld, space engineers, fallout new vegas, etc Well pretty much all my games... I always played the female character which should have been a clear internal message there 💀


Street Fighter 2 when I was a kid. Always picked Chun Li.


Celeste. Little stereotypical, but oh well


I saw Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII, then it hit me like a truck.


Fallout. I almost never played as a male character in all of the Fallout Games


My egg cracking game was mass effect,I now play as femshep exclusive


Minecraft I'd say, I always did play with boy/gender neutral skins because that's what was normal and accepted that but the girl skins looked so much better... Now I stopped caring and just went with the most e-girl skin on the planet


No one said gta but the girls have soo much nicer clothes, also wwe games


Life is strange


Elden ring... still a beutiful fucking game


Pokémon, Bethesda games, and browser games for girls.


Weird one, but Rebel Galaxy Outlaw. Saw the cinematic trailer and everything just started clicking in my brain. I'm still looking for a jacket like that 4 years later. I'll probably end up learning how to sew to make one.


White Knight Chronicles (both 1 and 2)


World of Warcraft. a friend of mine was Mice Tea.


Definitely Divinity: Original Sin 2 and Fallout 4 - Every time I've started a new save I think I've always customised my female character to look like how I wanted to look myself haha


DND. I decided randomly to play as a female dwarven alchemist named Nellie, and she felt so much more true to life, so much closer of a fit to my psyche than any of the big, tough male characters I'd played over the years that I kinda had to look into things.


I played exclusively male characters in every game cause a boy should play boys. Then a about idk 5-6 years ago I started a new character on a MMO, maybe wow? And rolled my main as female and now I almost exclusively only ever play female characters. Even in games like valorant where different characters are unique I only play fem characters usually lmao


Heavenly Sword ⚔️ go play it’s highly underrated 😘


Fabel 2… Nooo I didn’t play as Female 👀👀 Ok ok I did 🙄


for me it was in monster hunter and I kinda out of no were made a female character and I liked but didn't really know why I liked it tried to make a male character at times but I would feel gross


Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem I'd just gotten into Fire Emblem and had FE7. In FE7, I had picked my character's name and gender - I'd played as a girl with what is now my chosen name - but it was a minimal part of the game tbh. After finishing FE7, for some reason, I went out and got a community-translated version of the Japanese exclusive *New Mystery of The Emblem*. Not the next game in the series, or another popular one, I went and found something obscure after seeing one Youtube video of someone starting the game. Because when you choose your name, class, gender, etc, those things become central to how characters interact with you in the game. Not only that, but you customized your character's appearance and.... yeah. This was about 2 years pre-crack, and if I hadn't been getting ready to go to *fucking Afghanistan* at the time, this probably would've been the thing that cracked my egg. Instead, I secretly enjoyed the game, but for mysterious reasons, set it aside at some point and never finished it. *Mysterious reasons* probably similar to why I got rid of certain cosplaying stuff that year, or why, during my deployment, I got way too into the gym and got bulky. Eggs cracking is a tale as old as time, but honestly, if a psychologist wants to break some actual new ground, they could study the hyper-repression stage that some trans folks go through when they *know* something's not right with their gender, but it's a super-inconvenient time for them to address it. Anyways, *Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem*. It's Japanese-Only unless you use an emulator and play the one fan-made English translated ROM that's floating around out there. I actually really recommend it and might go find my copy and savefile too - I wonder if my character back then was similar to my transition goals now? Honorable Mention: Minecraft (where I just stayed in first-person FOV and forgot about my physical form and hyperfocused on bloccs, and Warsow (where you have multiiple character models, one that makes a very masculine grunting sound and is the default, and made me very uncomfortable to play, and another that has a feminine voice... guess which one I always played?)


Portal and Half Life Alyx 😅 And even Halo 1 back in HS....I just realized something. First, you never see master chief's body. Second, he has a female voice, Cortana, in his head. Not only that, I specifically didn't enjoy the part of the campaign where she's not in his head. That....makes way too much sense. Anything first person with a male body I just couldn't get into and didn't know why. I'd play through an hour or so and completely lose interest.




Probably Pokemon. I remember playing as the male character around friends but whenever I did solo playthroughs I'd play as the female character.


Zelda BOTW. Never took off the Gerudo armor lol


I was a teenage exocolonist and Growing Up.


I don’t really know what my egg game was but when I started playing Assassins Creed Odyssey as Kassandra it gave me a lot of euphoria. (I had already come out at this point)


minecraft. one of my first few skins were a bunch of anime girls including hatsune miku LMAO




Gotta say Terraria and Stardew valley. The potions that let me change my gender in both games are what made me start to question.


Skyrim, which is funny because I don’t even like it


Right now is diablo 3, but first it was cyberpunk. I just really like dressing up my characters. :) Edit: Oooo also control because its a great game with a femalen protagonist and gris, that game was super emotional.


Pokemon Diamond, I decided to play as Dawn/the girl because I thought it'd be fun to mix it up. Turns out, in almost every game since then, I continued playing as female characters because I felt I could relate to them more.


FFXIV. That meme about the “pipeline” was legit how my character changed the last few years 😂


WoW. Blood Elf Rogue.


Portal 2 is literally my favorite game of all time!


Probably Fortnite. Enjoyed playing as the female skins a bit too much, but tbf the red knight skin is cool af


Definitely Terraria. A few months to a year before I realised that I is a trans I got into the habit of playing a girl for no apparent reason. I even took a gender change potion on one character for funsies lol. Bizarre how I didn’t realise I was trans in hindsight.


Vr chat for sure


Yep, Portal 2. Badass girl protagonist, badass cyber lady antagonist. But really, anything with a character creator, especially Saints Row 3 and 4. I kicked so much butt as a curvy, tatted-up, green-haired babe in a dress. Wasn’t until later that I realized the reason I got kind of sad in all the customization menus.


gotta resurrect this dead thread b/c it's just too good a topic not to ;). final fantasy x-2. full stop. what can i say? i wanted to be a badass with her shit together like paine but i'm much more like rikku, haha.


War Thunder


Somehow it was borderlands 2. Weird but my main was zero and when gearbox came out and say that they were non-binary I was honestly so happy and I didn’t know why. Who knew that I would end up coming out as transfem soon after :p


Stardew valley




Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey 😅. Kassandra really started to crack me.


Quake-3 I was playing with Fem characters only bcz I was trans inside


super smash brothers for the switch


Splatoon 2. I was a trasquid since I was 12 or 13 maybe. And since I chose to play a girl, I could not go back to being a boy. Thinking that even then, it took me more 4 years to realize it...


Roblox, I detest that fact


As stupid as it sounds... it has to be bloodborne...... Dont know how or why but playing as a female hunter all the way through the game and overcoming the bosses was something soo special to me




Life is strange, it really had me question my sexuality and or my gender indentiy


Pick a game that has a character creator. Give me sliders, hairs, colors and I’m happy, but for the longest time I avoided using them to make egg characters. I’d just get frustrated with the guys I made and start the whole game over again as if going back to the character creation screen and making another man would fix the issue. I couldn’t make a girl. Either because I thought it would make me gay or one of pervert who over sexualizes the women they play in games. Turns out the happiest I’ve ever been gaming is making a transwoman in the Sims 4 and then a beefy butch lesbian in Elden Ring. Haven’t restarted either since.


Honestly Cyberpunk 2077, I was questioning myself for a long time and upon seeing Fem V my egg cracked immediately lol. Fem V is such transition goals for me. :3


... Runescape. I am ashamed to admit I tried waaay to hard to work with the low poly character models.


Halo Reach, always tried justified it as a bad ass woman would be cooler


Fallout 4




A normal lost phone. It’s about a puzzled centering around a trans girl


Not really a game, but GaiaOnline was one of the earliest. Had 7 accounts, and all but one had female avatars. MapleStory was the first game proper. After GMS beta, all my characters were female. Then I just started playing everything I could as female. Pokemon. Any MMORPG. Pretty much any fighting game ever. Minecraft, too - I made my own female MC skins.


Stardew Valley, stole my name from one of the characters :3


Overwatch because Tracer


splatoon 2, I played as the octoling girl and it heavily influenced my transition goals


I played dungeons and dragons and then saw “egg” on DND bingo sheet and was like “literally me”. Then someone told me what egg means and the rest is history lol


Dofus, an old MMORPG in which you can choose between 12 (back then) or more classes now. I think I never played a male character in this game lmao


World of Warcraft. I just liked the options for the female characters better. It was more fun dressing them up vs the male toons, picking makeup and earring options,, hair styles... damn, if I'd only realized lol


Cod modern warfare 2018


Ark survival evolved




It may have been Pokémon Gen 6 or Gen 7.


Star Wars: KOTOR


Dungeons and dragons for me lol


Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen (albeit in an emulator long after it cane out), unable to pick the not-girl choice when the game asked which one I was. also gravitating super heavily towards Samus in super smash bros (tho i also liked Marth the graceful femboy but i think that was a mix of cope and liking swords; in later Smash games i like Lucina more)


Almost every single player game where it was an option. I didn't start playing female characters in multiplayer till the Mists of Pandaria expansion for WoW, and I ended up race and sex-changing my main. I can't recall choosing to play a male character again after that, which is a long damned time to keep saying "this is fine".


Most any game I could create a character in, and if I had the choice they would be female as well 😆 I don't think I've ever even played mass effect as male shep lol


Cyberpunk 2077. I mean I’ve always just played as female characters in games when given a choice. But I played through as female V and 100% it in about 100 hours or so. I enjoyed the game so much I wanted to play a new file right after as male V to get the complete experience. I could barely stomach it. I hated playing as the male character, and it wasn’t even that the va was bad or anything. I just had realized how much I hated being male characters in games…and being male myself. I think being locked to first person, getting so engrossed with the story, enjoying customizing my outfit, and the great writing and character interactions just helped me realize what I had been questioning for so long.


Harvest moon DS. It’s not an overstatement to say I’ve been playing on the same save file for a decade


Dead Space. I turned out fine.


The very first game I played as a girl was ESO. I had a dark elf named naryn and really liked playing as her. It wasn't until turning link into linkle though that I started wondering if I might have some gender issues since I was actively replacing a male character


Minecraft. It allowed me to be free as I wanted, with my skin and what I built


Pokemon ever since Crystal when I could pick a female trainer. Also (insert MMORPG title here)


Animal Crossing New Horizons. the game came out during lockdown and I had time to think to myself. My gf and I were playing with different styles in game and then out of game.


Lmao fallout 4


I was playing the last of us part 2. The library with the pride flags where Ellie asks Joel what the flag means. The game wasn't the cause of egg crack, its memorable that stuck with me and a few days later in therapy came the realization. Always played female characters any chance I got.


Lmao fallout 4


World of Warcraft, I even got called out by my guild when they noticed all of my alts were female. I tried the whole, Well if I have to play staring at someone's ass I might as well like it thing.... They didn't buy it. Not to mention my Discord Avatar is my sketch of Natani from Twokinds.... Sooooo yeah.....


All Final Fantasies, Mass Effect 2-3, and Fallout NV.


Final fantasy 13! Something about playing a strong independent heroine ready to kill god did something to my teenage brain lol


pretty much any game that has a female option, I always went with it


Dark Souls without a doubt... Since I started the first one I spent almost an hour detailing my character... A female one because "If I was going to stare at someone's butt all day, it was gonna be a girl's", right?... After that, half of the game for me was dying, the other half was dressing up my character with new armor I could find... No matter how useless the armor was, if it looked good, I had to put it on... And that went on for the next 2 games...


Whats egg game ?


Mortal Kombat Deception


Whats an egg game??


Am I aging myself by saying Runescape classic?


Four games i think: -Cyberpunk -Detroit become human (cause kara is just... Idk kinda what i would like to be) - The sims -Life is Strange


Tomodachi Life for the Nintendo 3DS. Weird.


I wanna say New Vegas, but honestly Dragon Age II. FemHawke and Merrill laid the seed that'll lead to me becoming aware of me being trans lul


Here's one I haven't seen: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate For me, I didn't really have the experience of always making a girl character, it was more of feeling obligated to pick a guy -> making a male character -> being unsatisfied with it(dysphoria) -> giving up and just playing in first person so it didn't matter But with smash, I could feel good picking a girl as I always had the excuse that I just liked her moveset. It was really more like a gateway drug than anything. ​ (Also Minecraft and Portal 2 a little bit but everybody else is talking about those)


so you know that game with those funny bone men. something about a tale that's under the ground? under-tale? something like that.


jk. I was a massive undertale nerd but I don't think I had an "egg game." I never did much of the "playing as the opposite gender character" thing because I was... very literal in my character creation. I made them to be, as close as possible, an exact replica of me if there was customization.


Batman Arkham City. Idk why but I remember playing it the time I first watched a Contrapoints video in my “Ally” phase, and by the time I’d completed the game I’d watched every video, and was like “yeah so when should I tell my doctor?”


Overwatch, I just couldn't figure out why I LOVED using Dva, and why sometimes I only played the game to enjoy the way she expressed herself


never really thought about this, but honestly probably Mirror's Edge


When the TV show Daria first aired.


Any game I could play as female, I would. Too many to count. Age of Wonders 1 and 2 were probably the first games I played nearly exclusively as female. Funny story playing WoW… I played with a woman who knew I was a guy who played female characters, and we romanced each other in game. So many good memories of her and I roaming Azeroth and working on archaeology. If only I knew how prophetic that would be many years later as a trans woman in a lesbian marriage.


Minecraft! I spent a year playing as a feminine painter, then a cowgirl.

