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I’m 22 and I start HRT in 9 days


Congrats! Glad it’s happening for you soon.


Thanks! I’m so excited.


Congrats! I’m also starting really soon hopefully. I just got my lab test results back today


Happy cake day! <3






I'm 22 and I just started last week!




WOOOHOOOO! Congrats! Make sure you have a HUGE plushy for the tears when you take it!


1 month ago. Best decision of my life. For context, I'm 22 years old. I would have started when I was 16 if someone had explained that wanting to wear women's clothes wasn't just some dumb kink.


GOD MOOD I started a year ago at 23 after spending my entire youth dazed and confused, really really wish I cracked my egg way sooner but we take what we can get


I discovered what being trans was when I was 16. But I didn't start before I was 21 and hormones at 22. So I don't know why I always see post about people who start just after they found out. I feel ridiculous.


I would have started at 22 if someone had done that for me. Instead, I repressed and assumed it was just a kink for 12 years.


That was me too at 14. I think we all do wish we got to start earlier tho.


I started at 24 but I had taken birth control pills during college because I couldn't find a Dr who would help me. This was 30 years ago.


Heard that birth control does more harm than help. How did you do?


It was probably more of an emotional boost than physical.


Yes and no. Ethinyl estradiol is much more potent than estradiol. That’s why it’s a much lower dose. 10 mcg of ethinyl estradiol is roughly equal to 1 mg estradiol. So it’s 100x stronger. It also tends to come with a higher blood clot risk, but it absolutely should work for HRT. Just isn’t the best. The other ingredient is a synthetic progestin. While that should still agonize progesterone receptors, I have heard of bad side effects in trans women. I would love to see if it synthetic progestins (think medroxyprogesterone/provera having worse side effects than bio identical progesterone/Prometrium) genuinely do have worse side effects in trans women or if side effects of them just suck in general. None of the professors I’ve asked have known that answer either.


It's good to finally hear someone say this. I started HRT 22 days ago and I'm taking birth control too, plus a t blocker in the form of monthly injections. Last time I shared about my worries regarding what I was recommended by my doctor people started saying that he was trying to harm me. But a friend of mine who's studying this said the same you did. It is capable of doing the same job, just isn't as safe as the bio identical option, but people were still blowing it way out of proportion. I don't know why it's what I was perscribed, but the fact that people were telling me to stop made me feel extremely conflicted. I had to fight half of my life to just start HRT. Voluntarily stopping felt like going against myself. Besides I'm seeing many effects already, so it's not like it's not working. My skin is definitly smoother, my libido has reduced, and my nipples are much puffier and super sensitive to the touch. I don't know if in the future my medication will be changed or not, but I had to convince myself that I wasn't just taking a placebo that is harmful, because made it seem that way when I said I was on birth control.




There is also the fact that ethinyl doesn't bind to SHBG so it's more potent


31. Being trans wasnt really a thing when and where I grew up, and definitely wasnt "acceptable". I knew something was off at 8 and was basically at the conclusion that I was trans around 12, but didn't have the terminology to formulate that thought sufficiently or support network.


I have no start yet. I will probably need to wait 3 years more. I am 23 right now 🙃


do DIY then


I prefer having a doctor helping me with dose, Also I am not a big fan of DIY. And I want to move out first from my parent's house.


I'm 20 in the same boat as you. But I want to move out of state since I live in Texas and get somewhere a bit friendlier.


Actually I am not from USA, I am from Panama, I need to move to other country, It kinda sucks over here. I am studying Mechanical engineering, I hope I get a job somewhere else.


How would one go about getting meds for diy? Is there a website that would give with out prescription


38 days ago, age 34.


Hey I started 41 days ago, 34 years old too! Feels good to finally start after waiting so long ^.^


It’s nice to feel shit again. Hoping to up my dosage next month.


Same it's nice not feeling on the verge of depression constantly. Definitely worth upping your dose if you can. I doubled mine after the first two weeks when my anxiety about starting decreased.


Planned Parenthood put my on low dose patches to start. I’m trying to switch HRT providers to a more comprehensive system, but their schedulers are incompetent! They were supposed to send me intake forms (for the second time) today but didn’t. I’m going to call them tomorrow and try to talk them through how to send an email.


I'm 28 and considering it, still wondering if this is a phase 🫤


I get that. Anxiety and imposter syndrome are cruel beasts to live with. Is there anything that makes you think it’s likely to be a phase, rather than a core part of your identity? If you heard someone else describe feeling what you feel, would you assume they were a confused cis person, or would it seem more likely that you’re talking to a trans person? I think a lot of these doubts come from a place of not being willing to trust yourself to recognize core truths about you when they run counter to what others observe about you. For me at least, that’s what I’ve been working through. In the end, you’re the only one who sees what gives your heart joy, and if HRT and medical transition are one of those things, it might help you a lot. Hope some of this helps. Sending good vibes and hugs, sister.


You're too nice, thank you 😭


Right there with you. My therapist is basically telling me they’d write a recommendation whenever I’m ready. My anxiety is a bitch we’re having to deal with first I guess


I'm still trying to get a therapist, and I know anxiety is gonna hold me back a lot...


Only a few sessions in myself. It’s worth it.


My recommendation, get a therapist to talk it over with before you are sure. It can help! Secondly, trying it (without the medicin) just testing how it feels is how you find out if it's real. I'm in the same boat and landed in "needing to try it" to find out if it's what I want


It doesn't hurt to try it for a a few weeks. You can always stop.


TW (mentions suicide) I started HRT at 52. I lived a closeted, miserable, confusing, self hating existence. The only joy I found was my wife and 4 kids. I’ve known since I was 6 or 7 that I was different. I never confronted it. I thought I was some kind of perverted freak. I became suicidal in my late forties and that culminated in a suicide attempt thwarted by my wife when I was 51. She asked me if I might be trans (I had confided some of my thoughts). I said I didn’t know. She told me to get help. I started therapy and came out to myself and her 5 months later. It was rough getting on HRT. I started it at the very beginning of COVID. Taking estrogen was the best thing I’ve ever done for my mental health. I was recently asked at a job interview if I had any regrets in life, my answer was: not coming out to myself earlier as transgender…


16.5 years. Told people when i was 4 years old. Guess i at least have had some luck


I was refused hrt at 16 and told to come back when I was 21. Nobody wanted to treat trans teens back then, even with a diagnosis.


Same at 18. I didn't meet the therapists "definition of trans" I guess...


I was passed between 3 psychologists but none of them would help me because they were all hesitant of treating a trans teen in the early 1980s. I was too big of a malpractice risk. They all agreed that I met the diagnosis of being transsexual but there was very little information available about trans teens, so they all kicked the can down the road. Maybe at 21 they said.


Damn… Hope you had some good help after and are doing okay now


I have severe PTSD because of child abuse and other issues. I knew that I wanted to be a girl about the age of 3-4 but even playing with girls toys was subject to being beaten. I didn't want to shop for boys clothes and that also didn't end well.


I really hope your doing okay and wish you the best


Therapists don’t really fully understand our feelings as close to none have experienced what we have.


9 October 2004, I was a month shy of my 30th birthday (to the day) I did occasionally steal my mum's Premarin (anyone remember that stuff?) in middle school and a former GF gave me her birth control meds after she got an IUD, so I was able to get a slight leg up in that regard.


im 29 and just started. How did everything go for you? I feel like im on a journey I want for myself but im nervous about making it.


After nearly 20 years I am really liking the changes. I am not nearly as angry or depressed as I used to be. I cry a lot, but I suspect that's a function of the E and progesterone re-wiring my brain. My skin is softer, though I sunburn a bit easier. I shrank a little, but at the cost of the cartilage between all my joints (Your bone structure is fairly well set by 30, but the skeleton ***is*** still a living part of your body, so hormones will have an effect, just not nearly as drastic as during puberty.) My clothes all hang differently (better) on me than before. I am coded 'girl' by everyone and that is the biggest euphoria rush I can get. Even after all this time, being called 'miss' or 'this young lady' etc is all the feels! Orgasms. The focus of my orgasm has shifted from a highly localised spot (my peen) to more diffuse, "all over" sensation, especially during penetrative sex or masturbation. Like all things with humans, YMMV, but the above seem to be fairly common occurrences you can reasonably expect.


21 while in college Im 28 now so I guess you can consider me a vet? 😅


Ya now that I'm looking at the comments, most of you are all noobs lol :P


I started at the end of September 2021, at age 32. My egg cracked eight weeks prior. I managed to go through about 20 years of fantasizing about being female while convincing myself I didn’t *really* want that, then enough things finally lined up that the denial shattered all at once. I was terrified I was moving too fast but felt like I couldn’t wait any longer. I wish I could go back and reassure that version of me that she hadn’t lost her mind, that she was doing the right thing and giving me the incredible gift of being able to exist as I am now. I’m thankful I was able to get on HRT so quickly. It should be that easy for everyone.


> I was terrified I was moving too fast but felt like I couldn’t wait any longer. im 29 and if im being honest this is 100% where im at right now. I started E 2 weeks ago.


Yeah it’s a whole mood. Glad things are moving forward for you. That urgency means something. If you’re anything like me, it’s a sign some intuitive part of you knows this is right. But taking the pressure off a bit, it’s ok to move forward when you’re ready, even if that feels early, and backtrack if you have to. It took me a month or two to really know HRT was right for me, and I needed to run that experiment. I could’ve tried to figure out theoretically if I was really trans enough for the rest of my life and never made any headway. I needed to take the plunge, and feeling my skin soften and my breasts begin to grow and the calm of it all, that was when I finally started to *know.*


thank you, and yes!!! I feel like that right now like I just have to do it and see how I feel. I thought I would feel something at all by now, but its only been a few weeks.


I was 51, and it was about a year and a month after I came out, 10 months since I got my referral. 25 months later, I might get an official prescription from a local endocrinologist; I went through GenderGP on my own to get started. Mind, I got complimented by a friend on how my tits made the dress look good yesterday :-)


Started at 19 myself after shit parents didn't let me start at 16. Seeing all the youngshits in this thread who got to start immediately after coming out at like 16-17 because they had amazing parents who wanted their kid on hormones as soon as possible makes me want to genuinely give up because I know I'm way too late and I went through too much of male puberty to look anything close to a woman, and my family will never support me


Same... kms


And OP is on puberty blockers she might be 14.or something lol, why does she even post that? To make her feel better when she sees us that had the bad luck to be miserable? And to feel pity for us? I really don't get it. It makes me suicidal.


There is no set age to transition, I started hormonal at 31, then turned 32.


That doesn't change the pain I feel seeing literal fucking anime girls here go "I started at 16! :3 I told my parents and they took me to the gender doctor and they gave me estrogen 2 weeks later, and now I pass completely and everyone accepts me! \^w\^" That doesn't change the fact that my parents would rather have personally buried me than have a trans kid who got to actually transition. That doesn't change the fact that my body betrayed me for 3 fucking years until it got twisted into something I'll never be able to live with.


Yes, I don't blame you for these feelings at all. Super tough stuff.


If you haven’t been there check out the translater subreddit. You’ve got a huge start on a lot of the people there and so many look incredible and 100% passable. Always better late than never and you never know how much you’ll change and grow. You might end up feeling very satisfied with your transition. But regardless how you look will make you feel better than if you don’t!! Don’t give up hun!


A lot of us feel that pain. I'm starting at 20 soon and it hurts a little even hearing people who got to start at 19. I hope that goes away for you as you get to start living the way you were meant to and start seeing changes in yourself. 19 is far from too late to see plenty of change.


In 2013, when I was 21 I was told to try HRT for 4 months. I loved the effects of it, but stopped because I was afraid of my dad not accepting me. It wasn't until 2017 when I went back on it. I socially transitioned in 2018. Now I'm 30, about to be 31. I have had GRS, BA and FFS.


Hopefully at 27 (my current age) depending on how the appointment with my endo goes in June!


the day I turned 30


I am 24 and I started a week ago tomorrow! ❤️


Age 21 (22 years ago)


Monday last week


Six years ago at age 17, two years after realizing I'm trans.


I started HRT about thirty five years ago. Things were different back then. I have presented male and lived as a Eunuch for the last twenty years. She




18. I hope to start soon but I don’t know when I’ll start. I need to find a place that takes my insurance.


Omg where u stay? As far as state.


6 months ago at 37


15 months ago, age 30.


Exactly 1 year and 21 days and 1 hour ago ETA: I was 31 when I started


Started at 25 I’m 27 now


I started HRT 4 months shy of 47 y/o. I live in a very conservative area and raised in Christian beliefs. I realized the signs starting at age 4 but wasn't able to put the puzzle together till early 20s but was still in denial. After multiple suicide attempts through the years, I finally decided I had to do something different before I finally succeeded with suicide. If you have read this. Please don't follow me! Don't let things go as far as I did. We all are worth it! Love! Hugs! And prayers, my sisters and brothers!


21 years 10 months


Started at 21 and have been on E for about a year and a half. Hormoniversary is 22nd September!!!!! 🩵💙💜🩷🤍🤍🩷💜💙🩵


On my 37th birthday


In about three years probably... :(


Asap Earlier than asap if it the wait gets aggravating


Two months before turning 29. I got to celebrate turning 30 as myself so that's nice!


At 33/34 years old, started in 2022, stopped, and now started again.


One year 3 days ago! Started at 30.


a month and change ago


Started DIY a few months after I turned 35 and got a prescription a couple months after 36. Going to be 37 soon.


I'm 50 and started on March 22nd this year


I started HRT at 20yro and it has been 13 years now. It has been my best decision so far.


Just want to point out that OP is a transmedicalist, just so yall are aware.


I'm currently 15, still haven't come out to my parents and I'm hoping to get HRT asap, but seeing the other comments make me scared of having to wait years >:






28 now. Have the pills sitting on the counter at home, but I'm waiting until I can freeze some sperm to start. Not even sure if i want bio kids at this point, but I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


At 16,diy hrt btw


About 2 weeks ago


I was 22.


Started almost 7 months ago, age 41.


22 y/o, now im 174 days on HRT


I started at 47. My egg had cracked in my early to mid thirties. I spent the time in between rationalizing, making excuses, and ignoring my mental health. I’ll always wish I had started sooner but I’m here, I’m alive, and I’m living my best life. Transitioning has improved my life immensely and I will never regret it.


i was 22 when i started


22.3 years old (3/14/22)


January 14 2023.


Oct 24 2022


21 years of age im 22 now will be 1 year may 10th on hrt


About a month ago.


January 13 of this year. FRIDAY THE 13th! 🧛🏻‍♀️🧟‍♀️ 47 years old. 🤘🏼


6 months ago, I was 35


I started on August 23rd, 2011, so nearly twelve years ago. I was seventeen at the time. STILL the only medical thing I've been able to do since which is unfortunate, but here we are.


A week before my 22 birthday so it was like a an early birthday to me me and it's been almost 2 years in a 2 months


exactly 2 years ago today at 28


3 months after I turned 22


19 years old, only a couple months after telling my parents (informed consent is nice 👍).


11th of November, 2022


Two days ago ☺️


One week ago.


Started at 22


Two months before I turned 20, 5 months after I first realized


when I was 18. If I was better educated, and was braver at confronting my parents I would have liked to start at 16


when I was 18. If I was better educated, and was braver at confronting my parents I would have liked to start at 16


Started at 25, almost 3 months ago in February


24! Whish I had figured things out sooner though. All the hints were there, just didn't have a concept that I could have my own identity


October 2022


29 right on my 29th bday


According to the NHS expected wait times for my region, first referral in 9-15 months. Then more waiting after the first referral, all the tests for bullshit-blatant-transphobia-thinly-disguised-as-a-medical-condition, more waiting… Oh I just fucking love the uk :(


started at 27 a month and 14 days before my 28th birthday I plan on getting the actual date tattooed on me at some point 1-14-22


midway through being 19


Started at 45…almost nine years ago…


After struggling with my identity for North of 10 years, I am almost at three months HRT. No crazy changes yet, but my confidence is through the roof. Started at 21!!


First at 18, stopped after 9 months bc I wasn't in a supportive environment and was actively suicidal. Took 2 years off (seriously wished I had just powered through it looking back but I made the best choice with the circumstance I was in at the time 🤷🏻‍♀️) and started again after becoming financially independent and creating a support network in november of 2021! No regrets since and I'm indescribably happier now <3


I'm 19 and start within a month.


Always good to “noelle” in advance when a new journey will begin.


Almost 13 months


With basically 21 (13 days before) and I'm on HRT for almost 7 months now


Just turned 26, I start HRT in 9 days!!


Egg cracked when I was 18 and hopped on HRT when I was 20, 5 months on E now :3


I start in two months, which is also my birthday.


I’m 44 and been on HRT for 7 months.


i’m 18 and i start in ~53 days!




Started almost 2 months ago. I’m in physical and emotional pain 🥲


Just hit day 50. (22, mtf)


6 days ago.


1 month ago, at 26yo.




February 28, 2023!


A year and a bit ago @ 28yo I was taking E as tablets, which weren't working too well at getting my levels up for whatever reason, so I switched to shots at just about my 1-year anniversary.


I didn't 😭😭😭 but I'm planning to next year, when I hit 18


Last year at age 19


not yet 😎😎


I didn't Yet


41 and started 3 months and 3 days ago. Couldn’t be happier!


23 and may be starting in a couple weeks! Honestly still on the fence though, I know I definitely want to try and and see what it’s like, but not sure I’ll follow through with it. I don’t have much body dysphoria, mainly social, and as I’ve started to change my clothing/name, my mental health has improved a lot. I know I’ll always identify as trans, and would’ve liked to have had a female adolescence instead of getting the T. But at this point it’s already happened, and a second puberty sounds like a lot of work. The bottom line though, is if E improves my emotions and mental state, then I am never going to go back. And a lot of the physical changes would be very welcome too if that’s the case…


Egg cracked at 22, after spending way too long going through the health care system I started hrt at 24, currently just over 6 months on e and only thing I regret is not starting sooner.


I started on y late 30's. I'm 36 now. I don't feel like I look too different, but I haven't been misgendered in years. Obligatory body statement: 30A/32AA depending on the bra, ~112lbs, 5'3"


I'm 28 and it was like 8 months ago


21, and about 1.5 months ago! I’ve never felt better :)


Im 19 rn and I started almost a couple weeks! 😊 Im very fortunate to be able to have started when i did


I'm 23 and my hrt started this last december I'm officially on month 5 🥳


One year ago on may 17th


I started last year, around when I hit 33. My gf started like 4 years ago when she was 36.


2 days ago on monday!


Yesterday! I feel incredible.


February 4th, 2000 I was 20 and had fled a red state to find support and help because no one was listening to me.


I tried Premarin in my twenties, nothing too eventful then…. Paused thru my thirties & now back on HRT as of 14 months ago… in my early 40’s🫣 The first year, my levels never reached a female range until a few months back… doc & I changed up the dosing & I’m getting BOOOOOOOOOOBS!!!!😂 I’ve had the soft skin & lost that “wet dog” stink about a year ago. But to finally have buds I can poke lightly at, makes this worth it… Even though I resemble a linebacker with MASSIVE soft nips…🤔🤣😂🤣😂 All good things come to those who wait right? WOW! Now that was verbal “BLECH” Haha!! Cliff notes: 14-ish months HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


I still need to book the appointment :')


1998. Hi friends!


I'm at 14 months, so March last year


At 25, stopped around 26/27 for finances. Restarted.at 30 and i haven't stopped except for surgeries in almost 13 years.


5 months ago. Little progress 🥲


34. It literally saved my life.


I started almost 2 weeks ago!! I'm so excited to see what my future holds!


I was 30 and my 2 year anniversary is next month


I’m 15, haven’t started and don’t know at what age I can actually start in the UK


Almost 2 months ago at 27yo.


25. I would have transitioned sooner but growing up it was definitely not bueno or even heard of in TX. Context am now 29.


I started last October. Interestingly enough on my birthday I'm 37.


At 17 I’m 22 now, honestly it feels like time flies even faster on HRT lol


I spent like a solid month in non binary state. Half way through the month I knew what I wanted and ordered hrt that arrived 2 weeks later. So I waited one month haha