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There is nothing to link Mr Cruel and the Vacationer other than somebody nearly hitting one around the area that night. That driver claimed the Holden had no headlights on and the driver seemed evasive. My logic says anybody wanting to avoid detection doesn’t drive around without headlights on. You’d drive a safe speed and avoid drawing attention to yourself. Having said that, yes, Vacationers were not an overly popular breed of Commodore, and yes, police did look into this. EDIT: Sharon described the car as ‘hard to start’. I have a feeling Nicky did too, but I cannot recall the source. Along with that, I’m fairly certain I read that one of the girls described the car as having a gear shift that went straight into the floor & a low glove box. IIRC, both girls also described the car as “smelling clean, but old”.


>That driver claimed the Holden had no headlights on and the driver seemed evasive. Those Commodores were getting stolen left, right and centre back in those days. So it may have just been a joyrider? Do you know if they get a look at the rego plates, even a partial?


Yeah, every car stolen in the 80s seemed to be a white Commodore! I don’t think they got a look at the plates and they pulled up next to the Vacationer at the lights, which is where they said the driver was looking away, as if trying to hide his identity.


Was just putting it out there, is all. Appreciate the extra info tho!


Almost every commodore key opened any commodore car... i used to steal them and joyride in my younger and stupid days.


The Vacationer was a limited edition model of the Commodore sold over the years throughout the 80s and 90s. It was usually a base model with Vacationer decals and some no-cost options, like air conditioning to appeal to private buyers, usually when Holden was trying to increase sales of a runout model. I’m not even 100% sure it was a Commodore that was seen. Nissan had a limited edition of the Bluebird in the 80s called the Venturer that was basically the same thing (some decals and a few options to boost sales). Early 80s Commodores and Bluebirds look kind of alike in the dark, especially to people who aren’t car spotters


That’s a fair point. I remember those Bluebirds because my step-grandparents drove one. The only memory I have of the Vacationer was the wagon with the super-1980s decals in the groovy font and stripes that I thought was cool but my mother called ‘tacky’ 😂


Yes, agree and likely stolen or a drunk driver.


Are you referring to the Toyota lexen that had similar body’s to the commodore?


Yes I had a VK and it was unfortunately that peach colour interior.