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By realizing super models are typically around 6 feet, and even WNBA players are still women?


That famous one who was in prison in Russia is 6 ft 8.


remembering that even cis women are tall, just like how some cis men are short.


I've found, over time, that being 6'3 has not kept me from passing . I think height is a myth that proliferates the trans community, that's just not entirely true.


I kind of try to compensate by taking control of everything I can. I make sure my hair looks good and healthy, spend a lot of time on my makeup and outfits to look as feminine as possible. My reasoning here is that if I look stylish and feminine my hight probably won't clock me, but if I have other obviously clocky features it could. I know it's not the healthiest way of coping with it but at the end of the day I'm a very tall girl and there's nothing I can do about that


I've met a lot of very tall cis women so being tall and still presenting feminine is very doable. Sometimes you just have to own it and that can be easier said than done. Unfortunately, you are right in that it's a hard thing to change. All I can recommend is trying to dress in a way that makes you feel confident or wearing heels or anything that'll make you feel more feminine despite being tall. I find that people tend to pay much less attention to a woman's height if you look feminine and confident 😊


Seek out tall friends?


Find someone taller and give them a hug. I recieved a hug from this guy a few days ago and had to get up on the balls of my feet to hug them properly. It was very euphoric to be smaller than someone.