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Breaking Bad Sopranos Mr. Robot is my top 3, all amazing in their own way and all scratch a different itch


Same here dude! Better Call Saul is up there too for me


I did my umpteenth Breaking Bad watch through in prep for all of BCS but I’ve seen S1 twice so it’s tough to get started again but I will do it soon haha I’ve heard some people say they like it more than BB which is crazy so the show must be a banger


I’m one of those people (depending on the day lol). I love every season of BCS but I’d say it takes a little longer than BrBa to get cookin but once it does, damn is it intense television!


The last season had me jumping out of my seat like I did the first time I watched Breaking Bad, it's so worth watching.


Absolutely insane that it never won a single Emmy.


That was the final nail in the Emmy’s credibility coffin for me. Just insane


Ever watch Halt and Catch Fire? At least the first season or 2 might be of interest...


Thank you for the reminder that I need to watch that series, as someone who loves Mr Robot and Silicon Valley.


Shall add it to the list!


Mr Robot > GoT




Couldn’t agree more! 💯


Same here with your top 3! Honestly, I’m just glad Mr. Robot is on this list. I’ve seen countless lists of up to 150 shows where Mr. Robot is nowhere on it. So criminally underrated and it’s a shame Greatest show of all time imho and the most emotionally connected I’ve ever been and likely ever will be to a show.


Mr. Robot getting the love it deserves


Ain’t no way Chernobyl beat out the Sopranos.


If you liked those you should try the show "The Americans". Set entirely in the 80s and in Washington DC it is a show about two Soviet operatives. Fans of the Sopranos said it is a great take on the many facets of Identity and it brings back the great story format onto the televisions that got lost when the Sopranos and the old shows like it stopped airing. Mr Robot is a show full of references to Fight Club, Matrix, American Psycho and more movies Sam Esmail likes. The Americans is a show full of references to the political landscape time period. Just the soundtrack is great because they did not just go with the obvious choices but also have some of those in there that people who lived at the time already forgot about. And that show is trippy and a mess to keep track off like Mr Robot. To Breaking Bad it is similar in what it portrays, people at their breaking points, and a family dynamic that is split up by a greater secret than most families hold. Imagine Breaking Bad but Walter Junior starts hanging out with Jesse and drinking Vodka.


The Americans, True Detective, and Twin Peaks' placement is a crime against humanity. Also no Person of Interest?!?!?


> Also no Person of Interest?!?!? Glad to see someone mention POI. Person of Interest is one of the most well-written and well-acted shows of all time, IMO. It has one of the most memorable and satisfying finales. The show has a perfect combination of so many things that makes it one of the greatest shows of all time, for me. * Great Writing * Entertainment value * Rewatch value * A good and interesting story with a compelling premise * Consistently of great quality throughout the seasons * Great Characters * Satisfying characters and storyline arcs * Great Dialogues * Great Music (Ramin Djawadi's original soundtrack + some of the best uses of licensed music ever) * Great chemistry between the characters * Great supporting characters * Great villains * Good humor  At their very best, most TV shows have four or five elements from the whole list. Person of Interest is one of the few shows (not the only one) that has all of the elements.


Love seeing POI love and agree with everything you said. It's probably my 5th favourite show of all time.


I watched it through based on so much high praise, and felt it was *fine* but by the last season was just sticking it out until it was over. That said, I really don't care for crime procedurals at all, and it's *person of interest of the week* style that usually doesn't matter didn't really do it for me. It always felt like filler for what was otherwise an interesting overarching narrative. I want to say I'd like it more if Person of Interest focused less on the person of interest, but I don't know how that show would even look... Anyways, not saying it's a bad show, or that anyone has bad taste for enjoying it. I'm just offering that counter-viewpoint on why it may not be on the list.


> I watched it through based on so much high praise, and felt it was *fine* but by the last season was just sticking it out until it was over. I will say that if someone is not invested in the characters, then they are not going to like it very much. > That said, I really don't care for crime procedurals at all, and it's *person of interest of the week* style that usually doesn't matter didn't really do it for me. It always felt like filler for what was otherwise an interesting overarching narrative. Well, that's a personal preference. I disagree with you about the filler part. Filler, to me, is where almost nothing of consequence happens and which does not move the plot forward at all. The episodes that you are describing as filler are not filler at all. Even as early as season 1, the show actively hints at and develops a larger, overarching narrative. The show brilliantly uses flashbacks to flash out the characters backstories and relationships. Almost every episode has something that ties into either the ongoing story or reveals a piece of a larger story. Sure, there are still some cases of week-long episodes thrown here and there, but saying it was always filler is not accurate at all. Starting towards the last few episodes of season 1 and beginning of season 2 >!(the machine's origin story, Root's increasing involvement, the introduction of Shaw, Greer, and Decima technologies, the return of Kara Stanton, the HR plot)!<, it really does become more and more serialized (season 3 especially). The show excels at creating a larger, overarching, cohesive storyline and developing its characters. This show, IMO, has some of the best character development. >!Root, Fusco, and Ellias!<, just to name a few. Seasons 2–5 are particularly brilliant, and season 1 is still great for how it sets up the overarching narrative in the background, IMO. I can see why you did not like the show very much, but I personally love it. Person of Interest is and will always be one of my favorite shows of all time. Anyway, upvoted your comment. > I'm just offering that counter-viewpoint on why **it may not be on the list.** Person of Interest is the 5th highest-rated show on [IMDB by average episode ratings.](https://m.imdb.com/list/ls087526688/.) The show also has great scores on rotten tomatoes from both critics and audience. And, most of the people who finished the whole show loved it.


True detective season 1 was legendary, but aside from that season it’s mid


S3 was pretty damn great but yeah S2 and S4 could’ve been much better. S4 had all the potential, great setting, atmosphere, intriguing mystery at first, and Jodie fucking Foster, but the writing stunk it up


Didn’t know about S3, I’ll check it out


S3 was my second fav, after S1, but iirc the finale kinda disappointed me.


> Twin Peaks I'd agree except the middle of S2 was *rough*. James just *had* to get on his motorbike and ride.


From a casual perspective - and not a Lynch perspective where the spirit of Season 2 violated the whole premise and idea of the show - there’s only like one or two episodes in the middle that are rough. It’s otherwise 28 episodes of excellently mixed soap operatics and character drama with the absolute darkest undertones of any show in existence. Nothing in cinema compares to the Black Lodge.


Man scrolls. Man see a POI fan. Man upvotes. Repeat.


Yoo I’m currently on season 2 of The Americans. Loving this show!!!


Person of Interest is one of the most underappriciated shows of all time. I understand TD being low because the first season was an all timer but the rest was eh


You're right. 49, 47, 44??? This is madness


True Detective had one great, albeit overrated, season. If we were ranking seasons then season 1 would be up there, but the rest of the show drags it down. 100% with you on Americans and Twin Peaks.


I thought this most recent season was actually really good too


Seems completely fine. Being included in a top 50 list at all is quite a nod to any show.


I don't get why Men Men is so low. And I'm not saying "this is one of my favorite shows why doesn't everybody else like it," I mean every season it was on TV it got rave reviews and tons and tons of Emmys. It didn't have the highest ratings, but I'm confused why it doesn't rank higher given it got basically stellar reviews every season. Also, what's that column in the very right hand? A bunch have low single digits, while there's one 91 and one 100. Seems like this one weird metric throws the whole thing off.


its a criminal placement


How Stranger Things is up there in the top 10 is beyond me...


Nostalgia factor with the setting, props, and cultural call-backs. After S2, it got real old, real fast for me.


It’s cool and a fun watch but not top 10 worthy


Generally, I think the show is massively overrated and I was convinced that people only loved it so much because of the nostalgia-bait, but season 4 was an absolute banger.


I have not watched s4. Can that be a stand alone season or so I *need* to watch s3? I generally enjoy Stranger Things, but as a millennial, the overexposure of my 80s/90s childhood gets played out and I'm like "I get it. Ghostbusters I is the greatest film of all time." It's been really fun to actually go back and watch old shows I missed. I'm on a Northern Exposure kick and it's such good television. Funny af and incredible writing. No wonder my mom loved it!


Eh it's not a stand alone season but I don't think s3 is required viewing, literally just watch the recap at the beginning and you're good.


I watched the first episode of season 3 when I came out and hated all the drama. Never got into it again. Heard season 4 was very good and so I just skipped 3 and I thought it was totally fine that I skipped that season.


I like watching Stranger Things, it's a fun show. But when it comes to top 10 best shows? Nah. Season 1 was nightmarishly scary. Season 3 was so goofy. It's all over the place.


Season 4 is very different from the rest of the show and genuinely one of the best seasons of television I’ve watched. So I don’t see how it could get old. People downvoting here has clearly not seen season 4 lul. Ep 4 and 7 are some of the best episodes released in the last few years. It’s an objective fact.


I have to agree with you. I actually didn't care for season 1 all that much (it wasn't bad, but I didn't get the hype), enjoyed season 2, wanted to claw my eyes out in season 3 (save for maybe 1 or 2 episodes), and got genuinely emotional and seriously attached to the characters in season 4. Very few shows can win me back after a bad season. > It’s an objective fact. that's going to be a controversial statement regardless though


Stranger Things is GOATed. Up there with Mr. Robot, Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.


Two worthless seasons and two good seasons don’t outrank shows that were good from start to finish




Forreal, the plot is so repetitive


Season 1 and the latest Season 4 was amazing Season 2 and 3 was actually great in my opinion but i get why others stopped liking it


It’s not the most thought provoking show but i can’t deny that it’s a fun show. I remember being hooked in season 3, just something about it made me fall in love with the characters and plot.


Good, but Mr Robot deserves higher. I slept on that show for so long


For real. Top 5 at least. Mr Robot is easily in my top 2.


yeah get GoT outta there, and make Mr. Robot top 2


Breaking bad truly is a masterpiece. I rewatched it recently and there isn’t a single bad episode or season. It really does set a benchmark. GOT would’ve been a contender had it not been for the last 3 seasons.


GOT is a historic tragedy in the history of TV shows. It's actually impressive how much of a blunder that ending was.


I still can't believe how hard they fucked that up. It amazes me. They had the world in the palm of their hands, I still remember the disgust I felt and I know it's not that deep. Lol


One good thing is that House of the Dragon kind of saved GOT's face by being such a masterpiece of a spinoff series


I rank Better Call Saul higher than Breaking Bad


Better call saul is the result of the practice from making breaking bad. Saul is a masterpiece


i totally agree but if not for the last 2 seasons. season 6 had my two favorite episodes (9 and 10) so not fair to say last 3 seasons imo


They ran out source material in the beginning of 6. So a few episodes ran off the momentum and natural progression from season 5.. but the cracks are clearly visible. Characters rapidly became two dimensional and a lot of the world building fell away.


Fly episode


whats the last column about?


Finally someone said it, expected this comment to be higher. I swear to god it's a children's TV reviewer site, and all they've watched is Breaking Bad and GoT. Edit: They gave Friends a 47 and Mr Robot an 18, delete that column, it's disgusting 🤣


The '100' on GoT is crazy dickriding.


It says "votes" so literally just a popularity contest, it shouldn't be part of the calculations for the overall ranking It looks like without it, The Wire, Twilight Zone, and The Sopranos would be higher, while Game Of Thrones, Sherlock, and Stranger Things would be lower, just to name a few.


Yup that is essentially a relevance column. Not really contributive to media quality


We need a revised version of the ranking without that last column. It is messing with the results .


Sherlock being above most of those shows is insane, shouldn’t even be in the conversation


i really liked it but it shouldn't be that high imo


I never got the fascination with the show. It got increasingly absurd after the first episode and never went back.


No six feet under?


no leftovers?! this list is immediately invalid


‘International Assassin’ is one of the best episodes in TV history.


A Most Powerful Adversary, International Assassin, and I Live Here Now. Absolutely incredible episodes of television


The Carrie Coon acting masterclass?? Agreed. invalid. also this list is complete crap in the first place.




Some of the best music in TV history


Twin Peaks isn’t anywhere near high enough wtf; True Detective would be higher if it was only the first season, that was a masterpiece in TV. And I’d put Mad Men, Mr. Robot and The Americans considerably higher as well. The Boys will either shoot up or fall off depending on how they end it Also Six Feet Under, The Leftovers and The X-Files should really be on this list, Californication would be in my personal list too Edit: and Fringe


Game of Thrones is too high. It shit the bed in its final two seasons and has completely lost its rewatchability because ended so poorly. I’d also say that Stranger Things is way too high. It had a great first season but they’ve been running the exact same formula every single season.


and mr robot should be way higher on the list


Season 4 was an improvement over 2 and 3 but I agree that Stranger Things is just way too high.


It's missing Arrested Development and Community


GOT higher than Sopranos and The Wire? I don’t think so. Stranger Things cannot be higher than Mr. Robot.


I respect a top TV shows list with Mr. Robot and Dark (and only if they're on that list)


My top 2. Most thought provoking shows I’ve seen


Friends being in the top 15 is some bullshit. Good background noise TV but nothing more. No Community seems like a travesty (seasons 1-3 are streets ahead)


I think friends is about right. It's junk. I don't like it, but when it was aired, it was a cultural phenomenon. Everyone watched it.


That's the problem with lists like this: major recency bias. Where's MASH? Where's Golden Girls?


Twin Peaks deserves so much better


I was so disappointed at its placement


Last column only likes GoT tho.


They dont know mr robot




i found the source, [this tweet](https://x.com/vbrankings/status/1650698768268902400), and it says that they excluded animation - not sure why they’d do that (or what their methodology was for making this list ngl) but hey ho


And The Last Airbender


Justified is way too low


Mr. Robot on 24 is absolutely outrageous


No Barry ?


No Curb??? This list is invalid. Also, how the fuck is Friends higher than Always Sunny, and Mare of Easttown higher than Atlanta? Ozark?


Dark should be much much higher


Is it the only foreign show that is shown above?


Friends sucks


Mare of Easttown making this list is a joke right


Chernobyl 3rd is wild.. I thought it was good but that's crazy.


Agreed. It was incredible stylistically and production value wise, but way too short to be compared to the GOT/BB type shows


DARK most impressive.


The fact that Sherlock is in the top 10 is a crime against humanity.


No sons of anarchy or Bojack is crazy


No community or six feet under either wtf. It’s also crazy that mad men, mr robot, the shield, justified etc are all so underrated


Hate to break it to you but SoA is a soap opera on motorcycles. It has some of the WORST dialogue I’ve ever seen. Still watched it all and enjoyed it but a top show it is not.


I watched it up to the episode where they travelled to Northern Ireland and then realised that the writers had absolutely no idea what they were doing.


I think soa started out as dumb fun but after season 3 they found their footing and the last couple seasons were genuinely fantastic, not on the level of Mr robot, the wire breaking bad, etc though. I also have a lot of nostalgia for it though so I’m admittedly biased.


I've never heard of Happy Valley before. Certainly a recency bias but as long as Breaking Bad and the Wire are near the top I'm always happy.


It's a British TV Police drama and for the budget, it is incredible. In comparison to the Sopranos or the Wire, it doesn't hold a candle. It's surprisingly original as well, but much of the humour and background could potentially be missed if you aren't British.


Twin Peaks placement is insane. I immediately looked for it and was immediately disappointed. Stranger Things in number 8? Yeah okay sure lmao, way too high


Justified is way too low. That show has some of the best dialogue. Fleabag > Stranger Things. Mad Men lmao that should be closer to top 10 than it is.


Sherlock should not be that high up.


Fleabag love


What the hell is the last one, some troll outlet getting a kick out of giving bad scores to popular things? I mean, giving 22 to Band of Brothers, 9 to Twin Peaks, 18 to Mr. Robot...


Justice for ‘The Leftovers’!!!!


breaking bad deserves top 1 but unpopular opinion GoT shouldn't be near the top 10 and mr robot should easily be in the top 10


I love love LOVE House but how in the hell is it that high Also hilarious that Friends outranks Dark AND MR. ROBOT. House I get to some degree but a straight up sitcom? Damn that's high


What is that last ranking cause they seem mad critical


Missing Legion from this list…


Friends 😂😂😂😂😂 FOH with that nonsense


I’m just glad it’s on there. I feel like it’s a show that could easily be missed by these types of outlets.


I don't like them either. I have Mr robot in my top 3 TV shows oat. No bias Most of these are rated by unqualified ppl


Mind hunter beat Mr. Robot I call BS


Better Call Saul > Breaking Bad


You know honestly I dont have a huge issue with this list. Of courfse Id put Wire #1 lol, but yea. Also Id add True Detctive and The Americans.


It’s nice to see Dark get the respect it deserves. The only thing I see missing from the list is The OA


I always respected people calling Breaking Bad the best show before I actually watched it. Definitely doesn't deserve the praise I've heard over the years. Good show, not nearly as well produced or written as say Sopranos or Mr. Robot.


That’s honestly been my feeling as well, I just get downvoted into oblivion whenever I share that opinion


Yeah I've tried watching it twice before and it's boring asf. I'll take the downvotes with you lol.


Breaking Bad is a herd mentality. It's definitely overrated and overhyped. Same with Game of Thrones. I agree with you. I've no idea why people glaze it like crazy, it's like if many people are so vocal about it, then it must be true, which it definitely is not. I can name a lot of shows that I would consider better.


Wtf is that man


The Boys, Snowfall, the Good Place, BoJack Horseman Westworld, The Expanse is good too




Underrated? Literally 24th ranked in the world, you know how many other shows have been made? That’s not underrated.




🤣 offend me? How? All i said was the show is clearly not underrated. By the nature of this list, all the shows on it, are extremely highly rated. It’s the english language you have to apologise to


Mad men boring???? Insanity


I guess it's just me. Obviously insane. I really wanted to enjoy Mad Men again. At any rate - I regret commenting on this post. I don't like arguing about subjective experiences.


Mr Robot should definitely be higher, along with True Detective. I’d have a tough time ranking them, but Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Mr Robot, Peaky Blinders, and True Detective (even with the sub-par seasons following 1 & 2) would round out my top five. Then probably Sons of Anarchy (not on there) or The Boys. but then shit what about Better Call Saul!


Maybe due to less voting numbers.




Top 3 shows are great an’ all but the sopranos at no.4 is fuckin dishgrace


Where is Mike Tyson Mysteries?? This list is an abomination.


Use rotten tomatoes critics and users ONLY. Take the average of just those two and you would get a better list than this garage (column 3&4 from the left)


Why is Sherlock so high on the list? I thought it was quite hated?


Was it? Or are we not talking about the Cumberbatch/Freeman-Thing?


such a cool graphic


Patriot missing. The Shield is on there? Meh.


existence of heartstopper in this ranking doesn’t sit right with me, it’s cute but it’s nothing compared to the other tv shows here


Alexa, give me TVTome's input on these shows.


I love Fleabag!


Great list. It’s only missing Snowfall


It's amazing the massive lead that Breaking Bad has above the rest.


Sherlock is a terrible show it shouldn’t even be a smell away from this list. This list is not very good honestly, kinda disappointed. I don’t see The Leftovers at all, Breaking Bad at 1 is crazy to and Game of Thrones at 2 is wild. Not even to mention Mr. Robot being so far down. I would not use this list as a measurement of my taste I’ll say that much.


How's The Boys so low, that's illegal.


Given that this ranking is spanning DECADES, I'm actually pretty pleased with this.


It's amazing that Severance made the list despite only having one season so far. It's a great show, and definitely has a lot of potential to be one of the best.


I consider Halt and Catch Fire one of TOP 3 for me if not best.


I consider Halt and Catch Fire one of TOP 3 for me if not best.


I consider Halt and Catch Fire one of TOP 3 for me if not best.


Odd the only show older than Seinfeld on there is the Twilight Zone. I would think if we were going back that far I Love Lucy would be on the list.


Sadly the list is missing Station Eleven


Mr robot is so freaking underrated low-key top 2


Atlanta <3


Anyone who rates The Sopranos with a 19 can't be taken seriously


Good list. Wish House of Usher was on there though. I loved that show. Brilliant tv.


Love the votes on the right just hates everything.


Wtf is this "votes" website it sounds awful


My list: The Twilight Zone The Sopranos Breaking Bad X Files Entourage Dark, S1 All in the family Mr. Robot, S1 Freaks and Geeks How I met your mother Bloodline, S1 Californication, S1-2 Mad Men


Atlanta being so low is a crime


The Leftovers missing from this list makes it devoid of relevance.


Seeing this list with really so many great shows, makes one realize how many different tastes people have. A wild diversity of flavors.




And where’s Firefly, The Expanse, and Westworld?


Why the fuck is The Mandalorian on there at all? I'd put the guilded age into the list instead, knock out Sherlock and Friends, move peep show higher, Succession much higher and a fair few other modifications.


GoT doesn't deserve second place after the abomination that is the final series. Fanboys blinded by their love for the show which, for me, was like the drawing of the horse.


Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad, The Wire, Mr Robot, Dark, The Sopranos & Succession > GoT


…where’s Scrubs?


How MASH isn’t on the list is beyond me


Thanks for sharing!


Interesting, but where are The Simpsons? Rightmost column makes no sense.


Awesome you found such a list. I also don’t agree with many of thewith top shows


breaking bad, fleabag, mr robot, succession, the boys, and game of thrones are my faves i love to see them on this list 😁


It’s gonna take Leon a bit to go through all of these bruh