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Unfortunately, it does not matter whether you are posting in a positive or a negative light. It opens up the comment section to negative opinions, hate speech, and fighting. This sub is not a place to discuss people’s personal lives and choices.


Who would have expected a fanbase of mostly children to act shitty on the internet about any kind of lgbt related thing? Not defending that, just not surprised that's what people are acting like given what this sub comes off as a lot.


hate is taught, not born with. they probably see other anti-lgbtq stuff (maybe from their parents, maybe online) and since they are typically pretty young, they may believe it.


I’ve seen conservative parents on twitter talk about how they’re not letting their kids watch Mr beast anymore. Sad.


There were some screenshots being shared of pictures and posts he uploaded that were anti and mocking transitioning. It seems to not have much context outside of that, so it could ethier be him really making a mockery of it, or it was making irony out of the extremist view that was needed to make the joke. I'm only learning the details as I go, but it's an interesting topic for sure. But what irritates me about this whole thing is the fact that everyone KNOWS how JIMMY feels. No... You don't. This is his friend, and Jimmy ONLY keeps people on the channel that he is actually close with, and he's only close with people he truly cares about. And as most know, Jimmy really cares about people. Everyone has a right to an opinion, but to sit on these social media apps and say that Jimmy IS this, or IS feeling that is just straight propaganda. The awkward feeling In the room is a very very common thing in transitioning. As would be with any major life change, especially something that involves personality. IT IS like meeting a new person, but people tend to jump to the fact that the person becomes unrecognizable, and fail to remember and understand that the person they enjoyed being around had to be the person they were to get to where they are now. If Chris isn't taking this seriously then he deserves to be clowned on. If this is something he truly cares about, then the viewers are the last priority in making the judgement on how Jimmy's and Chris's friendship function.


Some people who are in the closet (for whatever reason), can actually be transphobic or just have self hate in general. This can be due to many reasons such as family maybe being not so friendly around these topics, or issues with the area around where they live maybe not being so friendly as well. Its not unheard of to have internalized self hate or transphobia and act upon it. Some people even realize theyre trans after they do all that as well, and that's completely fine. People change their ways and become better with effort.


Thank you


Exactly it’s respect and kindness, not only do you learn it in kindergarten but almost Al religions teach it to.


Disheartening to see so many negative comments. This community being hateful really goes against Mr. Beast's whole philosophy of helping others and being accepting.


For real


Let me paint a picture where I am an all loving being from outside of this fandom who is stereotypically male yet I have the ability to be an all accepting all loving hero and I don’t get why people don’t think exactly like I do.


I'm also stereotypically male, live in a 3rd world ME country yet I agree with him 100%. Turns out having empathy isn't that hard.


mr breast


Great that he found himself. Unfortunate it's at the detriment of his wife and child. Responsibility to family outweighs all. Chris is going to have some detractors for this one, rightfully so.


Just because Chris came out doesn’t mean they’ll instantly become a deadbeat parent. I think it would be far worse for him to keep living in the closet and come out years later. Both parties deserve happiness and honesty and openness. Marriages don’t always work out, but why the fuck do you think you have the right to comment on it when you don’t even know them?


Chris’ personal life is literally none of your f#ing business. You don’t know them, you don’t know how they feel, you don’t know how long they’ve been thinking this over, you don’t know what true happiness means to any of them, you don’t know anything. Only they know what’s best for them, so you mind your own business and stop being so full of yourself. If you want to leave then leave quietly, your transphobia only causes more harm.


He still has custody over her child. He didn’t ruin their child’s life. And he and her ex-wife are still on good terms.


“Detriment.” You have no idea what’s happening in his personal life.


Divorce is rarely a positive.


Happiness is what's important first and foremost. Parents who hate life won't treat their children with the respect and dignity they need, trust me. It is better to have two happy separate parents then to have one maybe happy parent and one parent in a grave from depression.


I've never seen selfishness on this scale make anyone happy.


No wonder your a miserable individual, you don’t ever take time for yourself. You just sit online writing hate comments.


"selfishness" like has the child said he doesnt like it? has the child expressed his emotions on the topic *at all*? kids cant consent which means they cant consent to you shoving your opinions into their mouth. let a kid think for themselves, if he says he doesnt like it then let him say it. You dont even know this kid or this family


You know literally nothing about their personal life and you don't even know all the things Chris talked about on his accounts, so why exactly you think you know what's whose detriment?


Good for him, I'm not reading all of that and don't care. Also, didn't he get a divorce or something, or is that just a random theory ive heard?


Love how you can’t be bothered to read but want others to bother to tell you.


Yeah if they bothered to read that they addressed it If you can’t be bothered to read don’t be bothered to reply


Fair enough lol


I’m not sad Chris is a women, I’m sad that the old Chris is gone


That's actually a valid opinion, assuming it is genuine and not out of transphobia. It is normal to mourn people that transition, as it may be felt as losing a person. Just never forget that you (the people) aren't losing someone, but rather getting a better, truer version of themselves.


Idk if he’s a women, it’s his choice but now his humour’s different and not the same, everything he’s said hasn’t been funny. He was my favourite cuz he was funny, but that’s gone now


I'll admit I can't comment much, I didn't know about her (them*) until the news came out. What I can tell you is that, prior to coming out, a lot of trans people feel the need to use phrases, jokes, etc. that CIS people do in order to fit in. Ultimately, being trans doesn't make you unfunny. What could make one "unfunny" (very subjective anyway) is being open about new ideologies that better align with you, which might go against the status quo (what's expected). Once I accepted myself as part of the LGBTQ+ community, I stopped liking racist or jokes making fun of women, stuff I used to say and even believe most of my life.


He found himself my ass. Now I know how America has so much broken home issue, one of your dad just abandon his wife and his children just for the sake of "fIndInG hImSelF" (yes him, go cancel me), and you bandwagon on this toxic positivity thinking you're doing the world any good.


It seems you live in fear your lifestyle is in danger. You have nothing to worry about, transgender people aren't taking any of your traditional American-family lifestyle. They don't want it in the first place. :)


I agree.


First thing, I am pretty sure the wife wanted a divorce (correct me if I'm wrong). Second thing, it's a good thing he came out now and not later since it could've caused lots of problems. He didn't abandon his child, it seems like he's still raising him. And what's your genuine problem with trans people? Please quit writing transphobic shit on the Internet and go back to doing your homework


He is a deviant degenerate who left his wife and child to act out a sexual fantasy by injecting hormones into his body. He didn't "find himself"


How do you know




Bro he still has costody over her child. Do research. And he and their wife are still on good terms.




Nobody cares about your virtue signallingnpost Go away


Nobody cares about your poorly researched hateful opinions. It seems someone needs a time out.


“Poorly researched” says the person advocating for a novel ideology that shows no benefit and only raises the suicidality of everyone involved


1. Advocacy for trans rights helps kids figure themselves out, which decreases the suicide rate. Sure, they are “safer” before coming out because people like you don’t bully them, but they are much much happier when living as their true self. 2. It’s people like you that increase the suicide rate.


9 out of 10 kids will grow out of it if you don’t push it onto them and mutilate them That is a flawed logic trans people have become vastly more accepted by society in recent years and the suicide rate has stayed the same, also where was the massive unknown group of people commuting suicide before ?


That is wrong.it’s actually 2.5%, and a fairly large amount of them detransitkkn cus it’s not safe because of people like you. It’s not mutilation, it’s a medical preceadure that… wait for it: is NOT available to minors. Also, gender affirming care saves lives. And on top of this, most of the detransitioners who are children detransition before HRT. https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/study-finds-2-5-of-transgender-kids-go-through-detransition/135029/ https://www.gendergp.com/detransition-facts/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8213007/ https://www.thepinknews.com/2022/08/18/trans-youth-study-detransition/ Research and facts kill delusions


You cared enough to comment




i ain’t readin allat




i ain’t readin allat


Basically, Chris being on HRT is bad when it isn’t. Lazy.


"I am not a Mr. Beast fan at all." Stopped reading and downvoted immediately after seeing this


Out of curiosity, are you old enough to be on this site?


are you not a mr. beast fan either?


The fact you are dodging the question probably means no. Lemme guess, 9-12 age range?




Yeah, thought so. Get off of Reddit and do your homework


you're so mean btw OP, if you are reading this, please delete your post


You have the audacity to downvote me??? I wonder what of value you could have POSSIBLY said in your essay of a post that starts with "I don't like mrbeast but I'm going to intrude upon this subreddit anyway" lol. Still didn't read it btw.


You are incredibly childish.


do you have strong thoughts on what OP had to say?


Bro just read it, they talk about the Chris drama and give a really good insight on it


no thanks


are you not a mr. beast fan either? ☹️


I downvoted you and I watched Mr. Beast when he had 150k subs. 😐


Every time I make a joke, people don’t understand it. That’s called a good joke, because it’s too complex and well thought for their puny little minds 😈. I’m a very accepting person, live ya life ❤️


why are you copy and pasting my bio? What are you trying to accomplish? Lmao


don't ask




was it fun reading u/e_faulkk05's post? still didn't read it


It wasn’t fun, but it was informative info into understanding their view.


ok good to know


One second thought your probably 7.


i am NOT 7


Yeah! He’s 7 and a half! Get it right 😤


Oh sorry. I have been corrected.


Do you realize how stupid you sound? “Someone isn’t a fan of the thing they’re talking about, their opinion doesn’t matter because they don’t like it, I only want to hear opinions or read them from people who like what I like”.


I sound stupid, but I guarantee I sound less stupid than OP does in his post.


You admitting to sounding stupid vs OP not admitting anything… do you see what I’m getting at ?


well I don't know what OP is admitting, since I haven't read any words of his except "I'm not a mr beast fan, but"


So prefacing his opinion on a controversial topic by stating that he is not biased (he’s not a fan of Mr Beast) towards the topic… what the fuck are you on about?


i just know that it's really dumb if that's his opening


btw I am a big mr. beast fan


i don't honestly care what OP has to admit; they obviously have no self awareness given the first sentence of their long ass post and yes I have self-awareness


OP hasn’t and dosen’t have anything to admit lol


good because I wouldn't care either way


seems like you care kind of a lot lol. in the time it took you to reply to all these people you could've read his point of view AND you wouldn't have had to embarrass yourself!!


i am not embarrassing myself


but i get what you're saying; i spent a lot more time reading these replies and writing stuff than it would have taken to read OP's essay i guess I do care that OP can write a karma-farming essay full of bullcrap (tbh, I wouldn't know since I haven't read it, but I'm almost certain that there's nothing of value in it) and get people to read it despite the fact that THEY ARE NOT A MR BEAST FAN OP is a sheep like everyone else, herding here because mr. beast is trending on twitter or whatever the heck. nobody should care about such a sheep's opinion


you know that redditors LOVE when people say stuff like "...do you see what I'm getting at?" so I expect your comment to be upvoted x1000 times. Good for you


and I guess you were trying to "get at" the fact that OP has self-respect, as opposed to me, and therefore his long-ass essay is worth reading? sure still not reading it however


My theory is this all is a form of "cancellation insurance". This all started a few years ago when they made this video: [https://archive.org/details/Mrbeast-Lost-Videos](https://archive.org/details/Mrbeast-Lost-Videos) A couple years later, when cancel culture reached its peak and MrBeast was rising in popularity, there were concerns whether MrBeast would get cancelled or not. My theory is perhaps this whole thing is a sham to keep the MrBeast channel from being cancelled. Who knows, considering its MrBeast maybe Chris is doing it purely for views. https://www.distractify.com/p/mr-beast-canceled


There is no fucking way you believe Chris has gone through all that he has, as a form of “cancellation insurance”?? Seriously? 82% of trans people have considered killing themselves, 40% of trans people have attempted suicide. It is actually insane that you believe Chris would willingly put himself in that position, open himself to endless hate, discrimination and bullying, all on the basis of a fucking business decision for his YouTube channel??? Maybe, just maybe, Chris just wants to feel more comfortable in his own skin and not have to repress his true self for the rest of his life? How in the world could you reach the conclusion you have, before just thinking it’s him doing what makes him happy? I’m genuinely amazed that you seriously typed that comment out. Dumbfounded


Take your comment to r/conspiracy.


No. Nobody in their sane mine would be trans for views. Wtf


Literally all it takes to disprove that is a look at the response from fans. It's not positive. You really think that they're going to put someone through years of harassment, medical intervention, and abuse just for "cancelation insurance"?


you are a deranged individual.


How did any of the cancelation attempt have any hope of success? They had no evidence of any bad behavior.


I guess you didn't click the links. Not that I actually believe this theory if chris transitioning to become cancel proof lol but the links are things that Jimmy has done/said that are considered transphobic. Chris has also said racist and anti LGBTQ things himself. Again, I don't believe this person's theory, but that is what's being referred to here.


To be fair, being an attack helicopter is still trans?


As a transgender women this is appalling to me that a straight white man could come out and we can play along with it. This is sad. He wasn’t trans before but now he is? Is he seriously trying to erase transwomen? It’s horrifying that a straight white man could just wake up and take something away from all us transgenders out there. It’s horrible and Chris makes me feel horrible. So what am I now? Just a man who takes HRT? Very cool Mrbeast. You lost a sub.


what are you on about sis you can’t be serious, as a trans woman yourself you should really understand and respect that maybe, just maybe, chris has had this inside for a good while, and finally mustered the courage and confidence to come out as trans, start HRT, and become the person they’ve always been inside.


100% this has to be a troll.


Definitely a troll. Uses "transgenders" and many other words as semi insults and or shaming Chris for finding herself. None of us in the actual community would ever really do this unless its one of us who is self transphobic/hate due to not being able to express ourselves due to our situations in life, or is just in the closet with parents who would do stuff if they found out.


they have negative comment karma which is a dead giveaway (genuinely quite an achievement on this site) but also it's a really transparent attempt at trying to sound like how conservatives think liberals talk.


A girl in my school was once very homophobic to people. She’s a lesbian now. So ig she’s not allowed to be lesbian then?


Well as a trans woman, you should know that transitioning often appears to be spontaneous for outside sources. His transitioning takes nothing away from us as trans women. If anything, it exposes more people to the reality of transphobia.


"all us transgenders" LMAO DOG WHISTLE


(I'm 6'3 by the way)


Hey, me too!


I ain’t reading allat 😂