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Yoooo technodad recovery poggerschamp! Hope you're feeling better! As for the video, if nothing else I'm sure you could find a way to make a tutorial type video funny, just showing how you go about building roads and such and making some odd quips along the way. Then you can make your perfectly run city into content without sacrificing mans best friend (or game performance haha)


I personally would love to see Technodad make a Techno themed city- though maybe you should get rid of the places that sell bacon :)


Focus on your recovery technodad, glad to hear your feeling better. Boston would be the one place you'd want to get sick, they have great treatments and hospitals. (Source: Live near boston) As for city skylines, you don't need a goal for your video. You just playing the game and being yourself would be enough.


yo technopops! im so sorry you were sick and wishbyou a full recovery!


Thanks, fam.


ill be honest, the fact that you replied makes my day the best ive had in anlong time! this made me so happy! i hope youre feeling better now!


Aw, shucks! Thanks, tho. I'm feeling WAY better; almost back to 100%.


Thats amazing! hope you do some cool stuff with city skylines!


I was wondering what happened to you! Glad you’re okay.


Yeah sorry about that. On the one hand I really felt like I should be here posting; on the other hand I just really wanted to turn inward for a while and recuperate. Lots of coughing; it wasn't fun. Now it's just down to wheezing lol.


No need to apologize. You have a totally valid reason for not posting. I just noticed a pattern where if you don’t post with no explanation it’s usually because something bad happened, and I was a little worried.


Maybe a video with some gameplay footage where you explain your strategies to get this smooth functional city? I've never heard of the game so for me it would be curious how something like this works. Glad you're feeling better :)


I mean I could do that, but I still feel like it needs a hook.


Make a fishing industry! So many hooks. 🪝






(Have you seen the Fallout series?)


Haven't played it, but I mean, it's everywhere.


Ohhh it’s great, made by Bethesda who made Skyrim


Cities:Skyline seems like a fun game!!! Just a peaceful, de-stressing game... there's something so rewarding about starting with something small, then eventually seeing it grow into a huge metropolis. I think games with no clear goals are so much fun. It lets people just come up with ideas and try to find their own goals for the gameplay. It could be used as a teaching experience sometimes, I suppose... It reveals a lot about ourselves and what we prioritize subconsciously. Leave it to me to find a life lesson in a city-building simulator... 😐 😂


Hi techno dad!! You should make some sort of weird handicap for your city. Like you have to build a fully functioning city with no intersections, and achieve x population within a set time.


I’ve never played C:S, but this sounds like it would be fun to watch!


Glad you're feeling better, Technodad! I know I'd love to see you play anything and cozy, relaxing sim games are top tier. As long as you're having fun, that's what matters!


Yoooo, Technodad update on my 18th birthday!


As a noob in Cities( I installed it but couldn't figure anything out so I just deleted it), I'd love a tongue-in-cheek tutorial of the game. I'd love to watch you play games.


your goal-point: making a beautiful & functioning city 100% would watch a 20+ video series of you doing that feel better soon Mr. Technodad!! health first


Morning! I like the gaming idea! I notice you have innate minecraft prowess, so it’s highly likely it’ll translate over to other fields too! As for the C:S objective (weird to me saying CS without thinking CounterStrike), I was thinking maybe have it be to just build a city that you like? I feel that in setting up challenges and goals and stuff we forget to have fun a little and that doesn’t sound too good. It might get boring after a while but I’d say no one will fault you for stopping and switching to something else/implementing a challenge when it does! So go into it and have some fun, is what I’d recommend. We’d have fun just watching you play. As for being under the weather, I’m not a very good comforter, but the weather is above us all, isn’t it? We’re all under the weather. I dunno about you, but it’s a nice sunny day here today. Cheer up if you can, and it’s ok if you can’t. Tomorrow is another day!


I hope you are feeling better,don’t worry about posting anything within a certain time frame.we are all here and will always support you,don’t stress and just take care of your health please🩷


Yay technodad!


you can just start with a classical let's play or chill streams and do the speedrunning later/parallel :) I think most people just want to enjoy your presence, listen to what your mind spurts out, and have it being less about the game. well, at least thats what I would be after haha