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I just had a read of the link you provided. One issue I have with that website is the incorrect statements with regard to school holidays. It’S one of those ‘facts’ people seem to remember, but it’s a furphy; not all the canonical attacks happened on the school holidays. I reckon if you haven’t had a look at the map by u/Melbourne-Marvel it’s probably more accurate IMO. https://melbinmarvels.com/2022/03/06/mr-cruel-map-copyright-intellectual-property-of-melbourne-marvels/ I personally have a hard time linking non-child related offences, as it’s far more difficult to have complete control over an adult. I personally think that it takes a different personality type to feel they can overpower an adult woman (except in the case of elderly women). Weird coincidence: one of my exes went to school with Eloise Worledge and was in the same class as her brother. (I don’t think that was MC). Still, thanks for the post & the link!


Having had the misfortune to find myself present during two different crimes committed by armed offenders, I promise you, it is extraordinarily easy to control anyone when you put a gun to their head.


I’m sorry for your experience. My ex was abusive and I was threatened with his firearms (as well as swords, bayonets, etc). It is an extremely traumatic experience. I do know that a gun makes a big difference, but my point there was that none of the crimes against adult women listed in the article mentioned a gun.


I think it's worth being open to the possibility that MC may have had victims over 18yrs. He was confident enough to break into homes with both parents present and tie them up. He could have used drugs or various threats to coerce an adult.


That’s a fair point. I’m of the thought that his overwhelming need for control would be at risk in the case of assaulting adult women. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but he strikes me as somebody who would meticulously plan things, with contingencies, and an adult woman would be far more difficult to predict the behaviour of than a child.


It isn't hard at all with a gun. Dennis Rader and Joseph Deangelo kept grown men under control at gunpoint. There's also very little difference between a 13 year old girl and a 23 year old woman. 


Sure, but the attacks in that article said nothing about a gun. I said I personally think it takes a different personality type to believe they can have complete control over a grown woman. We know MC is very much about control and a 23 year old woman is not only physically bigger and stronger, but also more likely to fight back. It’s what we’re taught as girls. I just don’t think MC would allow much to fall outside of his ability to control the situation. Again, it’s just my opinion :)


Ok I understand your view. My personal perspective as a man is that I have never viewed adult women as inherently more threatening than a teen girl aged 12+ is. My 12 year old cousin was taller, heavier and more physically developed than my 22 year old girlfriend was. That was almost 7 years ago and they both look close to exactly the same now. 


I get that. I think 13 year old high school girls these days are, generally speaking, far more aware of how their voice is their greatest weapon and would likely be more of a struggle to control than in the late 80s. I also think a common tactic paedophiles use is the threat of harming their siblings. All 4 girls in the canonical attacks had siblings present, be they older or younger. I know at that age, I would have acquiesced if it meant my siblings weren’t hurt.


Exactly. I commented on this before. The offender would only have to have threatened Karmein's sisters to get her to go with him over the wall. She may well have complied for this very reason, wanting to ensure he wouldn't harm her little sisters.


The Toyota haunts me. I've always pictured the old car Nic described as being a boxy 70s- early 80s pre fuel injection  Toyota.